Teacher Spike (lab rats fanfi...

By Eclipse007

10.8K 228 57

Spin accidentally spills Leo's smoothie on Chase's tablet. Now Chase is acting paranoid and no one realizes w... More

Paranoia Only Gets You so Far
Spike is Here To Stay
This Is NOT Good

Mighty Med

1.1K 29 14
By Eclipse007

(I don't own this series)

"What about Mighty Med?"

I glanced over at the Davenports, who were adjacent to the table Rose and I were sitting at. They gave me innocent smiles and so I simply grunted and went back to the stress ball Eose had handed me, "this better be for shoving down people's throats if it's at all interesting."

"No, you squeeze it when you feel angry."

"I'm always angry," I scowled, squeezing it; I must have squeezed too hard because it exploded in my hand.

"Huh, never seen anybody do that before," Rose stared at the remains of the ball.

"I want to go over there," I said, glancing at the table full of Davenports. Were they talking about me? "They'd better not be trash talking me over there," I growled, standing up so fast my chair few back, hitting the wall with a loud thud.

"Jeez, calm down, will you? They're probably planning their classes or something. Hey! Why don't you do that? Make a plan for what you're going to teach your class today, I mean."

I huffed, casting a glare at the other table before picking my chair back up and fixing it so I could sit down, which I did, "fine."

"Great! So what you got?"

I stared at my hands for a second before smiling, "I'll teach them some history."

"Sounds awesome, get some education in there. Can't just have a bunch of dumb butts who only know how to punch people and nothing else. So-"

"We're going to watch all the Doctor Who episodes, in order, from classics to now. See? History."

"Okay, sweet, marathon it is. You know it'll take a long time to watch them all. Do you have the patience to?"

"We're watching them."

"Fantastic," she referenced, grinning, and I beamed back.

"Hey, Spike?"

I was about to growl at the interruption until I noticed who it was, and my snarl  instantly became a smile, indicating to Head Dad that he could continue speaking.

"We're going to take you somewhere to see if they can make you better because they've helped us before, okay? I need you to go with and listen to your siblings."

I frowned, a little disappointed that I would miss the beginning of the marathon, but I could probably just be able to watch the ones I'll miss on Chase's phone or something. After a moment of hesitation, I nodded, "I'll go with them."

Over at their table, the lab rats all simultaneously choked on air. Even Head Dad seemed surprised, "just... Okay?"



"Welcome to Mighty Med!" Fruit fly crowed as we walked in through the doors, "check it out, Spike! All these guys are superheroes!"

I grabbed one of the so called supes and pulled him closer to me, holding him up by his collar. I sneered at the scaly lizardman, "looks more like a new pair of boots."

"No!" Leo said quickly, pulling the scaled man out of my grasp, "bad Spike! Drop it! Bad! Just... Sit on one of the hospital beds, okay?"

I shoved some unconscious guy off one of the beds and laid down on it, putting my hands behind my head. 

"Good enough, we're going to go look for that weird Doctor guy, or Kaz and Oliver. Stay here and don't touch anything," Bree said as Adam and Leo split off down the hallways. She gave me a dirty look to get her point across before speeding off.

"Whatever," I sighed, grabbing onto the nearest phone. I found a game app and started playing; I got through a good portion of it before failing a level, "stupid birds," I growled, tossing the phone. It landed at the feet of a kid dressed like a lawyer's kid or something. He looked kind of like a potato, and he gave me a dirty look.

"Watch where you're throwing things, you idiot!" he snapped at me. Oh no he didn't, NOBODY snaps at Spike! I saw the aggression icon in the corner of my eye go from five to eighty, filling me with the oh so familiar aggression. Man, I had missed that, I hate being calm.

"What did you say to me?" I narrowed my eyes and hopped off the bed, stalking over to him with my hands in fists; I backed him up into a wall until we were nose to nose and a flicker of doubt gleamed in his eyes and he shouted.

"What  do you think you're doing!? Don't you know anything about personal space!? You really are an idiot!"

"You want to repeat what you said to me, you humanoid potato?" I snarled, huffing angrily.

He gagged, "are you deaf!? I called you an idiot! Agh! What have you been eating, rotten meat!?"

I sneered maliciously as I grabbed his shoulder and rammed him into the wall, "yeah, the hearts of my enemies go good with a nice salad. Now, I asked you-" I slammed him into the wall again, "-to repeat yourself, potato."

"I called you an idiot, three times!" he growled.

"That's what I thought," I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Do you even know who I am!? Wait a minute-" he gave me a glance over before a shocked, disgusted look came over his face, "you're a normo, aren't you!? Don't we have enough of those!?"

The word, normo, shot off his tongue like it was last month's roadkill. I didn't know what a normo was, but it was obviously an insult, I could pick that up from the way he said it, and a big insult at that. My aggression level rose to the top, and I saw red. An angry growl so animal-like I didn't recognize having ever made escaped my mouth. Fear flashed in the potato-kid's eyes as he realized he had messed up big time. I flew him like a frisbee and he crashed into some scrawny kid who had just walked in and they both toppled like dominoes.

How dare that little midget call me a normo! 

He cried out in terror as I stormed towards them; the majority of people in my way quickly moved out of range, but those who didn't pick up on my rage were shoved out of my way, most of them skidding a good ways. If I was in a cartoon, smoke would be coming out of my nose like a bull. The potato was hiding behind the scrawny kid.

"Oliver, help me! He's going to murder me!"

"Chase?" the green bean's tone was shocked, "what are you doing here?"

I was too enraged to answer, and I roared. The roar bounced off the walls, making it louder and more menacing.

I heard an angry shout from down one of the halls, sounding a lot like Leo, "WE HAD HIM CALM PEOPLE!!!! I SWEAR- WHO SET HIM OFF!?"

I jabbed my finger at the potato, "I'M GOING TO TURN YOU INTO A POTATO SALAD AFTER I MOUNT YOUR HEAD ON MY WALL!" I roared. 

I heard the doors to Mighty Med open behind me and I glanced over my shoulder to see who it was. It was some kid who smiled when he saw me, "oh, hey! What are you doing here?"

"KILLING HIM!" I answered, pointing at the kid who had insulted me before turning my glare back on the potato, "I'M GOING TO PUNCH YOU SO HARD YOUR BRAIN IS GOING TO COME OUT THROUGH YOUR EARS!"

I lunged forward, shoving the green bean out of my way and sneering in victory as I grabbed onto the potato and raised my fist to punch his face in. Time to teach this punk a lesson he'll never forget!

Somebody tackled me to the ground, Adam, I realized, "GET OFF OF ME! I HAVE A POTATO TO KILL!"

"No killing people!" he said before I heard the wind get knocked out of him as I managed to elbow him. 

"I do what I want!" I snarled before promptly biting down on his hand. He cried out in pain and surprise, crying out indignantly, instinctively recoiling and letting me go. I took off down the hall after the potato, who had taken off as soon as I was distracted. I slammed people out of my way as I ran, "COME BACK HERE, MIDGET!"

I was so close to grabbing onto him when Leo came hurtling out of a side hallway and we collided so hard we skidded about five feet. I was too angry to pay attention to the scrapes on my legs and arms, "THE POTATO IS GETTING AWAY!"

"Oh, wow, he really set you off, huh?" Leo groaned in pain, but I paid no attention as I took off after the potato kid. I caught sight of him and he screamed for help when he saw me, darting around a corner. I turned the corner so fast I had to shove off the wall after I skidded into it. The kid was hiding behind some chick in spandex. She seemed surprised to see me and opened her mouth to say something but I beat her to it.

"Step away from the potato, little lady, my fists can't wait to mash him like a mallet."

"Did you just call Alan a potato? And what's wrong with your voice?"

"I've got less flattering things to call him," I snarled like a rabid wolf, "now if you wouldn't mind, I have the perfect spot on my wall for his ugly mug."

"Wow, okay, what did you do to make him so mad, Alan?" 

"I'm going to rip out his Adam's apple and make an apple pie. Then I'm going to make him eat it!"

"That's disgusting."

I jumped about fifteen feet into the air, an uncharacteristic girly scream escaping me before I turned and punched the newcomer in the face. They cried out in pain before punching me back.

"Ow! Son of a hypocrite!" I cursed, holding my now bleeding nose as I cringed and opened my eyes to see who I had punched. I gaped, "Rose?" 

My anger dissipated, replaced immediately with guilt as I realized I had just broken my only rule, that I never fight girls. I had just punched a girl, what do I do now!? That's, like, my only rule for myself! And I just broke it! Crap, crap, crap- my mind blanked and I immediately retreated.

Commando app engaged 

Chase blinked, completely confused, "wha- ah, why does my face hurt so much!?"

"I may or may not have punched you, er, Spike. Reflex, sorry, but seriously ow! Is that how he says hi or something? Very affectionate, yeah, next time a hello would be better," Rose hissed, pinching her nose and tilting her head back. 

Chase quickly moved to stop her,making her tilt her head back down, ignoring the blood dripping down his own face from the meat suit's possibly broken nose, "don't do that, all the blood will run down your throat and you'll drown in your own blood."

"Ew, the girl who died from drowning in her own nose blood, no thanks. Jeez, I think I broke your nose, sorry, but if it helps you feel better, I think mine is broken too."

"Spike hit you?" Chase sounded a mix of horrified and shocked, and I sighed, enjoying the peace for time being. Great, as if Chase didn't already think I was a monster. How am I supposed to be a good dad to him if he thinks I'm some sort of inhuman monster?

"I think it was an accident, I startled him and then I accidentally punched him back," Rose cringed, "jeez, I just wanted to see Mighty Med, not have a reason to see it."

"Wait, Mighty Med? Why are we at Mighty Med? Who are you?"

"Rose," she answered, "I'm kind of like Spike's assistant slash intern, I heard yelling so I followed the trail of destruction and unconscious people."

Okay, time to take control again before Chase bleeds out through his nose, since he isn't paying any attention to it.

Commando app disengaged.

"Your face got in the way of my fist."

"Apology accepted, I think, next time just say hi, Kay? Yeah."

I turned around, mustering up some anger to use to go after the potato, but Rose grabbed my hand and started pulling me down the hall, "jeez, you're leaking blood all over the floor, you can beat up the potato later. Don't just- cup your hand under your nose or something, you're leaking blood all over the floor!" 

I just stared at her, "but the potato!" 

I attempted the expression Chase used to use when he was little, called puppy eyes. He doesn't really use it anymore, but maybe I could pull it off,

"How are you even doing that? You're a butt."

I thought I was victorious because she let my hand go, but then she tilted her head up again, "fine, go, I'll just die in a hospital from a bloody nose, because if we don't go see the doctors, surely we'll die from blood loss."

Remembering what Chase had said, I immediately frowned, grabbing her hand and pulling her down the hall. I was the one who had punched her after all, and the road to making up for punching a girl had to start somewhere. I gave my target a pointed look, sliding my finger across my throat before pointing at him, "I'll be back!"

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