Best of Friends

By TvdKolfan99

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There are eleven kids that live in England. They are all best friends and all is right and well until one day... More

Prologue: Friends For Life
Chapter 1: Bad News
Chapter 2: Please Don't Leave Me
Chapter 3: People Change
Chapter 4: Childhood Best Friend
Chapter 5: A Hurtful Surprise
Chapter 6: True Friends
Chapter 7: Too Hard To Say Goodbye
Chapter 8: She's Awake
Chapter 9: When It Began
Chapter 10: Answers
Chapter 11: Things Have Changed
Chapter 12: The Trial
Chapter 13: A Drunken Disaster
Chapter 14: You Were Never There
Chapter 15: The Truth Hurts
Chapter 16: Feelings
Chapter 17: Have To Choose
Chapter 18: The Best For Me
Chapter 19: Secret Love And Feelings
Chapter 20: Lani Makes Her Choice
Chapter 21: Let Me Go
Chapter 22: A One In Four Chance
Chapter 23: I Love Her!
Chapter 24: The Other Thing
Chapter 25: New Doctor
Chapter 26: Won't Let Her Die
Chapter 27: What's Happened?
Chapter 28: The Truth's Out
Chapter 29: Stay Togther, Always And Forever
Chapter 30: Taken
Chapter 31: In Danger
Chapter 33: This Ends Now!
Epilogue: The Best Of Friends

Chapter 32: Why?!

40 1 3
By TvdKolfan99

A/N: Riley Meets The Originals come out today at 5pm, hope you like it.

Lani asks "Callie? What are you doing here? Get out of here and call the police!" Callie walks in and says "I can't do that Lani" Lani looks at her confused and Callie walks up to Chris and says "I'm sorry Lani, it was never supposed to be this way." 

      Lani asks so confused "be what way?" Callie ignores her question and says to Chris "I got you out to get rid of her..." she points at Mack "why the hell did you involve Lani?" Mack and Lani look at Callie shocked, but Mack is also feeling afraid. 

      Chris says "it wouldn't have been easy to just grab Mack and leave. I had to take the attention off of her first so she would be easy to grab. Lani was going to be free the minute I got her... But then, she took my mask off and saw my face, ruining my plan." Chris aims the gun at Lani and she moves around in her seat afraid. 

Callie says "we will handle that later. Focus the gun on the person I bailed you out to kill" she moves the gun from Lani to Mack. Mack shifts in her seat scared like hell. Lani says "Callie please! Why are you doing this?" Callie whips her head to look at Lani then walks closer to her. 

      Callie says "because, ever since Mack came back, you have been confused! Mack has screwed with your head! Making you believe my brother isn't right for you when he's been there for you since day one! Ever since Mack stepped foot into this town, you've been distant from him! And from me" she says that last part sadly and Lani looks at her feeling guilty. 

      Lani says "I'm sorry, I was going to try and contact you, but I thought you hated me because me and Cameron broke up. Because I'm pregnant with Peyton's child." Callie looks at her shocked and asks "so the baby is his?" Lani hesitantly nods her head and Callie sighs and says "well, I don't hate you Lani or blame you" Lani looks at her smiling and hopeful. 

Callie takes the gun from Chris and points it at Mack and says "I blame her!" Mack shifts in her seat afraid and Callie points the gun at her head and Lani's smile falls and she says "please Callie! Why are you doing this?! This isn't Mack's fault! It was me!" 

      Callie removes the gun from Mack's forehead and walks over to Lani and says "no! It's not! Before she came back you were fine! You were with us and your ex-friends left you alone, never bothered you! Then this bitch shows up and now they have taken you away from us! My brother was happy with you, but ever since you left him, he's been depressed, drinking, missing you! He loves you, Lani! 

      He was good to you! He's been there for you! More than Peyton ever was! Yes! Cameron had his moments, but could you blame him?! With us having a father who is a player, womanizer, jerk, and an asshole? He's a sorry excuse for a father, he's always hard on Cameron, that's why he's always going through what he goes through! But despite how much our father pisses him off, he loves you!" Lani looks at her shocked by her speech. 

Callie turns to Mack and says "now you!" She walks over to Mack while Mack looks like a deer caught in headlights. She says to Mack whispering in her ear threatening, slowly, and dark "you. Will. Regret. Stepping. Foot. Into. London." 

      Mack is now shivering in fear, Callie takes a step back and gives Chris the gun and says while doing so "do the job I gave you! Kill her!" Mack widens her eyes in fear and says "No! Please!" Chris takes the gun and Callie says "I'll take care of Lani." She goes to un-tie Lani when her phone rings and she looks at it and sees it's her little brother. 

      She answers it and says "little brother! Why are you calling me?" She puts it on speaker phone and she whispers to Mack "scream or anything and I'll make your death painful instead of fast" Mack sheds a tear, afraid for her life. 

Callie whispers to Chris "keep the gun pointed at her. Keep her quiet, if she yells shoot her in her shoulder" Chris nods his head and keeps the gun pointed at Mack. Cameron says "just checking in on my big sister. Where are you? Still in the U.S.?" Callie says "no, just got back in town. Mom's still there though." 

      Little does Callie know everyone is there listening in except Zac, Sam, Jack, and Peyton, they went to the address Cameron gave them. Cameron asks "Callie? Is Lani and Mack there with you?" Callie widens her eyes in shock and says "maybe... Lani is fine. Mack however, doesn't have long." Lani becomes scared for Mack along with the others on the other side of the phone. 

      Cameron asks "Callie? What do you mean? What's going on? Why did you bail out Chris Andrews?" Callie says "it wasn't supposed to be this way, Cam. Chris screwed up." Chris scoffs and rolls his eyes, still pointing the gun at Mack whose face is now stained with tears. 

Callie continues "this is for us, Cam. Ever since Mack came back, Lani has been confused. Mack's screwing with her head, making her believe that Peyton actually loves her more than you. That they all want her back as their friend, but yet they didn't feel the need to do that before she came back, not even her own brother!" 

      Cameron looks to the others, including Lucian, who are now now boiling with anger, yet are feeling guilt. Callie continues "when Mack dies, let's see if they still stick with her. They'll probably just abandon her again, just like they did the first time she left. The only difference this time, is that she's going to be gone, for good!" 

      Everyone is now nervous and worried and Cameron says "Cal, now that's not necessary, just let them go and come home" Callie's eyes darken and she says "no! Watch! The others will just abandon her once she's gone. You'll thank me later. Bye little brother" he says before she hangs up "Cal-" she hangs up. 

Callie glares at Mack and puts her phone away and Lani looks away from Callie and looks at Chris and says "you! What's your excuse? Why?! Why are you doing this?!" He puts the gun to Mack's forehead scaring her and says "vengeance! Because of her, my daughter hates me! Because of her, my daughter thinks I'm a monster! Because of her, I was going to spend twenty years in prison!" 

      Lani says "better twenty years than for life! They gave her the choice, but she chose twenty years! She's not a heartless monster like you, she didn't have them give you life in prison, you should be grateful!" Chris scoffs. Mack says "and Jackie hates you because you made her hate you. All those times you beat me in front of her, FOR NO REASON!" Chris presses the gun on her forehead more. 

      He says "you know, you were never always the brightest... talking to me like this, when I'm the one with the gun" he uses the gun to push her head back. Mack starts crying and Callie says "now that we've explained ourselves, Chris! Kill her, now!" Chris puts his finger on the trigger and says "gladly." Lani looks to Callie with pleading eyes and says "please, Cal! Don't do this!" 

Callie looks to her and says "I'm doing this for you! Watch! Once she goes, they'll abandon you again! That's how they are. Before Mack came back, they weren't even trying to talk to you. Now, she's back and suddenly, they care again? You deserve better Lani! Once she dies and you see that I'm right, everything will go back to normal." Chris gets knocked over and the person kicks the gun away. 

      When he turns around the person that knocked him down was Zachariah Ross. Sam comes out and attacks Callie by slapping her and punching her. Jack and Peyton come out and Peyton goes to Lani and Jack goes to Mack and they un-tie them and they help them up. 

      Chris punches Zac back and pushes him to the floor and he glares at the four of them and runs for the gun. Mack leans on Peyton so Jack can run to Chris and stop him from getting the gun. Jack pushes Chris to the ground and he gets up and fights with Jack. 

Peyton says "I'm getting you out of here. It's not safe for you or our baby, come on... Mack you too" Callie sees them about to leave so she punches Sam in her eye and knees her in the stomach and elbows her in the back causing her to fall to the ground. She pushes Peyton and Lani to the ground so they couldn't stop her from what she was about to do to Mack. 

      She looks to Mack and grabs her by her hair and throws her roughly to the ground causing Mack to whimper in pain. The sound she made caused Jack to stop fighting and look at her in worry. He tries to go to her but Chris grabs him by the arm and punches him and throws him to the ground. 

      He picks up the gun and aims it at Mack. She tries to get away but Callie steps hard on her ankle, causing it to make a cracking sound, which causes Mack to scream out "OW!" She starts crying and screaming in pain. 

Callie says "do it! Do it, now!" And Chris says "with pleasure" he puts his finger on the trigger and he pulls it, but little was he expecting, it didn't hit Mack. Someone jumped in front of her taking the bullet.

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