The Alpha or the Beta

By MyBabyBlueEyes

27.9K 627 43

Leann Smith is in foster care and has been there basically her entire life. She tried her hardest to make it... More

(1) Going Out With a Bang
(2) His First Reaction
(3) Clouded Thoughts
(4) Make it quick!
(5) At Least you found me
(6) Nighty Night.
(7) Well Aren't You Cute?
(9) Complications
(10) Cinnamon
(11) Could You Have Two?
(12) Biggest Mistake of My Life
(13) Pack History
(14) Stop Fighting!
(15) Whipped
(16) Kind of Kinky
(17) Death is Never Peaceful
(18) Perfectly Made for Me
(19) A Little Bit Crazy
(20) Flashback
(21) I Love You
(22) Sitting Ducks
(23) And That Was Saying Something
(24) Delainey
(25) Was I Ready For This
(26) Betrayal
(27) I Still Love You
(28) The End is Near

(8) Are We A We?

1.1K 29 3
By MyBabyBlueEyes

So I decided to update a little early as a thank you. Guess what everyone I have almost 900 reads and almost 20 votes! I'm so excited! Thank you all so much for supporting me. It really does mean so much. I hope that you love this next chapter.

Oh and for the song. I was listening to this when i wrote the chapter. And i think it kinda fits. =) Tim McGraw-Taylor Swift.



Leann POV


Yah actually I think that I did want a ride home from him. Not only because my walk home would have been freezing, but because he made me feel safe. I don't exactly know why, but he made me feel like he would never let anything happen to me.

"Here this way." He was leading me out to the parking lot.

"What one is yours?"

"The silver Chevy pickup over there." He lifted his arm and pointed.

"Wow its nice."

"Ha not really, it's just a 2009."

"Hey that's pretty nice. I have never even owned a car."


"Yah, I never really got the chance."

"Well I bet you, you will. The Towns are kind of into fancy cars. Liam owns the new Chevy Camaro zl1."

"I wont be here long enough for them to buy me anything like that though..."

"Why is that?"

"Um, because everyone sends me back."

"You lost me."

"Um well I'm kind of in foster care." Usually when I tell people that I don't give it a second thought, but right now it was freaking me out how embarrassed I was.

"Really, I heard you were just staying with the Towns because your mother was friends with Liam's mom but I guess I might have heard wrong."


"No I bet I just heard someone wrong. Forget I even said anything."

"No, what do you mean she knew my mother?"

"I just heard that they knew each other."

"Really? I wonder how well. I guess well enough for me to stay with them."

"Yah I guess. Maybe just ask Mr. and Mrs. Town about it."

"You think they would have told me by now don't you?" He opened the passenger side door for me. How sweet. No guy had ever done that for me.



He walked around to the drivers side and got in. As he was turning the car on he turned to me. "You want to know something?"


"Your way to cute to be related to Liam anyway." My cheeks felt like they were on fire. This guy was seriously sweet.

"Thanks but if you didn't notice that whole family is really attractive. Actually everyone in this town is really good looking. Why is that?"

"The crazy weather?" He smiled over at me.

"I know what is up this that? Its freezing at night freezing in the morning and then crazy hot in the afternoon." I smiled back, hopefully I didn't look to ridiculous.

"Your so cute."

"Thanks, so are you." What? Did I just say that. This guy was making me say crazy stuff. Why?

"So how long have you been in town?"

"Um less than a day."

"Oh really so don't like know anyone yet?"

"No not really."

"Are you going to go to school?"

"I already graduated."

"How old are you?"

"Seventeen. What about you?"

"Same. How did you already graduate?"

"I skipped a grade."

"Oh, smart and cute. Your like the whole package."

"Aww thanks. Hey can I tell you something?"

"Sure anything."

"Okay so I feel really safe right now. And I usually am not very good at that because of the whole moving around a lot thing, but I do and another thing is that with most guys if I had just meet them and they were calling me cute and perfect I would have flipped out on them, but with you it doesn't feel weird at all." Holy cow why was I telling him all of this? I probably sounded like some crazy person he won't want to ever talk to again.

"Actually to tell you the truth I'm not very good when it comes to girls but I just feel like I can....." he trailed off.

"You can what?"

"Be myself with you."

"Well I feel like I can be myself around you too." By now we were already almost half way there.

"That's good. So has Liam been overly nice to you?"

"No actually he has been basically everything but nice to me. He is kind of a jerk." He looked away from me and back at the road. But I could tell he was smiling. I wonder why.

We didn't really talk the rest of the way back to the Towns. But it was not awkward at all. I cant tell you why but it just felt natural. Like sitting here with him was the easiest thing in the world. There was really no reason to talk the whole time.

When we got there I could see that they still were not home. "Hey before I go, do you think that maybe you could talk to the people at that restaurant and ask if they need a extra hand. I really want a job and that kind of seems like the perfect place."

"Why would you think that?"

"Because you are the only one that has been nice to me the whole time I have been here. And I don't think that I would really want to work somewhere where everyone hates my insides."

"Yah I think that I can get you the job, my grandma owns the place. And once I tell her some stuff I don't think she will have a problem with it."

"What kind of stuff?"

"Oh, uh nothing. You ready to go?"

"Yah I guess thank you so much for the Dr. Pepper and the ride home."

"Sure anytime." I bent down and grabbed my things and when I looked back up there he was, opening the door for me like a perfect gentleman.

"I could have got that."

"No its okay, I'm going to be staying for awhile anyway."

"You don't have to do that."

"I don't want you here by yourself and anyway I was coming over here after work either way, I basically live here." Why did my heart just skip a beat ?


"So I will be seeing you a lot?"

"Yah me and a bunch of other shirtless guys." Great so like my own personal Heaven.

"Why are you guys shirtless?"

"You said it yourself, its crazy hot here in the afternoon." Oh well that made sense.

"Well I'm happy I will be seeing you a lot."

"Yah? I'm pretty happy I will get to be seeing your beautiful face almost everyday." He reached over and grabbed my hand as we walked up to the downstairs door. It didn't feel weird at all. I could feel sparks running up my arm, that soon spread throughout my whole body. I had had boyfriends before and I had never felt anything like this. It felt, well it felt like magic.

"Do you feel that?"

"The sparks?"

"Yah those."

"Yah I feel them too. Pretty crazy right?" He felt them too? Yay!

"What do they mean?"

"I'm not sure."

"Well I like them." I let out a small giggle. He was really cute and I couldn't get my heart to slow down. It wasn't like that before he touched me. Hmm I wonder...

I dropped his hand and he looked sad. But the sparks stopped and my heart slowed down a little bit but not much. When I looked over at him he looked confused and I didn't like it.

"Leann, you want to know something?"


"You are the sweetest girl I have ever meet. And the fact that you are beautiful just adds to the whole effect."

"Aww thanks. You are pretty great yourself."

"I don't want to freak you out or anything its just you seem different."

"No I'm not freaked out, your so sweet. Truthfully I don't have much experience with guys but I know that usually you don't say how cute or sweet each other are the first day you meet, but this feels different. At least it does for me."

"No silly it does for me too."


"Yah, I don't really know how to explain it right now but I'm sure you will figure it out."

"Figure what out."

"Nothing." He grabbed my hand again and I felt a huge smile spread across my face. If it felt like this when we were holding hand I wonder how it would feel if we were doing something other than that. What would happen if we kissed? Would these sparks become stronger?

"So are you settled in?"

"Um kind of but not really. Like I said I'm not going to be here very long, so there is no reason for me to settle in you know?"

"Well I hope that you stay here longer than you are predicting, because if you leave I swear I will never feel sparks" He held up our intertwined hands "With anyone else ever again."

"You think? Because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't feel them with anyone else either." He leaned in and hugged me. I'm not going to lie, I hugged him back. This felt so right! He was just so perfect.

When I looked up at him he was smiling down at me. "What?"

"Nothing. Its just I was thinking. I just meet you today, not even an hour ago and I already know that if you were to leave I would miss you way to much."

He leaned down and kissed me ever so softly on the lips. The sparks got even stronger, not that that should have been possible. His lips were so soft and felt perfect against mine. Is it possible that I might not want to leave this place after just one day?

When we broke away he was smiling at me again. "Your so cute."

"Ha so are you. So when you said you were over here a lot, how often did you mean?"

"I mean that I sleep here five out of seven days in a week."

"So like one of these many bedrooms is yours?"

"Yup, actually there is like five other guys that live here. That's why you had to share a room with Liam. Not that I really like that."

"Don't be ridiculous. He cant stand me, nothing is going to happen there. And anyway I kind of thought we..." He leaned down and kissed me just as soft as before, like if he kissed me any harder he might break me.

When we broke apart he leaned down and whispered into my ear. "As long as you want me around we do."

"Good because I'm not going anywhere for at least a good month and a half."

"I bet you, you will be here longer than that Leann."

"I don't think so."

"Hey don't frown, I wont let you leave. So you aren't going anywhere."

"Kyle your so sweet but I feel like if the Towns don't want me here they can just call Mr. Richards and tell him a bunch of lies in order for me to go."

"Leann you have to be close to turning eight-teen right."

"Yah but I don't get how that matters. Oh you I forgot when I'm eight-teen I'm out of foster care!"

"When's your birthday?"

"In three months."

"See, you only have to last here three months and then you can do whatever you want, even if that includes leaving."

"I have a feeling that even if I last another three months I wouldn't be able to leave anyway."

"Leann we are home! Oh my goodness, I see you have meet Kyle." I forgot that we had been hugging.

"Oh um yah we met earlier today. Um Mr. Town I need to talk to you and Liam about some stuff would you mind?" Kyle sounded almost scared of Mr. Town.

"Not at all Kyle, why don't you come to my office?" Kyle leaned down to my ear again.

"Leann I will be right back, I promise."

"You're such a dork, just go." He smiled at me and then kissed me on the forehead. I watched him walk toward the hallway that held numerous doors, one I'm sure lead to Mr. Towns office.

"Leann what were you doing?" Mrs. Town asked

"Excuse me?"

"Leann You cant see that boy."




Aren't they cute!!!!!!! But why doesn't Mrs. Town want them to be together? You will just have to wait for the next chapter to find out. Thank you all so much.


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