Casualty Of Love {Harry Potte...

By perpetuallystrange

499K 8.8K 1.6K

Allie Jones is a witch. During her fourth year at Lumin's Wizarding School for Girls, she's dealt some startl... More

Nobody Ever Transfers Schools!
I Heard You're In Gryffindor.
So, Are You Veela?
Just The Usual Malfoyness.
I'll Have You Beggin On Your Knees For Me.
How Very Touching.
It Shall Be A Secret.
Animal Instinct?
Silly Old Bear!
I'm Beginning To Sound Like a Hufflepuff.
The Third Task.
We Need To Talk.
Grimmauld Place
Your Hair Looks Sexy Pushed Back.
First, You Need To Be Seductive...
Make Yourself At Home
I Guess Those Rumors Are True.
A Block Of Ice And A Tiny Hammer?
Why Do You Only Have Visions About Me?
I Don't Want To, I Need To.
You Better Give It To Me
Don't Try And Be A Hero
My Knight In Shining Denim.
Unfortunate Happenings Part 1
Unfortunate Happenings Part 2
I'm Probably Right?
Hyenas Are Annoying
Fight. Fight. Fight.
I've Been Oblivious
Your Eyes Are Like Space Crystals
I Will Do Whatever I Want!
The Shape Of My Heart
Dead Parents, Undead Grandparents

It's Already Dead.

12.4K 214 31
By perpetuallystrange

The summer holidays were drawing to a close faster than I thought possible. But there were a few things that still had to be done before we could head off to Hogwarts. First, Harry had to go to his hearing at the Ministry of Magic to find out if he would be expelled or not, (he had preformed the Patronus charm in front of Dudley, in case you didn't know) and we were still waiting for our booklists to arrive.

The morning of Harry's hearing, he left without a sound. We were all still sleeping, as he left at like six in the morning, but he was back in time for lunch, and had obviously got off. Fred, George, and Ginny started doing this kind of war dance and chanting "He got off, he got off, he got off--"

The days following were painfully boring. Being bored was not a good thing for me right now, it meant I had time to dwell on the fact that there would be no sneaking to meet Draco every night, there would be no more lying to everyone. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing. I mean, lying is never good, but if it meant that I could be with Draco then I was happy. I wasn't happy. I kept telling myself that if Draco didn't want to be with me than I didn't want to be with him. But that was a lie; I still wanted to be with him, so, so much. I found myself wondering at various points during the day what he was thinking. My guess was that he was a lot happier than I was. He was the one who broke up with me, even though he did try and take it back. What was he thinking? You can't just take something like that back.

Our booklists finally came and we learned that Ron and Hermione had been named Prefects. Now Hermione wasn't a surprise, but Ron? I would have thought that Harry would have gotten it. Mrs. Weasley offered to get our books and things from Diagon Alley while we packed. Then, Ron asked for a new broom since he got named Prefect and his mother obliged.

We all headed up to our rooms to pack after lunch. I solemnly put all of my things into my trunk, all the while thinking of how much this year is going to suck. I put all of my robes in one side, all of my muggle clothes in the other. Soon I packed all of my supplies for school as well, once Mrs. Weasley got back with them.

We all went to sleep after conversing for awhile. Everyone but me was excited to go back to Hogwarts. It's been easier not seeing Draco for all this time. Even though I yearned to see his face once more, I knew it would make me even more depressed, maybe even bring out the anger again.

The next morning we all gathered up to walk to King's Cross Station. Harry went first with Tonks, Moody, and Sirius, who was in dog form. Then the rest of us followed, me carrying Ringo in his cage; he wasn't too happy about having to be kept in his cage when we were outside. It took us about twenty minutes to get to King's Cross on foot. When we arrived, we all went through the wall, as usual. I stood on the platform and looked up at the train, having an internal battle with myself. I wanted so badly to see Draco, but then again I didn't want to see him at all. I didn't know what the hell I wanted.

"Come on, Allie!" Ginny squealed at me. She was oh so excited to find me a rebound. I sighed as I linked arms with her and climbed onto the train. We settled into a compartment with Luna Lovegood, whom was reading some magazine called the Quibbler, upside down may I add. Soon Harry and Neville joined us, Hermione and Ron had to attend to their Prefect duties.

After a few minutes of silence, Ron and Hermione pushed their way into our compartment..."Guess who the Slytherin Prefect is?" Ron said. My heart fluttered as I knew who it was. Why else would he even bring it up?

"Malfoy," Harry said bitterly, as if his worst fear was realized.

Hermione then told us that "that complete cow Pansy Parkinson" had gotten Prefect as well. That made my blood boil. Ugh, I hate her so much. If they were both Prefects, they would be spending a disgusting amount of time together.

Everyone else continued talking, whilst I was deep in thought. I was planning to kill Pansy Parkinson, its not like she didn't deserve it. My scheming was interrupted by Luna Lovegood's hysterical laughter. Apparently Ron had said "baboon's backside" and she thought that it was the funniest thing in the world. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and watched as Harry started reading the Quibbler randomly.

Moments later, the door to our compartment opened. Draco stuck his head in and my heart sank. I stared at him with eyes filled with gloom, and he didn't even look my direction.

"What?" Harry spat at him.

"Manners, Potter, or I'll have to give you a detention. You see, I, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments." He bragged.

Are you kidding me right now? He can't even acknowledge my existence? I sighed loudly, trying to force him to look at me. My depression was quickly dissolving and my anger was growing.

Malfoy asked Harry how he felt about coming in second to Weasley. Hermione yelled at him to get out, and finally, when he was in the doorway, he looked at me. His eyes were filled with regret, and I knew mine were filled with a mixture of anger and sadness. I broke the eye contact and looked down, I didn't want to, but I had to. I felt tears threatening to spill over so I turned to talk to Ginny, who had saw the exchange, to comfort me.


Draco's POV 

Why am I such an idiot? I don't know what came over me, but I just made a huge fool out of myself. I knew acting like a dumbass in front of her wasn't going to get her back, but I did it anyway. And the way she looked at, I have no chance. I miss her so literally causes me physical pain. My heart hurts when I think about her. Ugh, this year is going to suck.

I was finally happy...for once in my life, and I had to go and screw it up! And on top of that, Pansy is the other Slytherin Prefect! She pisses me off so bad....

I pushed timid and scared first years out of the way as I patrolled the halls. Now that I wasn't with Allie, I didn't really care about being nice to people. That was short-lived. I sighed as I saw Pansy coming my way, and quickly made a u-turn to head back the way I came.

As I walked past Potter's compartment again, I looked straight in. I could see Potter giving me a dirty look from the corner of my eye, but I could only look directly at her. I saw Ginny had her arm around her, whispering something, as if she was comforting her, and I swear I saw a tear run down her face. She turned and looked at me, and then she wiped her face and looked down. I turned and ran the other direction to find my own compartment to sit down.

Had I really hurt her that bad? I thought that since she didn't let me take it back, that she had wanted it. I had convinced myself that she didn't want me anymore. I found the compartment that Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle were sitting in, and joined them. I sat in the corner, staring desolately out the grimy window. How could I have hurt the only girl I've ever loved? I was beginning to hate myself even more than before.

What if she dated someone else this year? She is the most beautiful girl in the school, and now that she's single, I wouldn't be surprised if someone snatched her right up. I don't think I could handle seeing her with someone else. I honestly think I would have to kill someone. I would completely lose it, I know it.

But what could I do? I was the one who broke up with her. Maybe I could find some way to get her back......


Allie's POV

A large, lit up castle came into view and I smiled as I saw the school I had come to love so much. It was the first time I had smiled all day. I never would have thought that school would be the only thing that could make me smile.

We climbed out of the carriages that carried us here from Hogsmeade and walked right up to the castle. The Entrance hall was lit up with blazing torches, and the Great Hall looked as breathtaking as ever. I sat down next to Ginny, Fred, and George, as I realized that Hagrid wasn't at the teacher's table.

"Does anyone know where Hagrid is?" I asked.

"No idea, drunky, maybe he's off feeding some Blast-Ended Screwts or something."

I smirked at his comment and then turned to listen to the Sorting Hat's song. It was about the school, as usual, but then he began to sing about sticking together. The hat was giving us advice. Sticking together? Seriously?

I realized that I had sat on the wrong side of the table. I had a clear view of the Slytherin table, which I did not want to have at all. All I could see was Pansy Parkinson sitting really close to Draco. I fumed as I stabbed my food in front of me.

"It's already dead," Fred whispered to me.

I rolled my eyes at him, but was thankful for the distraction. I was tired, but for some reason the entire table was talking about the party that they were going to have in the common room that night.

"A party? I'm tired," I whined.

"You're just going to have to suck it up," George said, throwing a straw in my direction. I giggled and decided that I might as well take the opportunity to have fun, even though that was the last thing I felt like doing.

I was right, I wasn't up for partying. Ginny was off having fun and I was stuck on the couch pouting. It did give me the opportunity to observe everyone else though. I noticed what I hadn't noticed last year. Like Ginny had said, I was in Dracoland and couldn't see what everyone thought was obvious. Dean Thomas stared at me that entire time. No joke, the entire time. It was kind of cute though, and he had gotten more attractive over the break....

I shook myself out of it as George stood in front of me, holding out his hand. "Come for a walk with me." I took his hand, glad to get out of there, and walked of the common room with him.

"Why did you walk to go on a walk with me?" I said, blushing slightly as this was the first time I had been alone with a guy since this summer with Draco.

"You'll see."

Hmmmm. I wonder why he could possibly want to take a walk with me........

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