The Theory of Liam Payne⇪Ziam...

By butt3rflyTA3

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"I've been writing this since the first day I've met you Li" [completed] More

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2.4K 208 47
By butt3rflyTA3

20. Thankful

Liam decided he'd stop home for a shower before he would make his way to the hospital to see Zayn for the day.

When he had stopped to open his front door, he felt like he was having a good day.

He doesn't cry himself to sleep anymore, he visits Zayn more frequently now because Trisha had told him that the doctor said Zayn was making much better progress.

His fingers would move, his toes would move, even his leg sometimes and that was a good sign. Maybe if he kept praying, Zayn'll wake up in no time. "Liam?" Karen asks from the kitchen.

"Y-Yes?" "Where are you?" "M-M'gonna take a shower, th-than see Z-Zayn" "Okay dear, please come in the kitchen after you're done"

"O-Okay" Liam says rushing up the steps. He placed his bag in the chair before grabbing some fresh clothes to wear as he walks into his bathroom

Twenty minutes later, Liam finally cane down dressed in his green plaid flannel shirt. Originally it's Zayn, but Zayn told him to keep it.

"Y-Yes?" Liam asks, looking at his mother and father who we're smiling at him. He started to get creeped out, "Wh-What did I-I do?"

"Nothing dear, we just wanted to know if we can come along with you to the hospital" Liam frowns sitting down at the table, "O-Okay," he asks, sort of caught off guard.

Liam nods, "I think Tr-Trisha would like t-that" he says with a smile. Karen kisses his buzz cut, "Alright dear, let me get my bag and we'll get going"

Liam nods standing up from the kitchen chair, he makes sure to grab the car keys so he can get the car started for his mother.

Today felt weird and Liam didn't understand why, he just felt like today was going to be an unusually good day. His parents we're awfully lovey today and any other time Liam would find it adorable, but he wishes he can be lovey dovey with Zayn

The boy sighs leaning his head against the cold window, closing his eyes to recollect his day. He went to school, talked with his friends a little, stayed in the library on his own to read, then stared out into space thinking about his boyfriend.

A few people we're giving him looks of sympathy but Liam made sure to dodge them because if he hears another 'it'll be okay' from someone he doesn't know, he'll even snap and Liam isn't the type to do that.


When both Liam and Karen arrived to the hospital, they were met with Zayn's parents and his little sister Safaa. "Hi Leeyum!" Safaa says, rushing to hug him.

"H-Hi Saf, can y-you say he-hello to my mum?" Safaa waves, "Hi Liam's mom, Liam is my boyfriend"

Karen chuckles, "Oh really?" "Yes but Zayn stole him away, oh and Zayn moved his fingers a lot today!" Liam nods with a smile, greeting Zayn's parents before sitting beside his boyfriend

Liam made sure to fix his hair before sitting down, he didn't mind Safaa sitting on his lap because he's very fond of the girl. "Liam?"

"Y-Yes?" "Do you think that if I play Justin bieber, Zayn will wake up?" Liam smiles, "Well it's with a try" Safaa taps her chin, "Can I see your phone?"

Liam nods, quickly unlocking his iPhone before handing it over to the young girl. He watches her type on YouTube, then Justin Bieber in the search.

"Okay what song?" Liam thinks, "B-Baby" he says with a grin because he knows how much Zayn hates the song with a burning passion. Safaa grins clicking the video, she slides off of Liam's lap to stand beside the man in the hospital bed. Liam glances at the two mothers already interacting with each other outside the room.

Safaa turns it u, standing on the other side of Zayn, Liam couldn't help but bite his lip to laugh as Safaa sings along.

Trisha glances at the room before excusing herself, "Dear no, get that away from Zayn's ear" "But I'm trying to wake him up mummy" Safaa says making her sigh. "Dear music isn't going to help" Trisha says making Safaa frown turning it off

Trisha takes the phone before going to Liam, "Here you go dear" she says before pinching his cheek, she leaves the room making Safaa huff

"It was working!" "R-Really?" Safaa nods, "Maybe if I sing then it'll work" she says to herself before grabbing Zayn's hand

Liam smiles, "Y-You can try" he says he making her smile. The man couldn't help but coo as she sings the chorus of baby, she wasn't that bad

Liam thought it was cute that she believed that singing Justin Bieber would help Zayn wake up. Just when his phone vibrated, he noticed he got a text message from Harry asking if he was coming over today

When Liam was about to respond he heard a loud groan making him freeze. He knows for sure that didn't come from Safaa's little voice, that would entirely scary if it did.

He looked up noticing Safaa smiling brightly at the figure in the bed. "Leeyum look!" She exclaims making the man stand up, walking over to Zayn whose eyes were fluttering slightly.

"Z-Zee?" Liam asks, grabbing his hand. He squeezes it tightly before leaning in closer, "Z-Zayn?" He repeats, watching as the fluttering stop.

Liam shakes his shoulder causing the man to his eyes flutter once again before opening them slightly. Safaa squeals rushing out the hospital room. "Z-Zee" Liam says before he starts to cry, watching Zayn close his eyes before blinking up at him slowly.

"Liam" he says quietly behind the mask, squeezing the younger man's hand. "I-I thought I-I-I lost yo-you" Liam says, stuttering badly as he clings onto his boyfriend's hand. Zayn eyes we're in slits, not used to the bright lights but they sure open widely noticing that he wasn't in heaven

Sure he had seen everything in white, but then he heard a small voice that compared to an angel but it actually Liam. "M'okay" Zayn mutters out as Liam bring a chair closer to his bed. The younger boy wipes his eyes with his free hand, "D-Don't close yo-your eyes" he begs, not wanting to lose his boyfriend again

Zayn blinks a few times, his vision starting to adjust to the white room. He turns his head slowly to stare at Liam, smiling a little. "Your hair, where did it go?"" he asks quietly. Liam shakily brings a hand up o his buzz cut, "I-I shaved it"

"Why?" "Mi-Midlife crisis" Liam says with a teary smile, sorta regretting that he shaved his head as he leans forwards for Zayn to touch.

Liam closes his eyes tightly, missing Zayn's warm hand touching him as if it was some delicate china. He wanted to believe this wasn't a dream, he wanted to believe that Zayn had actually woke up.

After a few minutes, Liam didn't feel that weight on his hand anymore, he closes his eyes tightly before looking up. His heart stutters a little when Zayn's bright hazel eyes stares right back in his chocolate brown ones, Liam couldn't see the smile because of the mask on Zayn's face

But he could see it in his eyes, they we're saying so many things that Zayn couldn't say at the moment, and Zayn himself could see Liam was the time.

Ever since he met Liam, he was too shy to talk in front of him. Zayn could already understand him from his eyes, and that's all they really need at this moment.

Sitting in silence, a pair of eyes filled with love and longing that never left the other.

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