I love him, but he loves 'HER...

By taylornoel1999

46.4K 906 103

Scarlett and her brother Alec move to La Push to live with their Uncle Sam. Scarlett is the kind of girl that... More

I love him, but he loves 'HER' (Jacob Black Love Story)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Authors Note


2.8K 68 2
By taylornoel1999


Chapter 10 (WOOH!!)

Scarlett's Pov.

My palms were sweaty and my forehead was trickling with sweat. "Now put your right foot foward more. You need to stand strong." Zach told me. I nodded my did and did as he said.

"Like this?" He nodded.

"Now. Flick your wrist foward as if you were making a stop signal with your hand, but make sure to keep your fingers closed." When I did it a fireball shot out of my hand at the target.

Zach smiled in approval."Perfect. Your doing better" I frowned.

"At least I didn't burn my hands again" I said and he laughed.

"Why don't we take a break for the day." He said. I nodded and went back to the house after grabbing my things. When I got inside I collasped on the couch.

"I am tired" I said closing my eyes. I heard a chuckle.

"Get your lazy ass up." Paul said over me. I groaned.

"Hey Paul can you do me a favor?"I asked him.

"Fine. What is it" He sighed. I held out my burnt hand.

"Fix it" I made a puppy dog face and he groaned.

"I'll have Emily since she can do that crap" He left to go get her and a few moments later she came in with a first aid kit.

"Let me see" She looked at my hand. She put some cream stuff on it then wrapped it with this other stuff. Hey, I had no idea what they were.

"Thanks Emily" I smiled. She gave me a hug.

"No problem sweetie." She stood up and left. Probably to Sam. I got up and walked to the kitchen and saw Jake. I smilled and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Hey Jakey" I smiled at him. He turned around and wrapped his arms around my waist too.

"Hey Scar." He said nervously. I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked pulling away from him.

"Umm. Well I kinda, invitedbellaoverforthebombfire"He said. I looked at him confused.

"What?" I asked.

"I invited Bella over for the bomb fire." He said slowly. I just stood there not knowing what to say.

"oh" I said quietly and looked down. There was a silence between us but ended when Alec and Seth came in talking and laughing. I smiled at Alec.

"Hey Alec." I smiled and gave him a hug.

"What's up sis" He hugged me back.

"Not much" I said. He looked at me then Jake, and then back at me.

"Interesting. Well we must be going now" He said and pushed Seth out of the kitchen. I mentally groaned.

"I'm sorry Scarlett" Jake said grabbing my good hand. I sighed.

"I know. It's alright. You are her friend after all" I smiled. He smiled and kissed my lips.

"Thank you for understanding Scar." He smiled. I pecked his lips and pulled him out of the kitchen and to the living room where everyone was watching tv.

Man, there is alot of watching tv over here. Jake sat down and plopped me down on his lap. I snuggled back into his chest immediately.

I started getting bored and traced his abs. His grip tightened in my hips and I grinned. I started moving down and his little buddy started to get excited. He groaned and grabed my hand.

"Please Scarlett. If you don't stop I'm going to have to take you now and I don't think you want that." He said quietly. I grinned.

"Come on Jakey. I was just having a little fun." I smiled and kissed his lips. He kissed me back. At first it was slow and soft but it grew more fierce. He licked my bottom lip and I immediatly granted him entrance. But then a voice interuppted us.

"Go get a room" Embry looked at with a disgusted look on his face. Jared was fake gagging along with Quil.

"Oh shut up. Your just jealous"I stuck out my tongue. I looked at the clock and sighed. "Well I better get ready. We have a bomb fire." I got up and went to my room.

After a nice long shower, I put on a pair of light denim skinny jeans with a grey top. I straited my hair  and put on my makeup. I put lip gloss on my lips then put on some vans. I smiled and went downstairs but stopped when I heard a girls giggle.

I bit my lip and walked slower down the stairs. Bella was sitting by Jake and he was telling her jokes. I sighed and walked over around the counter to get a water.

"Oh hey Scarlett" Bella smiled at me. I put on a fake smile.

"Hey Bella" I said sweetly. Jacob gave me a confused look and I just shook my head. I kissed his cheek. Bella looked at me coldly.I just gave her a sweet smile and went over to Alec. I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Hey" I said. He smiled at me and went back to his conversation.

"Come on everyone!" Paul yelled for us to go outside. I skipped outside with my arms linked with Alec and Seth when I stopped abruptly. Bella was sitting by Jake. In my spot! And you know what he did when he saw us?

Nothing.Absolutley nothing! My hands clentched into fists. We sat across from him and Billy started telling his story. I couldn't pay attention to what he was saying. I watched Jake and Bella from the other side of the fire.

The fire grew bigger flames but luckily no one noticed. I started to calm down but snapped when Jake pulled Bella to his side and kissed her forehead. I immediatly stood up.

"Sorry. I... have to be excused" I said and left out to the woods. I could hear someone following me. I turned around and saw Sarah, Blake and Zach. 

"Sorry. We have to protect you." Sarah said.

Zach ran ahead of us to make sure no one is coming. He walked in front of us.

"You want to talk about it?" Sarah asked me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"It's just..." I said but couldn't find the right words.

"It's alright. He's really blind if he doesn't realize what he's doing. I could even see it from where  was gaurding." She told me.

"It just makes me mad." I said truthfully. She nodded listening to me.

____1 HOUR LATER_____

Me and Sarah had talked and I feet much better after talking and taking a run in my wolf form. When we got back everyone was chatting away. I could tell Jake had tooken Bella home so I raced up to my room and locked the door.

I didn't want to sleep with him tonight. There was knock at my door. "It's me Scarlett" Sam said. I got up and opened the door. He walked in and I shut it behind him.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Well, your going to school tomarrow" He said. My mouth dropped open.

"Tomarrow?!" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Yes. No if's, buts, or, or's." He said. I nodded my head. "Now get some rest" He left the room. I locked it after him. I put on some booty shorts an a tank top then went to my bathroom. I washed my teeth and took off my makeup, then I crawled into bed hugging a pillow Jake always used.

I woke up to a knock on my door. I groaned and got up. It was still dark out. I walked over to my door and opened it. Jake stood there with his hands in his pockets. He reached out for me but I shut the door in his face and locked it.

"Scarlett! What's wrong. I'm sorry" He pleaded. I bit my lip and forced myself to go to my bed. He probably was there for ten more minutes before he gave up and left.

Serves you right Jacob Black.


"WAKEY WAKEY SCARLETT" There was pounding on my door.

"GO AWAY" I yelled back.

"No can do. You have school today" Quil shouted. I groaned and got up after a few seconds. I trudged over to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I put on some pink skinny jeans and a black checkered top. I did my hair and makeup the same as usual and put on my hightops.

"Hurry up Scar!" Sam called from downstairs. I sighed, grabbed my bag, and went downstairs.

Jake sat at the table in his usual spot picking at his food. I took a seat in Paul's  which was far away from his. I ate a bowl of cereal and some toast. "Hey that's-" Paul stopped and took the seat by Jake mummbling something.

"Chop chop everyone. We have to leave now!" Embry called. I stuffed the rest of the cereal in my mouth and washed it down with the glass of OJ. (Orange Juice.) Everyone looked at me and Alec was going to say something but I stopped him.

"I know, I know, how lady like" I muttered. He smiled.

"You know me so well." He smiled and touched his heard when he said it.

"Yeah whatever. Let's go" I hopped up and walked to the door. Everyone piled into the truck. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I didn't have to turn to see who it was.

"What do you want?" I spat out at him.

"Scarlett. I want to talk to you. I am so sorry about last night." He said.

"You know, you are always saying sorry. And wanna know who is always the reason? Bella. That's who. You say you don't like her but guess what Jake. You do! Every time she's near you, you forget about me. And it hurts Jake. What if I was with another guy" I asked. He growled lowl.

"Your mine" He said.

"Exactly. Now I have to get going. We can finish this later" I turned my back on him and went to the truck.

"You fine sis?" Alec asked.

"Peachy. Just peachy." I said.

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