The Last One

By GoneNeverForgotten

590 69 76

Images of the other five pounded through her mind, excruciating pain excreted out of every pour of her body... More

The Last One

One: Blocked

155 17 9
By GoneNeverForgotten

lol guys when yo get to the ending its kind cheesy sorry :/ BUT THANK YOU FOR ALL THE COMMENTS, I LOVED EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM <3 comment, vote and fan if ya like :D


One: Blocked

                His eyes opened; the hazel that consumed his pupils widened when he saw the date. It flashed across the clock in green letters, screaming to him to remember, remember all the people he watched die as the man smacked them with a bat over and over again…

                He stood up, the cold hardwood floor sat under his feet, being crushed each day by merely his weight. The sun poured in through the windows, shadows engulfed the light from the trees. Small flecks of dust swam in the air; the sun illuminating the pieces of unwanted fibers along with his tanned skin, a beautiful glow radiated off of him, not even an angel could’ve pulled it off like he did. His dark blonde hair sparkled as his light blonde highlights shone out with pride, grasping the attention for itself.

                Ethan reached for the draw and forced it open, pulling out the only nice shirt he owned. He tugged it over his head. The white buttons screamed in protest at the anger that filed him once every year, their threads being stretched so thin that were at their breaking point. Swinging the black jacket over his shoulders, he tugged on the matching suit pants, not bothering to undo the button.

                The worst day of his life, kept repeating through his head like a broken record. Black vinyl scratched from the overuse, skipping and pausing at certain scenes in his skull.

                Blood curdling shrieks still rang in his ears; the hopelessness in their eyes was inscribed into his eyelids.  Small faces covered with smeared red blinded his vision; so many whispers begged him to be let out of the god damned cage the man kept them in. The man he killed.

                There wasn’t one day he regretted plunging the knife deep into his lower back, to have blood spurt out onto his face and clothes. The substance stained his skin as he told the little girl to run, the little girl that he dreamt about every night since then.

                Don’t put yourself though torture for a girl you’re never going to see again, he thought bitterly, gritting his teeth.  

                The water bottle in his hand cracked open as he squeezed it, inhuman strength brewing in him. Pools of the clear liquid hastened to the floor, devastating into millions of pieces. He closed his eyes hoping to calm down, to rid of the antagonism that boiled inside of him, spilling over its contents all over the terrain.

                You’ll see her there, this time she will be there. Ethan tried convincing himself of the lies that spread venom inside of him, poisoning his mind along with the rest of him. Every time he tried it worked, the one flame of hope still burned in the core of his body, oxygen nourishing the flame every time air flooded his lungs. It still sat there, unharmed, untouched after so many years.  

                He walked down the stairwell, footsteps reverberating throughout the house. Moisture built in his hand as he clutched it into a fist; the simple task of opening a door was made foreign like a language he could not speak, but was forced to talk it.

                Frustrated, he unlocked the door and kicked it. The wood came flying open, smacking the person on the other side in the face. A grunt of pain was muttered under their breath, like a whisper in the wind.

                “Dude,” Sam stood in front of him glaring, his ocean blue eyes were lasers that burned holes into Ethan. Black hair sat on top of his head, a flip in front as the rest of his hair lay down peacefully. A scolding feeling rose inside if home, a pit of guilt forming in the depths of his stomach. “What the hell?”

                “I didn’t know you were there, sorry.” He slid past him, eyes cast downwards in misery as he avoided his gaze.

                “I hope so,” Sam stalked him to the car; footsteps echoed his in sync as if it was a dance. “Dude, what’s wrong? Is it-”

                He turned abruptly and held up a hand to cut him off, although he felt more tempted to punch him squarely in the jaw, like he’s done in the past when he said something wrong. “Do. Not. Bring. That. Up.” A growl escaped his lips; the shock that it was actually him overwhelmed him, killing whatever part of him that was left thriving.

                “I’m sorry,” Blue eyes shone with the guilt of what he’d just done, of the words that almost escaped his lips to float in the stiff air around them, the silence piercing.

                “I know.” Without another word he turned on his heels sharply heading to his car. Ethan opened the door and slammed it closed; putting the key in the engine he drove away, not turning back once.


                Adrianna ran her fingers across the picture of a distant memory, the small boys face shining with joy as he stared at the camera that looked at him. His hair was the same shade as her dark brown hair that fell in curls to her mid-breast, the same delicacy of a piece of glass. Warm chocolate brown dyed his irises the shade of sweets, a hot liquid that swirled inside of his eyes, traces of golden caramel blended in.

                She looked at the other faces around her, tears streamed down their cheeks for the children that never had a chance. Pictures lined up above the graves of the young, small toys and trinkets being placed beneath them. Everyone says that losing a child was like losing a part of yourself, ripping it away from your warm blooded body and letting it bleed on the cold hard ground as their child’s heart stopped. Now, after ten long years later, she knew what they meant.

                Anger bubbled up inside of her as she looked at the people surrounding her once again; their faces became dryer each 365 days, each hour they slowly forget them, there existent fading away. How could they forget the memories she couldn’t? How could they forget the many personalities of their own offspring? Did they not care anymore?

                She shook her head, tears brimming her eyes as she stared down at her dead brother’s grave. He was four, four and not a day older because he was killed on his birthday. The pain ripped inside of her once again, shredding the only pieces of hope she ever had left. Although she lived, she felt dead, felt as if she should’ve been dead. That boy shouldn’t have saved her.

                “You okay,” A voice pulled her from her thoughts, strong and deep she turned to see the speaker and caught her breath when she did.

                Their faces matched each other’s, expressions just as dumbfounded as the one across from them. Light colored eyes stared in awe at the fact they finally found each other, the only person who would actually understand.

                “Adrianna,” Ethan whispered gently, a wave of relief flooded over him. He found her, he finally found her.

                “Ethan, right,” With a nod he step towards he cautiously, as if the ground would crack under him, sending him to the lower depths of hell. Her green eyes sparkled in the sun, pale features perfectly defined by the loose ringlet curls that encased her face. A small build held up her head, tiny shoulders, and little waist, everything in perfect proportion.  A black tight dress hugged the hourglass figure she claimed for herself, it was almost selfish that she kept them to herself while the rest of the world had to stare in jealousy at her beauty.

                “Long time no see, huh?” He leaned causally against a nearby tree, flashing a charmed smile that made her insides melt. Shaggy blonde hair fell down to just above the same hazel eyes she say so many years ago. Tan skin stood out against the black suit he worse, a perfect contrast of the colors. You could still see his flawlessly sculpted abs hidden beneath his white shirt. “How old are you now, sixteen or seventeen?”

                “Seventeen and you’re nineteen correct?” The words flooded out of her mouth as if she has had known him forever, best friends since a young age.

                “Yep,” His smile never faltered as he talked, his lips set as stone as he showed off his pearly white teeth.

                There was a silence for a minute, only soft muttering of voices filling their ears as they stared at each other. Never once did they look away, the eyes locked on each other’s as if their lives depended on it. And on some level it did, some level neither of them was aware of.

                “It was your father wasn’t it,” She whispered softly, the question only meant for her head but came out of her mouth instead.

                “Who killed all of them? Yeah, it was.” The dryness in his tone almost made her want to get a drink of water as if it was contagious. “He wouldn’t have killed you. He would’ve stopped, I knew that too, but he would’ve kept killing…would’ve murdered more siblings and destroyed family if I didn’t kill him…”

                “No one blames you; everyone thinks you’re a hero.” His façade changed quickly from prodigious joy to a grave expression as if something inside of him had been slaughtered. When he heard her a small smile appeared on his features, a horrid replica of the first one that was plastered on there just seconds earlier.

                The electronic beep from her phone made her glance dawn at her purse; she stuck her hand in and checked the message carefully. Green eyes held a terrified gleam in them; a scared appearance was being painted over her epidermis.

Wanna play a game? She re-read the text over and over again and soon responded to the blocked number.


Well I do. Her heart pounded harder in her chest than the day she ran from the man who just tried to kill her. She didn’t want to play; she didn’t like games, not these types of games anyway. It’s called hide and seek. You hide, I kill.

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