Despite Myself

By Aspiredtocreate

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Despite Myself
Despite Myself
Beautiful Boy
A New Start?
Goodbye, Grace

Hopes & Prays

176 6 3
By Aspiredtocreate

So after my soul-sister chased me out of the bushes with a stick, I decided to post this one too. Guess I should just stop being an introvert..but then again, if I wasn't one this poem wouldn't be here. Also written when i was really young

Am posting this hoping some of the teenagers can relate to it and find hope in my words..

Hopes and Prays

The moon comes out from somewhere in the sky

Spreads light in the dark & quiet night

A beam of light from a candle in a maid’s room

Spreads the rays of hope around the world

Some dare to go to sleep under the open night

Hoping the fading light from that ball in the sky

Shows them the way though the dark

Hoping and praying for everything to be alright

Faith upon god remains in the hearts

Hope never dies, just like true love

Me on the other side

Am living with a maybe

I hope and pray for something, then pray against it myself

Feelings are confusing

Should I just live just for the sake of living

Or shall I live to bring our smiles

With a fake smile of my own

Trying to bring false happiness in my eyes

Hell or heaven I don’t mind

Just want the peace of its one kind

Then awoken by the world of love

I dare to travel from another dawn

Wishes are same, but I’m trying to change

Changes are hard to make

Will tear apart another integral part

Giving another tear for the dusk yet to come

Hopes seem dead, dreams fallen from my tree

Trying to be strong, strong enough to breathe

I decide to fight, not to lose the battle before it starts

Hoping I won’t hurt and kill anyone

Except my fears and monsters within

I will try…

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