Waking The Beast

By madimuffin1

265K 8.4K 520

Kit, a young brunette with a wretched father and horrible past. She somehow manages to wrap the most powerfu... More

Declan's POV
Declan Finds Kit
Bad News for Kit
The Beast
Authors Note


29.3K 1K 28
By madimuffin1

Don't Forget to VOTE AND COMMENT!!!!! (; sorry I haven't updated in a while, however- I just got A BRAND NEW LAPTOP that i'm obsessed with- so, I should be updating/editing a ton more!! I'm going for once a week! I will inform you if I change anything major in the last chapters tho!

Declan takes a deep breathe, and instructs, "Why don't you go clean yourself up?"

"Declan..." I start, unsure.

"What happens to him isn't your decision anymore." He says almost daring me to question him.  "Let fate take it's course." 

 I look down and shift awkwardly, and a flash of guilt rolls through his eyes.

"Come on, Angel," Declan says taking my hands while handing me a towel. "You'll feel better."

Obliging to his request I begin to stand up, but my ankle gives way almost immediately. I stare at the now swollen patch beginning to turn black and blue. I had honestly forgotten about it. 

Declan growls at it protectively, picking me up. "Why hasn't it healed yet, angel? I'm linking the doctor." 

His face stays serious, concentrated onto my ankle as his eyes glaze over for a few minutes letting out an occasional growl. 

I don't know why he thinks it would heal that quickly. It's only a bruise, and I've never been to the doctor before,  even after more serious injuries. 

After another minute his face morphs into one of slight horror and I widen my eyes at him. I feel my breathe starting to get shorter and shorter at the anticipation. A million thoughts run through my head.

"Kit. Are you human?" He says quietly. I nod my head quickly, while the panic in his eyes skyrockets. He lets out another low growl and brings me closer to him. "You need to always stay close to me, okay?" 

"Okay, Declan." I respond even quieter. I can feel his arms slightly shaking around me. 

 "The doctor is on his way."


"Kit this is Timothy, our pack doctor, but most of us just call him Doc." Declan smiles at me, but I can see in his eyes that he is still in shock. "He is going to do an examination okay, let him do what he needs. This is the only time I'll say it's okay for someone to touch you this way."

The Doctor smiles at me. He has big black glasses and brown hair. A lot shorter than Declan but still taller than me. I look up at him wearily. 

"Hello Luna. I'm  the Doc." He says to which I nod my head. "I'm going to do a few tests on you. The first involves this device." He holds up a cord around his neck. "It's called a stethoscope, I'm going to place it right on your heart and listen to it beating, is that okay?" 

I look at Declan instinctively and he nods his head so I nod mine as well. Doc puts the device on my chest and I move closer to Declan. I can feel my breath becoming short again and Declan takes my hand gently. 

The Doc does a few more tests to which by the end of the first three, since I kept migrating towards Declan, I am now basically sitting in his lap while the doctor keeps trying to examine me. Declan just moves his thumb across my shoulder to calm me down. 

"Okay now Luna, what I'm curious to is why you still smell faintly of a she-wolf. This last test involves a a little bag and a needle and it will help me to figure it out. It is going to pinch a bit, and you will see red blood coming out into the bag, but it will be okay, alright. I will need you to stay still." 

Declan growls a bit under his breath, but nods at Doc. Doc pulls out the bag and moves towards me with a needle. 

I recognize that. 

"No!" I say and even I can hear my voice breaking a bit as I do. I leap away from Declan and out of his lap, but I instantly regret it as I forgot about my ankle... again. I falter, almost falling, but the adrenaline I have is enough for me to stay up, and Declan, I can feel his hand gripping my waist supporting me. His reflex is faster than mine. He was already standing by me, somehow before I even moved away from him. 

"No stay away from me. Stay away." I I plead, hot tears falling down my face. Again with my breath, only now it's so apparent. I can't get enough oxygen. There is not enough air for me in this room I have to get out. Right now. 

"Angel calm down. Breath." He demands, but I can't listen. I pull away again, but this time I don't budge. 

"Let me out." I cry again, but Declan just pulls me in closer to him, picking me up. He wraps me up in a blanket from his bed, and just holds me until I stop trying to move. 

"Shh. It's okay. Your here, right here." He comforts me.

We stay like this for a while, and I notice the Doc had left with his bag once I calm down.

"Doc is gone, Kit.  I'm going to wrap your ankle with ice for a while." Declan states. He sets me down on the bed, and begins wrapping my ankle and I let him. It's cold. "I'm gonna draw you a bath and then were gonna eat. Your gonna leave the door open, but close the curtains. If you lock the door I am going to just kick it in. If anything happens I will know, because I already marked you." 

"Declan.. Are you mad at me?" 

"No, angel. I'm just trying to keep you safe. I'm going to run the water."

I nod my head, and try to block out certain thoughts and memories that are trying to come into my head. It's something I don't want Declan to look into currently, and I don't really understand how and when he can hear my thoughts. Instead I try to focus on something else. I have a mate. An alpha. I know that Alpha's usually mate with weaker wolves to create a balance of power. (Otherwise, there would be so much conflict) I shudder at the thought. A weaker wolf is much different than a human.  

"My angel it's ready for you." Declan smiles and picks me up carrying me to the bathroom. He angles the door so I have privacy and leaves me to do my business. 

I test the water. It runs over my hands and it's perfectly warm, and I decide that it's safe to go inside. The heat relaxes muscles which I hadn't known to tense up. I let the water swallow me and warm my tired body. 

After finishing shampooing and conditioning my long hair and wrapping the towel tightly around me, I shut off the  water. When I gaze in the mirror, I almost don't recognize myself. My cheeks and face had gained back color, and my hair looked much more alive since using shampoo. I gently brush through a few knots then struggle to change into a long gray shirt, a sports bra, and sweats. Declan must have put them in here while I washed up.

He lets out a sigh of relief when I limp out in his clothes, and wraps me into a hug. "Stop walking on your ankle, please. Do you want to eat with everyone? Or just us? If they meet you then they will better protect their Luna." 

"Lets eat with them then..." 

"Okay, stay near me, though. Doc dropped off a wheelchair for you- or I could carry you." He offers. "Well we'll just bring it I guess."

When we arrive at the table everyone is already seated, and they stand respectfully when we enter. My heart speeds up a little so I tug at Declan's sleeve trying to get his attention. In response, he puts his arm around me and pulls in my chair next to his at the end of the table. I awkwardly smile at everyone and look around the room. On every plate, a chunk of some type meat was cut into a large piece. I raised my eyebrow at it before I take my seat.

I took a deep breath and, whispered, "Uhm, Alpha?" I nudged him. Concerned, he curiously looks down at me and grabs my hand.

"Declan." He still manages to add.

"What is this?" I point down at it, making an uncomfortable face.

He starts to laugh a little bit, questioning," You mean the steak?" I nod. Declan shakes his head and rubs his hand in circles round my back. Once everyone is settled Declan clears his throat and immediate silence falls in the room. "Pack, Native Moon" He booms, "I have finally found our Luna."

The crowd erupts into cheers and he takes my hand into his raising it into the air. "She is our Luna Kit, and you shall address her as such with the utmost respect." The crowd looks at me, some with pity, others with blank faces, and some with happiness. The room soon settles into an uncomfortable silence until the chit chat picks back up.

Alpha Declan grabs my plate since I had finished eating and stacks it onto his own. I offer to take it but he pulls it out of my reach and shakes his head. I smile and he pushes me with my chair into the kitchen and then places our dishes into the dish rack.

"Are you ready to head to bed?" Declan asks me gently. I nod suddenly realizing how tired I actually was. I glance at the clock and see it's only 7:00.

"Yeah that's odd, it's only 7." I comment and look up into his eyes, a beautiful green, but I notice a flash of guilt. I tilt my head confused, but I don't say anything to him. Instead, I grab his hand and start making my way towards the elevator, but Declan doesn't follow me.

"We aren't staying in my old room, Kit." He says suddenly brightening up. "I've had a new house prepared to fit our needs better."

I grimace a bit when he says 'needs'. "What?" I ask.

"Come on, let me show you!" He brushes my question off. I follow him outside the pack house, careful to walk on my ankle, and down a trail until a beautiful house pops up out of the trees. It was made of wood, a few glass windows, and had a beautiful lawn. Not to mention that it's huge.

"Oh my gosh!" I gush, limping ahead to go explore inside. "No Kit, your ankle! Stop." I begin to see a fuzzy brown color clouding my vision followed by a dizzying headache, to my luck Declan is right by my side until the head rush passes.

"Slow down, darling." He coes. I frown, this has never happened to me before... "Look Kit, theirs something I need to tell you, can we go inside and talk?"

Dread fills my stomach, what have I done wrong? "No sweety it's not like that, it's just something you need to know about me."

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