Darkness Changes... (BBC Sher...

By Half-Blood_Holmes

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Sequel to- Darkness Follows... (BBC Sherlock Fanfiction) Darcy Byrne, surprisingly intelligent and somewhat... More

Darkness Follows...
Chapter 1- So, This Place Is Nice.
Chapter 2- Settling In With My Captor... Fun.
Chapter 3- So, I'm Actually A Real Spy?
Chapter 4- One Wrong Move...
Chapter 5- At Least I'm Not Losing My Mind. Yet.
Author's Note- Sorry!!
Chapter 6- Looks Like I've Finally Changed...
Chapter 7- Getting Ready Takes All Day.
Chapter 9- One Of His- What?
Chapter 10- Carrot On A Stick.
Chapter 11- I Didn't Think The FBI Were Part Of The Fire Brigade...?
Chapter 12- Keeping Them Away and Finally, A Phone.
Chapter 13- Dusty, Old Baker Street.
Chapter 14- Not That Much Of A Surprise Though, Is It?
Chapter 15- Taken 2: British Government Special.
Chapter 16- Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?
Chapter 17- Sorry, I've Been Too Social Already Today.
Chapter 18- Hello Darkness My Old Friend...
Chapter 19- A Sociopath Being Less... Sociopathy?
Chapter 20- Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It... Oh.
Chapter 21- Merry New Years... Have Some Duct Tape!
Chapter 22- Pushing People Out Of Windows... Again.
Chapter 23- The Name's Jet. Jumbo Jet.
Chapter 24- And I Thought Snakes On A Plane Were Bad.
Chapter 25- Like A Spit Roast But More Bloody.
Chapter 26- Are You The Devil? Actually, No, I'm Not.
Chapter 27- Flirting Gets You Nowhere.
Chapter 28- I'm Not Your Secretary, I'm Your Personal Assistant.
Chapter 29- Wow, So Henry Is, Um, Rich?
Chapter 30- First Ever Sleepover... Not Exactly How I Imagined It'd Go.
Chapter 31- Get Off My Sheet!
Chapter 32- Human Guinea-Pig Named John.
Chapter 33- Oh, It's Him Again.
Chapter 34- Dismembered... Is That The Right Word, Dismembered?
Chapter 35- Sherlock's Looking A Bit... Off?
Chapter 36- Seems To Have Gone To A Lot Of Effort...
Chapter 37- Am I Invisible Or Something?!
Chapter 38- Can Amateur And Expert Be Used In The Same Sentence?
Chapter 39- Are Trials Always This Boring Or Is It Just Me?
Chapter 40- Waste Of A Good Apple, In My Opinion.
Chapter 41- Dancing With The Devil... And A Crowbar.
Chapter 42- Anderson: The No.1 Idiot Impersonator.
Another Author's Note...
Chapter 43- Hansel And Gretel Don't Die In The Fairytale.
Chapter 44- Finally Got What She Deserved.
Chapter 45- It's Moriarty But Not As We Know Him.
Chapter 46- Wild Goose Chase Of Sorts.
Chapter 47- The Worst of Times.
Chapter 48- So Many Voicemails.
A/N- That Was It!
A/N- New Book Is Out!

Chapter 8- Taking 'Making Connections' To A Whole New Level.

1.4K 57 24
By Half-Blood_Holmes

A/N- 4000 words. Think this is my longest chapter, ever. Sorry if it drags on but I love this new addition... hope you do to ;)


Darcy's POV

I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself and stop the nerves, putting a simple smile on my face and giving me that air of confidence I was taught to use. Irene went to open the door to the hotel but someone on the other side opened it for her.

"Thank you." Irene mumbled politely as she sauntered inside, I followed after her and smiled at the boy in a red uniform holding the door open. He was about my age, possibly older, and his cheeks reddened as he smiled back.

The foyer to this hotel was huge and utterly spotless, I kept composed, I'd seen places this nice before. It was nothing that new. I followed behind Irene through the foyer, both of our sets of heels clicking on the pristine tiled floor.

"Do you know where you're going, Miss?" I asked her quietly as I noticed two people had entered after us, both looking very important and I'd hate for us to get lost.

Irene just smirked and gave me a look of disbelief, "Of course I do."

I blinked and nodded slowly, it seemed oddly quiet to say there was supposed to be quite a lot of people here for a party of some kind. This almost set me on edge but I kept calm, cool and collected. Oh, who was I kidding? This could be life or death for me.

We were wandering through a now carpeted hallway, but a nice carpet, there were rooms off each side of the hallway and when we got to the end and we were met with a  white double door. I couldn't hear anything coming from the other side, again it didn't bode well.

Irene raised a fist and knocked on the door, was this like some kind of speakeasy?

I looked at Irene from the corner of my eye as I moved to stand by her side and put a smile on my face as one of the doors opened. "Miss Adler." A gentleman in a suit with grey hair and wearing white gloves greeted from behind the door.


He nodded at her and then turned to me with raised eyebrows, "And guest. Welcome. Miss Adler, your host is expecting to see you at some point during the evening."

"Thank you Albert." Miss Adler said politely and entered the room.

I, again, followed and smiled at Albert but then stopped in my tracks as I entered the room. It was even bigger in space than the foyer and filled with people, all of them wearing what was probably very expensive attire.

My eyes scanned the room so many times over, not looking for anyone in particular just surveying the scene. All these smartly dressed, very important criminals gathered together in one place. It was almost, just almost, unbelievable.

"I have to go and speak with our host, enjoy yourself. Go mingle, make some connections. I'll find you when Jim wants to talk, anyone who approaches you, do be polite." Irene told me as we ended up walking near a white furnished bar.

With a smile on my face, I replied honestly, "Always, Miss. I can't think of any other way to behave in such a situation."

"That's my girl." Irene complimented quietly and before she left me alone, she leant close and whispered, "Don't do anything I wouldn't do."

I furrowed my brow and watched her saunter away, making her way politely through the groups of people and shaking hands with a couple of the gentlemen she past. Soon, she was out of my view, lost in the hoards of people in suits and long dresses.

Finally having a moment to take everything in I noticed the small orchestra in one of the corners of the huge room playing some slow music but nobody was really paying much attention to them. I also got the feeling I should have known who some of these men in suits were, them being important officials.

Not only of the criminal world but in normal society as well. But I had no clue, I hadn't really been up to date with current affairs with all of the training, torture and kidnapping I'd endured.

There had to be a hundred people here, and that's not including the staff milling around the place, or maybe even more than a hundred.

I had situated myself by the bar, which made no sense as I was underage and couldn't drink, but I figured I was more likely to make connections if I was there. Adults such as these have little qualms about drinking too much.

"You look a little lost." A somewhat deep voice said from beside me and I glanced over to see a man, well teenager, leant on the bar next to me. Quickly, I looked him up and down to get an overview of who I might be dealing with.

Smartly Dressed- Grey Suit. Posh. Thinks Very Highly Of Himself. Handsome. Quite Young But Slightly Older Than Me. Blonde Hair, Slicked To Side. Piercing Blue Eyes. Unarmed. Clean Hands- Not A Labourer. Doesn't Seem To Be That Threatening.

Wait, handsome? Did I just-? No. No, I didn't. I chastised myself in my head and said in reply to him, "I've just never attended a function like this before." I made sure to keep facing forwards and watching the people, rather than him.

He chuckled and out of the corner of my eyes I saw him straighten up, as he commented, "No kidding."

I turned my head and gave him a questioning look, to which he clarified, "You look like a sheep that's just been let loose in a cage full of wolves. Relax." I looked back out at the people as he turned to face the bar, adding, "I always find it best to drink to get through events like this. Care for one?"

When I glanced back he was at the bar with two tumblers in front of him and a bottle of whiskey in hand, I shook my head and answered politely, "No, thank you."

"Suit yourself." He remarked and poured one glass, then shrugged slightly and poured the other glass anyway.

I slightly rolled my eyes and turned away as I made conversation, "You sound as though you attend a lot of these gatherings."

"Have been doing since I was fourteen." He replied and I heard him take a sip of his drink as he added, "Five years on, I'm used to them by now."


I smirked and quipped, "So, you're nineteen and an alcoholic?"

He chuckled, and I couldn't help but smile even more at the sound as he commented, "Just about." Then I noticed him holding something out to me in the corner of my eye and he asked "You sure I can't tempt you?"

"I'm seventeen." I answered pointedly, yet nicely, and turned to smile at him, "So, no, but thank you all the same."

He gestured casually, with the glass he was holding out to me, at the people in the room, "Look around, do you really think anybody here cares if you're underage."

With another quick scan of the room I deduced that-

Most Smaller In Build- Armed.
Larger In Build- Unarmed. Some Carrying Melee Weapons And Experienced In Hand-to-Hand Combat.

"I suppose they don't, but I'll pass if it's all the same to you. I'm meeting someone very important and it would probably be best if I stay on my toes." I stated and looked over at him, before adding, "Thank you for the offer, I would have loved to share a drink with you, under different circumstances."

I couldn't tell if was lying to him or being honest, maybe it was a bit of both. In a way, had I not been under strict surveillance, I would have gladly drank with him. But then, I didn't do relationships or people at all really. Too much sentiment and weakness.

So, I decided to walk away, to find Miss Adler or even perhaps Moriarty. But this guy just wasn't giving up, no sooner had I gotten two steps away was he right at my side, offering his arm to me, "At least let me show you the place." He said with a slight but nice looking smile on his face.

"It's a hotel. I'm sure it's just a lot of bedrooms and conference suites. What is there to show?" I pointed out and fully turned so my sole attention was on him.

He smirked, "Well, I know where all the good places are." I was taken aback as he winked and then offered his arm to me again.

There were two voices battling it out in my head, my logical mind was telling me that this was crazy as I didn't even know who this guy was but Irene's voice seemed to cut through all of that. She was telling me to, 'Just do it. What's the worst that could happen? Besides, you know perfectly well how to defend yourself should something happen.'

So, that's why I slipped my arm into the crook of his and he started to lead me back to the door I entered through.

"Excellent, now then, where to start our tour?" He mused aloud as we neared the door.

I though about it briefly before saying with a smile, "Surprise me."

"The grandest room in the place, what do you say?" He suggested, a slight smirk on his face, and he nodded at Albert as he let us out into the carpeted hallway.

"I'd say that's worth a look." I said in response and shrugged a little, then glanced up at him to see him smiling down at me. So, I tried not to blush and smiled back before turning my attention to the corridor ahead.

We were silent for a brief moment before he gasped in realisation, "I just realised, we don't know a thing about each other." He let out a sharp chuckle, "I don't even know your name."

"Well, I don't know yours either." I remarked and looked around as we entered the silent foyer.

Brushing off my statement completely he led me to the left, "This way." When we got to the end of the foyer and stood in front of three separate, big looking elevators which were all there were at the end of the foyer. God forbid anyone would want to walk to their room.

"Stairs in a door through the hallway back there." The man on my arm said in response to my unspoken question.

"Mind reader, are you?" I laughed as he pressed the button to summon the elevator but still held my arm tightly against his own.

He chuckled again and for some bizarre reason my heart kind of fluttered, not good, "You know it."

The elevator arrived with a ding and the doors opened smoothly, inside was the boy in the red suit that had opened the door for myself and Irene earlier, "Hello." I said cheerily.

"H-Hello, Miss." He stuttered and his cheeks reddened as he smiled again, I noticed my companion glare at the boy in the lift and he straightened up, removing the smile on his face.

I glanced up at the man beside me and he let go of my arm, letting me into the elevator first, "Thank you." I said quietly and stepped inside, standing next to the boy in the red suit.

"Welcome." My companion said in reply and he joined me in the elevator but didn't look as happy as he did before.

"F-Floor, Mr Livingstone?" The boy in red asked.

I quirked an eyebrow at the man next to me, Mr Livingstone, eh? So now I knew his surname.

"Penthouse suite." Mr Livingstone told him authoritatively and I turned my attention to the now closing doors, after the boy in red pressed one of the buttons.

Penthouse... suite? Okay, either this Mr Livingstone was extremely important and he could get in anywhere or he worked here and was trying to look more than he was. The elevator ride was silent but I could feel Mr Livingstone looking down at me every now and again.

There was a ding that signified our arrival at the Penthouse Suite and my eyes widened as the doors opened on the most lavishly decorated room I'd ever seen. Even with my current living arrangements.

I took a step onto the dark wood laminate floor and looked around, wide eyed, at the white painted walls. Some were decorated with modern paintings, I didn't know that much about art but most just seemed to be random brush stokes across a white canvas.

"Wow." I said breathlessly and blinked to take in the white furniture, kitchen and doors in the huge open plan combined first room. I couldn't help the slight smile appearing on my face as I turned in a circle on the spot.

"It's not much but it's home." Mr Livingstone said with a shrug.

I turned around to face him quickly and raised my eyebrows, "You live here?"

"Naturally." He shrugged again and took a step towards me.

I frowned and started to figure out who this guy was, what he did and why the hell he lived in a beautiful place like this.

Lives In A Penthouse Of A Hotel. Rich. Clearly He Knows It.

Stop thinking of him too much, Darcy, to keep my concentration I closed my eyes tightly and crinkled my forehead in thought.

Name Of Hotel- Elizabeth. Queen? No, Too Obvious. Sign... Something Underneath, A Business Name. What I Said Was Unimportant.

I opened my eyes in realisation to see Scott staring at me and so I smiled, "Livingstone Corporation. Your Father owns this hotel, that's why you live here. It's named after, I'm guessing, your Mother. I thought it might be the Queen but going by the name of the business I'd say that your Father is a man who likes to put his or his family's names on things."

"You're absolutely right." Mr Livingstone stated, now his eyes had gone wide, "But how did you know that? I had barely told you a thing about myself." He wandered past me and over to a long side table, with a decanter and tumbler glasses on a try on top.

I followed him slightly, as he poured himself another glass of whiskey it seemed, and shrugged slightly, "I simply observed."

With his back to me I heard him chuckle and his shoulders move up and down as he did, the chink of glass as he put the stopper back in the decanter, "No, I think you're smart." He turned back to me and took a sip of his drink, one hand in the pocket of his suit trousers casually, "A proper little genius."

"Why would you say that?" I asked and took a step backwards, to move away from him, the situation starting to feel somewhat threatening.

He just smirked and took another sip, before walking towards me answering, "I met someone like you, a year or two ago now." I raised and eyebrow as he got closer and continued, "My Father was being investigated over embezzlement or fraud, I can't remember, and then in came this man."

The closer he got to me the more I walked back, "Man?" I questioned, wanting him to continue.

"Tall, curly hair, long grey coat..." He described and I instantly knew who he was talking about, "...started telling the police everything about my Father, things I didn't even know. That's what he said, he said that he 'simply observed' but there was more to it than that."

By this point he had me backed up to a wall and was stood in front of me, casually, I wasn't bothered by it because I knew something he didn't.

"He didn't go to prison though, my Father, he just blackmailed the judge or rather one of his friends did." Mr Livingstone concluded and somehow I wasn't surprised by the fact his Father wasn't arrested.

I slipped out from between him and the wall, then made my way to the sofa and after smoothing my dress underneath me I sat down. "I can assure you, Mr Livingstone." My voice caused him to turn around slightly from where he was still facing the wall and he raised an eyebrows questioningly so I continued, "I'm not here trying to get your Father arrested."

He knocked his drink back in one and stalked over to me, putting his glass on the coffee table as he past, before dropping into the seat next to me, "Glad to hear it." He looked me over before adding cockily, "And it's Scott, by the way, Mr Livingstone is my Father."

"Scott." I quirked a smile and tried to keep my body language firmly neutral due to his closeness, "I think I can remember that."

"I should hope you will...?" He edged closer and trailed off, wanting me to fill in the gap.

I turned my attention to the wall as I answered, "Darcy."

"Darcy?" Scott said questioningly.

"Just Darcy." I told him, I didn't necessarily want him knowing too much about me just yet.

He smirked and tapped a finger on his knee as he faced me, "Well, just Darcy, tell me... why is it you are here?"

I glanced back at him and shrugged nonchalantly, "Like I said, I'm here to meet someone of great importance." It was then that I realised I should actually be downstairs with Miss Adler rather than here with Scott, "That being said, I should probably head back down to-"

"No." Scott said, not forcefully but firm enough that I didn't move off the sofa, "Stay. I don't want to go back down there and..." He ran a hand across my hair, "...you seem like the perfect distraction."

Sure enough, it had happened before I could react, before I could stop it. His hand had moved around to the back of my neck and had pulled me in close until I found that his lips were resting, surprisingly softly, on mine.

I did nothing. I sat there. I'd never been kissed before and had this been under different circumstances I may even have enjoyed it. But I came here for a reason and this wasn't it and when I tried to push him away, Scott decided to do the wrong thing.

He got rough, started to trying to force me to respond and when I felt a sharp pain in my lip that was it. With little amount of strength I pushed him off me and rose from the sofa, breathing heavily. "Dick move." I said under my breath.

Scott must have heard me because he let out that chuckle again, "That's never happened before."  He stood and walked towards me again, so I backed away again as he said, "It's strange not having someone throw themselves at me." He had me trapped against the wall again, "I guess that's what makes this so exciting."

He leant down again but I was ready, he thought  he had the upper hand. How wrong he was. I grabbed the hand he was reaching out with, twisted it and hooked my foot around his ankle so he fell forward, I was behind him in seconds. I had his arm pinned behind his back and his face pressed violently against the wall.

"I was going to treat you with respect, Scott, but respect is a two way street." I seethed into his ear.

He struggled in my hold and mumbled, "How-?"

"Not everyone is as they appear, take you for example, you seem like a charming guy but in reality you're an arrogant, selfish little boy." I cut him off and bent his wrist slightly so he cried out in pain. 

"I'm not- Ah! You're really hurting me." Scott tried to say.

I sighed, "Good, I hate to say you deserve it but... you kind of do."

"I-I don't-" He took a sharp intake, "What-what are you?!" He tried to sound aggressive but it didn't phase me.

"High functioning sociopath." I shrugged and pushed on his back forcefully, "With your life in my hands."

Scott struggled again and shouted, "Get off me, bitch!"

"Just for that, I don't think I'll be nice." I retorted and grabbed a fistful of his beautiful blonde hair, "Have a nice nap." I pulled his head back and slammed it into the wall, not too hard, I didn't wan to kill him after all.

I wiped the blood from my lip, the bastard bit me, I'll have to ask for tetanus shot. Brilliant. Scott crumpled to the floor, a small amount of blood at the side of his head, and I sauntered over to the elevator, calling it.

When it arrived the boy in red gave me a suspicious look as I entered, I just sighed and told him, "Ground floor, please." I stood silent until I heard it ding and the doors opened, "Thank you." I smiled and left, walking down the carpeted hallway back to the large function room.

I walked in silence until I heard the ding of the elevator again, followed by, "Get me someone, preferably someone strong." Scott practically shouted through the foyer, so I picked up my speed until I reached the doors.

I knocked quickly and Albert opened the door, I pushed my way inside despite his protests and then pushed my way, more politely, through the groups of people, "Excuse me. Sorry."

"My apologies." I said to a woman as I knocked her drink out of her hand and it clattered to the floor, I turned around to see Scott and a muscled man in a suit standing in the doorway. "I really am, so sorry, Miss." I added and walked away, looking for someone to get me out of this, someone who I could use.

That was when my eyes landed on Sebastian Moran in a very nice looking suit, then Jim Moriarty in an even smarter suit stood talking to him. I made my way to Sebastian immediately and let a couple of tears fall as I stood in front of him, "Sebastian." I stuttered for effect.

"Oh my god, Darcy, what-?" He put his glass down on a small table and both him and Moriarty were right in front of me in seconds.

Moriarty put a hand on my shoulder, "What happened?"

I turned around quickly to see Scott was close behind and I made split second decision, "Dad!" I cried and wrapped my arms around Moriarty's neck, "Sorry." I said quietly into his ear. I knew this would work, what with my tiny Irish lilt and I hadn't told Scott my surname, so I may just get away with it if Moriarty played along.

"Hey, it's okay, sweetheart." He cooed in my ear, looked like he was going to go with it, he pulled me to stand at arms length, "Now, who did this to you?" He asked, feigning concern, as he put a hand on my cheek.

I could hear Scott approaching and I moved, quickly, so I was behind Moriarty as Scott stood in front of the three of us. He went to confront us but his associate stopped him and whispered in his ear, he looked at me in realisation.

Irene was at my side within minutes, a protective arm around my shoulders but her eyes widened at the sight of blood on Scott's face, "What has gone on?"

"Why don't you tell them Scott?" I said, tearfully, really milking it as I held onto Moriarty's shoulder.

Scott's jaw clenched and he pointed a finger at me, "This isn't over." He swatted the hand of his associate away as they went to tend to his head wound.

Moriarty then turned around on the spot, eyebrows raised and jaw clenched. Irene removed her arm from my shoulder and Moran furrowed his brow at me.

I had some explaining to do.


Ehehehe... do you like it??? What do you think about Scott and the whole... sitch??? I didn't make the kiss part overly graphic as I felt it sort of reflected how she felt about it allI would have written more but the word count was huge >-< Not edited...

I got the idea for Scott Livingstone and this entire chapter when I was listening to music on my holiday... I get a lot of inspiration from music, it was kind of a last minute thing but I planned it out thoroughly, for once.

Scott Livingstone's appearance is based slightly on British Actor Bobby Lockwood, I have no rights to his face... and he seemed to have less of the 'stereotypical' look of his sort of character. Oh, also, obviously Sebastian Moran is portrayed by Michael Fassbender... who else?

So, you know like 'claim' on that idea or whatever...

Please vote and comment, thanks dears ;)

-HBH xxx

Disclaimer- I don't own any of the characters, except Darcy and Scott, or any lines from the show. Those rights belong to the BBC and Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

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