oxford academy. // septiplier

By emptybliss

699 56 48

"Welcome to Oxford Academy, kid. We are the welcoming home of sex, drugs, and bachelor degrees! Have fun whil... More



246 22 15
By emptybliss

JACK WAS definitely not looking forward to the day ahead of him. He was awake, green hair a mess and eyes half-closed. It was approximately six-thirty in the morning, and the pale boy would rather be dead than awake. He hauled himself out of bed, and began preparing for the day ahead.

As he inhaled, he finally understood all of the overly-nervous characters in books and movies. He'd always thought that college would be easy; no cliques, no strict schedules or rules. It was meant to be a walk in the park.  The realization of waking up early and only being able to afford ramen was quickly approaching. But still, Jack labored on, grabbing an outfit and quickly pulling it on as he attempted to check the time. He had roughly twenty minutes before class started, which was plenty of time.  Or so he thought. Soon enough, the terror of walking all the way across campus to reach his English class set it. Panic briefly took over the freshman's mind, but Jack soon recollected his thoughts in a somewhat organized way. Then, in an oddly smooth movement, the green-haired boy grabbed his phone, headphones, and dorm key, turning and exiting his room.

"Later, Jack!" the familiar voice of his dorm mate rang out. Jack smiled a little, responding with a quick 'Goodbye.' as he shut the door behind him.

His dorm-mate was a tall guy with an odd accent who'd called himself Felix. He was nice enough, but didn't talk much. (Not that Jack minded) What little Felix did speak about, he seemed to be very passionate about. In the short time that they spoke, he'd learned a lot about Felix. He learned that he had a girlfriend called Marzia who also attended Oxford. He loved video games, and he had a YouTube channel. He hailed from Sweden, which explained the odd accent. He was studying Film Production and was very much a night owl. Jack had smiled and nodded the entire time Felix spoke, genuinely interested in what he had to say. But soon enough Felix got tired of talking and collapsed onto his bed, phone in hand as he scrolled through Twitter.

Jack speed-walked down the carpeted corridor, silently praying that the elevator would be empty. To be honest, he didn't even want to get in the elevator to go to class. But of course he had to, because he had to be a 'responsible adult' and fend for himself. Apparently going to class counted as fending for himself.

Not wanting to be late for class, he qued the elevator and stepped in. It was empty aside from one other boy. He had dark brown hair and brown eyes. His eyes flicked up to Jack for a second, scanning the green-haired boy over, and then returned to his phone screen. He looked like the kind of guy Jack desperately hoped he'd be one day, but sadly never would. His outfit was black with occasional splashes of grey, and he looked quite attractive. (Though he wasn't Jack's type at all.)

Jack offered a small smile to the boy, (which he returned) and was on his way as soon as the door opened. Following the directions on the map mounted on the wall, Jack made his way to English Linguistics, still tired as hell and wanting nothing more than a few hour's sleep.
Upon entering the classroom he noticed four things:

The surprisingly old teacher.

The horribly ugly beige carpets.

The boy from the elevator sitting at the front.

And finally, the amazingly beautiful boy with candy floss hair.

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