Nasty Impulse | ✔

By xhuzaifaahmad

432K 13.6K 5.7K

"Come back, Ava. Why did you leave me?" He said looking deep into my eyes. "After what you did, no one can co... More

First Chapter
Second Chapter
Third Chapter
Fourth Chapter
Fifth Chapter
Sixth Chapter
Seventh Chapter
Eighth Chapter
Ninth Chapter
Tenth Chapter
Eleventh Chapter
Twelfth Chapter
Fourteenth Chapter
Fifteenth Chapter
Sixteenth Chapter
Seventeenth Chapter
Eighteenth Chapter
Nineteenth Chapter
Twentieth Chapter
Twenty-First Chapter
Twenty-Second Chapter
Twenty-Third Chapter
Twenty-Fourth Chapter
Twenty-Fifth Chapter
Twenty-Sixth Chapter
Twenty-Seventh Chapter
Twenty-Eighth Chapter
Twenty-Ninth Chapter
Thirtieth Chapter
Thirty-First Chapter
Thirty-Second Chapter
Thirty-Third Chapter
Thirty-Fourth Chapter
Thirty-Fifth Chapter
Thirty-Sixth Chapter
Thirty-Seventh Chapter
Last Chapter

Thirteenth Chapter

8.9K 309 287
By xhuzaifaahmad




My head still hurt. I tried to open my eyes, but it caused more pain in my head.

Oh, my god! Fuck! 

I stroked my forehead while my eyes were still closed.

Gently, I opened my eyes and the bright sunlight from the window came flickering in.


I quickly shut my eyes back and hid my face under the pillow.

God! What's happening to me? Why my head is aching so much?

I removed the pillow off of my face, while making sure my eyes are still shut. Why the hell did I foget to drape the curtains? Why the light is brighter today? Last time I remembered my room didn't have such a large window.   

While guarding my eyes with my hands, I opened my eyes and slightly removed my hand off of my eyes, tolerating the scorching rays of Sun.

What else I can even do, but to accept the damn light?

I moved my head everywhere to scan my surroundings.

 I jerked open my eyes fully and got up from the bed as if there were fire on it or a cockroach. Not that I'm afraid of cockroaches.

I googled around the room, which was small, but beautifully decorated.  

There was only one thing that I was worried about. I was not freaking in my own room!

Shit! Shit! Shit! I started sweating as I moved around the room.  

As I was looking around, not able to comprehend anything else, the white door of the room opened and someone came in.

"Oh, God!" Brit shrieked and made me jump too. "You scared the shit out of me, Ava. I thought you'd be sleeping. You're up quite early."

"Brit!" I called her and kept standing at my place, right next to the bed. "Where the hell am I?"

She glared at me, "Seriously, Ava, it's my guest room."   

"Really?" I asked with a frown.

"You wander all around my house and you don't remember how my guest room looks like?" Brit moved to me with a hint of disapproval in her eyes. 

I looked at the room once again and I realized, "Oh, yeah! It is your guest room. Silly me!" 

"What the hell did you think where you were?" she asked.

"I thought I hooked up with someone and then came to his home, had sex and then he dumped me in a dark cellar." I said still feeling slightly woozy.

"Ava, this room doesn't look like a cellar." Brit shrieked.

"Sorry! I was just--- this room is clearly decorated very beautifully."

"Well, I do everything beautiful." Brit raised her shoulders proudly. 

She came closer to the bed.

I slumped back on the bed and again started stroking my head. I asked her, not expecting for a reply, "Why the hell my head is----"

"Aching so fucking much?" she completed for me. 

"Yeah!" I approved with frowning my brows.  

"Don't tell me you don't remember a shit about yesterday?" She poured water in the glass.

"Well, it's not like I don't remember anything. I mean I do know a little bit of it." I said hugging the pillow.

"Okay, what do you remember?--- wait, you know what, it's better you don't know what happened. Believe me you don't want to know. Let it be like this." Brit said taking the pillow off of my face.

"I remember bits and pieces" I groaned, " and why did you take the pillow away?" 

"Take this medicine first." She passed me the glass of water and  I took it.

"I'm not sick."

"You'll feel better." I took pill from her and swallowed it. 

"It's all because of you, you took me to that damn club and got me drunk." I said getting up from the bed.

"Lie down for a while and honey, I stopped you so much, but then you don't listen to anyone."

"Well, that's true." I said proudly. I like this part of me, it's better to do what you want to do, as far as you're not drinking too much because in that case please let your friends interrupt.

I'm usually not a fan of drinking. I don't know a shit about last night. It probably would've been a boring one where I drink and drink and then I faint.

I got up from bed.

"Where are you going?" Brit asked worriedly.

"Well, your highness, can I pee?"

She rolled her eyes.

As I stepped in the bathroom, I remembered. 

I stepped out immediately and dashed towards Brit, who was about to leave the room.

"Mr. Aa--- Sir was there at the clu--b last night?" I stuttered. 

"Yeah, that jerk who looked like our boss. You kicked his ass, believe me it's all okay." Brit started escaping the room.

"Brit! Sir was there. Our boss. What happened?" I asked stopping her.

"Weren't you going to pee." She asked clearly molding the topic.

"Brit!" I shouted. "Tell me before I pee in my pants, well, sweatpants. Who's these sweatpants are?"

"Go pee, lady, and these are mine."

I held her hand and took her near the bathroom, "Okay, wait here. I'll pee and then you'll tell me the details."

"I thought you hated the details." 

"Believe me I want to know every single detail." I cried holding my pee.

"Ava! Pee before you burst your bladder."  she yelled.

"Good idea." 

I rushed inside and came out as quickly as I could.

Couldn't let this girl escape the interrogation!  

To my surprise, Brit was standing outside.

"Okay, now tell me what happened last night." I demanded.  

"Sir was at the club, we chatted a bit and then you passed out and then we left."

"It's not the detail. Put some spices on it."

"Well, that's the whole story."

"You're lying!" 

'First you made me your PA, without even a notice or anything and then you insulted me so much, then you pushed me in the elevator for some crazy reason I think you don't even know and then you injured my finger.'

"I'm not lyi---"

I interrupted her, "I remember. Oh, my god! I said all those shits to him."


"You think it's good." I yelled.

"It's good that now you remember because I really couldn't tell you."  

"Brit! What is going to happen now?" I asked sitting on the bed.

"Be happy that you didn't blurt out about your training."

"What? I mentioned my training?" I shrieked.

"I don't believe that I'm going to say that I was very relieved that you passed out before you could tell him everything."

"Oh, thank god I passed out!" I moved my fingers through my hairs. "But I still said all those things and now I don't know how I will confront him. What if he said sorry to me?"

"Well, I think it's good you said all those things, but it would've been better if you were a bit polite. Still he deserved to know the shit he did." She said and added, "and I think you at least deserve a sorry for all those things he did, don't you?"

"No, I don't want him to say sorry. I wish I wouldn't have said all those things." I  face palmed myself. "I think I won't be able to go to the office now."

"Actually you don't need to go today."

"And can I know why?"

"Sir said it."

"What? When?" I asked eagerly and informed her, "Today is a very important meeting."

"Well, he was really a big pain in the ass." She said.

"Yes that he is." I admitted and requested, "Tell me what happened after I passed out and leave no details."

"Not even the romantic part?" she winked at me.

"What?" I looked up at her, puzzled by her action. "Just tell me the damn thing."

"No interruptions then."

"Okay, ma'am." I rolled my eyes at her.  

"So you were yelling at him---"

"Yelling?" I interrupted her.

"Believe me you were and it was quite a dramatic scene." she informed me and added, "No interruptions anymore." 

"So you were yelling and then you passed out. I cried and did nothing much, but he held you before you fell on the ground. Believe me if I was there I wouldn't have been able to. It happened too quickly."

"Why wouldn't you be able to hold me?" I glared at her. "I think I need to take you with me for training."

"Ava, I'm not going to continue if you interrupted again and I don't need any kind of training."

"Okay, my lips are now officially zipped." I assured her.

She continued, "Then we tried to move you from there together, but then it was of no use because you weren't moving at all and out of nowhere he cradled you up in his arms. I have to say it was a bit romantic."

I threw the pillow at her and she giggled, "Well, you asked for the details."

"Okay continue."

"He took you to your car---"

The moment I heard the name 'car' I just couldn't think of anything else.

"What happened to the car? Did my dad get it? He's going to get mad." I asked Brit.

"Calm down, lady, your dad's car is okay. Will you let me continue?"

"Oh, thank god!" I calmed down.

"So where was I?" she asked but then started before I could enlighten her, "So, he called his driver and his driver took his car and he drove your car to my house because clearly I didn't want your parents to see you drunk and fainted. After we got you in, I called your parents that you're going to sleep over my house and I had to convince your mother that you're going to be perfectly fine. Then the worst part was I had to go and drop your dad's car at your house while Sir stayed back here with you and only he and god knows what happened then."

"What?" I gaped at her. "Brit!"

"Well, lady you should be thankful to me that I did so much for you."

"I'm sorry, Brit! You're right. You really did so much things for me last night." I smiled at her.

"But I'm sure nothing's wrong, he was just too embarrassed. He  was making sure you were okay because believe me he kept sulking around and left so late." she provided further details.

"God! I'm screwed. I'm ruined. My life is fucked." I cried.

"Nothing is going to happen." Brit assured me and informed looking at her phone, "It's nearly 6:00 and I need to get ready for office. You should rest, just don't go today."

"No, I can't skip, I have to go. Believe me I want to skip, but today's a very important day."

"Okay then, see what fits you from my closet." Brit said moving out of the room.

I followed her and exclaimed, "Now I know how you get up so early."

"So you found my secret?"

"Which secret?" I asked.

"My alarm clock."

I rolled my eyes and told her, "No, I'm serious, your house's windows are very huge and believe me if today I wouldn't have closed my eyes soon, I'd be blind right now."

"I'm making some coffee, do you want some?"

"I can't believe Brit that you just asked me this question." 

She went to the kitchen and I to her room, to invade her closet.

I opened her closet and started the battle and was sure to come out with a victory.

Brit's closet was filled with girly, pink dresses, but after a long search, my heart finally settled on a dress.

Brit already got ready.

I quickly dressed up.

"Please Brit buy some good dresses. Nearly half of them are pink." I said to Brit as I stepped in her car right next to her.

"I love pink." she furrowed her brows.

"Grow up, girl."

She didn't say anything else and roared the car to the office.

Brit exclaimed driving the car, "Congratulations, Ava, for today after so many months you'll finally be a office at time."

I frowned and looked out at the road.

"Brit, do you have some kind of machine that wipes the memories away."

"Why do you need to wipe your memories?" she asked looking at me.

I rolled my eyes, "I want to remove Sir's memories."

"Ava, believe me nothing's going to happen." She looked at me. "You're going to be perfectly fine."

I smiled.

My heart stopped palpitating when I saw a car coming right in front of us.

"Brit!" I shouted and Brit turned the car immediately. The tires of the car screeched with the road, but the car stopped.

We both took a sigh of relief.

"Oh god! We nearly di--" Before Brit could complete her sentence a bus came from another direction and smashed with Brit's side making the car flip.

The car rolled on the road, our heads hitting violently with it's body. 

The car stopped and there were shattered pieces of glass everywhere.

Everything went mute. My vision started getting blurry and all I saw was blood everywhere.

✴ ✴

N e x t :
14th Chapter.


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