Wrong and Right[BOYxBOY] 2013

By DevilInWhite

87K 3.2K 431

Ryan Pierce is not the average teenager. He's a badass with a dark secret he has been hiding for years. Behin... More

Wrong and Right
Chapter 1: Angel Boy
Chapter 2: I Don't Mind The Rain: Destry's Pov
Chapter 3: Dirty Little Secret
Chapter 4: Little Human Boy
Chapter 5: Who's to trust?
Chapter 6: Swing Low
Chapter 7: Bloody Werewolves
Chapter 8: Why Me?
Chapter 9: Caught Like A Fly
Chapter 10: Oh Brother
Chapter 11: Sunlight
Chapter 12: Masquerade
Chapter 13: Control
Chapter 15: Bite Me
Chapter 16: Wrong and Right - Forever [End]
Author's Note
Wrong & Right Reboot: Chapter 1 Special Look

Chapter 14: Underworld

2.5K 123 18
By DevilInWhite

We walked deep inside the forest until we reached a cave. Inside the cave was a faint ghostly green light, that only grew brighter as we came closer to it. There it was surrounded by bones and cracked skulls, the portal to the underworld.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Move forward!" Dax ordered.

"Haven't you heard of ladies first, Dax?" I grinned.

"I don't recall being submissive, Ryan, but whatever you say princess"

I glared at him and pushing my way passed Dax, dragging the guard along behind me. The others followed along. The portal then closed, leaving only a grey stone wall behind. Everything was completely different. Just like the cave ground, crushed skulls and bones but of different creatures were scattered all over the floor. Faces and hands of poor souls were pushed against the wall, as if they were trying to escape.

"Welcome home boys!" Dax chuckled, kicking a skull to the side.

I rolled my eyes and turned to look at Destry. He smiled slightly and held out his hand. I took it, interlocking our fingers together then brought our hands up to kiss them.

"No matter what we stay together, okay?" Destry nodded ad gave my hand a squeeze.

Dax scoffed and turned to face us all. Behind him was two big black wooden doors. He snapped his fingers which commanded the guards to open the doors.

Slowly they creeked open. Dax turned around and motioned us to follow him into the room. There in the middle of the dark room, sitting on a throne made of stone and bones, was the Dark Lord himself, Abadamn.

"What do we have here? I see you brought me some more company Dax?"

Abadamn's voice was a chilling as his cold dead eyes, iris holding no color but a darker shade of white. His nails looked as sharp as his teeth, and I could tell that beneath the rob he wore, he was covered in muscle. I was already intimidated by just the sight of him sitting down, but when he got up, he stood just about taller than Jay.

"Whoa steroids" I murmured under my breath.

Jay rammed his elbow into my side and gave me a look that said to behave. I bit my bottom lip and looked down, trying not to make eye contact.

Abadamn chuckled, clapping his hands together.

"I am very glad you brought me three new guests, I was getting bored of the girl and speaking of the girl, why don't one of you bring her out..Now what was her name?"

"Skyler!" I shouted, elbowing the guard holding onto me in the stomach, and then running over to her.

"Oh yes that's right! Skyler"

I got to her just in time for her to collapse into my arms. Wrapping my arms around her, I kneeled down on the floor, brushing her hair away from her face. Dark circles were under her eyes and her lips were a faint purple. By the sound of her breathing I could tell she hadn't feeded in a while.

"What the hell did you do to her?!" I growled.

"Human blood was running a little low, and being the caring ruler that I am, I let my creatures feast while I had a little undead blood" Abadamn said calmly, looking at his nails.

I moved the hair away from her neck, exposing the multipule bite marks on it.

"You-You drank from her?" I heard Jay growl from behind me.

Abadamn snapped his fingers, making one of the guards pull me away from Skyler. Another guard then picked her up and brought her over to Abadamn.

"Although vampire blood is, well, dead blood it's just as filling as human blood" He wrapped an arm around Skyler's waist to hold her up "The venom in the blood is deadly to other creatures, but to me it's way better despite the sour taste"

He ran one of his finger nails along her neck, making a cut as thin as a paper cut, but the blood was already oozing out in large amounts. Abadamn licked it up quickly, making a mess on his lips and the corners of his mouth. His reptile-like tongue then cleaned it up.

Skyler's body dropped to the floor with a soft thump. She was motionless, completely limp on the cold stone floor.

"Sk-Skyler.." I choked out and stumbled over to her. Jay was just as still as she was, but his eyes showed that inside he was falling apart.

"I'm so sorry for your loss, but hey you will be joining her soon" Abadamn patted my shoulder.

"Now lets get down to business! Dax you may go and I will take care of....." he snapped his fingers.

"Ryan.." I mumbled.

"Yes Ryan and he rest of them"

Dax blinked and looked away from Skyler and to the Dark Lord.

"But my lord you promised I could take care of him personally" Dax said in almost a whisper.

"Dax my dear, we all know what you mean by that, you want me to look the other way while you go run off with Mr. Ryan and live what you call a happily ever after, am I correct?"

Dax stood silent, he clenched his fists ad looked at his feet.

"Am I correct?" Abadamn spoke in a more stern tone.

"Yes my lord, you are correct" he mumbled.

"Stay if you please but you are free to go"

With that said he turned away from Dax and looked at me with a smile on his face.

"Up.." he raised his hand, motioning me to get up.

I obeyed and got up to my feet, walking toward him.

"Down.." He placed a hand on my head, forcing me to kneel down.

"Good boy" He sighed "Now tell me Ryan, do you know what you did wrong?"

I nodded, keeping my eyes locked on the ground. Abadamn waved his hand making the guards bring Destry forward.

"Destry is it?" He smiled "I heard you two have a love going on, but the only problem is Destry here, is a human and we all know that vampires, or any magical creature, can not mate with a human"

Abadamn walked around Destry, examining him from head to toe. I dug my nails into the palm of my hand to keep me in control.

"You don't smell like an ordinary human.." he looked Des in the eyes.

"He has the ability to move just about anything with his mind in case Dax didn't tell you" I spoke up

Abadamn shot a glare at Dax then looked back at Destry and grinned.

"Does anyone else know about these powers?" I shook my head, still keeping my eyes fixed on the ground. Abadamn sighed and looked over to Dax once again.

"Dax, my dearest Dax, these people have broken no rules at all. Destry here is not human, he is a magical being and it seems that no secret was exposed here, they are free to go but you I will deal with you the way I deal with people who lie to me"

"My lord Abadamn, please you can not just believe them...H-Have him test his ability so you can see for yourself!" Dax pleaded.

Abadamn narrowed his eyes. He then smiled and walked to the back of the room where a large black curtain hung, covering the other half of the room.

"Ryan would you be so kind and help me remove this curtain?" Abadamn asked.

Quickly I got up and helped him pull the curtain back. A ray of sunlight sprung out from a huge crack in the ceiling. I hissed and stumbled backwards, holding my arms up to block myself. Suddenly a strong arm wrapped around my waist and I then being pulled slowly towards the sunlight. Abadamn shifted me so that one hand was on my neck and the other was on my head.

"Destry do you see this ray of light? I want you to use your powers to protect Ryan from it. If you fail to do so, not only will he get a small burn, but since I am nice I will snap his neck to put him out of his misery. The challenge begins now"

"W-Wait what?! No I can't! Stop please can't I show you some way else?!" Destry began to tremble, looking around the room searching for an answer.

"Maybe a little motivation will help you?" Abadamn walked closer to the light. I struggled to break free, but the more I did so, the tighter his grip got causing my neck to start cracking.

"How about.."

"My lord wait!" Dax shouted.

"...Oops" Abadamn pushed me into the light.

I fell onto my knees as the same pain from before came back. My whole body burned in giant flames.

"Gah! Please! Make it stop!" I yelled from the top of my lungs. Silence didn't even get a chance to set in, my cries of pain only grew louder.

"You're going to kill him stop! Stop!" Jay cried out, fighting off the guards to try and get to me.

"Oh relax Jeremy the flames wont kill your brother, I will but that's if Destry..."

Destry was on his knees, eyes closed and hands over his ears.

"What a shame..." Abadamn shook his head and walked into the light, hold my head in the same position as before.

"You know snapping necks isn't as fun, I'm still a little hungry if you know what I mean" he grabbed onto my hair and yanked my head to the side. Everything was starting to get blurry as soon as he started to drain me.

"Stop!" Destry shouted. His nose began to bleed as if there was too much pressure being put on him. Then out of no where a ball of bones and skulls smashed against Abadamn, smashing him to the wall. I was still left burning in the sunlight, not being able to scream anymore. Everything was being covered by black spots.

"Ryan stay with me! No matter what we stay together! Ryan!" Destry's voice was what I heard last before I lost hearing and sight of everything.


This is not the end! There is about one or two more chapters before the ending! <3

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