The Alpha or the Beta

By MyBabyBlueEyes

27.9K 627 43

Leann Smith is in foster care and has been there basically her entire life. She tried her hardest to make it... More

(1) Going Out With a Bang
(2) His First Reaction
(3) Clouded Thoughts
(4) Make it quick!
(5) At Least you found me
(6) Nighty Night.
(7) Well Aren't You Cute?
(8) Are We A We?
(10) Cinnamon
(11) Could You Have Two?
(12) Biggest Mistake of My Life
(13) Pack History
(14) Stop Fighting!
(15) Whipped
(16) Kind of Kinky
(17) Death is Never Peaceful
(18) Perfectly Made for Me
(19) A Little Bit Crazy
(20) Flashback
(21) I Love You
(22) Sitting Ducks
(23) And That Was Saying Something
(24) Delainey
(25) Was I Ready For This
(26) Betrayal
(27) I Still Love You
(28) The End is Near

(9) Complications

1K 29 2
By MyBabyBlueEyes

Hola! Mucho gusto! I was in a writing mood this weekend. I love all of my fans and readers so much! I have over 1000 reads and over 20 votes, you guys are so sweet!

Oh hey I am looking for a new cover. So if you want to make me one for this story I would be soo thankful. Do what ever you want and surprise me. Just make sure it has the name of the story and if you could my name on it. If you have any questions just leave a comment and I will answer them. Thanks =)

Leann POV

So much had happened in the last 24 hours it was insane! I moved to a place that could have been my own living hell, met Liam who may or may not hate me, got lost in the woods, cried a little, met the guy of my dreams, was happier than a clam, was told I was not aloud to see him, asked why that was, got yelled at and then was told that I was not aloud to date anyone in Willa, if I tried they would have me shipped back to Jim in the matter of seconds, felt pretty down on myself, thought about leaving, decided I couldn't do that to Kyle, took a nap, woke up, and took a shower. Yah saying that it was a pretty crazy day was a bit of an understatement.

"Could you like get out?"

"What no strip tease for me today?"

"Just get out so I can get dressed ok?" It wasn't a question. I didn't care if it was Liam's room, he needed to leave.

"Whatever just don't take to long." When he left I walked over to my bed and grabbed my stuff. I didn't get why it was such a big deal if Kyle and I saw each other. Lots of teens our age date.

When I had got dressed and combed out my hair I went down stairs kind of pissed off. I made the squeaking of the stairs into some kind of game, trying to avoid making noise by jumping over the loud ones. It was harder than you may of thought, and it took most of your attention.

When I looked up I definitely did not expect to see nine different sets of eyes plastered on me. Wow I must have looked dumb, jumping around like a crazy person. "Leann we need to introduce you to some people." Thanks Mrs. Town it would have been good to know that there was going to be seven incredible looking guys standing in the living room before I came down here in a pair of sweats and a baggy t-shirt.

"Um okay." I saw Kyle wink at me. He was such a sweetie, which was going to make it even harder for me to tell him we couldn't see each other.

"Leann why don't you come over here?"

"Sure." I walked over and stood between her and Mr. Town, who were somewhat separated from the rest of them.

They were all really attractive in their own ways. But none of them caught my eye like Kyle did. Liam was coming in super close though, that guy was to hot for his own good. They all looked much older than Kyle.

"Leann, this is Seth, Harrison, Thomas, Zac, Lucas, and of course you already met Kyle and Liam." Mr. Town's deep voice announced to break the awkward silence.

"Who are they?" There were just way to many attractive guys in one room. It wasn't healthy!

"Sweetie these are Liam's friends. Most of them live with us as well." Mrs. Town whispered in my ear.

I leaned over and whispered back into hers. "Why?"

"Hey guys why don't we go and start up the barbeque?" Shouted out the guy standing in-between Kyle and Liam.

"Ill talk to you about it later ok honey?" Actually I wasn't ok with that. No one around here told me anything. Everything was a secret, well one of these days I was going to figure out all of their secrets. That I was sure of.

"Leann why don't you go and help the boys with the barbeque?" Mr. Town interrupted us as if to stop my curiosity.

"Okay, sounds like a plan Mr. Town."

"Don't worry about it, non of them will bite." Him and Mrs. Town started giggling like there was some kind of obvious inside joke I was missing.

I walked in the direction I hoped was to the barbeque. When I was in the hallway I felt someone come up behind me and wrap their arms around my waist.

"Hey Cutie." He leaned down and kissed the top of my head."

"Hey you." Is it just me or can you hear the smile in my voice?

I turned around in his arms so that I was facing him. He left his strong arms wrapped around me and I wrapped mine around him. "Kyle we need to talk."

"About what Leann." Its funny how I could go from being so happy to so sad within a matter of seconds.

I broke away from him and for a brief second I thought I saw hurt spread across his face, but it was soon replaced with a fake grin. "Mrs. Town told me that I was not aloud to see anyone from Willa, so we cant be together. I'm so sorry." I had just met this guy today and my heart ached more than it had the last time me and one of my boyfriends had broken up. I don't understand why.

"Leann its okay..."

"No Kyle its not, they shouldn't be able to tell me who I can and who I can not date. They are not my parents."

"Just the closest thing you have right now."

"I didn't ask for them."

"I know you didn't Leann. But what I was going to say was that it's okay because I talked to Mr. Town and he said that he understood why I have to be with you, so we can be together."

"You have to be with me?" Why would he have to do that?

"Yes I have to be with you. Your perfect." I knew that my cheeks were probably bright red.

I stretched up on my tippy toes and kissed him softly on the lips. He seemed surprised at first but soon kissed me back. His lips were so soft and moved perfect with mine. But before we could deepen our third kiss I heard a growl come from behind me. It sounded like the ones I had heard in the woods and the one I had heard in Liam's room last night.

Kyle broke away first and when I turned around in his arms, but there was nothing behind me.

"What was that?"

"What was what Leann?"

"That growl."

"What growl?"

"The one that just came from behind me." I wasn't dumb, and I wasn't to sure why he was acting like I was

"Leann there was nothing behind you."

"Then why did you stop kissing me?"

"Because I'm pretty sure they are going to need my help with the barbeque. Do you want to come help?"

"I guess." He grabbed my hand and led me in the direction of the back door.

As we were about to walk out I turned to him. "Hey Kyle?"


"Please don't let anything happen to me."

"Leann I would never let anything happen to you. I promise to always protect you, no matter how much it cost me."

"Thank you." I whispered into his ear then kissed him on the cheek. Could it be possible that I already fell in love with this guy?

Hey all you! Thanks so much for reading. I hope that this chapter wasn't too confusing. Who do you guys think was the growler from behind her? And do you think that Kyle is ever going to tell Leann that he is a Wolf?

Xoxo love you all.

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