The Stony Prince and The Perv...

By woozixxi

26.9K 1.4K 873

❝I don't ask much of you, Hyung... Just love me forever and I'll be happy... Oh, And make lots of babies with... More

A Midsummer Night's Sweetness
Because of You
Mansae pt 1
Mansae pt 2

Adore U

4.6K 248 151
By woozixxi


Mingyu whined from his spot on the couch.

The latest rejection from his beloved kept on replaying on his mind like a broken record. Right, broken. Just like how he felt that very moment. A pout formed on his lips as he got no response from his best friend.

"Wonwooooo ah..." He whined yet again. "Why won't Jihoon hyung love me? Am I not handsome enough?"

The sound of a paper being turned was the only response that he got.

"My heart..." He clutched his chest and stared at the ceiling with a pained expression. "Feel my heart... It's broken..." Okay, that idiot didn't just quote a Jennifer's body line, did he? Wonwoo resisted the urge to roll his eyes at how Mingyu was whining and pouting at the same time. He was used to his antics that seemed to worsen ever since he started obsessing over Jihoon.

"Wonwooooo... I want Jihoon to love me..." And he was now swinging his arms and legs like a kid throwing a tantrum. "Is that too much too ask?"

"Why won't he love me?"

"Why can't I erase these feelings?"

"My chest hurts whenever I see him..."

"He doesn't even eat the lunches that I make..."

"Why is he so mean to me?"

"Am I not cute enough?"

"Am I too tall? Yes. That's probably it! Jihoon hyung's height is really cute. But but! Don't we complement each other because of that? Like like, I'm tall. I could carry him around as much as he wanted. Seriously Jihoon hyung! Why won't you love me-"

"-okay shut up." Wonwoo grumbled from his spot on the bed. He closed the magazine he was reading and finally decided to answer all of Mingyu's useless questions. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

Mingyu nodded, childish pout still in tact.

"First." He raised his index finger in the air. "You're too clingy. You give him lunches, love letters, glomps on him whenever you see him, invades his personal space." Wonwoo coldly then added. "Nobody likes a clingy person."

Mingyu was about to contradict that but Wonwoo then raised his middle finger. "Second. You're a pervert.

" The tall boy gasped at that. He instantly sprung from his spot to defend himself. "I am not!"

"You are," Wonwoo shook his head in disapproval. "Remember when you gave him a pink dress? Don't tell me you didn't thought of nasty things when you did so."

"I-I didn't!"

"That was a lingerie, Kim Mingyu." Wonwoo rubbed his temples. "A lingerie."

"Yah! It wasn't even that vulgar! It was rather cute..." Mingyu murmured the last part and twiddled his index fingers together.

"I know you too much to believe that, Mingyu." Wonwoo sighed and shook his head yet again. "And third... Did it ever occur to you that he's not into boys?"

"But I wasn't also into boys before I met him!"

And that was true. Mingyu had already been into three relationship, all of it was with a girl. The thought of liking someone from the same gender didn't even crossed his mind until he saw Jihoon that day. It was a strange sensation. Like the world seemed to stopped turning when he saw that pink haired boy entered the classroom.

His heart started thumping on his chest in a rather wild manner. His mouth turned dry and he swore he also started blushing that very moment.

Wonwoo shook his head in disapproval. "It isn't the same with everyone, Mingyu. And we both know that you don't see him as boy."

Mingyu sank deeper onto the couch at that statement. It was true, he doesn't really seemed to see Jihoon as a boy. His mind couldn't seemed to properly process that. "Then... What am I supposed to do?"

Wonwoo stared at him for the longest time and he knew that whatever advice will he say, Mingyu will have no choice but to follow it.


Mingyu was torn. He was dying. He was having a withdrawal. He felt like he can't live anymore.

Or maybe he was just over reacting.

But he don't know if he could last long with this plan.

Well, Wonwoo's advice was to stop giving Jihoon lunches and love letters. And see if he gives the slightest care about Mingyu and his extra annoying affection. (A lie because Wonwoo just wanted for Mingyu to shut up so that he can read in peace.)


Easier said than done.

Mingyu woke up extra early that day to make Jihoon another lunch that's obviously going to be rejected. But while in the midst of cooking, he remembered that he wasn't supposed to cook for Jihoon anymore.

So to not waste his efforts up. He decided to just give it to Wonwoo, who gave him a stink eye when he did so. Mingyu hurriedly then clarified that it meant nothing and told him he's not his type. Although still suspicious, Wonwoo still ate it.

Jihoon on the other hand was startled that he saw no lunch on his locker that day. What was even more shocking was the fact that instead of glomping on him like he usually do when they bump on the hallways, the boy wore this pained expression before he dashed to the opposite direction of where Jihoon was. Of course he tripped countless times.

It was strange.

And it continued for about an entire week.

The cafeteria was noisy as always. Soonyoung was spouting some nonsense to Seokmin yet again. Seungkwan would butt in from time to time and the other occupants of the table laughed along their antics. Except for a certain someone.

Jihoon mindlessly poked the meat on his ramyun, hearing nothing of his friends conversation. For some unknown reasons, the food doesn't look appealing that very moment. It wasn't that because it was spicy, no Jihoon's ramyun was devoid of any chilli so it was pretty harmless.

And yet, Jihoon still doesn't seemed to have the appetite. A certain someone's image then popped up in this head. His stupid smiling face and extra cringe worthy love letters suddenly filled the entire space of his brain.

Jihoon hurriedly shook that image off. His cute smile, dorky ways, clumsy self. Oh my God, why on earth was he thinking of him in the first place?



That kid has nothing to do with how your food looked less appealing that moment. Said Jihoon's more rational side.

"Right, Jihoon?"

Soonyoung suddenly spoke, waking him from his trance. The pink haired boy looked at his friend who had this hopeful expression on his face. He also noticed that everyone on the table had their eyes on him. Jihoon silently cursed as he had no idea what this Soonyoung spoke of.

And he simply can't say yes.

Well for starters saying yes to Soonyoung led him to having a ridiculous pink hair in the first place.

"I'm sorry," He cleared his throat. "I wasn't listening. Can you please repeat that again?"

Soonyoung dramatically groaned at that. "Oh come on! I said a lot and you're just going to ignore me like that? How could you?"

"Who told you to spout those nonsense anyway?" Jihoon then countered, all through which maintaining a straight face. Series of 'ooooh's filled the table at that. Soonyoung pouted even further and chose to clung onto Jihoon's arms, whining alongside something that sounded like 'why are you so mean' or 'I thought you love me?'. The shorter boy just sighed and although he wasn't that hungry he still forced himself to eat the now lukewarm ramyun.

Unknown to him, there was currently a pair of eyes glaring at them three rows from their seats.

Said owner of the eyes was pouting as he watch the scene unfold right before him. He put a tempura on his mouth, eyes squinting as Soonyoung continued to cling onto Jihoon like a monkey. Jealousy wasn't even enough to describe what he felt. Like why can his relationship with Jihoon be like that?

And Wonwoo's advice slash plan wasn't working. Jihoon doesn't seemed to miss his lunch and letters.

Mingyu heaved a sigh, a feat that didn't escaped Seungcheol's observant eyes.

He followed the younger's sight and eventually it landed onto a certain pink fairy.

He knew of his 'little brother's' -they're cousins- obssession over the Student Council's cute as a button Secretary. And the news about him completely stopping his entire public display of affection to Jihoon had reached him.

Seungcheol thought that Mingyu had finally gotten over Jihoon but looking at him now seemed to state otherwise. Mingyu's eyes screamed murder as he glared at Soonyoung and Jihoon.

Seriously what the hell was happening? He frowned and kicked Wonwoo under the table, successfully catching his attention. He motioned towards Mingyu. Wonwoo merely just gave him a glance before he shrugged and resumed eating his lunch.

He then looked at Hansol who was also busy reading something on his phone. The boy ate his lunch without minding much of his surrounding. And when Seungcheol tried getting his attention, it earned him a kick on the shin.


Mingyu on the other hand completely lost it when Soonyoung leaned down and wiped some sauce off of the corner of Jihoon's lips.

The taller boy could only take that much. He slammed his chopsticks down, albeit a little too loud, the table shook at the feat and the entire cafeteria went silent at that. Even Jihoon finally noticed him at that point.

Mingyu felt himself go red. He abruptly stood up and muttered an apology which was then followed by him dashing out of the school cafeteria.

A moment of silence passed. No one dared to speak a word, and almost on cue, all eyes fell on Jihoon who was also startled by the sudden outburst.

What the hell.


Mingyu let out a huge sigh and slumped down on the floor of the entrance.

The rain was pouring extra hard that time and being the forgetful person that he is, he forgot to bring an umbrella. And it was already 5:54 in the evening, which meant that his friends had already gone home.

He was the one assigned for the cleaning duty and it took him awhile to finally finish.

Another sigh left his lips and decided that he had no other choice but to wait until the rain stops. Mingyu mindlessly watched the rain as it continued to pour harder. The atmosphere was gloomy and the light on the hallway wasn't even helping lighting it up. It even worsened when the school DJ decided that playing 'BAP's Rain Sound' during days like this was the best time. His mind unconsciously drifted back to Jihoon.

Was he really nothing towards the older boy? Did his feelings really never reached him? Was Wonwoo actually right when he said that Jihoon might never like someone from the same gender? Why must unrequited love hurt this much? Why must Jihoon be that cute anyway? It should be illegal.

Mingyu was so caught up in his thoughts that he didn't even noticed the figure that stood a few meters away from him.

Said figure sighed heavily while clutching the umbrella in his hand. He was contemplating whether he'll walk to the bus stop using the umbrella or not. The wind was too strong for his liking, and the chances of it breaking was too high.

The tapping of feet woke Mingyu from his slight trance and he nearly choke on air as he recognized the owner. Jihoon doesn't seemed to notice him yet, the shorter boy had his nose scrunched up as he appeared to be in deep thought. A feat that Mingyu found cute.

Jihoon ah...

Oh how much he wanted to reach out and hug him.

Like he missed the times wherein he could feel the olders warmth, even if it mostly just last for a few moments. But even still, he like it when he held Jihoon that close.

Well he like Jihoon in general, so yeah.

He must've been staring for far too long because the pink haired boy suddenly turned his head to his direction. Mingyu's breath hitched as Jihoon's eyes turned wide and made this face like he'd just seen a ghost. Mingyu's first instinct was to run. So he abruptly stood up from his spot and clumsily ran to the exit.


A feat that he wasn't able to make when he felt a hand grab his arm. Mingyu stumbled back to the shelter of the school's roof. His savior on the other hand wasn't that lucky. Upon pulling Mingyu back into the entrance, Jihoon lost his balance and went straight into the raging rain. It only took a few seconds before Jihoon found himself sitting on the cold wet ground completely soaked up in the rain.

"Jihoon hyung!" Mingyu screamed and was about to follow him but the pink haired boy raised his hand to stop him.

Why do stuffs like this happens whenever he's around Mingyu?

So basically, that's how he found himself sitting inside the Student Council room, wearing the taller boy's Jersey (which was rolled as it was too big for his own liking). Jihoon resisted the urge to cringe at how Mingyu looked too happy that very moment. On the lighter note, said boy wasn't saying anything. He just sat on his seat and grinned while twiddling his fingers together.

After all, never in his wildest dreams that he'd live to see Jihoon finally wearing one of his clothes.

But the atmosphere was awkward. On Jihoon's part anyway as Mingyu was more than happy being with him that evening. So to broke it all off, Jihoon cleared his throat. "So..." He started. "How are you?"

Oh Gosh.

Did he heard that right?

Did his precious sunbaenim just asked about his well being?

Was this really happening?

Or was this another episode of Mingyu's daydreaming?

And then he'll find himself being woken up by Wonwoo and realizes that Jihoon still finds him an eyesore. That the older boy doesn't give a single cent about him.


Almost as if reading his thoughts, Jihoon sighed and ruffled his still damp hair. His cheeks were slightly painted in pink and was taking his all to not dash out of the room due to embarrassment. "Yah, this isn't a dream. Answer my question, dammit."

Mingyu blinked. His skin turned darker when he realized Jihoon just caught him spacing out. "I'm sorry! I-it's just that..." He sadly looked down and resumed playing with his fingers. "You never asked me that before... Most of the time... You..." Mingyu bit his lips.

"...." Jihoon looked at his palms, completely turning silent at Mingyu's words.

"Hyung..." He then spoke after a few moments of silence. The boy didn't even tried to hide his feelings any longer. Just because he loves Jihoon so much, doesn't mean that he never had any pent up frustration towards the boy. "Why won't you eat the lunches that I make?"


"I know I annoy you, hyung..." Mingyu smiled sadly. "But I never really had any ill intentions towards you."

"I want you to just at least notice me... Maybe at this point on... I just... Probably wanted to be your friend..."

"Because..." Mingyu stopped. Series of words filled his mind, series of sentences that he could say. He wanted to say 'I love you', 'I wanted to be with you', but he had already said those words countless times that they probably lacked the sincerity that he wanted.

He wanted to let him know that what he felt was real. That all of it was wasn't merely just a product of his boredom.

It was safe to say that Mingyu never felt something as strong as this was before.

So instead of saying 'I love you' he said the closest thing that he could think of.

"I adore you."


Even if my lips are dry, I need to say this baby

I adore you, I adore you, enough to get dizzy. ♪

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