Misery (Samgladiator) COMPLET...

By kittytwisaga

16.8K 434 139

First in the Torment Series. Taurtis discovers Sam who lays dead beneath an anvil with a suicide note. Tau... More

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1.2K 35 15
By kittytwisaga

Yuki's POV

"YoUr pAthEtiC! WorThlesS! UnWanTed! StUpiD! AnnOYinG! SoN oF a BItcH! YoU sHouLd nEvEr haVe bEeN bOrN!" I yelled down his incredibly sensitive ears. I bent down with my knife, stroking his cheek enough to gently slice his cheek, evoking his wince.
"You will never escape, no one loves you, no one wants you, no one cares for you Sam. Everyone thinks you're better off dead. You don't deserve to live." I whispered into his ears, conditioning him to believe it himself, if he even understands. That will teach anyone for trying to come between me and my Senpai, kekekekekeke.

Sam's POV

Everything hurt, my cheek stung from where she dragged the knife down, my heart hurt from the words she whispered everyday, my head hurt from her yelling and trying to remember, everything hurt. My ears flopped down beside my face, I just want this nightmare to be over with. I haven't eaten anything in weeks, but they make sure I drink, they don't want to kill me, that'd be merciful.

I prayed for help, everything single day. No one ever answered my prayer. I gave up the hope of dying down here, realising that I would not die for a long time. I closed my eyes, allowing my head to droop as the light shined into the usually dark basement. "Sweet, little bunny boy. It will all be over soon. All this pain will be over with, your deepest desire. I need you to wake and write a little something for me, think you can do that?" She whispered as she pulled my head up. My eyes opened and although I lost the ability to speak, I glared at her with only my eyes.
"Think about it, little rabbit. Because you will and I want you to do it willingly rather than forcibly."

_____________________________________________________________________Three Months Later

Grian's POV

It made me sick the sight of Taurtis and Yuki together. It didn't fit right, not when he has completely forgotten about Sam and I've spent the last few months trying to find some clue as to where Sam is. A few months back, the police delivered startling news. PowerDragon was dead. Stabbed in the heart by, what the police assume was, a mugger. Something stung me deep within, that something wasn't right, in fact something was wrong, very, very wrong.

I had moved back to the town with the school while Taurtis stayed in his place. Yuki moved in with him, meaning Taurtis was like the only thing he cared about was Yuki. He didn't talk to me anymore, as if talking to me would hurt too much. J and I got very close as did a few of the other people. Our class was kind of like a family. Taurtis being the younger brother who goes out with this girl that all of you know, except him, is wrong for him. But the entire class came together over the deaths of Sam and PowerDragon.

Today, Mrs Okami was talking about our grades when a grief-stricken Rowan appeared at the door to the classroom. They talked in hushed voices before addressing the class. "We have a letter, dated yesterday. Rowan, would you like to read it out." Mrs Okami motioned for him to read it and he returned his attention back to the paper he held in his hands.

I APOLOGISE FOR THIS PAST YEAR. ALL THE GRIEF I'VE CAUSED. I WA-" Mrs Okami cut Rowan off. "Do you wish for me to read it, dear?" Rowan nodded, wiping away stray tears.

"I was depressed about everything but never wanted any of to you worry, knowing none of you actually cared. I wanted to test to see who was being truthful and who lied. All of you failed my tests, all of you lied. Why do you hurt yourself, to make everyone including yourself, believe you cared about me? Why does anyone go to the lengths all of you went through? Why couldn't all of you just say, sorry and then move on with your lives? That's the truth. Anyway, I want all of you to forget about this insignificant bunny boy and live your lives. I'm sorry I actually caused so much grief. But I am still alive but none of you will ever find me again.

The entire class gasped. Sam was still alive? And he was testing us? Waves of anger splashed over me. "He doesn't get to just fake his death! Who the hell does he think he is?!" Taurtis shouted, obviously completely mad off the scale with Sam. I glanced at Yuki who flashed an evil smile when she thought no one was looking. "I'll kill him! Then at least we wouldn't have grieved for nothing! Where the hell is he, I swear I'll kill him!"
"Shhhh, it's okay, you're just giving him what he wants." Yuki placed her arms around him, trying to soothe Taurtis. He instantly calmed down and hugged her back.
"Thank you Yuki Yakuza." Taurtis murmured, but I still heard it.

A click went off in my head that drowned all the anger away.
"Yuki Yakuza."
'I glanced at Yuki who flashed an evil smile when she thought no one was looking.'
'The sight of Taurtis and Yuki together. It didn't fit right, not when he has completely forgotten about Sam.'
'I'm leaving all my belongs to the wonderful organisation, Yakuza'
"You said there was someone in your house?" "Yeah Yakuza people. I think they want me dead, Grian."
"Stay away from the Yakuza kids, don't get on their wrong side." "Okay, Paul. Well stay away from them."

How many more dots did I need to connect them and make the final picture. The yakuza were angry at Sam and Taurtis for screwing them over, Sam said they might want him dead. And then he called and said that there were Yakuza in their house the night before Sam allegedly crushed himself with an anvil. His last note said that he was leaving his belongings to the Yakuza, knowing Sam he probably would've said that no one can touch his things and he wants them buried with him like an emperor's tomb. Then Taurtis got over Sam because Yuki helped. She had an evil smile when Mrs Okami read Sam's note aloud and her last name is Yakuza.

Everything makes sense.

Sam didn't die or fake his own death. The yakuza did. Yuki probably kidnapped Sam and has probably been torturing him the entire time. But why? If the yakuza didn't like Sam why not kill him? Why fake his death and torture him? Unless...its for Taurtis. Since Sam died, Yuki has been with Taurtis. Taurtis wouldn't really look at Yuki when Sam was around. Sam was his best friend. No girl can compete with that, especially not when it's Sam. And if Yuki is the one to turning Sam, this theory makes total sense.

I need help to save Sam and fast. He's been tortured for months and knowing Yuki, he's probably broken. I know he's alive because of that note. But we have to save Sam. I'm such a failure at being Sam's friend, I just hope he can forgive me.

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