Wrong Side of Love (Ziam body...

By houseofziam

122K 6.2K 6.4K

Zayn and Liam wake up in each other's bodies. This story is written by Caitlin Scott or scottmcniceass on ao3... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 14

4.8K 267 433
By houseofziam

Liam almost forgets about Perrie coming. Almost being the operative word, because they have an interview two days later, something with a big day-time television program, just before they perform Best Song Ever live and, of course, it's brought up.

"We've got it on good authority that your fiancée will be coming to spend a few days with you here," one of the interviewers (Jace, maybe? Or Jack?) asks. "Are you excited?"

Liam doesn't even get a chance to answer. That's probably a good thing, but it doesn't stop his blood from boiling, or the way his eyes narrow to slits.

"He won't stop gushing over it, actually," Zayn pipes up. "You should hear him go on about it. Bit adorable, I think."

"That's cute," the female interviewer says. "Does the time apart put a strain on your relationship?"

Liam smiles, sweet as he can, and says, "The only thing that gets strained when we're apart is my right hand, really."

Louis cracks first, snorting a laugh so hard that he has to bury his head in Niall's shoulder. Harry sucks on his bottom lip and tries to repress a laugh. Niall is a beat slow, picking it up only a moment later, and then he's laughing harder than Louis, jostling him with it. Even the interviewers let out a polite, good natured laugh. And Zayn— Zayn is smiling tightly, not looking ready to kill Liam, the way Liam expected he would.

"Okay," the female interviewer says, "moving on. Do any of you have any particular plans for Australia? Last time you all seemed to have a good time. What's in store for you during this visit?"

"Boats 'n hoes," Zayn says immediately. "Those are my plans. Boats and hoes."

"That sounds like a lovely time, Liam," Louis says, not helping at all.

"That's a bit offensive," Harry comments. "Boats and women, Liam. A hoe is a piece of gardening equipment."

Niall is red now, and Liam's almost concerned for his safety, at this point. If he laughs any harder, he might break something. And Liam's definitely going to break something if Zayn doesn't keep his mouth closed for the rest of the interview.

"Let's move on to a few of our viewer questions," Jack suggests. "We've got a few here sent in from fans. Just trying to find the best ones." He shuffles around a bunch of cue cards. "Okay, who would you say is the biggest slob out of all of you?"

"Louis," everyone says automatically. Everyone but Zayn, who says, "I'd reckon me, actually. I mean, I just—" He sweeps out his hand, knocking over the empty water bottle on the table. "What can I say, I like messes. Sometimes I don't shower for weeks. That's why my hair looks like this."

"Well it works on you," the female interviewer says, with a slightly flirty grin that has Zayn's teeth grinding, but Liam doesn't think anyone but him notices.

"Alright, next question. What's your favorite thing to do on stage? Aside from singing, of course," Jack says. "The five of you get up to some crazy things, right?"

Louis laughs and goes on to recount the story of Liam falling and knocking him over, and when he's done Liam says, "I slap all the lads' bums a lot."

It's true, too, Zayn does that a lot, but he's not done yet. "There's just — you know, like." Liam stops, trying to adopt that look Zayn sometimes gets at photoshoots, his 'brooding artist' look, like he's about to say something really deep and meaningful. "When someone walks in, you know, with an itty bitty waist? You know what I'm talking about? And a round thing in my face, I just — I get sprung. I can't help myself."

"I know what you're talking about," Niall says through his laughter. "You just—" Niall covers his face with his hands and shakes his head.

"I think more of the fun happens behind the stage," Zayn puts in. He's glaring at Liam while he says, "Like, the other day I used a tape measurer, you know, just to see how big it was. And I'm pretty pleased with the eight and a half—"

"We're going to cut to commercial," Jack says loudly. "Stay tuned for a live performance of One Direction's newest single, Best Song Ever."

Liam looks to Zayn, and Zayn looks at Liam, and something in Zayn's eyes says he's just getting started.


"I won't do anything to permanently disfigure you."

Liam didn't pick it up, at the time, the fact that Zayn had put emphasis on permanent for a reason. He'd thought Zayn was just agreeing to not get tattoos while in each other's body. But no, that's not really it. He was actually warning Liam, apparently. Because what he's done isn't permanent, technically, but it's —

"You did not get my lip pierced," Liam states. "You didn't. Tell me that's fake. That better be fake."

Zayn pushes out his tongue against the little silver hoop. "I kind of like it," he says. "I think it makes you look hot."

Liam opens his mouth and snaps it closed. "Zayn," he warns. "You—"

"Oh, calm down." Zayn rolls his eyes and removes the hoop. There's no hole left behind. "It's fake. D'you really think I'd get your lip pierced? While we're on tour? It'd hurt to sing if I did." He pulls the beanie he was wearing off. "So I got your eyebrow pierced instead."

The area around the piercing is slightly red, and there's no way that one's fake. "I'm going to kill you."

"What, you don't like it?" Zayn goes to waggle his eyebrows, but then he stops, face scrunching up in pain. "Okay, ouch. Note to self: Don't do that."

"Zayn," Liam snaps. "This is definitely on the list of things we're not allowed to do in each other's bodies!"

Zayn makes a face (careful not to move his eyebrows much) and says, "This is just payback for that outfit you wore. Consider us even." He shrugs and sits next to Liam on bunk. "It's not like it looks bad. I sort of like it."

Liam bites his tongue. He'd said the same thing about Liam in tank tops, and he's worn nothing but since then, except when they're doing an appearance and his outfit is chosen for him. Even right now he's in a pair of sweats and a tank top, one with a low scoop neck, and Liam wonders if Zayn likes the style, or if he genuinely likes the way Liam looks in it. If he's attracted to Liam in it.

"What?" Liam asks. "I'm not edgy enough for you?"

Zayn goes to frown before he winces in pain again, but he says, "You're enough as you are. I'm just playing around. You know I think you're the greatest the way you are."

"You do?"

Zayn makes a face at him and falls back against the bunk with a yawn. They're both staying in the bus tonight. They could have gotten hotel rooms, but Liam didn't want to bother, and Zayn likes the bus better most of the time anyways. Plus, everyone else is in the hotel, so that leaves the two of them alone, and Liam was looking forward to that. Had been, until Zayn had come in with the beanie on his head and that thing in his lip.

"You're my favorite," Zayn says easily, like it's not a big deal, although it really is. "Always have been and you know it, Liam."

Liam moves so he's lying down beside Zayn. There's really not much room for two people in one of the bunks, but that's never stopped any of them before. It just means they have to squeeze a little closer than normal (which isn't all that much closer, really. They're all weirdly comfortable being crammed together), means their limbs tangle more and their forehead almost bump together when they face each other.

"So you don't want me to get a bunch of piercings and tattoos?" Liam asks, just to be sure.

"I wouldn't be adverse to you getting more tattoos," Zayn admits. "The ones you've got already are hot enough, but you could use a few more." He grins. "I could design them for you. We could get a matching one, yeah?"

Liam tries not to flush red at that. He thinks Liam's tattoos are hot? "Like what?"

Zayn shrugs, suddenly looking closed off. "I dunno," he mumbles.

Liam narrows his eyes suspiciously. "I can tell when I'm lying," he says. He pokes Zayn's side, and Zayn squirms a little. "You already have something in mind, don't you? What is it?"

"It's nothing, Liam," Zayn says sharply. There's a beat of silence where Liam tries not to look as wounded as he feels, but he figures he mostly fails. "Sorry," Zayn whispers. He kisses Liam's forehead and brushes his hair off the skin there. "Didn't mean to get like that. Just — I do have something I'd — I mean, I might have something in mind."

"Matching tattoos for us," Liam clarifies.

"Yeah," Zayn admits. "Maybe."


Zayn squirms again, this time from Liam's words. "I don't know," he says. "I might— I might already have mine."

"You do?" Liam tries to sit up until he remembers the low ceiling. He settles back against Zayn's side, and Zayn's arm goes tightly around him to hold him close. "Which one?" He tries to think of all Zayn's tattoos, tries to think of one that Liam could get to match, but he's not sure.

Zayn smiles down at him, shaking his head. "You know, sometimes I'm really grateful for the fact that you're the most oblivious person in the world, Liam."

Liam jerks his head back, taken by surprise. "What's that supposed to mean?" It sounds defensive, even to his own ears.

"Doesn't mean anything." Zayn sits up, planting his feet on the floor. "Want to watch a movie on your laptop?"

No. Liam wants an explanation for what Zayn meant when he called Liam oblivious. In fact, he wants an explanation for the whole conversation. How does Zayn manage to do that? How does he take Liam's questions and leave him wondering more than he had when he'd started? It's not fair and it annoys him, but he knows he won't get a better answer if he pushes. Zayn can't be pushed into talking about things if he really doesn't want to. He's not like the others, who might be hesitant to admit something but can be coerced into it, can be urged into letting it out. Zayn's too stubborn.

"Yeah, okay."


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