Avengers Preferences

By MaximoffsGirl

203K 4.8K 2.9K

Hey. You should read this book if you like any main character in Civil War, Age of Ultron or Avengers (who is... More

Request! ~not a chapter~
How You Meet
You Meet Again/They Ask You Out/Some First Dates
They Ask You Out (Steve and Wanda)
Your First Date
Your First Kiss
Your Song
You Tell The Avengers
First 'I Love You'
T'Challa Catchup
Peter Parker Catchup
Sam Wilson Catchup
James Rhodes Catchup
Scott Lang Catchup
New cover
Things You Do Together
Your Thing
They Ask For You To Move In
Your House (Exterior)
Your House (Kitchen)
Your House (Bedroom ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))
Your House (Living Room)
Your House (Extra Rooms)
Your Halloween Costumes
Valentine's Day
They Save You
When You/Natasha/Wanda Came Out To Them
Secrets They Only Told You
Proposal and The Engagement Ring
Clothes for Your Wedding (Pt. 1: Tony-Wanda)
Clothes for Your Wedding (Pt. 2: T'Challa-Loki)
Wedding! (Tony)
Wedding! (Steve)
Wedding! (Bruce)
Wedding! (Thor)
Wedding! (Clint)
Rainy Days
First Pregnancy Announcement


9K 244 146
By MaximoffsGirl


Tony seemed like the kinda guy who is so confident that nothing bothers him, but oddly, the instant someone messes with you, he gets defensive.

"Hey, what's up?" Someone asked as you sat in a cafe. Tony was getting you some coffee.

"Waiting on my coffee. Do I know you?" You ask. He shakes his head.

"No, but I would like to get to know you," he said, smiling. Tony came back and poured your coffee on his head, making you gasp then laugh as the guy laughed it off. "Oh, sorry. Is she your girlfriend?"

"Yes. She is. And she won't be on the market for a very long time, hopefully ever."

"I'm sorry Mister, I didn't mean to-"

"Get out."

You should've reprimanded him, told him not to be like that, but it was cute. Very very cute.

"I said..."

"Get out, I get it," the man said, smiling softly. Before he left, he whispered in your ear, "You caught a good one."

"Just leave already!" Tony yelled, making a scene in the cafe. The man ran out, shooting glances back at you and Tony.

As for you, you never found a point in being jealous. It always ended the same, one person hurt or your bond being stronger, more often the first.


You trusted him enough to be a gentleman and not cheat on you, he hadn't failed you yet.

Steve becomes a social justice warrior when he gets jealous.

"Hey there," someone said as you walked down the streets of Brooklyn. You saw Steve a few feet in front of you.


"Nice ass," he smirked. He was about to smack it, much to your offense, but Steve ran up to you before he could.

"Hey babe," Steve said, pulling you in for a kiss, getting between you and the man.

Okay what?

1. Babe? What?! He always called you doll or darling

2. Lip kissing + public = NOT STEVE. He only kissed the top of your head!

You're confused, but hug him, waving to the other guy.

"Don't let anyone ever speak to you like that again, do you understand me?" Steve said, "Now pretend what I just said was funny and laugh."

"Damn those eyelashes," you whisper, disobeying his orders. It slipped out, and your eyes were stuck on those perfect eyelashes.

"Y/N. I don't want anyone to treat you like that, nor any woman at all. You have to promise me that you'll break the nose of the next person who talks to you like that."

"I copy! Don't worry, Star-Spangled Ass," you say, smirking as he smiles back at you. You smack that perfect butt, making him pull you in for only a second, kissing your head.

"Thanks, doll."

There he is.


Bruce tries not to get jealous, but that can be hard.

"What a babe!" A guy said to his friends, looking at you. You get closer to your boyfriend, then one of them bites their lip. You see them wind up their hand as you were about to pass him and stop in your tracks.

"Listen, I have a boyfriend."

"Well I could be a better one."

With that, you grabbed the sides of his head and brought him down to meet your knee. It was a little violent, but he got the point and left you alone. The guy fell to the ground and got up a second later, his nose bleeding.

"Thanks, BGFL."

"Whatever, you beautiful little fool," you say, kissing him as you walked.

When you got jealous, it went about the same.

"BGFL," Bruce said from next to you. You were at one of Tony's many parties, he would celebrate anything. Anyway, you were alone with Bruce, the other scientists at SHIELD had scattered and all gone their separate ways.


"The Avengers are over there," Bruce said, pointing across the room. You, being antisocial, winced at the idea of going past so many people. Bruce had been pushing you out of your comfort zone a lot, so, he left you to go talk with them. On the way, you noticed someone pull him into a conversation and fell back, sitting alone.

After years of Bruce being your only friend, you were used to this when he was gone. You just watched him chat, wishing you had the will to just simply stand up and go to him. Bruce looked at you, motioning for you to come over, but you pretended not to see. The big crowd was already making you claustrophobic, a tiny conversation group? No! You did feel jealous of Bruce and his ability to make friends...

"BGFL?" He asked, looking at you. "Y/N!?"

"Yeah," you say, though the loud noises drowned it out. Bruce walked over to you and took your hand, bringing you into the conversation. You saw a few familiar faces, Natasha, Steve, Maria, but there were people you didn't know. Soon, you were chatting it up with them! The people you didn't know we're King T'Challa of Wakanda, James Rhodes or Rhodey, and Steve's girlfriend, you had already forgotten her name.


He doesn't get jealous. Anytime you're with him, nobody talks to you except for some girls, but they usually talk to him. That's when you get jealous, but you can hold it down. Thor always comforts you.

"Oh, hey," a girl said to Thor as you passed. She put her hand on his forearm, and you looked away. Thor made you look at him.

"Lady Y/N. Don't be so sad. You're the only woman my eyes can look at with love."

"What about Sif..."

"Sif is only a friend. She's like my sister," Thor answered. You smiled, knowing that he didn't know how to lie. You pulled yourself closer to his arm, which was about the size of your entire body above your waist.

"I love you too."


Clint doesn't get jealous, well, if he did, he was very good at hiding it.

You, on the other hand...

Two words: Natasha. Romanoff.

Clint always said that she was just a friend. She always said the same, but there was some kind of connection that made you uneasy. Every Wednesday went the same:

"C'mon, bird brain. Undercover mission," Natasha says, grabbing your man's shoulder and handing him a file.

"Like Budapest, I bet," you whisper as he stands up from your lunch date and follows the redhead.

He never heard your whisper. That is...

"C'mon, hawkass. Yet another mission," Natasha said, smirking as she threw a file at him, hitting his temple.

"Just like Budapest," you whisper, waiting for him to stand up. He looks at you.

"Budapest wasn't anything, I promise. You know what?" He turned to Natasha, "I can't go. Sorry. I'm busy."

Natasha shrugged, "Alright. I'll see if Maria's up for it. Have fun on your date. Nail her hard for me!"

You blush and Clint scoots closer to you, "Well, what do you say? Should I do what she told me to?"

You roll your eyes playfully, "Whatever you want, hawkass."


Natasha is bisexual leaning straight, you being her exception. She has too much confidence in you to get jealous.

You are lesbian, through and through. And you are the jealous type, but you're silent about it. You sulk.

You've seen the way Steve looks at her.

"So, girls' night in?" She asked, giving that adorable, dimpled smile over your shoulder as you worked in the science room.

"Can't," you say, "I got work."

She pouted and walked over to Bruce, talking quietly with him. You can't help but turn your head as she spoke to her old flame. She laughed at something he said and smiled widely. She made hand movements as she spoke, something she always did.

Then she touched his arm.

It was a small gesture, but it showed closeness, and you looked back down, a tear dripping into your mixture. Your materials had overcooked, and now the small piece of vibranium-laced fabric was melting. You turned off the tiny flame it cooked over, and picked up what you could, not even flinching as it burned your hand.

Natasha ran over to you and took it off, she had apparently smelled your burning flesh.

"What happened?" She asked, taking your gloves off your hands.

"I overcooked it," you say, your lip quivering slightly. Natasha wiped away a tear you didn't feel fall and hugged you, a soft smile on your face.

"You were distracted, weren't you?"

"It's kinda hard not to pay attention to your girlfriend talking sweetly to her ex," you say. She gasps a little.

"You don't think..." she hugged you tighter. "I'm not into him anymore. I'm into you."

You heard her laugh softly and you imagined her smile, her dimples, the way she shook her head.

"Good. I was getting jealous."

"And I was getting you a day off."

"I love you so much," you pet her hair.

"I love you more."


Bucky had made it very clear that he only had eyes for you. Very clear.

He would write your name in foggy windows, then put a heart around it.

He would cuddle you on the way to battles or missions.

If you had a mission where he would go against multiple people, he would try to write your name in their bodies, either that or 'I <3 u'.

So you had no room to be jealous!

Bucky had faith in you too, probably a little too much. During the war, he trusted you with his life almost every day, and that was tough. But he always had your back, and you always had his. You were a perfect power-couple.


Pietro? Jealous? You'd never think...

"Hey," someone said to you as you picked up a box of cereal. You read the label, ignoring them. What's the difference between normal Cheerios and Honey-Nut? Maybe- "Are you deaf?"

"No. I'm just ignoring you," you reply, putting the box of Honey-Nut Cheerios in your cart and starting to walk back to meet with Pietro. The guy slides in front of you.

"Ignoring someone isn't a nice thing to do."

"Neither is blocking someone, but you don't see me whining."

"Sassy. I like that in a woman."

"Too bad for you."


"I'm not into jerks. Better luck next time," you say, pushing your cart around him. The man stops your cart and grabs your arm. "Hey what-"

The guy leans in, trying to kiss you. You slap him across the face, jerk out of his grip.

Pietro had been watching, and the instant you were out of the man's hands, Pietro ran to you, wrapping an arm around your waist.

"Hello printzessa," he started, kissing your temple. "Is there an issue?"

"Yep," you start, glaring back at the guy. Pietro seemed nervous and his hand twitched. You smile, "Are you... jealous? Of that thing?"

"Pfft," Pietro said, trying to laugh it off, failing.

"You are!" You exclaim, getting on your toes and kissing him everywhere on his face before the lips, teasing him. He was dramatic and dipped you when you reached his lips, making you giggle.

"I guess I was..."

"For no reason. I love you, you should know that."

"I do," he said, smiling like mad. "And I love you too."

Before this interaction, you were constantly jealous. Before you knew Wanda was his sister, you were jealous of her. After this interaction, though, you found it hard. You never felt this way, he had proven to you just how much he cared about you. It warmed your heart.


The way Wanda got jealous was... odd. If she got jealous, she would leave. She would ignore you, and it was the worst feeling in the world.

The way you found this out?

"Hey!" You called overly excitedly. You had seen your best friend from childhood, Adrienne,in a cafe. You were on a date with Wanda but you hadn't seen Adrienne in years.

She turned around, "Y/N?"

"Yep!" You exclaim, hugging her. You heard heels click out of the cafe, but didn't care, you assumed it was someone who was finished with breakfast. "It's been so long!"

"Too long. How's stuff going for you?" She asked, her voice as high as it was all those years ago. Your arms dropped to your side as the hug ended.

"Great. I got a job as an experimental scientist for SHIELD, I've got a steady girlfriend, everything is going great!"

"A girlfriend? Congratulations, Y/N!" Adrienne chorused.

"Yeah she's here right-" you looked around. Wanda had... left. "She was here. Maybe she's in the bathroom."


You waited for almost an hour, chatting with Adrienne to fill the time. She had to go, her sister had come for her, and you went back to the facility after trying to call her and it going straight to voicemail. You were immediately greeted by Pietro.

"Hey, have you seen Wanda?" He asked, knowing we were supposed to be on a date. You shook your head, "What? Why?"

"She left during our date."

"What did you do?"

"I saw an old friend and caught up with her. She left while we were talking."

Pietro groaned, "You're so inexperienced."


Pietro looked at you, "I know where she is."

Next thing you knew, he was carrying you to the roof of the facility, and he stopped abruptly. You looked around and after the dizziness wore off, you saw Wanda sitting sadly, leaning on a satellite, wrapped in a ball.

"Fix this," Pietro whispered to you before speeding off. You took a breath and walked to her.

"Honey?" You ask softly, sitting next to her. She scooted away. "Honey, please."

She kept silent, sulking. You felt your heart break a little. You scooted closer to her, kissing her cheek.

"What's wrong?"

"You left me. On our date. You left me for that..." she made a little noise you assumed was supposed to be a growl, but she sounded adorable trying to make it.

"Adrienne? She's like a sister to me," you say, she looks down, "I promise. You're the only girl I care about."

She leaned into you, "Just don't do it again."

"I won't," you promised, kissing her cheek softly, she pulled away after only a second, instead going for your lips.

You, on the other hand, couldn't bring yourself to be jealous. You never understood how people did it.

A/N: If there's anything  you want me to add, as in a certain preference, please request! Requests are open!

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