
Por -shebebrax

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A/N Review Book
*New Story*


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Por -shebebrax

(Two days since Sherri's doctor's appointment.)


"It is what it is."

I sat with my head held high and hands clutched together as Khamar sat directly across from me, throwing his angry feelings in my direction. His lawyer was seated beside him, backing up every word he spoke.

Today was the day of which we planned to finalize our divorce. Everything that we had ever shared and owned, preferably financially and materialistically, had to be thrown on the table. We'd have to go over the basics, and so forth. I was open to speak on any and everything, I was just ready for the moment where I'd finally be freed from the title of "Khamar's wife".

"So, Khamar is open to leaving you with the house." Khamar's lawyer, Attorney Yaano, said gaining my attention. "He also requested that the money from your joint account be split down the middle."

I shook my head from side to side, chuckling ironically. "Split down the middle?! That's funny. Considering I'm the reason that money is even there, but okay. It is what it is."

"So, what about custody?" My lawyer intervened. "That's a topic we have yet to cover."

"Khamar has mentioned to me that he prefers joint custody." Yaano replied.

I grew of disbelief. I knew that it was difficult to divorce when you had kids, but I didn't want this to go further than it needed to.
"Okay, well I don't prefer that. The boys aren't only my kids, they're his too. And, I don't feel its appropriate that they only see him every other week or weekend. I want Khamar to be able to see the kids when he wants to, not just on a reserved day."

I looked over at Khamar. He had this madness circulating his body. I knew this would be the day he hated, but he had himself to thank for that. "I wouldn't last a day without them."
He spoke sternly. "So, you get a week of the boys, then I get a week."

"No, I'm not doing that." I disagree as my eyes found my lawyer's. "And, I don't want this to turn into a custody battle, so Khamar, please stop trying to make it one."

He looked at me sideways, speaking with a tone I hadn't found amusing. "See, I thought of filing for full custody, but because I don't want to be selfish and take my boys away from their mother--"

"What?! Why would you consider something like that? And, why do you seem so angry with me as if I did something wrong here?! Are you forgetting that you're the one that had an affair?!" I precluded his words, growing of rage.

He didn't respond, instead he shook his head in disbelief as he released many breaths, indignantly.

I sighed, growing vexed. I had never experienced a divorce, but I did hear that it could be one of the most difficult things you'd ever deal with. And, right now, after listening to Khamar even consider taking my boys, I was outdone. I was furious. "You're so angry with me. Why?!"

He rose from his chair, raising his voice. "I don't want to go through with this damn divorce, and you know that! You should be more than happy that I even signed the papers."

I rose from my seat with my eyes squinted, causing my lawyer to stand as well. "So, you're angry because you don't want to lose me?! Khamar,  you're the reason I'm leaving. I went to therapy with you, and I've done everything I could possibly do to make us work. But, we were broken, and you can't always fix what's broken. You just have to let it be." I paused, allowing tears to fall from my eyes. "So, that's what I am doing. And, I assure you, if you try to take my children away from me, be prepared to go through hell."


She was a soul trapped in what seemed to be an endless storm. From losing her mother at a very young age, to never knowing her father, she walked the halls of highschool, weighed down by the pain, curiosity, and grief seated upon her shoulders.

She stood in the storm alone, until I came along and showed her that I cared. That I didn't mind standing in the rain with her.
She is Sheila--my parent-less, exbestfriend from highschool.

We'd always been closer than ever, but that was up until six years ago. Right here in California, she met a man that promised her he'd show her the world, all at his cost. Unfortunately, while she was getting promises thrown at her, I was going through a divorce with Bayley's dad, and I prayed for a shoulder to lean on. Preferably Sheila's, but she left. Without telling me. Friends don't do that. I lost myself in the midst of that divorce--I felt as if I had lost everything. And, when I called on Sheila, she wasn't there.

Now, I was seated before her at a nearby café, trying not to relive in those lonesome moments when I begged for a friend, but I couldn't help it.
She reached out to me, wanting to reconnect. But honestly, I was disturbed.

"So uh--how've you been?" I asked, placing my eyes on Sheila.

She shone in the sunlight that crawled upon our table. She was truly beautiful. Beautiful, but broken. Her brown shaded skin glistened as her hazel colored eyes glowed. She was sparkling, but she was also cracking.
"I'm good. How are you?"

I sighed. "Okay, I guess. Hey, are you still with that guy that dragged you away?"

"Yes, I am, actually." She rolled her eyes, swinging her long, jet black hair. "It hasn't been the best, but its alright, y'know?"

When she had finished releasing words from her mouth, a waitress by the name of Donna, stood before our table and began taking our orders.

"Why did you even leave the state with him anyway?" I asked out of curiosity.

Sheila rolled her eyes. "Listen, I was given an opportunity to travel the world, and I took it. What's so wrong with that?! And, what's up with all this tension that been between us?!"

I, bothered because she was acting oblivious to the fact that she just up and left, looked the other way. I figured this would happen--that after all those years, she'd come back like she never left. Like everything would be okay. That I'd be okay.

"Listen Teri, I didn't come back to California for this," She began, motioning between us--indicating the tension resting. "I just wanted to spend time with an old friend. That's it."

Utterly shocked, my brows rose.  "Are you kidding me? You knew that I was going through a divorce--you knew that I was hurting and you just disapeared. Now you're back and you're trying to act as if everythings okay. It's not. I was going through one of the most devastating times of my life, and you weren't there."

"I'm sorry, okay?!" Sheila's voice rose. "What happened, happened. Why cant you just let it go?!"

"Because when I needed you, you weren't there, Sheila." My heart raced. "When things got rough, where were you?!"


"Y'know what? No. You're right. I'm an adult, and I need to just get over it." I rose from the table, petruding her sentence. "But I just want you to know, that when you lost your mom, I would've never left your side. I didn't leave your side, I was right there. But, when I could barely sleep at night, when I felt my weakest, you sure as hell weren't by my side, and that hurts, Sheila."

"I can keep apologizing, but it is what is." She said, carelessly, all as her shoulders went up and down.

Maybe I was overreacting, and maybe I was being more emotional about this than I should've been. But, it hurt when you were there for someone when they were going through it, but whilst you were going through, they were nowhere to be found."It amazes that you're acting so nonchalant right now."

Sheila sighed.

I grabbed my belongings that sat in the chair next to me, and before walking away, I said, "Y'know what? It has been six years, and maybe I should have gotten over it. But, I can't help but to feel horrible because when you were in your darkest hour, you had me. When I was in my darkest hour, I had no one. And, when you're friends, you just don't do that."


I walked through the front door of Sherri's home feeling vulnerable.

After the meeting with Sheila, I just wanted to be around the one I love--the one that I knew to never leave me when the going got tough.

When I entered Sher's living area, I saw her seated upon her beige colored sofa with a white envelope resting beneath her hands.

"Hey, babe." I greet her, planting a kiss against her perfectly shaped lips. She looked absolutely beautiful, but something about her seemed off. 

She gently smiled. "Hey." 

"Is everything okay?" Growing concerned, I took a seat next to the woman. "How did the meeting with Khamar go? Did it go smoothly?"

She sighed. "Everything regarding who gets what has been settled. Khamar's hoping to file for joint custody, but I'm not having that." Sherri then placed her left hand upon her forehead. "But, can we discuss that some other time? There's something else that I have to talk to you about."

After Sher had said that, more than one scenario filtered my mind. Something about her didn't seem right once I walked in, now there was something she wanted to talk about. And, honestly, I was quite scared to hear what it was.

She went on with, "Two days ago, after I dropped the boys off to Lisa's, I had a doctor's appointment."

"What?" I frowed. "I didn't know about th--"

"I know, I know." Sherri cut me off. "I didn't say anything because I thought I was just going for a check up, but it turned into something else. My doctor ended up running tests on me for--"

My eyes enlarged as I became flabbergasted. "Tests?! For what?"

"I don't--somehow, my kidneys aren't doing as they should be. And, they're afraid that I may be suffering from Kidney Failure. Or, possibly something else." As she closed her eyes, tears marched upon her face. "I don't know, but I'm more than scared. My doctor mentioned that people have died from this--that they suffered horribly."

I wrapped my arms around Sherri as one tear dances alone within my cheek. "Baby, whatever it may be, know that I'm here. I'll always be here. And next time, please let me know when you're going to the doctor." I pause. "Its been two whole days, have you received any results?"

"Actually, they're here--in this letter." Sher looks down at the envelope trapped underneath her hands.

I looked at her with worrisome, then sighed. "Okay, then let's open it up and see what it says."

Aghhh. Its been awhile, right?!
What do you guys think of this chapter? At first, the plan was to have Sherri's doctor worried that she might have Leukemia, but I didn't want to really relate anything to the show, so.

-Not edited
-Chapter dedication: dammilamano StefenaFanFiction highoffsyd
If it hadn't been for you guys, this chapter would've never happened. I love you guys.

-Cyra (kie-rah) <this is for you, Gio😂💕.

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