His Mate (Sequel to His Girl)...

By Katt_Natt

201K 5.6K 347


Chapter 1 (Episode 1 Part 1)
Chapter 2 (Episode 1 Part 2)
Chapter 3 (Episode 1 part 3)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 (Episode 2 Part 1)
Chapter 7 (Episode 2 Part 2)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10 (Episode 3 Part 1)
Chapter 11 (Episode 3 Part 2)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 (Episode 3 Part 3)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 (Episode 3 Part 4)
Chapter 16 (Episode 3 Part 5)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 (Episode 4 Part 1)
Chapter 19 (Episode 4 Part 2)
Christmas Chapter
An Angels Dance With The Devil
Chapter 20 (Episode 4 Part 3)
Chapter 21 (Episode 4 Part 4)
Chapter 22 (Episode 4 Part 5)
Chapter 23 (Episode 4 Part 6)
Chapter 24
Chapter 25 (Episode 5 Part 1)
Chapter 26 (Episode 5 Part 2)
Chapter 27 (Episode 5 Part 3)
Chapter 28 (Episode 5 part 4)
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (episode 5 Part 1)
Chapter 31
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36 (final chapter)
His Soul

Chapter 32 (Episode 9 Part 1)

3.8K 111 10
By Katt_Natt

~~ 20 Minutes into Lydia's Party ~~

I took a swig of the strange tasting punch and watched as people drunkenly stumbled around Lydia's house and backyard, for some reason the punch was hitting me hard as it would a normal human, leaning against the concrete and took a deep breath in, trying to sober up.

"I'm looking for Frey Parker" a familiar males voice drifted from the house and I followed it to find the man who haunted my dreams standing in the living room, he turned and smiled at me his grey-blue eyes sparkling with happiness "there you are" he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead in a very father like fashion.

"Who are you?" I asked, he looked just as he did in all my dreams, he felt like he was real too, I could feel heat radiating off of his body, I pulled away from his comforting heat and stared at him in confusion, why did I feel like I was safe with a man I had never met?

"I'm Deucalion, but you already knew that" he smiled and touched my hair slightly "My daughter, all grown up" he smiled again causing me to scream and back away from him hastily.

"No" I shouted, blinking I came face to face with Matt who was staring at me like I was insane "sorry" I mumbled running out of the house I kicked off my shoes and jumped into my car to get to Derek.

~~ Train Station ~~

Slamming my cars door I tripped down the stairs and into the station I caught a bunch of screams ad shouts coming from one of the carriages as I stumbled the rest of the way down the stairs "Derek!" I half shouted half sobbed, there was a mighty roar and I was slammed into the concrete floor of the station wheezing out my breath I grabbed my attacker and punch them in the face before they could even comprehend that I had gotten the upper hand.

Throwing unconscious Erica off of me I stood up and limped into the carriage where Derek was wrestling with Boyd on the floor "Frey" Issac growled from behind me making me jump, I swung around ready for a fight but Issac, in wolf form, just stood there like it was the easiest thing in the world.

"Issac, Erica is out on the concrete unconscious bring her in here while I help Derek" I pointed to Erica who was still out cold and he nodded and walked over to her calmly while I dealt with Boyd and Derek, gripping the back of Boyd's shirt and pants I ripped him off of Derek and threw him against on of the metal poles that held up the carriage's roof.

"Thank God" Derek mumbled standing up he pulled me into a short hug before tying Boyd and Erica up once more, but this time more securely, Issac went and sat down where I could only assume he had sat before and waited for Derek to tie him up to "Think you'll be okay now. Looks like you found an anchor" Derek looked at me as I wiped my tear stained cheeks and leaned against the closest seat to them.

"My father" Issac mumbled, his eyes never leaving the front of the train like it was the most interesting thing in the entire world.

"Your father locked you in a freezer in the basement to punish you," I said, seriously questioning the young wolf's sanity, it was like he lost his mind and not in a hilarious Lex Luther kind of way, more like a Joker/Trickster kind of creepy way.

"He didn't use to" Issac smiled at nothing and put his hand on his lap as Derek tested his restraints before looking at me.

"I thought you were at Lydia's" Derek looked at my tear stained cheeks and panda eyes and pulled me into his arms "are you okay?" he asked as he moved me out of the carriage and made me face him head on. I was about to open my mouth to tell him that I was most certainly not okay but movement caught my eye and  Lydia stepped out of the shadows next to us.

"Lydia?" I said in confusion, she should be at her party, she didn't even blink, she just stared at Derek and I lifted her hand, opened it and blew ground up wolfsbane into our faces, coughing once Derek and I fell to the ground, unconscious.

~~ Hale House; Thrid Person's POV: ~~

Lydia dragged Derek and Frey through the burnt out shell of the Hale house and came to a halt near the hole in the floorboards that Peter was curled up in, dead, she let go of both their hands as Derek came to slowly, "Lydia" he mumbled "Lydia" he said again as he opened his eyes and looked at Frey who lay next to him unconscious, he then looked at the strawberry blonde and the hole she had made.

Frey awake and looked at Derek then at her friend who had grabbed Derek's hand and put it down the hole with Peter and wrapped Peter's hand around Derek's wrist "Lydia, stop" Frey groaned, she knew what was happening but thanks to the wolfsbane she couldn't move "You don't know what you're doing" she mumbled out almost sleepily.

Lydia in a fugue state of mind looked over her shoulder as at the moon, stood up and repositioned the mirror behind her so that the moon rays could shoot around the room, hit the other mirrors she had set up, and hit Peter indirectly. Peter's hand that held Derek's wrist clenched as the moon hit him causing Derek to cry out in pain as he started to bleed, Frey who still lay helpless on the floor could only listen to her boyfriend shout. Peter's eyes shot open and he started to move his head and blink every few seconds as if he were alive again.

Derek's eyes flashed red for a second and the color disappeared as the pressure on his arm slowly relaxed, Derek breath out a sigh of relief with Frey and Lydia, Lydia's rapid breaths sounded around the roof as she peered into the hole where Peter was, just as she got close enough and after Derek had pulled himself away from the opening in the floor Peter shot up and gasped in a few breaths himself as he crawled out of the hole he had been stuck in.

Frey, now capable of movement grabbed Derek's shoulders and pulled him towards her and away from his serial killer uncle who chose that moment to speak "I heard there was a party" Peter lifted his head as Lydia's breaths became more and more frantic as he stood up straight in the middle of the Hale House living room, he stood there completely naked with a smirk planted on his face "Don't worry, I invited myself" he was alive again and completely healed.


Hey, guys, a new update for ya'll I hope you all enjoy, I know I enjoyed writing it. Even though it took me once again 45 minutes to write.

I hope you all noticed the little spoiler I put in this chapter for the next book, point it out if you know what it is so I can see if you caught it :)

~~ Katt xx

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