Sink or Swim✓ (Teen Romance)

By AnneLutz

5.1M 156K 35K

Finn Delson--more commonly known as Cassi's sister--has spent her entire life in the shadows. She is the good... More

Sink or Swim
Updated Character List
Chapter One *Edited*
Chapter Two *Edited*
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine *NEW*
Chapter Thirty: Epilogue

Chapter Eighteen

119K 4.8K 648
By AnneLutz

            "Mum?" asks Elliot.  His voice suddenly grows louder, "What're you doing here?"

            I shrink back a step, hoping to hide myself from Ms. Parker.  Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work.

            "Finn, leave.  I need a moment with my son."  Ms. Parker doesn't look at me as she speaks.  Instead, she keeps her narrowed gaze on Elliot; and if looks could kill, he'd be in serious trouble right about now.

            I eagerly take a step backward, but Elliot turns to catch my wrist.

            "No."  He pulls me against his side with a little more force than necessary.  Then he lightens his death grip over my arm, and instead rests his fingers on my waist.  "Mum, you're the one who needs to go."

            "Is everything alright?" asks Aunt Steph.  I almost forgot her presence in the middle of the Parker stare down. 

            I glance back to look at her, only to notice that her face is burning almost as brightly as her hair.

            "Why is she here?" demands Elliot, turning to face his aunt.  He jabs an accusing finger toward Ms. Parker.  "Why would you tell her?"

            "Oh relax, Elliot."  Ms. Parker rolls her fingers across the dark wood.  "Your aunt was simply ecstatic to call and inform me of your little 'date'.  I asked her if I could surprise you two and foot the bill.  Really, you should be thanking her."

            "I don't understand...."  Aunt Steph glances from Elliot to his mother, her eyes thankfully avoiding mine.  Somehow, I feel like this is something that would happen to me.  She tried to help everyone out, but instead ruined everything.

            "It's alright.  Never mind."  Elliot sucks a breath through his teeth.  "Thank you for the nice room."

            Aunt Steph nods, her face still red.  Then, she slowly retreats from the room and disappears into the hall.

            "Say whatever you want," says Elliot, yanking one of the chairs from the table and dropping into it.  "Finn's staying though."

            I stand frozen for a moment, unsure what to do with myself.  Both Parkers stare at me with expectant gazes.  To be honest, I would much rather leave the room like Ms. Parker wants.  I can already tell things are going to get ugly, and I don't want to be caught in the middle of it.  But Elliot's blue eyes are practically imploring me to stay.  I can't make it look as though I'm taking his mother's side.

            I hesitantly nod and force myself to take the seat beside Elliot.

            "Fine."  Ms. Parker thrums her fingers again.  "I want to know exactly what's going on between you two."

            "Why?" asks Elliot, almost before Ms. Parker has finished speaking.

            She purses her lips.  "Because I'm your mother, and it's my right to know."

            "And you couldn't have asked when I got home?" 

            "Just answer the question, Elliot," snaps Ms. Parker.

            I keep my eyes fastened on my hands, hoping that maybe they'll forget I'm here altogether.

            "She's my girlfriend, Mum."

            His words make me blush, especially in the blunt manner he speaks.  As though it's so obvious that he and I are boyfriend and girlfriend.  I have to resist the urge to peak at him, even though I am dying to on the inside.  I want to look at his face, to know if he really means what he says.  Maybe he's only saying it to piss his mom off—which, by the sound of her silence, seems to be working.  .

            "And what about Cassi?" asks Ms. Parker. 

            This time, I do look at Elliot's face.  I've been wondering the same thing ever since Aunt Steph slipped up. 

            "I knew that's what this is about."  He smacks his palm on the table.  "Mum.  I am done talking about her."

            "Elliot, what's going on?" I ask, my bottom lip starting to quiver.  Something is going on, but I don't know what.  I feel vulnerable and inane, because obviously, I'm the only one in the room clueless as to what's happening.

            "I'll tell you later."  His jaw is clamped a little too tightly, so much that I am almost waiting for his teeth to crack..  "Mum, don't do this.  It isn't fair."

            "No.  If things were fair, you'd be here with Cassi right now," snaps Ms. Parker.

            "For the last time, I am sorry.  But I can't change how I feel."


"No.  I don't want Cassi or anything to do with her."

            Elliot is practically yelling now, but it isn't him that I watch.  Instead, my vision is fixed upon Ms. Parker.  Her face has remained threatening and cold for their entire conversation, but in that last moment, her austere manner slips.  Something in Elliot's words makes her gasp, and she snaps backward, almost as though she's been slapped across the face.

            I want to know the meaning of Elliot's declaration.  It doesn't quite make sense.  Elliot and Cassi are still friends, so why would he say that?  I don't know, but I can tell Ms. Parker does.

            "Elliot.  You're grounded."  She speaks through gritted teeth, leaning closer with sentence.  "No leaving the house for anything but school.  No swim.  No friends.  And definitely none of that ungrateful wench."

            I flinch at her words.  I barely know the woman, so how can she hate me so much?  Tears begin to blur my vision, but nobody else seems to notice.  They continue to argue, as though I'm not even in the room.

            "You can't keep me from seeing her." 

            "Watch me."

            "We're leaving."  Elliot shoves his chair backward and clasps my shoulder.  "Thanks for paying.  The reservation is all yours."

            With that, he storms from the room, dragging me behind him.  I don't know if I want to go with him, but I know I don't want to be alone with Ms. Parker.  I limply follow Elliot down the twist of hallways and into the parking lot.  He doesn't say anything as we walk and neither do I.  It isn't until we reach the car that I finally explode.

            "What the hell was that about?" I demand, ripping my arm from his grasp.

            "I know it sounded bad, but please, trust me."

            "Did you lie to me about Cassi?" I ask.  "Just tell me the truth, Elliot."

            "I'm not dating her and I never did."  Elliot runs a hand through his hair.  "It's really complicated.  I don't know how to explain..."

            "Well try."  I cross my arms, trying to look menacing, rather than broken.

            "I can't, Finn.  There's a lot of things that happened in the past, but I can't tell you.  I promised I wouldn't."

            "You promised who?  Cassi?"

            Elliot nods, his eyes turned away from me.

            "So you have been lying to me?"  I take a step backward and give a short, sarcastic laugh.

            "Trust me, I would tell you if I could.  It's just not my secret, alright?"

            "No.  Not alright," I say.  "You can't keep secrets from me, especially not about my sister.  You're supposed to be on my side.  You're supposed to keep my secrets, not hers.  What happened between you two?"

            I probably sound overdramatic, but I can't help myself.  He knows how hard Cassi has made my life, so why would he be protecting her from me?  Worse yet, what could've they possibly done that he won't tell me?  I want to scream and cry and laugh all at the same time.  Because here I am once again, realizing that the guy I like is actually helping Cassi.

            "I am so sorry, Finn."  He still doesn't look at me.  "I want to tell you—"

            "Just stop, okay?"  I try to laugh again, but this time, it comes out as a half-sob.  "Just take me home."

            "Did you hear anything I said to my mum?  I don't want to date Cassi; I want to date you.  I want you to be my girlfriend.  Just because my mum wants me to date her, doesn't mean I would."

            "I know that.  But the fact that something happened between you and my sister, something that obviously is too intimate for you to share, that means you would.  And I can't trust you if you've kept something big from me, especially if you won't tell me what it is."

            He opens his mouth, as though he is honestly going to spit some other lie; but then, he says nothing.  His face is so sincere, as though his secrecy is killing him more than it's killing me.  But there's no way it's hurting him worse.  I've never felt this kind of betrayal and embarrassment.  How many times do I have to hope a guy will prove me wrong?  That anyone will prove me wrong?  I don't know, but I'm getting really tired of it all.

            I don't say anything to him.  I just walk away and sit on the restaurant's curb.  My mother is home early today, so I call to beg for a ride.  Luckily, she doesn't ask many questions and simply agrees to come pick me up.  Elliot is still watching me, so I don't hang up the phone.  I keep chatting with my mother, knowing that he won't try to talk to me when I'm on the phone.  Still, he doesn't leave.

Instead, he sits against the trunk of his car, watching me with a dejected expression.  He almost looks like a kicked puppy, but I have no desire to go comfort him. 

            Because he's just like Alex and every other guy before him.


A/N:  Okay, that chapter really hated me.  But who is so proud of me for updating wayyy ahead of schedule?  I'm sorry if it's shorter than usual, but I think the next one will be back to the normal length.

  'd you like the chapter?  Tell me your thoughts or guess about the secret, Ms. Parker, and Finn's reaction!  I love getting comments and votes, so I'd love it if you'd take a second to do them!  Either way, thanks for reading and I hope you're enjoying it!  :)

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