Fairy Tail: Nightmares and Fe...

Door Cryptic_Eyes

258K 7.4K 2.6K

It's after the Grand Magic Games, and Fairy Tail is enjoying every moment of the fame and glory they've achie... Meer

Authors Note ; ღ
Chapter 1: A Dream of the Past
Chapter 2: Brean and the Requestor!
Chapter 3: Horrid Daydream
Chapter 4: Success and Returning Home
Chapter 6: Two Halves Seperated
Chapter 7: The Return of Virel Essence
Chapter 8: Lucy vs Virel!
Chapter 9: Found.
Chapter 10: Lies and a Fiery Passion
Chapter 11: Recap of Terror
Chapter 12: Broken Hope
Chapter 13: Imprisoned
Chapter 14: Face To Face!
Chapter 15: Traps and Striving For Revenge
Chapter 16: The Mysterious Maze
Chapter 17: Against Virel's Wrath
Chapter 18: Vengeful Feelings!
Chapter 19: Natsu vs Virel
Chapter 20: A Fight During A Rescue!
Chapter 21: Natsu and Gray's Tag Team
Chapter 22: The Voice's Identity
Chapter 23: Erza vs Virel, and Lucy's Fate!
Chapter 24: Our Last Hope; Defeated or Victorious?
Chapter 25: Lucy's Despair!
Chapter 26: Retaliation.
Chapter 27: A Kiss and A New Promise {Final}

Chapter 5: The Decision Made!

9.8K 306 156
Door Cryptic_Eyes

Oh my god, finally! ;A;  I was finally able to update, kya! ♥ I'm so happy! ;w; I was in a writing mood all week, but never had enough time to write a chapter!  But, finally, I was able to! c':  Thank goodness~!  Anyways, how was all of your first week of school?  Or, rather, how was your week of school if you've started awhile ago? c:  Mine went by so slow...I swear. -.-  I haven't been able to sleep-in in forever! xc  But, finally, after tomorrow, I'll be able too! Yaayy! ♥  

Onto the story, though... I dedicate this chapter to yummysushi. c:  This person is just plain awesome, ne? ♥ She deserves a dedication; I love her stories.~  I hope you all enjoy this chapter that was (finally) able to be put up! >w<  Feedback is, as always, very much appreciated!  Until next time, Minna!

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Laughter reverberated through the area, and people sat down outside, enjoying the cool mid-summer day.  People were walking across the streets of Magnolia, the city as peaceful as ever.  Seagulls wailed in the sky, being carried by the air currents and high into the clouds.  Everyone's feet clattered against the cobble-stoned street, whether they were wearing boots, sandals, heels; the result was the same.  Lucy was walking through the crowd as well, heading for the guild in the day.  As she did so, Lucy past a new art market, and barely glanced at it before something caught her eye.

"Eh?"  Lucy breathed, stopping in her tracks as she turned to stare at the displaying art piece.

It was very detailed, with smooth painted lines and crisp shadings that made the picture look so life-like.  Colorful hues of red, orange, green, blue, and purples decorated the background sky inside.  Lucy wasn't an artist, but she knew a good piece when she saw one.  However, the more she looked, she realized that the painting was violent.  Flames instantly erupted from the dead grass on the sides of the picture.

But that wasn't what caught Lucy's attention.

As Lucy stared, her eyes widened slightly in shock as the flames seemed to illusionly move throughout the frame as she stared at a dragon.

A black dragon.

Lucy felt her breath halt in her throat, and instantly an image of the Black Being flashed through her mind, its maw wide open and ready for destruction.  Red fire marked the dragon's scales, making it shine and light up the ends of the shiny scales.  Spittle seemed to drip from its jaws, and Lucy felt a familiar feeling wrap around her conscience.

The Black Being's roar echoed through Lucy's mind.  

She stood, frozen for a few minutes before shaking out of her reverie and remembering she was not being haunted by that specific dragon, but in the city of Magnolia, heading to the guild for another normal day.

But...Lucy couldn't fully admit that the days had been normal.

For the past few nights, Lucy had been dreaming the same haunting nightmare over and over, leaving her gasping for breath and shaking violently when she woke up as a result of the fear she felt.  Ever since she and her friends had gotten back from the small farm town of Brean, Lucy had been feeling uneasy and unlike herself.  She didn't know if any of her friends had noticed it; she tried to keep her troubles to herself.  After all, Lucy didn't want her friends to worry.  She was fine...


Sighing, Lucy turned to go, taking one last look at the painting before turning back into the crowd, leaving it behind.  As she walked, Lucy remembered the very last encounter she had had with...Virel's illusion.  When she remembered the encounter, chills as now familiar as breathing raced up her skin, left leaving Lucy worried and stressed.

However, Lucy had thought up a solution that could possibly help with the problem.

Lucy thought she was just experiencing after-nightmares, considering the entire event had been traumatizing.  So many things had happened in such a short time...Lucy had been so fearful because of it.  Fear along with a rainbow of emotions had gone through Lucy's heart all the time, rapidly moving like the speed of light.  So, Lucy felt that maybe the only way to relieve her nightmares and illusions was to head to the place it all occured.

The place of the Ceremonial Temple; the place Lucy had confronted Virel for the last time.

Lucy felt as if this was the only way to make sure her fears hadn't been realized; that Virel wasn't back and she was just seeing things.  As if everything she had been experiencing hadn't been for a reason.  Although, Lucy was having that gut feeling, which was never a good sign.  However, she ignored it, sure that this was what she would do in order to be rid of the nightmares.

In fact, she was heading to the guild for that very reason.  Lucy felt as if she needed to go alone, and was sure that the only way to fix this was to re-experience everything.  It would be hard getting her friends not to go, but Lucy really didn't have choice; for once, Lucy needed to figure things out alone.

Lucy stopped in front of the guild building, staring up at its magnificence.  The looming shadow of the building extended far out past her, and Lucy felt warmth bloom in her chest for her beloved guild.

Hopefully Master will understand...  Lucy thought, reaching for the door handle.  I have to..figure this out, first and foremost.

Opening the doors, Lucy was blasted with the familiar exploding noises of the guild's behavior.  Lucy smiled slightly, amused that a fight had already broken out in the guild so early in the afternoon.  It made her feel slightly better, actually.  It made her feel that even though she had been having weird things happen to her, Lucy knew that Fairy Tail was still normal, and nothing would ever change.  As she pulled shut the door behind her, Lucy gripped her bag over her shoulder and waved at her comrades, spotting Makarov conversing seriously with Mira.

Deciding that this was her chance, Lucy dodged her friends as one flew into the wall opposite her, and one landed in place she had just been standing at.  With ease, Lucy came to a slow stop in front of Makarov, and caught a slight bit of their conversation.

"...it's ridiculous."  Makarov was saying gruffly.  "..Cutting the amount of missions we can get is just blasphemy."

However, he stopped when he spotted Lucy, and Mira looked up with him.

Mira put on the familiar glowing smile Lucy knew so well.  "Lucy!  Good afternoon, where have you been this morning?"

"Just out."  Lucy replied, smiling slightly.

"Your eyes say a different story."  Makarov replied, calm as Lucy looked at him in surprise.

"Eh?"  Lucy asked, shocked.  "They...do?"

Master nodded, turning to her.  "I think you have something to ask of me, is that right?"

Wow, I can't get anything past this guy...  Lucy thought, sweat-dropping.

"Y-Yes..."  Lucy replied, shaking her head after a minute to become focused again.  "I need to ask for permission."

"Permission for what, exactly?"

Lucy's expression turned determined and hard as she clutched her bag strap in her hand tightly.  "I have something I need to take care of.  It's personal; I might be gone for a few days.  Will you allow me to take care of this, Master?"

Master Makarov looked slightly alarmed at her question, but after a moment his expression became composed again.  "Is it dangerous, Lucy?  I won't be sending you into something threatening to your safety."

Lucy hesitated.  

Would it be dangerous?  It shouldn't, right?  After all, it was nothing but ruins, wasn't it?  Nothing was going to happen.

Lucy answered with a stiff yet determined shake of her head.  "No, it's not.  It's just...something I have to do alone."

There was a moment of silence, and Mira looked from Lucy to Makarov with curiosity as the two stared each other down.  Though, Lucy was hoping with all her might that Master would allow her do to as she pleased.

Finally, Makarov sighed.  "As you wish, Lucy.  I don't imprison my children; do as you please."

Lucy let out a breath she hadn't realized she had been holding.  "Thank you, Master.  I'll tell you what happens when I get back."

Makarov nodded in agreement, ending the conversation.

Relieved, Lucy turned away, heading for the doors.  As she did so, she felt determination for answers wash over her, and Lucy vowed to work hard.  When Lucy took a step forward, she was suddenly ambused by a familiar pair.  Lucy slammed to the ground as a body rolled into her, knocking everything over and sending them both through the tables and into the wall where a stack of empty barrels resided.  

Lucy let out a loud "kya" as she hit the floor, small dust clouds eminating from the floor as the person laid on top of her.

"That damned Gray..."  Natsu muttered, pressing his palms to the ground.

However, he stopped the same time Lucy opened her pained-eyes and noticed as well.

Natsu and Lucy's noses were centimeters from touching, and Natsu was currently hovering over her as their limbs were tangled from the impact of the collision.  Lucy's arms were pressed up against Natsu's chest, while her hands were slightly open and to the side of her face, as if they were tied.

"N-Natsu!"  Lucy exclaimed, surprised yet also feeling her ears turn red.

Natsu smiled with an empty-headed grin once he recognized her.  "Oi it's you, Lucy!  I was wonderin' when you'd get here!"

"Y-You were waiting for me?"  Lucy asked quietly, surprised.

Natsu nodded.  "Course!  Both Happy and I!"

Lucy couldn't help it when she felt a spread of warmth in her chest, but then she quickly realized something.

"Uh..Eh...Natsu..."  Lucy muttered, her face turning as red as a tomato.

Natsu blinked, too dense to realize.

Lucy sighed with slight exasperation.  "Would you get 'offa me?"

Natsu blinked again, re-functioning once he realized what Lucy had meant.  "Oh, sure..."

Pulling himself up, Lucy tried to get a hold of herself, but was interrupted by a surprise attack from Natsu.

Only...the surprise was a kiss.

Lucy heard a whisle in the background despite the quarrel still going on, and Lucy looked at Natsu in surprise as he pulled away.

She pressed her fingers to her mouth.  "What...was that for?"

Natsu grinned.  "It's to say hello, of course!  Mira told me I should greet you this way from now on!"

Lucy turned to the direction Mira resided, and saw her abruptly turn away.

Why that Mira!!  Lucy thought, biting her cheek.

However, her mood abruptly changed to one of adoration, and she turned back to Natsu.

"Thank you,"  She replied, and Natsu blinked at her in confusion and surprise.  "I needed that."

I'll let Mira off the hook for now, I guess.  Lucy thought amused.

Natsu grinned childishly after a moment, and nodded to her.  "Ah.  You're welcome, Luce."

Lucy looked up at him, realizing it would be cruel to not say anything about her leaving for a few days.  But how would she say it so Natsu would stay?  Lucy already knew exactly what he was going to say.

"Natsu?"  Lucy asked as Happy dropped down next to them.

Natsu turned from watching the quarrel in the guild, curious.

Lucy looked everywhere but him, suddenly becoming nervous and preoccupied.

Happy sailed towards Natsu's shoulder, putting his paw by his mouth and Natsu mimicking his action.  

"Lu-shee's acting weird, Nat-zu."

"Ah...what do you think it is?"

Lucy felt more flustered as she touched her pointer fingers together.  "Uh, well...I have to go do something for a few days, and..."

"Great, let's go!"  Natsu suddenly exclaimed, throwing a fist into the air.  "I wanna go do something!"

"Aye!"  Happy exclaimed.

"N-No, wait!"  Lucy exclaimed, annoyed.

Natsu stopped in mid arm swing, looking at her dubiously.

"I have to go alone!"  Lucy exclaimed, a little rushed.  "It's something I have to take care of, by myself."

"But why, Luce?"  Natsu whined, sulking.

"Aye..."  Happy replied, down as well as his wings drooped.

Lucy sighed, feeling bad for not letting them tag along.  However, her resolve to see the ruins and put an end to her nightmares overcame it, and Lucy's determination returned.  

"I have to do this alone."  Lucy replied matter-of-factly.  "It's something personal."

Natsu watched her, slightly suspicious as Happy looked between them.

"I'm sorry..."  Lucy replied, sighing.

Natsu stared at Lucy as her head was bowed, his expression impassive.

Suddenly, he broke out into a confident smirk.  "Oi, I guess that's okay.  We have to do things by ourselves sometimes, right?"

Lucy looked up, startled by Natsu's answer.  "Eh?"

Natsu continued to smirk at her.  "Just be back soon, okay?  It's so boring here without you!"


Lucy blushed slightly, though her expression was still shocked.  

Though, it turned to happiness and gratefulness soon after.  "Mm.  Thank you, Natsu."

He grinned at her, at Lucy returned it slightly.

"I have to get ready, then!"  Lucy later replied, taking a deep breath.

Before she could say goodbye, ice slammed into Natsu's back, propelling him into the wall and making him hit the floor face first, twitching.

Natsu jumped up, turning to Gray.  "You Popsicle!  You've asked for it now!"  Flames flocked out of his mouth.

Gray smirked tauntingly.  "Oi, giving up already?"

Lucy sighed amusedly, heading for the doors to exit the guild.  As she turned to watch them close, Natsu stopped his quarrel with Gray and looked back, catching Lucy's eye.  Lucy watched as the doors became a sliver, and watched as Natsu's face became less visible even though he continued to look at her, his face impassive.  

Then, with a loud creak, the doors shut.





Looks like Lucy's resolve has been made!  What will Lucy find at the Ceremonial Ruins, where everything occured and is a place Lucy wishes to forget?  

Find out what happens next in Chapter 6: Two Halves Seperated!

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