Rebirth Of Assassin

By phantomhive17

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Hello there my name is 'Lhine' turning 24 this year my job is Assassination, What? You think I'm some kind of... More

Chapter 1: Death and reincarnation of a Perverted Assassin
Chapter 2: Observation
Chapter 3: Meeting my Father (in flesh)
Chapter 4: Progress
Chapter 5: Exlporing a bit.
Chapter 6: Bloodline.
Chapter 7: Who?
Chapter 9: Determined
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Stats
Chapter 12: Grandmother (1)
Chapter 13: Grandmother (2)
Chapter 14: Detect
Chapter 15: Are they really my grandchild?!
Chapter 16: Pushing One's Luck
Chapter 17: Emperor Clayde
Chapter 18: Re Moztier Tutorial
Chapter 18.5
Chapter 19: Praise
Chapter 20: Training
Chapter 21: Study
Chapter 22: Killing Intent

Chapter 8: Crustel White

376 18 0
By phantomhive17


A/N: BTW, Phicia refer Crustell White as oldman.

Crustel White Re Moztier, born at Iffea 1980. His Mother Frinzelle Dam Re Moztier was a cast-out, but who would ever thought that this cast-out would have a genius son?!

Crustel at the age of 6 could already wield elementary Spells and at the age of 12 he awakened the Re Moztier's innate skill. When this news got into the Emperor's ear he immediately called his cast-out daughter, Frizelle Dam, together with Crustell White.

Even in front of the king, Crustel White showed maturity despite being a 12 year old kid. This of course just made the Emperor more happy. After using some various reason and scheme, Crustel White got the king's trust, and had the most highest position just next to the king. As time passed, Crustel White's position got higher and higher, to the point that his position is now on par with the king. The previous king gave him the title of Grand Elder, and everyone recognizes him as the Guardian of the kingdom.

Crustell White was always praised as an unrivalled genius wherever he went, this of course made his head big.


Crustell continuously cursed inside his head.

'Genius my ass!! Unrivalled your grandfather!! Damn!! I almost went insane just because of that voice!! And now this kid!! Not only is he calm-- he's just way too young!!'

A/n: The voice he is talking about is the spirit that is imprinted on their bloodline, after every Re Moztier awakens there would be a voice that tests them, either they will become a 'true' Re Moztier, the consequences of not passing the test is either dying or losing one's mind.

Crustell gritted his teeth as he forcefully concealed his killing intent.

'They are my brethen, I shouldn't kill them, They are my brethen!!' he continuously said to himself.

In a second he sent a sliver of his spiritual consciousness to the leisurely walking Emperor Clayde. Saying: 'I'm going to teach your child a bit of lesson. You think of a way to coax your little lady'

At this message King Clayde's face that was full of vigor suddenly, became deathly white.

Who was Crustel White? He was a person who would kill without blinking an eye, and still claim himself to be innocent. He was afterall the Guardian of the kingdom.

'Little lesson your aunt!! You just killed a random servant, because they accidentally touched your favorite book!!' Emperor Clayde then thought at Meartle's worried face, his heart ached and his face showed a dotingly look but then he thought of Meartle's anger if she heard what could happen. His complexion then became deathly white.

Emperor Clayde's anxious appearance blurred then disappeared.


Pal's killing intent poured, and he instantly tried to kick the oldman's balls.


I didn't have time to rejoice, as the oldman's face was really dark, and it seemed like he was ready to eat Pal. In the moment that I started to get up and run beside Pal, The oldman's body flickered then he appeared beside Pal, then his hand positioned in a chopping manner,

"PAL!!" I cried alarmingly as I condensed a small water knife, then targeted the oldman's hand.

The oldman's hand blurred then Palleo fell unconscious the water knife that I condensed hit the wall.

Damn!! This is bullshit!!

While I was cursing. My father's overbearing aura suddenly disappeared then---


The door exploded, as my Father's majestic aura also exploded within the room, I could only make out his panicked face, looking at me then to the unconscious Palleo.


3 consecutive blows were exchanged, I stared at my Father and the Oldman with my bulging eyes threatening to fall.

Holy shit!!! What the fuck just happened?! I only saw flashes then they both emerge!! The Qi surrounding them was obediently swirling around them. Father, once again looked at Pal, his eyebrows furrowed, his killing intent thickening.

"Don't worry, I didn't kill him." The oldman's soothing voice resounded.

"Hmpp!!" Father just coldly snorted then he walked towards Pal, while I just stood at my spot.

Uuuh--- Did my father just teleported an almost 19,000 meters distance? What.the.fuckin'.shit???

That can happen? Then, is my Father faster than the sound? Holy shit--- Aah-- This is a fantasy world is it not?

"Did you 'already' know that--" The oldman didn't even finished his sentence when Father interrupted him.

"We'll talk at the Ancestral Ground, we can't possibly delay their Ceremony any further." Father said coldly as he pick up Pal's body then, walk towards me then also picked me up.

Woah~~ my Father here is one hellout badass~~

"Hmpp!!" The oldman snorted coldly, then glared at me.

Hey, hey.. I'm a victim here ya' know?

I just innocently look forward and didn't utter a sound, Father carefully carried us.

As we got out of the room.

>>kid, I'll make sure you'll have a hellish life!!<<

The soothing voice of the oldman resounded inside my head. I shifted my gaze trying to find the oldman but he was gone.

Father patted my head, then a golden light enveloped me and Pal's body. Our surroundings then blurred. As we moved onwards to wherever our father is taking us.

Uuuuuh..... My vision is-- uuh what in momma's egg is happening??!!





"Oh, Mom"

*stops* *looks around*

Father knitted his brows then looked at me.

"What?" He asked.

"Where are we going?"

"Ancestral Ground."

"Eh?" Ancestral what?

Father looked at me as if I'm some kind of weird alien. But he still carefully explained to me.

"Ancestral Ground, is where all The Re Moztier receives their Silver Tatoo." He said as he started to accelerate again.

This feeling is like I'm riding a bullet train, except father is holding me and Pal.

Well, I'll just contemplate the theories I've made. 1st, The Qi's are everything, they are everywhere and I can vaugely see them. 2nd, I am so fucking Awesome-- *ahem* I mean, from what that Oldman(Crustel's) reaction, I must be a genius, so is Pal. 3rd the family that I was reincarnated in, is almost amazing as Penthagon.

Eh? Wait... Father said our abilities would be tested, right? But, Luc said that once we turn 3 we'll recieve a silver-something, and there is a supposed grand ceremony.... Hmmm... It's that!! It's definitely that!! well, he just said that though... This is so boring... I want to kill someone, my hands are itching....

While I was in a not-so-deep-thought, we seemed to arrive at our location. Father, somehow or another still have his majestic aura, even though he is holding two kids.

This must be a skill, right?

In front of us, is a majestic hall where in a middle is a magic circle.

It looks like a 'summoning hero' magic circle... But it's not.

There were 12 people wearing white cloaks standing beside the magic circle. They were standing in their place like a wall clock. So I'll name them based on the wall clock number.

#12 took the lead as he slightly bowed, the other followed suit as they also bowed slightly.

Father, then walked towards them. He walked very majestically, while holding an unconscious Pal and me whose neck is cramping from looking at all directions.

The hall was very large, it seemed like it was twice the size of a baseball field. In the middle is the magical circle and white cloaked people, but then there is also a majestic seat, 3 tall and a meter wide, it seems like it was made in wood, but somehow or another it emits a majestic aura, and from time to time a silver line would flash on it's carvings.

"Prepare the ceremony." Father said, as he walked towards the circle, putting me down at the side then putting the unconscious Pal at the middle of the circle.

Some of the white cloaked people looked at me curiously, but the others stayed unmoving.

#12 coughed slightly to get the white cloaked people's attention.

"Let's start!" He said as all the white cloaked people, simultaneously put their palms out, then started chanting.

As they chanted, the circle also started to glow. Pal's body glowed a silvery light, then that silvery light focused on his chest then disappeared.

Eeh? that's it?

Father took Palleo, then motioned me to go in the middle. I did what I was told, and trotted in the middle.

I stood at the middle and stared at my Father, he just nodded his head and the white cloaked people once again started to chant.

As the light covered my body, the temperature around me rapidly went down, the cold creeped in,

it feels like I'm thrown in the North Pole Butt naked.

"Aaah!" I clutched my heart as the air around me seemed to be suppressed. My face immediately

became deathly pale, my legs trembled non-stop.

The white cloaked people paid no mind to my action, Father just furrowed his brows.

I shivered uncontrollably, my knees went soft as I half-kneeled clutching my chest.

It's cold!! Its fuckin' cold!! Shit!! shit!! if it was this hard then why didn't that *sshole of a father of mine, just smack my head unconscious like Pal?!

*pant* *pant*

My breath became visible as they fall and became snow.

"Uugh!" The white cloaked people, chanted faster and faster, the magic circle below me was starting to freeze but it did not reach outside the complicated magic circle.

"fromalmightygodweadhereyou--" i could hear some english in their words but, shit!! it just f'ckin' hurt!!

*wheeze* *wheeze*

As time passed by, it became harder to breath. I don't know how much time has passed, I just know that my body is freezing, and cold had penetrated my internal organs, the cold are on the way to my bones.

The white light finally focused on my right chest and disappeared. The cold freezing air immediately dissolved and so the ice on my feet, I weakly slumped on the floor.

"Uuuuuh--" I glared fiercely at the biased devil incarnate-- *ahem*I mean my father. Screw you!! I will make you drink aphrodisiac then lock you with an old horse!! gonna put a fuckin' cheese on your p*nis and throw a hundred hungry rats!! I'm going to kill this shit!! Gonna toast you on the schorching hot sun, bath you in salt then have million of hundred dogs eat you!! Ya' think I can't kill ya?!

Uuh-- well, after I reach his level..I guess? Hmm, I shouldn't act brashly and die again...

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