The Cult of Death

By KoreyFojtik

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The dragon riders face the greatest threat to their world will ever see. Will they overcome it, or die? Read... More

Chapter 1- Hellfire
Chapter 2- Flurry
Chapter 3- Always Something Bigger
Chapter 4- The Mountains
Chapter 5- Spirals
Chapter 6- The New Breed
Chapter 7- Fire and Ice
Chapter 8- Drake and Rebecca
Chapter 9- Dirk
Chapter 10- Rose
Chapter 12- The Storm
Chapter 13- The War of the Elements
Chapter 14- The Fall of Death
Chapter 15- The Son of Evil
Chapter 16- The Hellbringer
Chapter 17- Total Chaos
Chapter 18- The Forgoten Legends
Chapter 19- The End

Chapter 11- Lightning and Ice

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By KoreyFojtik

Bolt had grown a lot. Dirk could no longer carry Bolt so he was walking next to Dirk. I'm hungry, Bolt said. "Can't help you," Dirk said while walking. Shoot a deer or something, Bolt whined. "Why don't you catch something yourself?" Dirk asked. Bolt narrowed his eyes and kept walking. Why don't you just ride me? Bolt asked, I can fly now. "Because I don't trust that you won't drop me out of the sky," Dirk said sarcastically. You mistake me for some kind of scoundrel, Bolt said innocently, I am a good dragon that would never hurt anyone. Dirk rolled his eyes at the his little dragon. "Not very convincing," Dirk said. I don't know what you mean, Bolt said, What have I ever done to deserve this kind of mistrust? "Would you please just stop?" Dirk asked. I can, but I won't, Bolt said mischievously. "How far are we?" Dirk asked, trying to change the subject. I'll go check, Bolt said flying up. Not good news, not good at all, Bolt said, landing. "What?" Dirk asked. The cult is following us, Bolt said, terrified. "What is the cult?" Dirk asked. No time to explain, we need to fly, NOW!!!! Bolt said. "I'm not getting on your back," Dirk said. Not a choice this time, I'm not letting you die, Bolt said. "I'm not going to," Dirk said. We don't have time for this, Bolt said, picking Dirk up and putting him on his back. "HEY, YOU'D BETTER NOT!!!!!" Dirk screamed as Bolt took off. Calm down, I'm not going to drop my own rider, Bolt said, flying as fast as he could towards the mountains. "What's that?" Dirk asked pointing at a frozen part of forest behind them. Then they heard a roar.

"What are they Serenade?" Rose asked. The cult, Serenade answered. "What is the cult?" Rose asked. Can't really explain right now, freezing them, Serenade said, freezing the surrounding forest. Then Serenade roared and attacked the nearest enemy. Then they heard thunder. Then everything went black.

Two of them! Bolt said. Lightning shot from Bolt's body, vaporising enemies. "Pick them up!" Dirk said, pointing to the unconscious girl and dragon. They landed in the ice and Dirk got off and picked the two up, putting them on Bolt's back. "GO!!!" Dirk yelled at Bolt. Don't have to yell, Bolt grumbled as he took off. "Just go," Dirk said, blasting lightning at enemies. "Are you going to fly or what?" Dirk asked. I'm going, but I have a little more than I'm used to, Bolt said, looking at the two strangers. "Just fly!" Dirk yelled, vaporising another dragon. Bolt sped up towards the mountains. Are those two going to wake up? Bolt asked. "Probably," Dirk said, looking at the woman. I wish they would hurry up, Bolt grumbled. "Be nice!" Dirk said, slapping Bolt's neck. Don't hit the dragon, Bolt said, you might fall. "Shut up and fly," Dirk said. Bolt growled at Dirk, who hit Bolt. I can't fly any further, Bolt said, landing. "At least we're close to the mountains," Dirk said.

Rose jolted awake. "What the...!" Rose said. A man standing close to her spun around to look at her. "Wh-who are you?" Rose stammered, "and where is my dragon?" "Calm down," Dirk said waving his arms in front of her, "The dragon we found you with is right behind you." Rose looked around and saw Serenade sleeping nearby. Rose crawled towards Serenade's sleeping form and hugged her close. "Don't worry, we're friendly," the man said, "My name is Dirk, and my temperamental dragon here is Bolt." Suddenly a blue dragon lifted it's head and looked at them. Rose saw tiny bolts of lightning running across it's body. "What's your name?" Dirk asked, clearly trying to keep the dragon quiet. "R-Rose," Rose stuttered, "and this is Serenade." Rose pet Serenade lovingly. Suddenly she noticed ice forming where she was sitting. "Even you know how to keep your abilities under control," Bolt said knocking Dirk down. "She doesn't have a grown dragon," Dirk said, "well, not as grown as you." "I'm still growing," Bolt said. "Would it kill you to be a little nicer?" Dirk asked. "Yes, yes it would," Bolt answered cockily. Then they remembered Rose. "I'm sorry, but my dragon is a complete jerk sometimes," Dirk apologised. "It's fine," Rose said, terrified. "Oh. No we aren't part of the cult," Dirk said, reading Rose's mind. Rose relaxed visibly. "Why did you save us?" Rose asked suddenly. "Because it was the right thing to do," Dirk replied, cutting off Bolt. "Well thank you," Rose said.

"What's that white patch in the forest?" Hiram asked. "No idea, but the attack is about to come," Spencer warned. "Right. EVERYONE INSIDE!!!!!!" Hiram shouted to the crowd of ice dragons. They all walked inside. "What do we do?" Rebecca asked. "You're going to help us," Spencer answered. "You too Drake," Hiram said. Drake looked at them and said, "We can't fight."

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