Phan OneShots

By caitlinthedork

165K 8K 6.9K

Some cute and very fluffy short stories I write about Phan. Vote or maybe even leave a comment if you like th... More

The Popular Guy
New Year's Eve
Thinking Out Loud
The Chemistry Teacher
Birthday Surprise
Tea Party
Camping Trip
Last Kiss
Pastel Meets Punk
His Death
Meet The Parents
Enchanted (Part 2)
Enchanted (Part 3)
Stuck In The Lift
I Will Always Love You
The Bassist's Boyfriend
Violins and Cookies
Violins and Cookies (Part 2)
Violins and Cookies (Part 3)
Violins and Cookies (Part 4)
Violins and Cookies (Part 5)
Dance With Me
Take My Heart
Dansel In Distress
Shameless Self Promotion
Shackles Of Love
Shackles Of Love (Part 2)
Shackles Of Love (Part 3)
Shackles Of Love (Part 4)
We're My OTP
Flowers For The Cute Boy
War Of Hearts
I Got Tagged
The Judge
The Judge (Part 2)
The Judge (Part 3)
The Judge (Part 4)
The Judge (Part 5)
Robbers (Part 2)
Robbers (Part 3)
Robbers (Part 4)
Guys My Age
Bubblegum And Cigarettes
Bubblegum And Cigarettes (Part 2)
Bubblegum And Cigarettes (Part 3)
Bubblegum And Cigarettes (Part 4)
Bubblegum And Cigarettes (Part 5)

Shackles Of Love (Part 5)

1.4K 99 45
By caitlinthedork

The gunshot was deafening and Phil screamed because he had no idea what to do. He was crouching down covering his ears. He was positive that Dan was hit. He didn't know what to do. Run his mind screamed but his legs had turned to jelly. He couldn't open his eyes. He couldn't move. He didn't want to see a possibly dead Dan on the ground.

There was another sound of a gunshot and Phil felt hot tears streaming down his face. This was the breaking point. They were possibly coming for him and they might kill him too. But he couldn't make himself even move.

And then he felt a hand on his shoulders. He was expecting to be dragged and thrown around but the touch and the warmth was gentle and reassuring.

"Phil" he heard Dan's silky voice. "Everything's okay"

And Phil dared to open his eyes and there was Dan smiling despite having a deep gash on his left cheek. 

Phil hugged Dan tighter than he ever had. He buried his face in the crook of Dan's neck and he was still sobbing as Dan was gently rubbing his back.

"I thought you died" Phil said between sobs.

"I am here and I am fine" Dan said kissing the top of Phil's head. "I just got shot on my arm"

"What?"Phil asked completely scared.

"Baby I am fine. It doesn't even hurt that much" Dan said.

"Let me see" Phil said taking his arm. He almost fainted at the sight of the blood. He always got sick when he saw blood. Especially now that it was Dan's blood.

"What are you gonna do?" Phil asked.

"Just wrap it up" Dan answered. "Till we find a doctor"

"This is all my fault" Phil said tearing up a little.

"No it isn't I..." Dan began and they heard rapid footsteps again. Dan got up immediately and grabbed Phil's hand and they ran knowing that the crunch of the dry leaves beneath their feet created a lot of sound and they could be tracked down so easily.

There was a muscled man a rifle around his arm and Dan and Phil were hidden behind a cluster of trees. Only a turn of his head and he would see them. So they had to be very careful. Gentle little steps, They went back and he went forward soon finding out the body of his friend lying on the ground. A loud howl escaped from his mouth as he bent over. Dan ran with Phil and they found a big boulder like structure to hide themselves as they watched the man weep silently.

For a second Phil felt bad but then he remembered what that man had done to Dan and all of the sympathy vanished in a second. The muscled man stood up and wiped his face taking out his phone.

"They ran away" Phil heard.


"I'll kill Howell straight away when I find him"

Phil gulped his hands tightening around Dan's. They were feet away from the man who had just promised he would kill Dan. Phil was worried sick but Dan seemed unfazed.

"Back up yes" the man's gruff voice said. "I have to bury Samuel first"

And the muscled man ended his call. He went back to the dead man and picked up as if he was feather light before walking away in the other direction. Phil's eyes followed him until he was sure that he can't see or hear them.

"Dan what are we gonna do?" 

Dan bit his lip. He seemed a little clueless and now Phil was really worried because Dan was supposed to know what to do. What if they find him and kill him? How would Phil live knowing that his crazy stupid idea got Dan killed. He can't live with that.

"Come on" Dan whispered and Phil got up following him. They managed to stay covered but it was already dark and there was no point in trying to get out so they found a little cave like thing and settled in for the night.

"But won't there be more people tomorrow" Phil asked as he ate some crackers.

"Yeah but we can't possibly find our way in the dark and we definitely can't use a flash-light." Dan said.

Phil sighed.

"Let's forget about all that for now, yeah?" Dan said. It was dark and he couldn't see Dan but he knew Dan was smiling.


Dan sat closer to him and wrapped his hands around Phil's waist and kissing his neck. They cuddled, kissed and talked before Phil fell asleep even after repeated requests from Phil to sleep. But he had said he had to keep watch.

Phil woke up the next day to a sleep deprived Dan eating crisps smiling as he saw Phil.

Phil sat up stretching a little. He was so glad Dan was still safe and sound right next to him. Without a second thought Phil attacked Dan's lips hungrily kissing him.

"Someone wants all the kisses today" Dan said.

"It's not my fault that you're so beautiful" Phil mumbled.

They kissed until Dan politely pushed him away.

"Philly we have to go" he said and Phil's face fell as reality crashed down on his shoulders because he knew he couldn't spend all his life in this tiny little cave with Dan. He has to get out.

With a measly meal of a handful of BBQ crisps Phil and Dan were ready to leave.

They got out and crouched down. It wasn't long until they saw all those people who were huddled with rifles waiting to kill Dan. They were hidden behind the trees but they won't be safe for long.

With little steps they moved forward and because Phil is stupid he steps on a branch breaking it in half the sound reaching one of the guards. Their eyes meet for a second. And he positions his rifle as they begun to run. 

Phil had never ran so fast before as he hears the gunshots echoing. He has no idea how he is dodging them. In front of him Dan runs faster dragging Phil faster. Phil is breathless but he knows he can't stop.

And it all goes downhill when Dan stumbles down taking Phil with him. And before he even processes what happens there's only darkness in front of Phil's eyes.


Phil can feel his hair yanked hard as his eyes open and he eyes. It took him a minute to process the scene. There were 3 men in front of him smirking at him.

"Oh hello Lester" one of them the leader between them said.

Phil didn't reply. He searched for Dan when he realized he was tied up to a tree. And on the other side was Dan with a broken nose, a bleeding lip completely passed out.

"Dan" Phil screamed and he heard them laugh.

"You are too concerned for him"

"Fuck you" Phil spat.

"Ohh he's got a bad mouth" the man said laughing.

"Let us go" Phil said.

"Oh no honey. Not until your stupid father gives me the fucking money I need" he said as he sat down on the chair.

Phil cursed under his breath. The man stood up and kicked Dan on his stomach. Dan groaned stirring.

"Don't do that" Phil warned.

"What's up with you and Howell here?" he asked. "You gay or something?"

"That is none of your fucking business" Phil said.

"Oh honey it surely is. This asshole right here" he said kicking Dan on his shin. "Tried to run away with you. I am going to kill him"

"No" Phil cried. "Please don't do that"

"But we have to" he said.

"No you can't do that. Kill me instead"

"Young love" the man sighed. "Such a beautifully stupid concept."

"Please" Phil said hot tears on his face.

"Don't worry Lester. I am not going to kill him. You are gonna do it for me" he smiled.

"I won't" Phil said. "You c*nt"

The man laughed sitting back on his chair.

"Robertson here is gonna bring you a nice little gun and then you are gonna blow Howell's brains out with it okay" he said.

Robertson the man with the gun smirked and Phil was disgusted by his cold behavior.

"But let us wait for Howell to wake up. Say your last goodbyes to him" he said.

Phil didn't reply. His mind was screaming. He had no idea what to do. He can't get help and no matter what he does he can't ever kill Dan.

Phil is crying because that is all he can do. He feels like a worthless fuck up.

"Now Lester. We're sorry for your loss but it's necessary" he said.

"Shut the fuck up"

The man laughed loudly and Phil wanted to strangle him.

Phil watched Dan stirring and he would jump a little concerned about him.

And hours later Dan had recovered enough to wake up.

"Oh look Howell has opened his eyes" the man said clapping his hands.

Phil had never seen Dan look so scared.

"Here Howell is your boyfriend if you are wondering"

"Phil" Dan stutters.

"Now now. He is gonna kill you soon so any last words"

"You can't do that" Dan said moving violently against his rope ties.

"Actually I can. It's beautiful to see you getting killed by Phil actually. So tragic and beautiful"

He sat back down as Phil kept moving in a hope to loosen the ties.

"It's not gonna do much so I will help you" he smirked.

And then he came towards Phil untying him and Dan. He then violently dragged Phil.

"I think it's time" he said shoving a shotgun into Phil's hand. "Come on lover boy do it"

Phil stood with shaky hands pointing the trigger towards Dan who had his eyes shut down and face turned away.

"I can't do this" Phil said crying.

"I didn't give you a choice" he said.

"Please don't make me do this" Phil said lowering the gun. "Please"

The first blow came to Phil's face and a kick to his stomach which made him land down on the ground.

"You pussy get up" the man kicked him.

Phil tried standing up pain shooting up in his body. The man punched him again.

"No no please don't hit him please" Dan cried.

Phil's vision was blurry as he saw Dan sobbing.

"Don't do that to him. It was my idea and I should be the one who should suffer. Please let him go"

"Well Howell I am a man who likes some drama you know. And considering the shit you tried to pull off, it's only fair that your little boy toy kills you. So tell this little twink here to just do it"

And for the first time Dan was crying. Not little tears but full on tears streaming down his face. And Phil ran to Dan hugging him but was tugged away instantly with a yank of his hair.

"Do it" Dan choked.

"No please" Phil cried. "You can't make me do this. I can't do this" Phil said.

"Please Phil" 

The shotgun was in Phil's trembling hands. He was sweating and there was Dan in front of him a sickly sweet smile on his face.

"I love you" he said. "I love you a lot"

The man behind me laughed and the other men joined and Phil was boiling at how sick their minds are and he was crying because of Dan and his stupid smile and how he wants Phil to kill him. It was all too much.

Phil grew up in a rich house. He had nothing to worry about. He was always protected and taken care of. He was shielded. Phil had no idea what the world outside was like. And he was always told that he would struggle with world and how cruel it is.

Today was that day.

He was not going to give up and kill Dan. He was going to fight for himself. There was Dan in front of him waiting to die but he turned around instead and with no thought at all fired away. It was too quick the noise too loud. He fell down with a thud with two bullets right on his chest. The other two were just as quick. Because they had underestimated him like everyone else did and left their guns carelessly lying around because they thought that Phil couldn't do anything and he was just a 'weak little bitch'. But Phil proved them wrong.

Were they dead? Phil didn't care. Dan was watching all of this sitting dumbfounded completely and suddenly all of Phil's fearlessness disappeared and he was crying on the ground. He had killed three men

A few seconds later and Dan was besides him hugging him tightly.

"It's okay, everything's okay" he said.

Phil was still crying. He was a murderer and a vile man.

"I killed them" he cried into Dan's chest.

"They deserved it" Dan said. "You did nothing wrong"

Dan made Phil stand up and they got into an abandoned jeep. Dan was driving with one arm. Phil didn't know how to drive so he was sitting as if he was lifeless.

"Phil please talk to me"

But Dan didn't get a reply.


Phil was walking into the hospital lobby a bouquet of flowers in his hand. Today they were discharging Dan. And Phil was happy.

He went in and found Dan talking to a nurse.

"Hey" Phil said.

Dan turned around and he had the biggest grin on his face.

Phil rushed to him and kissed him. Everytime he saw Dan he had this urge because he never wanted to miss out on being close to him ever again. He was everything for Phil.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

Dan nodded.

"God you guys are adorable" the nurse said. "I'll be back and get the papers and you guys can go then" 

Phil smiled at her holding his boyfriend's hand.

Everything was okay now.

When they escaped they told everyone that Dan was just someone who wanted to get Phil out of that place. And not the man who had held him hostage. There were no charges on Phil because what he did was after all just self defense. They were free to start their lives together.

They did hear about the man who kidnapped him but Phil didn't even try to listen because he didn't want to remember anything about him at all. He would sometimes have nightmares but he would calm down when he thought about Dan. Dan kept him going.

The nurse appeared giving them the papers and telling them they can go.

Dan took Phil's hand and they walked out together smiling because finally everything was good.

A/N : PROTIP: Never leave your story unplanned without an ending because you will end up clueless and have a writer's block and then you would end up having the most stupid end to a story, like this one.

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