
By TamyraGary

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My life is full of darkness! Something I can't get rid over. He's hiding the truth from me. I need to know, I... More

Darkness One
Darkness Two
Darkness Three
Darkness Five
Darkness Six
Darkness Seven
Darkness Eight
Darkness Nine
Darkness Ten
Darkness Eleven
Darkness Twelve
Darkness Thirteen
Darkness Fourteen
Darkness Fifteen
Darkness Sixteen
Darkness Seventeen
Darkness Eighteen
Darkness Nineteen

Darkness Four

21 0 0
By TamyraGary

Chapter Four

The next my side was aching with pain. I couldn't take any pain killers since pills weren't allowed in this stupid school. I looked at the time and it was 5:30 am. I had another hour before classes started, so I got up and headed for the showers. The one thing I really didn't like about this school. The showers had no curtain, no doors, so everyone can see everything. It was like a fucking jail house, but worse. Half the girls here were lesbians which worried me a lot. I didn't want not girl hitting me. I especially didn't want no girl looking at me take a shower. I missed my own home with my own bathroom, were I can Shower in peace and harmony.

I walked into the girls locker room aka the lesbian hide out, to find no one there. I was relived that I was the only one in there, but then disgusted to find out they don't take showers. I quickly turned the water on and burned the hell out of my skin. I screamed in agony and quickly swicthed it to a cooler temperature. As I was in the shower I heard the locker room doors open and I pulled my towel around me. Some big tall, heavy set girl came in and looked me up and down. She had brown eyes and brown short, yet silky hair. She just had a towel around her and smiled at me. I felt really uncomfortable. I started to walk out until I felt her hands touch my shoulders. I stopped in my tracks and looked at her from the corner of my eye.

"Where do you think you're going?" She said pulling back towards her.

Her grip was so strong and I don't think she was letting me go. I looked at her and she was smiling. I backed away from her slowly and made it to the door. I was freezing cold and wanted to leave, but she wasn't going to let me. "I was leaving to go get dressed." I said staring into her eyes. When I did that it seemed like I saw her life, from when she was born to now. It was so intense I dropped to my knees. I saw my own life flash before my eyes and it scared the hell out of me.

She walked over to me and lifted me on my feet. "What's wrong you look like you seen a ghost." She said looking at my eyes.

I tried not to look into her eyes again or I was going to fall right back down to the ground. What was she? What is she? Whatever she is, she's very powerfully. No wonder why she's built heavily. "Can you let me go please, I really need to go get dressed." I asked nicely hoping she wouldn't hurt me.

"just one question." She said putting me down "Are you by any means Bi-sexually?" She started unwrapping her towel and was staring at me.

I was so uncomfortable and wanted to get out of there. "No I'm straight only like boys sorry." I got up and walked out as quickly as possible. I took a deep breath and made it back to my room.

It was 6:00 and I had another hour and 30 minutes before classes started. Since we could only wear black and one splash of color, I put on my black puffed out skirt with my long black socks, a button up shirt that I tucked in and my hair up in a ponytail falling at the side of my head. I tied a pink ribbon around it and finally but on my boots. I enjoyed wearing black so it wasn't a problem for me. Most kids here hate the ideal of wearing that color. I understand why. It was 6:15 and I sighed. Time was going so slow. I thought I go stop and see Taylor even though we have morning classes together. I could only imagine what she has on.

                                        *                                      *                                      *

I got to her room and she was wearing a black turtle neck sweater, high water jeans and black flats. She was just as skinny as me so it looked horrible. I shook my head and walked in her room. I pulled out her bag of clothes and started going through them. They all looked stupid. 'Why?" I asked her.

"Why what?" She said looking confused.

Her clothes looked so...ugh. She needed a full make over and I was going to give her one. Thank God I carry this stuff around in my bag. "Your changing whether you like it or not." I said siting her down on her bed. "Now give me that shirt and that skirt."

"But wh..."

"Don't ask questions just listen." I said cutting her off.

I started cutting her shirt into a nice cute style. I cut the sleeve off and made the bottom shorter. I cut her skirt shorter and made it look like it had little rips in it at the bottom. I made her put them on and she smiled at her self. I did her hair and put a silver small crown on her head. She looked beautiful and I was surprised at how she looked. I put contacts in her eyes and now everything fell together. "Beautiful!" I said complimenting her. It was the truth she looked gorgeous.

She checked her self out in the mirror and then hugged me tightly. "Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, you're the best friend ever! I never felt so beautiful." she said hugging me.

I haven't heard that in a while. I was surprised she even said that to me. I was happy for her and wanted her to feel this way. The first bell ringed and we had to get going. Everyone looked pretty nice with their color shining. I never thought people could look different with just one simple color added. It was interesting to see everyone's style.

We got to the class room and standing at the door was Nick and some other kid. He looked up at me and then walked right in the class room no hi or nothing. I shrugged and walked in myself. Taylor got us a seat right in the middle of the class. I sat down on Taylor's desk and looked at her. "That was rude of him, he looked at me and didn't say anything." I whispered to her.

"He's probably just shy." She said whispering back to me.

"He could of waved though, I would of if I were him." I said my voice getting louder realizing we're the only four people in the class room.

"Oh calm down it's Nick what do you expect." Another voice said making it obvious that we we're talking about him.

That voice was no other than Olivia. She walked over to us and pushed her way up to where I was siting. I stood up and she looked at the both of us. She had on black jean shorts with a belly shirt that fell off her shoulder. Her shoes were black flats and she wore gold jewelry. She looked at me again and frowned this time. "Why don't you just get over him! He obviously doesn't like you." she said yelling so the whole world can hear.

Both Taylor and I tackled her on the floor and covered her mouth. "Would you shut up! I don't need him to know that were talking about him." I whispered.

"You sure do have a big mouth." Taylor whispered to her. "She's trying to keep this a secret and your ruining it." She said yelling in a whisper.

"Oh it doesn't matter anyway he won't feel the same way." Olivia whispered back. "Besides I heard he has a girlfriend."

That really did hurt, but I tried not to show it. "So what it's just a crush that's meant to be secret got it?" I whispered again.

"Fine." She said and crossed her arms.

I sighed and we all got up slowly from over the desk. When we got up the two of them were standing there with raised eyebrows. I froze up and so did Taylor and Olivia. I wasn't expecting to see them. I didn't know what to say so I went back down and started shaking. I crawled to the other side of the room and sat in one of those chairs. I couldn't stay over there near them. Taylor came to me and she looked at me like "What's wrong?" I nervous around him and it felt like he knew everything we talked about.

Olivia was over there running her mouth, but I didn't know what she was saying. He kept looking at me so I knew she had to be saying something about what I told her. I got scared and paranoid. He started making his way towards me then the second bell ringed and everyone else started coming in the class. He looked at me and mouth "We need to talk." He sat down and gave me one last look, then he turned his attention to the teacher.

What could we possible have to talk about. He barely talk to me as it is. He didn't even say hi to me this morning. I didn't really want to talk to him, but I knew he was going to stop me as soon as class was over, which wasn't for another two hours. I put my hands on my cheek and sighed.

                                    *                                     *                                          *

After the two hours pasted I made it out of the classroom before he could get to me. I was ready to leave. I didn't want to get stopped by him. I walked quickly down to the café and when I got there he was standing there up against the wall. How he get there so fast I don't know. He walked up to me his eyes light brown. I stared into them and couldn't stop looking at him. DAMN! I was pissed off. He took my hand and we walked somewhere in the school that I didn't know about. He closed the door and turned on the lights. His eyes going from brown to red he looked at me.

"Why are we in here?" I asked him.

"Shut...up." He said his voice cracking and stern. "I didn't say anything to you because...because I didn't need to." He said breathing heavily.

I knew she said something to him, but I didn't know what. "Well it's pretty rude to look at someone and not say anything to them." I said crossing my arms. I didn't want to be here with him right now and I made my way for the door but he grabbed my waist and turned me towards him.

"Do you have to be so stupid!" He yelled still holding on to me.

This guy just really called me stupid and didn't care that he did either. I frowned and felt my hand raising up to slap him across his face, but I stopped myself. "Stupid? I'm not stupid, I just hate when people do that to me!" I yelled back at him.

"You don't understand Sky, you really don't understand do you?" He said his eyes turning green and his grip loosening up.

Understand what? I had no clue what he was talking about and I didn't want to find out. Then again, I did want to know. Maybe it could be something good I don't know. "Understand what Nick?" I said calmly and in a soft voice.

"Understand my feelings for you." He said letting go of me. "I can't describe them to you because you won't believe a word I say."

He touched my cheeks and I got a warm feeling inside my body. That feeling felt so good, I grabbed touched were his hands were and closed my eyes. I sighed and looked back at him. He had a smirk on his face and moved closer to me. He grabbed my waist and there was no space between us. Our lips touched a little bit and I felt a chill go down my spine. He pulled away and stared at me. I looked back touching my lips. I shocked that even happened. It wasn't a kiss even though I wished it was, our lips just touched a little bit. I can tell he got that same feeling I did. We were just standing there, staring at each other.

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