Chapter 12- The Storm

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Rose shook Serenade softly, trying to wake her up. Suddenly Serenade's eyes snapped open and she darted to Rose's chest. Don't let them hurt me, Serenade whimpered, wrapping herself around Rose's chest. "Don't let who hurt you?" Rose asked the scared little dragon. The cult, Serenade said with terror filled eyes. "No, it's fine, a rider and his dragon saved us," Rose said, gesturing to Dirk and Bolt. "Is that what I look like when I'm talking to you?" Dirk asked Bolt. Rose saw the dragon nod, and laugh. The laughing was more roaring than anything. Rose got up with Serenade still on her chest and walked over to her rescuers. "Stop eating!" Rose told Serenade. I haven't eaten anything! Serenade said. "Then why are you so heavy?" Rose asked. I'm a dragon, I grow, Serenade said as if it was obvious. It was very believable because she was a lot bigger now. I'm almost big enough to ride now, Serenade said excitedly. "Ride you?" Rose asked Serenade nervously. Of course you're a rider, I'm your dragon, duh, Serenade said. "I'm not comfortable with flying on you," Rose said. "I told you I wasn't the only one who didn't want to fly!" Dirk said to Bolt. Bolt huffed and set his head down. I'm hungry, Serenade said, unwrapping herself from Rose's chest. "Where's my bag?" Rose asked Dirk. "Right there," Dirk said, pointing at a log behind Rose. "Thank you," Rose said, walking towards her bag. She opened her bag and pulled out a steak. "Here you go," Rose said to Serenade, tossing her the steak. FOOD!!!!!! Serenade said, attacking the steak. Dirk raised his eyebrows at the small dragon. "I'm sorry, she's a bit, er, hungry," Rose apologised. "It's fine, Bolt is the same way," Dirk said, nudging the blue dragon. Um, can we move now? Serenade asked. Rose looked up to the sky to see a lot of the cult's dragons. Dirk looked up and Rose saw lightning start cracking around him.

Dirk saw the cult flying towards them and activated his lightning. He saw Rose looking at him when it got colder. He saw ice forming at her feet. Suddenly Serenade got bigger, by a lot. Are you going to shoot them or what? Bolt asked, looking at the sky. "Let me on Bolt, and no jokes," Dirk said, cutting off Bolt's sarcastic comments. Bolt lowered his head and let Dirk on. "FLY!" Dirk yelled, "AND GET ON SERENADE ROSE!" Rose looked at her dragon and noticed how big she'd grown. "Um, on her?" Rose asked. "Just do it!" Dirk yelled, "Unless you want to die!" "Up I go then," Rose said getting on her dragon. Serenade took off and started flying to the mountains. Looks like we're going the same way, Bolt said, following them. The lead dragon rider noticed them and started following them. Dirk let off a lightning bolt, bathing one of their pursuers in lightning. How far away are we? Dirk asked Bolt in his mind. Not far, but what are we going to do when we get there? Bolt asked. As if on cue, they heard an army of dragons roaring from the mountains. God I hope that they're on our side, Dirk thought. Ditto, Bolt said. Then it got really cold. I'm not an ice dragon, Bolt said, irritated. Suddenly lightning streamed out of Dirk's body, creating a tail of electricity. Um, what's happening? Bolt asked. Then Dirk's world went black.

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