The Alpha's Little Hybrid (Bo...

By Submissivekitty2

11.5K 508 68

First book in the Hybrid mate series...... His name Joshsan Morgan... Future Alpha of the blood scent pack... More

2.Music and Lunch
4.First Date
6.Another Of My Kind
6.Jase and Jade ?
7. Oh Yea! Barbe Bitch Down!
9. On Our Way and Parents
10.future-Luna Jewels introduction
11. Intruders and secrets
12.Story Time
13. Mother?
14. Explain
15. Elders Attack,, I kick their asses
16. War? Dad? Why? ( part 1)
17.War? Dad? Why?(part 2)
18. sister.....
19... Meet the king and Queen
20. WTF!!
21. Meeting A Friend? Maybe?
22. Best friend?
23.What are Shadows?
24..Our Glow
25. Besties
26.Cakes and Cookies
28. War
29. Surprise
30. Epilogue

8. sleepover and News.

560 22 6
By Submissivekitty2

I have changed the colour of Coral and Jackson hair. Coral-  blue hair
Jackson - blue hair

Jackson pic above

Jewels  pov

"Oh hell yea!" I replied excited-ly
"Ok then. Tuesday." Joshsan said.

Author-can pov
'''If your wondering 'What the hell is going on' well lets see a flashback. No no! A recap brought to you by Me!!!.Rennyboo! !!!!!'''

Jewels pov
We all got into Jackson's red-greenish jeep-van car thing. I hate it but it's the only 'car' we have that can hold more than five people. Well it's Friday and our sleep over Start's today. Yay!
Jackson,Coral,me, Joshsan, Jade,Jase , Mandy,Ken,Meagan and Ben were in the um van-jeep thing. While Grill,Andrew (he's not coming) May, Harry, Neal and Jess were in Andrew's convertable. Petter (the next fairy)  was riding his motorcycle with his mate Jane  ( fallen angle 'in training ').
We arrived at my house and I hopped out and unlocked the door. Everyone came in. We had a huge house. Three stories high. First level consist of the kitchen, living room ,dinner room ,Minni bar and tv room. Second level - movie room, gym, game room, three bathrooms even though each of the 8 bedrooms(guest bedroom)  has one. OK my room is on the first flour along with Jackson's and Coral's room also mom and dad's room when they come around. Also my personal play room. We also have a Minni bar on the top floor. We all went into the living room and sat down. Me and Joshsan are on the love seat the others are on the so rounding couches. Grill came in after saying bye to Andrew and sat down beside Petter.
"Oh My God! How many people live here guys?" May and Jane  gasped.
"Only five when our parents are here but since their off on a business trip,only three" Coral said
"No way. It huge! I think my bedroom can fit in here three times and let me tell you my bedroom is big." Ken and Ben said at the same time. Which is kinda creeping me out.
"OK.OK. we know we got a big house  "
"HUGE!" They all scream
"Ok. So what shall we do next?" I asked. Jess jumped up and said
"Dress up 911!" All the girls sqeuled while the boys groaned.
"Why no way. Unless you mean call the police  on your outfit." Ken said Ben just nobbed and said
"True bad outfit girl" Jess face grew red and she took out her wand and a pointed it at them and a bright pink and purple light went around them after Ken was in a pink dress to his knees and Ben was in a purple dress to his ankle. We all laughed so hard some of us were on the floor including me.
"Ahhhh! Jessica what have you done!"They screamed.
"Starting the game Dress up 911"
"What?" Neal asked
"It's something fairies play since we have magic. We use our magic to change each others clothes. One point for dressing the other in the next gender clothes. "
"Ah~but how will we play" asked Coral. we knew but~'human act'
"We fairies will hand you some magic you can use"
"OK then "
"Petter. The boys. Me the girls. Ready! " Jess called
"READY! "WE all call.
We got some magic and we played for an hour and a half. Running around the bottom floor. They got me in a baggy pants and a sweater all black and grey also brown. I hate those colours but I got Joshsan in a skinny jeans and tank top which he looked so hot in and I was stairing at him (which is how the got me)  i also got Jackson in a booty shorts and tail blouse. The girls won 38 to 21 . We sat done and got snacks from the kitchen which they fussed over again. We were trying to decided whether to play Never have i ever or truth or dare. Because I hate truth or dare, we played Never have I ever. We got so beer and poured them in shoot glasses since I don't want drunk Coral to be released. We sat in a circle around the table.
"OK, me first. Never have I ever spent time in jail" Mandy said. Me, Neal, Coral and Joshsan drank.
They looked at me and Coral.
"What?" We both asked. sometimes it feels like she's my twin and more  than Jackson's.
"You guys have been to jail Joshsan growled out.
"Yea. We kinda ," I stuttered
"We broke into the Mayor's bar and pub and mixed up the drinks alittle and flooded the whole place" Coral said
"What! No way. That's so cool!" Grill shouted.
"Yea. Their reaction was awesome" Coral said laughing
"They were like 'AHHHH~ OH MY GOD WHAT THE F**K HAS HAPPENED. YOU LITTLE STUCKED UP SPOILED BRATS .YOU ARE GOING TO PAY FOR THIS YOU F**KED UP PIECE OF SH*T. COME HERE'" I shouted acting like Mr. Pepper the Mayor and a vampire/ werecat.
"Hahahahahahahahhahaha!!" We all laughed
"Yea, but we did have to pay for the damage and the people that got food poisoning. " I said after I stopped laughing and now chuckling.
"Yeah. But that was not a problem except the week we had to spend in that jail cell." Coral said.
" you guys know how bad that was  but it was fucking funny to see his face" . After a hour of that we watched movies. At 12:45, we were tiered. I showed the girls to. Coral's room while the boys went to Jackson's room. Before i could go into Coral's room Joshsan pulled me aside.
"I want to tell … ask you something " he said
"Well …… will you come with me to meet the pack at the pack house.?"he asked
"Josh-" I began but he cut me off.
"You'll meet my family and also. Iwantyoutomeetthepacksoicantellthemyourtheirfutherlunaandalso somethingealse-." He burlted out but I stopped him by kissing him.
"Joshy! I was going to say yes"
"Really" he asked. Ugh! This boy!
"Oh hell yea!" I replied excited-ly
"Ok. Then. Tuesday." Joshsan said
I went back to Coral's room telling them and they all were so happy .
I am happy for this sleepover and news.

Hey my kittens
That's it. Sorry about taking so long to update. School keeps me busy . I am glad to finally be writing again. Oh I forgot something :; OH MY GOD 102VEIWS YAYY!!!.. But please vote. Thanks. Don't be shy please  Vote and comment.  k ...Meow


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