Tears Dropped

By MomentarilyCaught

207 28 8


Tears Dropped
A "Brother"
The Letter

A Cup of Hot Chocolate with my Brother's (almost) Assassin

34 6 3
By MomentarilyCaught

I had absolutley no sleep that night. Thoughts formed a tempest in my head.  Everything had turned backwards in the past few hours.  I still wasn't convinced he was my brother, but, it made alot of sense.

 I looked at my shoulder again, it wasn't a birthmark. I mean, I've had it since I was a baby. But it burned when I got mad, REALLY mad. Not a scalding burning, just a slight warmth.

I shook my head. What was I thinking?

Char was fast asleep, he could sleep through anything.

I wrapped my blue shawl around me and I walked out to the hotel balcony. The sunset was peaking out over the waters edge in the distance.  It was so beautiful I almost forgot what had happened. A few minutes later I grabbed a cup of hot chocolate and leaned over the balcony rail.

"Enjoying the sunset?" Said a voice I didn't recognize.

I whipped around and saw a man with a crooked smile and a black suit. I started to scream when he put a finger to his lips and said,

"Oh hush I'm a friend of Rick's."

I gulped and said,

"What do you want?"

"Just a word. A warning from an old friend." he said all traces of a smile gone.

I bit my lip, 

"A-a warning? for what?"

 I stuttered.

"Stay away from Rick. You'll thank me later."

"Why should I?" I questioned putting my hands on my hips. I don't care if Rick is a little shady or if I met him yesterday. He's family, and it's no ones business to keep me away from him. 

"Why should I even trust you?"

He pulled down his shirt enough to expose his shoulders.

And there... on his right shoulder. A mark identical to mine. I gulped.

"We're playing for the same team. In a game that started hundreds of years ago. Your brother too."

He said persuasivley 

 "So why should I stay away from him if he's on our team?"

"Because they haven't found us yet! Why do you think I shot to keep him away from you?"

He said nearly yelling.

"Who's THEY? and why should I trust you? You tried to kill my brother!"

It was my turn to yell.

"Your brother is a traitor! He escaped Coldreign then got caught, and to top it off he nearly led them to you!"

He said with bitterness in his voice that made my blood turned cold.

"So why try and save ME?"

He began to answer when he fell. Just fell. With Char holding a frying pan and a horrified look on his face behind him. I ran and gave Char a tight embrace. With tears nearly coming out.

"Why me Char? Why now?"

"It's all worth it in the end." he said inreassuringly

I told him about what happened. He knitted his eyebrows together and said,

"I think we need to figure this out. Not to run. I don't care what Mr. Suit says. He's your brother. And we are going to help him. This Coldreign doesnt exactly sound friendly. Besides, how bad can it be?"

For once Char was wrong.  

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