Chapter 11

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"I've been thinking," Louis says, which is never a good thing, but is made even worse by the three empty shot glasses in front of him, "about his whole body switcher thingy."

Liam reaches for his own shot. It takes a little less to get Zayn drunk, he's realizing. Right now, he'd normally be tipsy, but in Zayn's body he's already feeling foggy and unbalanced and unbelievably loose and relaxed. "And?" he prompts.

"At first I thought maybe it was because you two've been fighting a lot, right? Like that movie that— that they switch bodies, or whatever," Louis says. "Like all of the movies where that happens, actually. People are always fighting, and that's why they switch. But what if that's not it?"

"Then what would it be?" Liam asks, because he'd figured that was exactly why. He and Zayn were bickering, they switched bodies and— it already has sort of stopped the fighting, a bit. Not completely, but that's mostly because Louis was right; Liam's bitter and jealous, and he can't help it. But aside from that, he and Zayn have actually been getting on well again, and he's happy about that.

"What if it's because you're in love with him?" Louis muses. "What if it's, like, divine intervention. Fate trying to telling you both that there's, like, a connection there between you. What if this is a sign that you two're meant to be together?"

Liam looks at him blankly for a long time before reaching for another shot. It burns all the way down, and he likes it. "That's definitely not it."

"Why not?" Louis demands. "Why can't that be it?"

"Because he's getting married, Louis," Liam snaps. "There's no ... fate trying to push us together. He's getting married, and there's nothing I can do about it."

"But that's the thing," Louis says, impatiently slapping his hand against Liam's thigh. "You can! You have all the power to do that! You're in his body, Liam. You could call it off! Tell Perrie you can't do it, tell the press you're not ready! You can do something about it."

Liam makes a face, eyes darting around the club. They're in a secluded, mostly blocked off area. There's security around, nervously watching everyone that gets too close. It's a little boring, Liam thinks. He wants to be out in the crowd, enjoying himself, drunk and definitely not thinking about Zayn or anyone else.

"I can't do that," Liam says. "I could never do that to him."

Louis sighs. "Yeah, I know. I figured. I just thought... I don't know." He tilts his head onto Liam's shoulder. "I just want you both to be happy at the same time. I want you both to be happy together."

Another shot for Liam. "So do I."

"Let's go dance," Louis mutters. "This is killing my buzz."

Liam lets Louis lead him out of the booth, knowing that it's only a matter of time before a member of their security carts them off to somewhere a little less threatening, like any of the people in the club are a danger to them. At the most they'll get hit on by pushy girls who can't take no for an answer, or have a few unflattering pictures taken. Liam honestly doesn't see the big deal.

But that doesn't happen, actually. He and Louis dance, they get more drinks, the lights start blurring together and Liam can't think anymore. His thoughts are blissfully muted by alcohol, and it's like a weight being lifted off his shoulders.

Until he stumbles and nearly cracks his head on the dance floor. After that they are carted off, stuffed none-too-gently into the back of a car. Liam leans against Louis this time, and Louis hums under his breath, something that sounds a lot like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.

"He's got a tattoo," Liam says suddenly, just remembering. He sits up, looking at Louis with wide eyes. "He's got a tattoo, Louis."

"He's got, like, twenty," Louis corrects. "I can't believe you didn't notice, Liam. They're everywhere."

Wrong Side of Love (Ziam bodyswap)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن