Finding the one and only

By Aphmeow0529

520 37 10

Aphmau and her family moved into a new city. Ra'un city. She also transfered into a new school. Pheonix drop... More

Chapter 1: The move
Chapter 2: Love is..?
Chapter 3: New friends!
Chapter 5: My Boy Bestfriend
Chapter 6: Dinner and Movie Time!
Chapter 7: "You'll always be my friend"
Chapter 8: "Decapitate your head and use for decoration!"
Chapter 9: "I think he likes you"
Chapter 10: One Magical Night
[A/N] please read,its short. I promise

Chapter 4: Weekend Hang-out!

43 5 0
By Aphmeow0529

"I'll go upstairs mom! I'm going to sleep now!" I said kissing her in the forehead.

"Alright, good night, honey!" She said and I bid her good night. I quickly ran into my room and change into my pajamas. Once I'm done, I lay down on my head, ready to sleep.

Whew! It's been a week since I've been attending PDH and it's really the fun I most had! I really have great friends who are really supportive and funny, I'm easily getting my studies and I got an A on my history test yesterday. Laurence,Garroth and I have become really close and we always hang out with each other. Tomorrow's Saturday and I plan to hang-out with the girls on the mall and I asked permission from my mom and said that I was allowed to go and I was really excited! I already have my clothes ready for tomorrow! Now all I need is to fall asleep and wait for the sun to rise!


"Good morning Mom! Dad!" I said kissing them both on the cheek. I was extra happy today because I got to hang out with the girls all afternoon!

"Someone's excited.." Levin chuckled as I took a seat and eat my bowl of cereal for breakfast. I glare at him.

"Hey! I'm allowed to be happy if I want to!" I said while I took a spoonful of cereal on my mouth.

"Okay,okay! No need glare at me like I'm the most hideous person on the planet!" Levin said while putting his arm in defeat.

"Nope! You're not,because you are the most hideous person on the universe!" Malachi said while laughing at levin.

"You guys are mean!" Levin pouted and Malachi and I just laughed. I quickly ate my bowl of cereal And went upstairs to my room to take a shower and brush my teeth. Once I'm done, I put on my clothes, combed my hair, apply some thin layer of lipgloss, and add a mascara. I looked at my reflection in the mirror and put on my purple converse. I was wearing a purple crop top and some white high waisted shorts. I let my hair cascade down my back. I took my purse which contain my phone,wallet and other personal belongings. I walked downstairs and bid my goodbye to my parents and went outside to see the girls waiting for me. I hopped in their car and we drove to the mall.

"You guys wanna go to Starbucks?" Lucinda asked. We all agreed and nodded so entered the Starbucks and order our drinks.

"Hey, you guys wanna go shopping?" Nicole asked.

" for what?" I asked. I really don't need new clothes.

"Oh, haven't heard?" Kiki asked. I was beyond curious now, I don't know what they're talking about..

"Heard of what..?" I asked again.

"We're having a masquerade ball next week, Saturday, aphmau~senpai! It's a tradition in our school..every year, the principal and school administrators throws different parties as a sign of welcome for the new students or just a 'back-to-school' party. It's really fun! You should come, but you need to have a date to bring at the party,since it's a ball." Kawaii~Chan explains. I nod as I let the information sink in, so we really need to go shopping..hmm. I wonder If someone will ask me to go to the party.

"Yeah,it's really fun! Last year's theme was 'Fun-at-the-beach' the school set a reservation at the Naharka beach for 3 days straight! We really had a blast!" Kiki beamed at the idea of the party. I'll sounds really fun.

"Do you guys have a date to the ball?" I asked.

"Well, Dante asked me yesterday and I said yes,of course." Nicole said blushing while smiling.

Aww! My ship is sailing!

"Jeffory asked me too and I was totally cool about it. Since, you know, he's my boyfriend and stuff.."Katelyn said,nonchalant.

"How about you Kiki?" I asked.

"Well, Brendan asked if I can go with him and I said yes, but since we always hangout cause we're brother and sister, we decided that we'll tag along to our different group, so we'll still have fun!" Kiki explains. Wow, that's really a brilliant idea.

"How about you Lucinda?" Cadenza asked.

"I'm going out with Travis, since I dumped my boyfriend, Ivan, again"Lucinda explains a little bit irritated.

"Cadenza?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm going with cloud" cadenza smiled.

"Kawaii~chan?" Katelyn asked and we all looked at kawaii~chan.

"W-well, Kawaii~Chan got asked out 2 times but Kawaii~Chan rejected it because she wants Reese~Senpai to asked her." She said,shyly while fiddling with her hair.

"Aww, that's okay kawaii~Chan..I'm sure he'll asked you out." I said to Kawaii~Chan. "Well, lucky for you girls you have dates,Me? I still don't know" I sigh.

"Brighten up aphmau! We still have a week, maybe either Garroth or Laurence will ask you out, those two can't get away from you" Nicole said to brighten up the mood and we all started laughing. It's true, all 3 of us started to hang out a lot more than you could think of but I still hangout with the girls.

After we finished our drinks,we started to go shopping for ball gowns. I'm really excited for the party! I can hardly wait! We went shop by shop and try to find the best gowns that will compliment our figure and ourselves. We also bought matching accessories and shoes that will go on our gowns. After we're done, we went to the food court to have some snacks cause all that shopping made us hungry.

"I'm really excited for the ball!" Cadenza squealed. She said that she'll put some adjustments on her dress to make it totally fabulous. Then I invited them to go to my house before the ball begins so that we can get ready there and let our dates pick us up to the ball.

"I know right?! I bet this is going to be more fun than last year!" Kawaii~Chan beamed.

"Hey,guys..?" I asked. They turn all attention to me. "I think we're forgetting something.." I said.

"Hmm..what can we possibly forget?" Kiki asked.

"Yeah, aphmau, we got the gowns." Katelyn said.

"The accessories." Nicole said.

"Shoes." Lucinda said.

"Make-up, what are we forgetting?" Candenza asked.

"Well, I think we're forgetting the most important thing we need in this party...a mask"I explained.

"Oh yeah! We need a mask! How can we forget that? It's called 'masquerade' ball,eventually." Cadenza face palmed herself. Wow, she's really a party girl.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Kiki beamed. We motioned her to continue. "How about if we buy plain masks and we'll decorate it ourselves?! That will be fun! We just need the materials to decorate it with!" She smiled at her brilliant idea. We all agreed with her and soon enough we were at the arts n' craft store buying all the possible decorations for our masks. I really think it's a great idea, though.

We walked out of the mall with our arms full of shopping bags and smiles on our faces. We decided to have a stroll on the park and enjoy some ice cream. Hey! You should always make room for dessert!

Once we ordered our ice cream we sat on a park bench and watch the children play around. Katelyn and kawaii~Chan decided to play on the swings since they were done with their ice cream and have some fun. A few minutes later, Nicole, Lucinda, Kiki and cadenza went to play on the seesaw and they offered me to go with them but I declined their offer. I just sat there in the park bench alone and staring at the kids who were playing together. I suddenly remembered sky,Ross and Barney. I miss hanging out with them, I also miss our videos together, I miss their silliness. Maybe I should call them sometime.

"Hey, can I sit here?" I turn around and see garroth standing behind me with a smile on his face.

"Sure,go ahead" I nodded and scooted to the side to give him some space to seat. "What are you doing here?" I asked, slightly curios.

"Well, Laurence,Dante and the other guys and I were hanging out and I kinda ditched them." He explained and I giggled.

"Why did you ditched them?" I asked.

"I was getting bored and they kept talking about the ball next week so I decided to go here and eat some ice cream" he said. "Speaking of which, do you already have a date to the ball?" He asked.

I shook my head,no. "Well, no one has asked me yet,so,no..I don't have a date yet." I said.

"Umm..if that's so" he coughed. "Will you,Aphmau, would like to go to the Dance with me, as my date?" He said, biting his lip and looking really nervous.

I giggled. "Formal much?" I asked and he blushed. I smiled "Of course,Garroth, I would love to be your date to the dance." I said. He sighed and looked a little more relieved.

" about you? Why are you here in the park?" Garroth asked.

"The girls and I went shopping and hang out a few hours ago and since we were tired, we decided to have ice cream and play around in the park." I smiled.

We started to talk about some random stuff and we played at the swing along with katelyn and kawaii~Chan. I sat on the swing and garroth was pushing it so that it will launch forward along with me. We kept playing and having fun and soon enough, the guys were joining us and having fun all together. After a few more rounds, we all bid our goodbyes and went home.


" was you're day with the girls?" Dad asked, raising one eyebrow.

"It was so awesome! We shopped for hours and bought the most amazing gowns for the ball next week!" I beamed.

"Well,that's great honey! Who's gonna be your date at the ball?" Mom asked me,getting a little bit excited.

"Oh, garroth asked me today and I said yes!" I said. "And mom? Can the girls stay here a few hours early so we can get ready for the ball?" I asked

"Of course, sweetheart. I want you and the girls to look absolutely stunning for the ball!" Mom said.

"Aww,thanks mom!" I said and kiss her cheeks."Hey Malachi? Levin?" I called them both and they turned their attention to me. "Do you guys have a date to the upcoming ball?" I asked. I really wanted to know who they're going to bring.

"Oh, I'm taking Alexis, since you know, we've become pretty close." Levin said, grinning like the Cheshire Cat. I nodded at him.

Ohhh. Looks like someone has a crush on somebody!

"How about you Malachi?" I asked. I'm really curios on who's he gonna bring since I don't know any person in his year.

"Well, I asked Teony and she gladly accepted it!" Malachi smiled. Hmmm..Teony? That name's sounds famil- oh! Yeah! I know her! She helped me once in the halls and from what I remember she's also the teacher's aid.

"Oh,okay! Teony's really nice, she helped me once." I smiled at the memory.

"Oh really?!" Malachi asked. I nodded. "Hmm..I guess, I'm going to ask her about you then.." He said.


Hello people! Here you go! Another chapter since I didn't update last few weeks! Yeah..I'm still sorry about know me,pretty lazy :D

I hope you enjoy my story and I'm making it as interesting as possible! Just wait and things will turn out great! And if you're wondering "where's Aaron?" Don't worry! He's gonna be coming out on the next few chapters and you guys are gonna be in big surprise! ;)

Haha! So thank you guys for your cooperation and if you want to support more, be sure to:






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