Tears Dropped

By MomentarilyCaught

207 28 8


Tears Dropped
A Cup of Hot Chocolate with my Brother's (almost) Assassin
The Letter

A "Brother"

36 5 3
By MomentarilyCaught


I took in a deep breath of the wonderful salty air.  Venice was beautiful, no other way to describe it. I looked over at Char my fiance (as of 2-3 hours ago),  he gave me one of his famous toothy grins.

 I gripped his hand tightly as he pulled me into a gondala. I had always wanted to ride on one, but living in DC I hadn't had much of a chance. When the gondala lurched forward we headed for a cloud of mist. I was blinded for a second and all I felt were tiny droplets of water resting on my cheeks. When we emerged out of the fog I saw we were going underneath a bridge. The lights of the nearby buildings danced in their reflection on the water.

The ride seemed much too short and soon I was walking hand in hand with Char back to the hotel. When I walked in the front door of the hotel's lobby the receptionist stopped me and asked,

"Are you Aliese Dilgaldo?"

I nodded my head slowly not exactly sure what to think.

"The telephone rang for you, its your brother. He says its urgent."

 Char had a puzzled expression on his face,

"You have a brother?" he whispered quietly.

"No! I don't I'm an only child, there must be some mistake maybe-"

the receptionist shook her head and handed me the phone.

 "hello?" I squeaked I already had a bad feeling about this.

"Hey sis! look I know you have never heard about me but could you meet me at the Giraldo Coffe Shop? In say, 1 hour?" Said a voice that sounded out of breath almost like he was running.

"Um... I-" I started,

"Please its important!" he almost yelled, there was a lot of commotion in the backround.

"How do I know your even my brother?" I said confused

"Your Aleise Dilgado, born on December 6th, 1991,  You were put up for adoption at 2 months because your parents died in a car crash from which you miraculously survived." He said rushed,

By now I was starting to get a little freaked out. I managed to sound calm over the phone, thishad to be some prank or something.

"Wow good for you. You know how to hack my Facebook!"

I heard a groan of frustration on the other side of the phone. "You have a flame shaped birthmark on your right shoulder that you don't like anyone to know about."

 I gulped and gently touched my shoulder. No one knew about that. No one! I had never showed my shoulder to anyone since I was a...  I screamed and slammed down the phone.

Startled I collapsed on a nearby chair and buried my face in my hands. Char knelt next to me and whispered,

"Are you gonna go?"  My throat was dry and I was still getting over the shock of the last few minutes. But I managed to force,

"I...don't know."

Char looked me straight in the eye and said,

"We are going. I'm not sure what is going on but I have a feeling in my gut its important."  He sounded so defiant I knew I couldn't refuse. I nodded my head slowly.

"C'mon, lets get you cleaned up. We want you in tip-top shape when you meet your..." he hesitated "brother." He let out a weak smile. 

Before I knew it I was standing outside the "Giraldo Coffe Shop" in the pouring rain. It had been almost a hour since the phone call. The Coffe Shop was closed, so we stood their shivering. After another, 30 or so minutes had past Char whispered,

"He's not coming Aliese."

I shook my head. He had to come!

Right on que both of us we're yanked behind a nearby tree. I almost let out a scream when a strong hand clasped over my mouth. I bit the hand as hard as I could.

A voice whispered "Relax Aliese! Its me!"

I looked over terrified as a teenager about 19 years old took of a black mask. He had curly blond hair and bright blue eyes. It was almost like looking into a mirror. Seeing him unleashed a string of memories... being in the car during the accident. I wasn't the only survivor.

 He smiled and said, "Hey sis! long time no see!" I gulped and said, "W-why did you want to talk with me and Char?"

"Well do I have to have a reason to congratulate my newly engaged sister!" I looked at him in disbelief,

"Okay fine I need your help. The names Rick, and I am a wanted man."

right then I heard a loud ear-splitting  bang and Rick was gone as soon as he had appeared.

I looked over at Char,

"Was that...Gunfire?"

he nodded slowly.

I had a feeling I was in for more than I had bargained for.   

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