Something Has To Give

By jacksgibbs_cas

16.3K 485 45

Connie finally has it all; a daughter to go home to at night, someone to protect and love her, and a job whic... More

Break Up With Jacob Or I Leave
It Was Never Going To Work
Burried Alive
Struggling On
Pretending To Be Strong
As Time Passes
Meeting Elle
All It Takes Is A Second
Mistakes Are Meant To Happen
Unspoken Confessions
Finding Out
We Can Do This
Wicked Games
Never An Easy Life
Never An Easy Life cont.
You Can't Have Both
Stepping Down
Early Days
Settling Down
The Right Sacrifice
Dreamt Of A Happy Ending


706 19 2
By jacksgibbs_cas

The end of the shift rolled around and soon enough Jacob was standing by the nurses' station aimlessly stacking files in a pile. Connie walked out of cubicles scanning across a patient's document in her hands.

Jacob's eyes lifted to her almost immediately as he continued to watch her. "How are things with you and the ice queen since she ditched you?" Rita lifted her hand and hit Cal across the chest who flinched shrugging "What?"

"You know how it is with her, knocks you back but you keep trying... Oh wait no you wouldn't understand that about Connie because she shut you down first attempt." Rita bit her lip to stop herself from laughing while Cal nodded his head.

Jacob smiled across at Rita before dropping the final file to the pile and wandering away into the staffroom. The blinds were down in there as he entered from earlier on in the day when Zoe had spoken to Max about leaving.

He went to his locker unlocking it as someone walked in through the other door of the staffroom. They stopped behind him and trailed a hand down his back causing a smirk to come to his face. "Sweet cheeks..."

Jacob turned and smiled down at her before leaning down and kissing her. Connie responded before pushing her hands against his chest. "Meet me outside in 10 minutes-" "You're the boss..."

Connie moved to walk away as Jacob reached forwards for her wrist turning her back around. "Before you go there was one thing." "What?" Connie looked up at him for a second before he stepped forwards and her lips collided with his.

Her hands held onto his shoulders as his moved down to her waist. Connie stepped back with Jacob until his back hit the lockers. He dropped his hands to the bottom of her dress before she caught them and laced her fingers with his.

"Meet me outside... Grace is with the child minder for the next few hours..." Jacob's lips continued to press kisses to her neck before she let go of his hand to lift his chin up to look at her. "The quicker you get out of here, the quicker you can get me out of this."

A sly smile placed itself on Jacob's face before Connie kissed him once more, leaving the room the same way she entered it but with Jacob's eyes following her the entire time.

He grabbed his things leaving the hospital hovering beside the wall. Connie stood in her office talking to Zoe for what was the final time.

"You're sure I can't change your mind?" Zoe sighed shaking her head as a small sad smile appeared. "I need to do this." Connie nodded with a forced smile. Despite their differences Zoe was a good doctor with a kind heart and she'd miss her within the department. "Good luck Dr Hanna-" "You too Connie. Oh, I know it's none of my business, but don't let this place ruin a good thing. Some people are worth fighting for."

Zoe turned her back and walked out of the office closing the door behind her. Connie rest a hand against her forehead sighing before picking up her bag and coat.

Leaving the office she collided with Elle. "Oh sorry, I don't suppose you've seen Jacob around anywhere?" "His shift finished 10 minutes ago so he's probably gone." Elle nodded before responding to someone calling her back into the department.

With a glare that could kill she walked away out of the department for the night. She strolled up the path towards her car before noticing Jacob against the wall.

"Care to tell me what we're doing-" "Care to tell me why Elle's suddenly asking about your whereabouts?" Connie folded her arms against her chest as Jacob rolled his eyes. "Oh come on Connie not this again... Seriously? Why are you jealous of her, it's not like she's the one I'm sneaking around to sleep with is it?"

She dropped her arms as he placed his hands on them looking down at her. "There's only one person I care about and they're standing in front of me." Connie forced a smile before wandering to her car.

"You coming muscles or what?" She smirked as she climbed into the car, Jacob slowly following. Charlie emerged from the ED and witnessed the pair leaving together but just smiled to himself before returning to work.

The drive was quiet as Jacob placed his hand on Connie's thigh while she drove. His thumb gently moving up and down her leg before he spoke. "Want to explain where we're going sweet cheeks?" "You'll see-" "Woman of mystery now?"

She laughed lightly before pulling into a small car park. "I know I'm irresistible but I'm sure there are plenty of other places we could go to do this which isn't a car park." Connie gently punched his chest before getting out of the car.

When Jacob got out he noticed the hotel behind them. "Oh... I see your thinking Mrs B and I have to say, I quite like it." Connie smiled as his arms snaked around her waist before his lips pressed down onto hers.

They broke apart before Connie took his hand and wandered inside with him. Jacob looked about at the expensive chandeliers while Connie checked in.

"You ready or you going to spend the whole time looking at the room decor?" Jacob smirked taking her hand and wandering towards the lift. They got in with several other people and stood awkwardly in the middle.

Everyone soon left leaving them alone as they continued ascending the lift. "This must have cost you a fortune-" "Don't. Don't do that." Connie walked towards him lifting her arms around his neck. Jacob watched her about to speak before pressing his lips to hers.

He let his hands drop down to her thighs lifting her up causing a small squeal to leave her lips. Jacob spun around so that her back was pressed against the lift wall but quickly put her down as the doors sprung to life letting someone in.

Connie bit her lip hiding her face against Jacob's shoulder as he held her hand waiting for the next level. As soon as the doors opened he pulled her through and down the corridor. "Is now a bad time to tell you it's that way?"

Connie laughed as he rolled his eyes, took the room key and lifted her up into his arms. "Jacob put me down... I will make your life hell if you don't. Put. Me. Do-" he cut her off letting his lips caress hers as he continued walking.

Jacob fiddled with the card before pushing it into the slot letting them into the room. He walked in pushing the door closed with his foot and moved straight towards the bed.

He lay Connie down and crawled above her letting his lips hover above hers. She opened her eyes to look up at him to see him glancing around the room.

He stood up causing her to sit up leaning on her elbows. "Jacob?" He stepped away from the bed continuing to look around the room. "Hello?" Jacob glanced at her before looking at the window. "These curtains are incredible, I mean just look at the way they compliment the colours in here-" "I swear to god you are not going to leave this place alive."

He smiled as Connie walked over to him, her hands grasping both sides of his jacket pulling him close to her. He let her kiss him before giving in to her completely.

He shrugged off his jacket before parting from her lips to pull his shirt over his head. His lips collided with hers again as his hands slipped to the skin of her legs. He slowly moved them up, pushing the dress higher up her legs until his fingers brushed against the lace material of her underwear.

Connie wrapped her arms around his neck as he lifted her up again carrying her to the bed. He fell down above her as he deepened the kiss, his hands wandering her body.

Jacob rolled to the side so that Connie straddled his waist. He ran his hands up and down her legs as she pressed her hands into his chest.

Sitting up quickly she pulled the dress over her head feeling Jacob's hands on her waist immediately. He gently brushed his fingertips across her skin before she leant down to his lips again. His hands settled on her bare thighs as she knelt across him.

"How... Long... Have... We... Got?" Jacob spoke inbetween kissing her before she sat up shaking her hair down her back. "I need to be home at 8." Jacob glanced to the clock on the side which read '18:09'.

Connie ran her hands down his chest annoyed at how they had to rush around like this. "I guess I should make this worth while for you then." She let her eyes fall to his again with a smile before he lifted up and pushed her down to the bed once again.

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