Damaged(A Supernatural Lucife...

By Crazy_kenz

116K 3.8K 661

Nicole Love is a hunter who had teamed up with both Winchester boys, and later leaves to team up with another... More

Chapter One - The Beginning
Chapter Two-The Source
Chapter Three - Arguments
Chapter Four- The Plan, The Party, and The Partial Annihilation
Chapter Five - Failed
Chapter Six- Possible Rescue? And not the last Goodbye.
Chapter Seven- "N"
Chapter Eight- Protection
Chapter Nine- Passed out
Chapter Ten- Escape Plan
Chapter Eleven- Gone
Chapter Twelve - Heart
Chapter Thirteen- Meat suit
Chapter Fourteen- Memories
Chapter Fifteen- Knights and Nightmares
Chapter Sixteen- Liar
Chapter Seventeen- Warming Up (Pt. 1)
Chapter Eighteen- Warming Up (Pt. 2)
Chapter Nineteen- Long time, no deal
Chapter Twenty- Pre-Battle
Chapter Twenty One- Final
Credits and Extras


3.1K 102 54
By Crazy_kenz

There was small commotion with the surrounding booths in the diner. Small talk, the occasional loud laugh, few people moving in and out. Exactly what you'd expect from a diner. My gaze was mainly focused on the man in front of me, he had a cup of coffee in front of him. Golden eyes scanning the place every so often, really soaking in the surroundings.

When he looked back at me, pupils dilating from the bright light seeping through the window. I watched him eye me with a small smile while I ate my pancakes with inhuman speed.

"That's not very lady-like is that now?" He quietly laughed.

"One, I am not lady-like. Two, I suffer from this thing called hunger. Don't harass me or my pancakes, Richard." I said taking a large bite from another pancake, also talking with my mouth full.

Richard smirked, nodding before dumping several packets of sugar into his coffee. He raised the mug to his lips and took a big gulp of the liquid, "Ah." He said satisfied, sitting the mug down again.

I giggled, Richard busted his ass to get me a new identity. I needed to be freed from my old life, and everyone that had been in it. He was like a guardian to me as well, kind of taking me under his wing. Not literally.

I watched him wipe his mouth with the back of his hand, his beard moved with the motion of his hand. My glasses, well fake glasses, moved down and I pushed them up to the bridge of my nose.

My hair was shorter, bleached and dyed, and I wore colored contacts. The new profile was a hell of a change, but I needed to lose everyone off my tail. My old life was fairly interesting, I saw death happen and met new people. Now I'm Alice, the girl with short auburn hair and blue eyes. Living with some roomie who is over obsessed in finding me a blind date, while having a friend who was in witness protection.

I sipped my own coffee, mindlessly staring out the window. I sat the cup down before taking another bite of my pancakes, the doorbell chimed and two people walked. I nearly choked on my pancakes when their identities hit me like a ton of bricks. Richard followed my eyes and looked taken aback from the two grown men that stood in the entry way.

"Samsquatch." I heard Richard mutter under his breath, still looking at them. I raised a brow at him before he looked at me, trying to make it oblivious he wasn't staring.

"Okay then." I said looking down at my pancakes, taking another bite. Richard was trying to play it cool that he didn't know the men in the diner.

His face twisted into a mischievous smirk and Richard snapped his fingers and the pancake I was slowly chewing were stuck in my windpipe. I glared with wide eyes as I choked on the dry food.

I coughed repeatedly trying to bring the piece up so I could get it down again. My face felt blue while I nearly suffocated on such a simple thing.

"Just a little longer." Richard whispered, watching the men and seeing their interest spark in me suffocating.

I reached for the coffee and began to down the contents trying to rid the pancake from my windpipe. It slid down into my stomach while I still coughed and felt like I was drowning in the hot liquid.

The taller man approached me while the shorter one still sat at their table looking concerned.

"Are you okay?" He questioned, hazel eyes full of curiosity.

"Fine, thanks." My voice was hoarse while I sipped slowly on the caffeine. The man nodded, but his face was twisted slightly with confusion.

His eyes scanned my face and looked directly into the fake lenses. He shook his head, "I'm sorry, you just looked familiar to me. I think I've got the wrong person. Have a good day." The man said awkwardly walking away.

I glared at Richard and muttered, "Dick."

He smirked at the comment, "All you have to do is ask, babe." And promptly winked.

I was eating the pancakes before having another coughing fit from his last line. I cleared my throat, and then started laughing trying to lighten up. I knew Richard wasn't human, but sometimes he'd refer to himself as "Trickster" or "Loki", so I assumed he was actually a demigod.

I slapped a 20 dollar bill on the table, paying for my food and Richard's coffee. He took one last sip of his sugary coffee before we both rose to our feet and left the diner. On the way out I made eye contact with the taller man, he quickly looked away but I so desperately wanted to say to him, "Sam! It's me! You were right! You know who I am!" But I made this life for myself and I wasn't going to unearth the past again.

Richard and I scurried out the door, walking briskly down the streets of Detroit. We departed when we reached the home I housed in with my roommate.

I rattled the keys in my pocket trying to find the house one, but before I could pull it out the door swung open and my roomie dragged me inside.

She quickly and excitedly walked away before coming back with two elegant dresses. One a dark purple that went knee-high, the other an emerald green long dress with fake diamonds at the neck and arms.

"Which one do you like, dearie?" Her Scottish accent full of excitement.

"The purple one, tell me why you have two dresses for me, Ro?" I abbreviate her real name, folding my arms.

"You youths have so much potential, I've set you up with a date because you can't spend your life without a lover." She said dramatically, causing me to scoff.

"Rowena," I used her full name, "I feel pretty old and that I lived a damn good life. And I told you before I'm not into dating at the moment, or blind dates."

She sighed, "Well, dearie, if you don't like the man I might treat myself." She winked making me smile.

I knew who Rowena was, the more I thought about it, the more I realized the friends I've made now aren't human. Surely I knew Rowena was a witch, and that didn't bother me because she was fun to be around.

I gave in, sighing. "I'll go on the date... But if this goes south, I'm never going on any more blind dates."

Rowena squealed and brought me into an embrace, I awkwardly hugged back.

"Be ready at 7, I can always come and get you." She exclaimed, I nodded nonchalantly.

I looked at my watch and sighed, 2:34. I had time to kill and I wasn't sure what to do, maybe I'd watch some movies to pass the time.

~3 movies later~

In a panic I was rushing to get ready, I had lost time and it was already 6:40. My fingers smoothed out the purple dress while the pantyhose I wore clung to my legs for dear life. I wore black flats, not bothering to wear any form of heels.

"Ro where exactly am I meeting the guy?" I called out, she waltzed in wearing a red dress with dark red lipstick.

"Just a fancy restaurant, don't stress out your wee little brain." She said smiling.

"Then where are you going?" I raised an eyebrow at her, causing her to smile.

"Just a small meeting with the Coven, you know, girl power." She said pinning her hair up into a bun, letting some red pieces flow out. I nodded, not really caring about what Rowena did in her spare time.

"Ready, dearie?" She questioned giving me a toothy smile. I slowly got up and followed her out the door, making sure my phone was on emergency dial just in case.


I don't know what I expected when I walked into that restaurant. Maybe a stunning man with a gorgeous jaw line sprinkled with stubble, along with black hair that felt like silk. Well, I didn't see anyone to match my imaginary fantasy, but I was pulled aside by a waiter asking if I had reserved a table.

I nodded telling him my name, Rowena had said she ordered ahead a table under my name for this special blind date. The waiter brought me to a table with a big variety of forks, spoons, and even knifes. He kindly poured wine into the tall glass and I thanked him, now the waiting began.

Three glasses of wine later, the feeling of nervousness was drowned out by me becoming sleepy. I sighed and swirled the light liquid in my glass before drinking the rest of the contents.

When I was finally about to leave and just pay for the bottle I drank through, a man approached me wearing a black tuxedo with a dark purple tie, the same color as my dress. His blond hair was spiked while he held out a hand, giving an innocent smile.

"You must be Alice, you can call me Nick." Nick told me while I shook his head, giving a friendly grin.

My eyes scanned his features and the feeling of terror from the resemblance of someone from the past grew in the pit of my stomach.

There are tons of people who look the same. I merely shrugged at the gut feeling and was all for a nice night.

My interest grew while Nick spoke about himself and even brought up his past life. He's a widower and his baby died, kind of became an alcoholic after their deaths. Drinking to forget.

You and me both.

When it was my time to shine, I let him seep into the cracks of the new wall called my life. I mentioned my friends, and touched lightly on my past. When I mentioned them that's when he noticeably became more interested and was asking questions.

"So what happened to these friends?" Nick questioned, setting down his fork from our meal.

"I honestly lost touch, I drifted away from everyone." I opened my mouth to continue but I couldn't find the right words. "Have you ever wanted to start fresh? Clean the slate?" I asked.

Nick pursed his lips while looking away, thinking. "Hmm, I guess so. I think everyone has wanted to at some point." He pondered still, but looked back and made eye contact with me.

He was so mysterious I just wanted to know about all the skeletons in his closet, but I think he wants to know mine.

I nodded, drinking more wine. The waiter came over and handed me the check, I thanked him and opened the small booklet, nearly choking.


I nearly cleared my throat and sighed, pulling out my credit card and tucking it into the pouch.

Nick scoffed, "I can assure you I can cover it." He reached to grab the booklet but I moved it behind me.

I laughed, "Such a gent, sorry Nick, but I've got this covered." I smirked handing the waiter the booklet, watching Nick while he gave me a disapproving look.

"How could I make it up to you?" This time he smirked.

Mischievously, I looked out at the other tables before looking into Nick's icy blue eyes. "How about..." I stopped, making him wait. "You walk me home, and I'll binge eat ice cream, alone."

He heaved a heavy sigh, the waiter returned my card and I thanked him, standing up.

"Well, a beautiful woman such as yourself shouldn't consume so much ice cream by herself." Nick said, also standing up.

"Sorry stranger, but I'd rather have the whole freezer to myself." I merely smiled.

Nick gave in with another sigh, and accompanied me to the huge French doors of the restaurant. My walking was brisk, as Nick tried to still make small talk.

That's when he mentioned something that took me off guard.

"Do you believe in God?" He asked, looking down at the cement sidewalk.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I quickly regained myself, "I don't know what to believe anymore." I whispered.

I saw my house approaching so my speed quickened, but Nick was keeping up, not even panting.

"Or what about hunters? You know, the people who hunt the things no one believe in." Nick said, looking at me.

Instantly I broke into a sprint, trying to get into that ugly color door Rowena and I had.

Nick was sprinting straight behind me, tie flying over his shoulders.

"I could tell it was you! I can see that damaged, flawed soul of yours!" He yelled behind, tears streamed down my cheeks.

My feet slipped out of the flats and my body tumbled onto the cold ground. Nick's cold hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up to my feet, I cried out.

"There's always that annoying curiosity of how I am here." Nick pulled me away from my house.

"Of course that angel Castiel and Dean found a way to pry me out of Sam, but they weren't so lucky as to getting me back into that awful cage with Michael again." Nick said through gritted teeth.

I whimpered and he pulled me into an alley, slamming me against the cold and damp brick wall.

"You know exactly who I am." He growled in my ear, the cold of his hands pressed into my shoulders.

"Want me to beg, Lucifer?" I mocked, glaring at him. The smile he gave sent shivers down my spine.

He licked his lips smirking, "Maybe the most hurt people like yourself are the real keepers, Nicole."

I finished all seasons of Dexter and I am not ok :^) I cried. So yep, this is the end.

Thank you all for the support and sort of helping me? I'm happy with all the feedback I got/still am getting, and I just wanted to say I literally love you all and cannot handle how sweet some of you are.

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