Holly and Hailey

Από Cutiepiebook

24 1 0

Two penguins moving to a new town Περισσότερα

Holly and Hailey

24 1 0
Από Cutiepiebook

Table of Contents 

Chapter 1 the big Move 

Chapter 2 Crazy Day 

Chapter 3 Were Here! 

Chapter 4 First Day at School

Chapter 5 Bad Day

Chapter 6 Sorry

Chapter 7 Not So Bad After All

Chapter 8 Concert Day!

Enjoy the Book!

Book 1 Holly and Hailey

Chapter 1: The Big Move

You know Cinderella, and sleeping beauty well heres another story it's about

two penguins that live in their own penguin world called Pengu, the two

penguins are named Holly and Hailey.  Holly and Hailey are the oldest of 42

Children named, Hannah, Lily, Michel, Mike, bubble, Chill, Popsicle,

Marshmallow, Blizzard, Antarctica, Mumble, Cody, Zac, Stevie, Steve, Lolly,

Lollypop, sourhead, lemon, water, chicken Joe, Ellie, lanai, Mamie,

Chocolate, Winter, Ice, Icy, Freezer, Mittens, Ice pond, Frozen, Scarf, Ice

pop, Freeze pool, Miley, Claire, Emmy, Ice burg, Clarissa, Chase, flame.

Holly and Hailey were the oldest, so they were most in charge.  One day in

the summer a horrible, most freezing, icy, slippery blizzard hit!  Everyone

had to move!  So they packed all their stuff and left.  There were 74 seats,

for the kids, the parents, and if all there friends were there, there were

seats for their friends.  Then the party begins.

Soon Zac got the disco ball and rap music but some girls wanted pop others

wanted jazz.  So they voted it was a tie.  The mom picked . . . rap won.

Everyone screamed and pouted RAP ALWAYS WIN!  So they danced watched TV

played video games.  But only Holly wanted to read so she went into her

little room she shared with her twin sister Hailey.  Every penguin shared a

room with someone.  She went on the elevator to floor 29.  Ah here we are,

said Holly.  Finally the music Faded.  When she unlocked her door Hailey was

already in there.  Hi Hailey, said Holly.  AH UH UM HI, said Hailey.  What

are you doing, said Holly?  Um nothing well I'm writing in my diary, said

Hailey.  About what?  NOTHING, NONE OF YOUR BUISSNESS, said Hailey.  Ok calm

down.  Fine, said Hailey calming down.  Here, she unlocked her diary and

flipped to a page.  It said . . . 

Dear Diary,

Today At school I got in trouble I've never gotten in trouble before should

I tell Mom or Dad?

Holly Flipped to another page.  DON'T READ THAT, SAID HAILEY!  But Holly got

a glance and saw . . .

Dear Diary,

I like . . .

But she couldn't see the rest.  Because Hailey shoved it out of her hands

and locked it.  Fine, said Holly!  And started to read.

Chapter 2: Crazy Day

         Soon it was bedtime.  And The Elevators were full.  Holly and

Hailey were glad they were already upstairs.  For some Penguins it took 30

min. to get up!  The Mom had to go to every little penguin's room and tuck

then in!  The car was like a cruise ship.  But they were quite rich every

penguin got a big bed, or a big crib, dresser, window, and table.  Sooner or

later it was morning.  Well it was 5:00 A.M.  Penguins rushed downstairs to

get on the wii, or computers first!   The baby penguins were crying, so the

mom had to tuck them back in. Some penguins didn't want to miss the

breakfast making!  The mom had to do everything.  All the dad did was work;

work all day long, no wonder why they're rich he doesn't even have any

breaks he's been like this ever sense they had Holly and Hailey.  Guess how

much bathrooms there are?  There are 20 bathrooms.  Each with a tub, sink,

toilet, shower, and clean towels.  Soon it was 7:00A.M most penguins were

up, except Holly and Hailey.  The Chefs they hired were cool the boys

thought it was awesome!  The chefs rode on skateboards across the table and

played music while flipping pancakes, Bacon, and eggs.  They pushed a button

and if you said juice or milk, or pop it would come.  Soon everyone was up

it was 10:00 A.M and everyone had food.  As normal the dad was in his huge

office typing, reading, printing, inventing, and calling penguins.  

Then the penguins started to be done and ran to guitar hero on the big

screen TV, and to the lab tops, and the MovieTheatere.  Penguins were

yelling and talking I GOT THE HIGH SCORE, MORE POP, BE QUIET, and I NEED TO

HAVE A PHONE CALL.  Hailey went back up to her room and called 513-7685-8870

on her cell (Holly's Cell) saying, CODYS HERE!!!!  What, said Holly?  What

about him??  UH WRONG NUMBER!!!!!!  Hailey hanged up she just told holly who

she liked!  Emmy went into the baby room and said on the count of three yell

and scream into this microphone!  Ok, said Emmy?  GOO, SAID THE BABIES!

One, Two . . . THREE said Emmy.   WAAAAAAAA

AHHHHHHHHHHHHGOOOOOOOOOGAAAAAAAAA yelled the babies.   Emmy walked out with

her head down.  They don't scream loud!  Mom can I have a skateboard, said

Zac?  Mom can I have 10$ to buy nail polish, said Bubble?  Mom, can I have

15$?    So many Questions. 

Lanai started to sing . . . her nickname was too much talent.  She had a

concert.  Everyone was quiet for once, except Lanai singing.  Then everyone

went wild cheering!  Soon Zac did his Skateboarding tricks everyone was

silent, except for his skateboard.  Then everyone went wild!  The Mom said,

WERE FINALLY HERE!  Everyone was so happy!  They were finally at Chuni,

Pengu.  Again, all the penguins had to wait forever to get on the elevator

to their room.  But Holly and Hailey got up on the 2nd lift.  Holly got her

duffle bag, and Hailey got her backpack.  Holly got out her favorite stuff;

she got her basketball, ipod, favorite tee shirt, video camera, and her lab

top.  Hailey got her, cell phone, diary, make-up, soundtracks, trophies, and

dresses.  They would get the other stuff later.  They waited again to get

downstairs.  They heard a beeping sound, IT WAS FLAME, like always riding on

his car with flames.  YES, they cried finally we got the second lift to go

down again!  They rushed threw the crowd of penguins trying to get on the

elevator.  They went out of the door.  First Holly went out, Holly face was

amazed.  When Hailey walked out of the door her face was amazed too.  They

both just standed there in shock.  They both thought, I didn't think Chuni,

Pengu was so beautiful, rich, with fountains, candy, and JUBY RUBES THEIR


Chapter 3: Were Here!

       They loved it their new home was awesome!  The whole family liked

it.  But Holly and Hailey loved it the most!  A guy was yelling, 2 FREE RUBY

JUBES CONCERT TICKET!!!!  Holly and Hailey rushed over as fast as they

could, but they tripped.  They were too late another girl got it.  Holly

said, I guess a Ruby Jubes concert is coming up soon.  Hailey replied, WE


         They were kind of embarrassed though; they're huge car, and their

huge family.  Soon they were at their house . . . WOW, everyone said in

amazement.  The house was huge.  The mom unlocked the door.  Everyone was

sitting down; the mom read off a list of where everyone's room was, but just

as in the car they had to share a room with someone.  Holly and Hailey were

together of course.  Everyone ran up the stairs to their rooms.  Hailey and

Holly weren't lucky; they were at the very top floor so they had to walk up

the stairs forever.  Holly got their first, and then Hailey got there.  They

opened the door, it was an awesome room!  Two queens sized beds, a vanity,

dresser, bathroom, including a shower, Television (awesome flat screen!),

mirrors, posters, and a great view of downtown.  Holly and Hailey both put

down their bags and started to jump on their beds.

         Everyone was moving out of the house; into the car getting the

rest of his or her stuff.  Holly and Hailey got their stuff and brought it

back into their room.  They went outside into their backyard to check it

out.  While they were there they saw two girls about their age, just stood

there looking at the house while chewing and blowing bubble gum.  Soon Zac

was doing his skateboarding tricks; soon they saw the two girls staring at

him.  Holly and Hailey knew they had a crush on him.  Holly and Hailey

wanted to meet them so they went over by them.  Holly said hi.  The girls

said hi at the same time, Wow BIG HOUSE BIG CAR YOU ROCK CUTE BROTHER!  The

girls both looked at him and stared.  Hailey said, ummm thanks.  We had a

question said the girls.  Do you like Ruby Jubes?  YES we love her, said

Holly and Hailey!!!  Well we have two extra tickets for her concert, want to

go with us?  OMG TODALLY THANKS SO MUCH YOU ROCK!!!  Wait what are your

names?  The first girl replied, my name is Lindsey, the other girl said, and

my name is Sugar.  We ran into the house and showed mom.  She looked at our

schedule . . . and it was ok.  We ran back out and told them it was ok.  

         Later that evening it was time to go to bed, it was 9:00.  So the

mom had to tuck in all the baby penguins.  Up in Holly and Hailey's room

they were brushing their teeth.  Holly took her "fresh mint" toothpaste, and

Hailey took her "watermelon" toothpaste and began to brush their teeth.

They were done and got in bed.  

         Soon it was 11:00, Holly was asleep.  So Hailey got out her diary

and started to write . . . 

       Dear Dairy,

             Tomorrow we find out our teachers and class.  I'm scared, Will

I be popular, will I have no friends, and will anyone like me????  I hope I

get into Lindsey's or Sugars class!!  J


Chapter 4: First Day at School

         Hailey and Holly's alarm went off.  Hailey was wondering where

they were but then she remembered.  They ran down stairs.  Holly yelled I'LL

BEAT YOU DOWN!  NO I'LL BEAT YOU replied Hailey.  They both laughed for a

while.  They ate breakfast; Peng'Os.  Then they said bye to their Mom and

got their backpacks. 

They got on the bus and Holly sat by Lindsey and Sugar.  Hailey sat alone,

bored, she texted Holly saying: HOLLY, GET SUGAR OR LINDSEY TO BY ME im

alone then I'll give u Ur book back, HAILEY (:       Holly got the text, One

second she said she read the text.  Wow I'm squished can someone sit by

Hailey.  Sure Sugar said.  Hailey texted back saying Thankz lol (:

Soon they were at school.  They looked at the classes.  You don't want Mr.

Loners; he's evil said Lindsey.  But everyone wants Miss. Popper.  Mrs.

Tacky is nice though but she gives out lots of homework said Lindsey.  Soon

more people weren't crowding around so they could look.  It said 

Mrs. Tacky-

Annie Skid, Bubble Finsk, Heatblast Young, Jet Birdie, hunter hulk . . . It

doesn't say any of us; good now we have to get Mrs. Popper said Hailey.

Mr. Loners-

Cutie Zone, Sophie Brown, Kylie Rime, Anne Louis, Casey Pip, Hailey Penny .

. . It doesn't say any of us said Sugar.  But it says Hailey Penny, which is

me, Hailey said sadly.  Hailey walked away to her class.  

Miss Popper-

Lindsey Eights, Halo Urns, José Nunez, Holly Penny, Sugar Eights, Amber

McRyan . . . YES ITS WITH ALL OF US they all said.  But without Hailey Sugar

said.  I feel bad for her.  

School was over they got onto the bus.  Sugar sat with Hailey and Holly sat

with Lindsey as usual in the back.  Lindsey said I CAN'T BELIVE I SIT BY

HALO!!!  He's popular said Sugar.  And cute said Holly.  They all laughed

except for Hailey.  Is everything ok asked Holly?  NO MR.LONERS ALREADY GAVE

US MATH, WORDLY WISE AND SPELLING HOMEWORK!  And I don't have any friends in

my class!      Come on Hailey you'll get used to it said Sugar.  Hailey

sighed that's what everyone says.  Soon they were at their bus stop and got

off the bus.  They walked home.  

When Holly and Hailey got home Holly asked to race Hailey up stairs, Hailey

didn't want to because her backpack was way heavier than Holly's backpack.

The mom asked how their day was Hailey lied and said best day ever!  Holly

said it was good.  Soon Holly was upstairs and Hailey was only half way

there.  Then Holly watched TV, and Hailey did her homework.  Finally Hailey

was done and they went outside to play basketball.  Of course Holly won,

Hailey didn't want to play because every time she plays, she would loose.

Mom said to come in so I came in and we ate dinner at our huge new dinner

table I sighed.

Chapter 5: Bad Day

         Ding, ding my alarm clock went off, I turned it off and didn't

wake up.  I would pretend I got sick really bad, because I'm never going to

school again in till next year.  Holly told me to wake up but I pretended

she wasn't there.  So Holly just went down stairs, now I was safe.  So I

went back to sleep in till mom would wake me up.

Sooner or later my door opened I closed my eyes pretending I was asleep, and

then mom said wake up Hun.  I said I feel really sick!  Oh no let me take

your temputure.  Uh oh I would have to do something really quick to make me

hot so I sprinkled some really hot water on my forehead.  Then mom came

back, and took my temp.  IT was really high it was 105 degrees.  Then mom

said to get rest and so I did!  

         I was sound asleep because Mom couldn't wake me up, so of course

the evil twins Michel and Mike poured freezing water on me, and that sure

did wake me up!  I bet it was funny if I were Michel and Mike, because I

jumped out of my bed and chased them threw the igloo saying I'm sick so I

have germs stay back!  But of course they didn't!  They were shooting me

with their Nerf guns.  Then I screamed MOM HELP THE EVIL TWINS ARE BEING

EVIL TO ME!  Mom said to be quiet and said they aren't evil and they're just

kids.  Well I said I just a kid too!  Then mom took me down stairs and gave

me fish & noodles soup.

         Holly was at school having lots of fun and talking about the big

Ruby Jubes concert coming up this weekend, Lindsey, Sugar (MY FRIEND), and

Holly were planning to make a saving box to put money in and save up money

to buy a Ruby Jubes soundtrack, and posters, and everything.  They were also

going to go over Lindsey and Sugars igloo to make signs for the concert to

hold up.  They already made some,

You rock!    

You made my day!  I'm your #1 fan!

Wow thanks they did it without me!  And they had good Ideas because one of

Ruby Jubes songs are called "You made my Day" so they wrote you made my day!

I should have gone to school after all.  

Soon I was done with my Fish & Noodles Soup so Mom told me to go upstairs,

so I did.  When I finally got upstairs I unlocked my diary and wrote,

Dear Diary,

       I still am not having a good year.  Today I pretended I was sick and

I stayed home.  But I should of just went because my friends did a lot of

fun things after school, now Moms going to keep me home for another day

because she doesn't want anyone else getting sick.



After I was done I put my dairy in my secret spot; under the couch in Holly

and my room.  And guess what I was looking for my book to read and I looked

in a basket and wow!  I saw another dairy WITHOUT A LOCK!  And the name on

the front said HOLLY!  I quickly opened it; I never knew Holly had a dairy.

Then when I opened it, it said dear Journal not dairy, but whatever anyways.

The first page said,

Dear Journal,

        I like my class this year but Hailey doesn't so I was planning a

fun thing for Hailey what we'll do is . . . 

Uh oh I'm not going to read more I wish I didn't ever read it, it would be a

fun surprise thing for me!  But not a surprise anymore!  Sometimes I get a

little bit too sneaky!  So I'll tell her its ok to not have a surprise party


Chapter 6: Sorry!

     The goes fast sometimes even when I'm not having fun because its

already bedtime!  I still wish I didn't pretend to be sick because everyone

was down stairs watching Penguin Heroes!  And having fish sticks (my

favorite!)  AT least I could hear the movie.  Mom came up to check on me.  I

supposed to be asleep so I pretended.  Then she closed the door, so I kept


Holly came up stairs and guess who she was with?  She was having a sleepover

with Lindsey and Sugar.  I knew it was them because Lindsey has the most

beautiful laugh and Sugar has the nicest voice and I heard them laughing and

talking, I bet they were talking about me!  I heard Holly say, "We can't go

in there because "Hailey" is asleep," she said joking around they starting

laughing.  "She'll never be cool like us," they said laughing.  A tear fell

down from my cheeks and soon enough I was asleep.  

When I woke up it was a snow day we were off school, but I would be off

anyways I rolled my eyes.  I looked out of the window thinking about what

Holly, Lindsey, and sugar would be doing.  I thought they were probably

making the biggest snowman in the whole wide Antarctica!  Or even opening a

snow cone, or hot chocolate stand, or even having belly sliding races too!

And when I looked outside I was right they were doing all of that!  Mom came

in my room and asked how I was feeling, this time I told the truth, I'm

feeling fine Mom!  Mom said I still couldn't go outside, because she doesn't

want me to get frostbite.  Then before she left I said I wanted to talk to

her she ok, and sat down on the side of my bed and said you can tell me

anything Hailey.  I said I was lying yesterday I was never sick, and this

whole year hasn't been fun!  My teacher is so mean; he gives us 4 hours of

homework every day even on holidays!  Mom said, why didn't you tell me

Hailey I could of helped you!  Sorry Mom, now I wish I had never lied

because Holly is having so much fun with Lindsey and Sugar.  Please can I go

outside Mom please?  Ok honey but don't ever do this again!  Fine I said.

Then when the door closed, I rushed to my closest to get dressed.

When I got outside I yelled could I build it too?  They said no your sick

and we've already started it!  Well I'll explain later!  They said no you

can't!  Then I noticed someone trying to make a snowman, I walked over and

said hello who are you?  She said shyly I'm Gloria, then I said that's a

pretty name I'm Hailey.  I like your name too said Gloria!  Did you just

move in said Hailey?  Yes I moved just yesterday do you want to play with

me?  Sure I said I moved a month ago too, that's my sister Holly over there.

Cool said Gloria, they didn't let me play so you're really nice.  Thanks I

said, and then I thought for a second and said follow me!  Gloria said what!

I grabbed her arm and said you'll see!

Chapter 7: Not So Bad After All

When we went up to Holly and "her" friends I said, I challenge you to a

snowman building contest, who ever builds the biggest snowman wins!  Lindsey

said, OK, are you sure because we got more penguins and we got a head start!

Yes I said I'm sure!  Whatever they said and started building!  Then Gloria

said are you crazy!  Then I said ARE YOU CRAZY?  Then I whistled, nothing

happened for a second then the doors busted open, Flame, Hannah, Lily,

Michel, Mike, Chill, Cody, Chicken Joe, Popsicle, Freeze, Zac, Stevie,

Lolly, Lanai, and all of the others came out.  Then I said, I'm not crazy

they are crazy!  Then Gloria gave me a high five, YOUR ON SUCKERS Gloria

said to Lindsey, Holly, and Sugar.  Then Lindsey and Sugar said WHY DIDN'T

YOU THINK OF THAT BEFORE HOLLY, they pushed her off and went on to our team,

and Sugar hugged me I'm glad your back she said!  Then Holly was stuck in

the snow and got out then went inside.  Then I ran inside, and said come on

Holly we can all be on a team, and then Holly said thanks!  Then I said,

that's what sisters are for and we hugged each other and ran outside.  Right

when we went outside you can't ever believe how big that snowman was!  It

was gigantic, huge, enormous, bigger then our whole penguin family stacked

up!  We laughed and played belly sliding, and lots of fun other stuff.  Then

my Mom opened the door and said, "Hot chocolate anyone?"   Then we all ran

inside, and sat by the fireplace sipping my moms best hot chocolate in the

whole Antarctica!  

Then Gloria said, I'm glad it's a snow day me too I said!  Then I just

thought wait a second!  Isn't today after dinner the Ruby Jubes Concert?

Yeah said Lindsey and Sugar getting excited!  OMG Gloria said I'm going to

the concert too!  Cool we all said, were in seats G6, G7, G8, G9, and G10.

Gloria sat there in shock I'm IN SEAT G11!   Awesome we all said we'll have

so much fun we're going to get ice cream after the concert want to come too?

Sure she said!  It will be even more fun.  Then the Ice phone rang Mom

answered it.  WE said uh oh its probably one of your Moms calling for you to

go home.  Mom hang up and said bye!  Mom said Lindsey and Sugar's Mom is

going to take you to Pengy King for dinner then take you to the concert!

Gloria said is she taking me too?  Mom said yes she is your mom asked her if

she could.  Yay we all said!  We heard a beeping noise outside, we knew it

was Lindsey and Sugar's mom so I said bye to mom and said thanks for letting

me play outside if I didn't I would of missed out all of the fun or wouldn't

of met Gloria.  Mom said you welcome and hugged me and said have fun!  I

waved good-bye.  

Chapter 8: Concert Day

When we were done eating dinner we drove to the concert, Lindsey and Sugar's

mom turned on the radio to 107.7 of corse Ruby Jubes famous song was on, we

all sang along.  When we were there we gave the ticket people our tickets

they said to enjoy the concert.  WE said we would!  We were looking for our

seats, when we sat down we found out we were really close to the stage we

got so excited!  WE couldn't wait till it would start!   Then a man walked

on stage and said Welcome to Ruby Jubes concert!  Then music started and a

cloud of dust went everywhere on stage and there was ruby Jubes probably

only 20 feet away!  WE held up our signs and danced!  She sang our favorite

songs, its almost like we told her what songs to sing!  When the last final

song was going to play she said if you sit in seats G1 - G25 come up on

stage to dance and sing if you know the words!  WE ran up stage we were so

excited and kind of went crazy!  Lindsey and Sugar's mom laughed and laughed

so hard her face was red.  She even got in on film, when the concert was

over Lindsey and Sugar's mom showed us the film we all laughed so hard our

faced turned red.  Then that day our dreams came true Ruby Jubes came up to

us and said you girls are great dancers and gave us all her new soundtrack

before it even came out it was even autographed we actually met Ruby Jubes!

IT was awesome we couldn't wait till to tell everyone at school!

When we got home it was really late it was 11:30!   We told Lindsey and

Sugar's mom thank you and left Gloria even hugged me and said I'm glad were

friends, I said I'm glad too!  

WE just figured out tomorrow's school unless it snows again!  So we set our

alarm clock and fell asleep.  When our alarm clock went off we didn't want

to go out of bed we were really tired but Mr. Loners will wake me up with

his yelling I said, we both laughed.  We hopped on the school bus and got to

school.  When I got the Mr. Loners class, he seemed to like me for some

reason.  He said your dancing was great on TV he said.  I said you watched

the concert?  He got embarrassed for a second then said yes we all laughed

including him.  We aren't laughing at you, were laughing with you we said.

Then he passed our projects back and wow I got an A+!  I couldn't wait to

show Mom!

When school was over it started to snow again we wanted to have my mom's

best hot chocolate and build the biggest snowman again we called everyone up

and here we go again another fun day with all my best friends, my brothers,

and sisters!  And guess what Dad could go off a phone call for once in his

whole life my whole family hugged him and he built it too with mom and we

all had a great time!  Then I thought this isn't so bad Mr. Loners might

turn out to be my favorite teacher after all!

The End

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