I am Sasuke.... the Girl?!

By thefirecrest

59.7K 1.8K 576

Takiyama Miho if a complete Naruto Fanatic, she loves everything to do with Naruto and hopes she will one day... More

Chapter 2- The annoying voice in my head.
Chapter 3- Weird things happen at night! And no, it's not what you think!
Chapter 4- Fangirls!
Chapter 5- Found the little Retard at last!
Chapter 6- Mmmm, Smexy Red Heads
Chapter 7- One word to describe Sakura and Naruto...? Stupid.
Chapter 8- The Preditor that doesn't eat cupcakes.
Chapter 9- Hickys cause pain, and so does seperation.
Chapter 10- Lockets of the Past
Chapter 11- Did you draw on yourself with sharpie again Sasuke?
Chapter 12- Eyes are the Window to the Soul
Chapter 13- Trust is Such a Strong Word
Chapter 14: Revealed

I am Sasuke.... the Girl?!

13.5K 205 81
By thefirecrest

My friends call me a fan, my enemies a fanatic, and me? Well.... I couldn't agree more!

I absolutely, positively love Naruto! I watch every show, read every manga, and just eat up every fanfiction I can get my paws on! My favorite fan fictions are the ones where a normal person like me (if you can call overly excited and random person normal) gets sucked into the world of Naruto. Ever since I read the first one of those fan fictions I never stopped hoping that one day I would be in the world of Naruto myself.... with my friends of course.

Right now I was in my room reading a Naruto fan fiction, it was a Sasuke and Naruto or SasuNaru fanfiction. I mean it gets kinda awkward at times with the Yaoi which basically means boyxboy, but it's really cute too!

Suddenly there was a ringing noise, it came from the phone sitting on my deck. I, being too absorbed in the story didn't bother to pick it up and it continued to read.

Yet even after ignoring it for five minutes it didn't let up and continued to ring and was starting to get on my nerves. Eventually I turned to it pissed and gave it the finger out of anger, "Don't you ever shut up?! Can't you see I'm ignoring you?!"

I yelled at the phone and by some miracle it stopped ringing in that moment.

"Honey," my mom called from down stairs. "Who are you shouting at?"

"No one!"

I returned to my reading, I was enjoying it at first but after a moment I bit my lip as the guilt for yelling at the phone bubbled up in the pit of my stomach. And if you haven't noticed, I'm not the most stable person in the world, but back to the point.

The guilt continued to grow until it was a raging storm within me, distracting me from my precious reading. I let out a sigh and turned to the phone again abruptly.

"Look," I said closing my eyes huffing. "I'm sorry for yelling at you okay..."


"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to."


I felt my eye twitch and I suddenly exploded, "Say something dipshit!"

The phone suddenly rung again making me jump back, startled. Hesitantly I reached a hand out and picked it up, pressing it lightly to my ear.


"MIHO!" The voice of my best friend Kuna yelled. "I called you earlier! Why the hell didn't you pick up?!"

I sighed in relief, "Oh, it's just you Kuna-chan-"

"Who the hell would call you besides me?!"

I gasped, offended. "A lot of people!"

"Pft, whatever," she said. I could just imagine her rolling her eyes, "Just called to tell you that Renji was having a Naruto marathon at his house....."

"And before you scream," Kuna said hastily. "He told me to tell you that Annie and Haruka would be there too, plus you should bring an umbrella and a rain coat."

With that the phone hung up, I smiled to my self in utter giddiness. I was going to watch Naruto for the whole day! Awesome cows!

I quickly jumped to my feet, quickly shutting down my computer and grabbed a grey jacket from my closet. And before long I was running down the stairs while pulling on a pair of knee high black shocks.

I ran to the door and grabbed my green umbrella from the umbrella racket, and called back to my mother.

"Mom!" I shouted. "I'm going to Renji's house and I won't be back til late!"


I quickly opened the front door only to be greeted by a flash of lightning and water spashing me. It took a second for the shock to wear off and me to open my umbrella and venture out into the cold harsh weather.

It took me around five minutes to walk to Renji's house, but still in that short amount of time I was soaked. I was wet and cold, not a good combination for my mood.

I knocked on Renji's front door and waited, I heard shouts from the house and the door knob jiggled. Suddenly it swung open and Annie stood there grinning at me, "Welcome madam!"

I growled at her, "Shut up and let me in dumb ass! Can't you see I'm wet!"

"Sorry," Annie said giggling making her apology sound very um....... crappy.

I sighed and squeezed past her into the house, I walked into the living room to see Renji and Kuna arguing and Haruka was just sitting on the couch reading her book.

"Hey!" I shouted. "Can someone get me a change of clothes?!"

Renji and Kuna stopped arguing and all their heads snapped up to me.

"Um, hi Miho," Renji said awkwardly. "Sorry you had to see that."

I held my hand up to silence him, "Nevermind, just go get me a change of clothes. I'm sure your older sister's would fit me fine."


"But what," I glared at Renji.

"It's just that," he said rubbing the back of his head which was red. I always found it funny how much he resembled Renji from Bleach, all the way from name to personality. "My older sister told me to stay out of her room while she was away for collage."

"So what," I snapped. "What she doesn't know won't hurt her! Are you chicken or something?! Besides who are you more afraid of, your sister...... or me?"

His eyes widened and Kuna next to him laughed, she placed a hand on Renji's shoulder making him jump.

"Stop terrorizing the poor boy Miho," Kuna said chuckling. "I'll go get the clothes since he's such a wuss."

"Am not!" Renji shouted. "I'll go get the clothes!"

They two raced each other up the stairs, pushing and shoving, calling each other foul names and things I would never dream of repeating. Ah, they are sooooo in love.

I walked into the bathroom taking my clothes off and throwing them on the floor like I lived here, which was parshly true. If I wasn't at home or at school I was here along with the rest of my friends. I noticed that even my shirt underneath my thick jacket was soaked too, I scrunched my nose up.

"Ha!" I heard Kuna shout right outside the bathroom door. "I beat you Renji! Take that jackass!"

I heard mumbling from my only guy friend, and the door open slightly, oops forgot to lock it. A hand reached in holding a bunch of clothes of various colors, I reached out and grabbed them thanking Kuna along the way.

"Hey," I said before I closed the door. "How did you know the door was unlocked?"

I heard Kuna snort, "Please, you always leave the door unlocked. I swear if you were a ninja in the world of Naruto that would be one of your....... many fatal flaws."

"Haha, very funny." I said rolling my eyes, I slammed the door close and prceeded to put on the clothes, slightly too big for me but who cares?! I was warm and contempt.

When I walked out again everyone was upstairs in Renji's room getting ready to watch Naruto, I ran up to join them. When I came to his room and ran and flopped onto his bed, and apparently on someone too.

"Get off me dipdhit!" Haruka shreiked. "What the hell?!"

"Sorry," I said sheepishly and got off her, now sitting cross legged on the edge of Renji's bed.

"Yeah well tell that to my aching stomach," the blond replied.

I leaned down close to her stomach, "I'm sorry Haruka's stomach........ that you have to put up with this blond bimbo eating crap all the time!"

I laughed as Haruka shrieked again and pushed me off the bed, I swear if we were all characters in Naruto Haruka would be Karin, I would be Naruto! Kuna would be Tamari, Renji would be  Deidara, and Annie would be Tobi, no doubt there.

We watched Naruto for around six  maybe seven hours, it was around this time things began to become hectic.

"Why did Itachi betray the village again?" Annie churped suddenly.

I groaned and slapped my hand to my face, "You've got to be kidding me.'

"No I'm serious!" She said. "I really don't know why! I mean didn't he like love Sasuke and his village and what about this whole Akatsuki thing, I thought they were like evil-"

"Shut up!" I exlaimed suddenly. "Just....... Shush!"

Annie pouted, "But I don't understand!"

"You don't have to!"

"Your being mean Miho-chan!" Annie shouted.

"Yeah," I countered. "Well your being a phone! Rude, obnoxious, and never shuts up!"

"That doesn't even make sense!"

"It doesn't have to!"

As you can imagine how things got way out of hand from there, Annie insisted on watching Naruto all the way from episode one again and we all lunged for the TV fighting over the controls because some idiot named Renji lost the remote.

"Stop it Annie-san!" Haruka shouted.


"Hey!" Kuna hissed. "Get your ass out of my face Renji!"

"Well I would," he countered. "But Miho keeps pushing me! And on the other hand you shouldn't be sniffing my ass in the first place!"

"Hey!" Kuna and I shouted in unison.

If it wasn't for the flash of lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder too close for comfort this battle would have continued.

"What the hell was that...?" Renji asked worried.

"Awe," Kuna said in a sarcastic tone. "Is the wittle baby scared of a wittle wighting?"

"Well yeah," he retorted. "When it's like six fucken feet from my house!"

"Nevermind that!" I shouted. "The lights went out, now what do we do?!"

Another clap of thunder sounded and we all froze. Slowly we made our way to the window and looked out only to have it fling open sending us all flying backwards when lightning struck right on the window sill leaving a large crack there and blackened wall.

For a moment everything was dark and silent but than and eerie green light filled the room. The TV flickered to life while the lights in the room stayed off, all seemingly like something you would see in Paranormal Activity.

The screen of the TV showed the very first episode which was weird because I found myself staring into a pair of Sharingans. I froze as the image seemed to expand and get closer to me until I could see nothing at all, I fainted.




My eyes flickered open, I sat up in an unfamiliar bed room which isn't uncommon. Not that I'm saying I'm a hooker or a drunk one night stander, cause I'm not, plus I'm like thirteen. I just mean I sleep walk sometimes and often find myself in the bedroom in a house three blocks down from my own. Weird I know but I never said I was normal, in fact I warned you I wasn't. But back to the point.

I staggered out of bed and wandered into what I hoped was a bathroom, it was. I walked to the sink and splashed my face with cold water. When I looked up at the mirror I froze.

I looked into pure black eyes, my hair was blue and if a almost duck-butt looking fashion, a seemingly permanent scrawl etched onto my face.......

....I was in Sasuke's body.


Hahaha, I decided to start this new Naruto fanfiction. It's mostly for fun and stuff and I hope you enjoyed. Imma fix the cover so it'll have a title and stuff but that might not be for a while. Oh well!



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