Kung Fu Panda 3: Tigress's POV

By RealWildGamer

23.6K 495 404

I don't know what's going on. Ever since Lord Shen, things between him and I have never been the same ever ag... More

New Teacher
New Foe
Good Luck!
The Encounter With the Panda Village
Panda Training
Golden Warrior
Our Little Secret

Kai Arrives

1.8K 40 29
By RealWildGamer

We finished evacuating with ease. In about 4 hours, we successfully evacuated the whole valley.

Some children were sick but we had managed to get them out. When we returned to the palace, Master Shifu was surrounded with arrows and scrolls.

"I'm guessing from other valleys" Monkey stated.

"That you are correct." Shifu stuck another a row onto the floor. "Keep an eye out for others."

"Yes Master."  Monkey jumped up the walls outside of the Jade Palace and perched on the roof.

"How do you think Po is doing?" Viper looked at me. I looked out in the distance as the sun began to set.

"Hopefully he's getting there."

"Its good to see that you keep your hope up for him Tigress." I looked down at her. I shrugged slightly. That wasn't it.

"Its from the eastern province." I heard Monkey say to Shifu. Viper and I walked over as he read the scroll.

"Master Lizzard, Master Ox, Master Eagle." He read aloud. "All of them." He broke the arrow. "In every village from the sea to here." He stood up, the ground covered in dozens of arrows. "Every Master in China.....has vanished."

"Maybe they are all at a party?" Monkey tried to lighten the mood.

"Monkey." Viper scowled at him.

"I didn't get invited either." He scratched his chin.

"Kai has taken their chi." Shifu began to walk as we followed. "We are all that stand between him and the knowledge Oogway left in our care." I frowned looking at the palace. Oogway did leave everything to us. Kai seems more powerful than anything we've ever faced. But I have hope that we can do this. We can.


Kai is just a spirit warrior. Like Kepa and he was defeated. We can do this just fine.

"The villagers? Evacuated?"

"Done, Master." I told him.

"Crane? Mantis?"

"Still nothing."

"Wait!" Viper called. "Its them!" We all turned around to see Crane flying above but something was different. He was green!

"No!" Shifu gasped.

We turned around and saw large ox. He swung two large blades tied in chains around his hands.

"Kai." Shifu looked at him. It was indeed him.

"Nice." He continued to swing them. "Very Tacky."

"How dare you set foot on these grounds!" Shifu yelled as he stepped forward.

"Look at you pathetic fools." He spoke. His voice was deep and filled with cockiness. "Gruveling at the feet of OOGWAY The Magnificent."

"You are not fit to speak his name." I looked at him angrily.

"I am not fit, little kitten?" He grabbed the swords. I growled and got in a defense pose. No one calls me kitten. "I fought by his side. I loved him like a brother and he betrayed me." He pointed the sword towards the statue before lowering his hands. "Well now I will destroy everything he has ever created!" He tossed the blades towards us.

"Go!" Shifu yelled and we all evaded the blades in time. Monkey attacked him first but couldn't land a kick on him. I tried to get him next but he was good and evading every move before I was tossed aside. I tried to kick him when Viper distracted him but I only flew passed his head. I ran towards him but he kicked me away.

Monkey and Shifu tried again but again nothing.

Alright Tigress concentrate. I would tell myself. What does he want?....Chi. He wanted Chi. I smirked as he tossed the blades towards me again but I jumped. I gave it all I had and kicked him square in the head sending some chi with it enough to harm him.

"How's the for a little kitten?" I said angrily. Kai didn't looked please. He looked up and his eyes glowed. Next thing I knew, Crane's jombified statue attacked me. Viper and I fought off Crane when suddenly Monkey flew right into us.

"Sorry Tigress!" He screamed. "Sorry! Sorry!" He kept yelling as Mantis used him as a puppet to attack. I didn't know it could do that. I looked up and saw Shifu still fighting Shifu. I got to help him. Shifu was suddenly distracted and got a hit against Oogway's statue.

"Shifu!" I landed beside him. I placed my paw on his back. He was weak. I saw Kai turn Monkey and Viper into the amulets. I growled and was going to attack again but I felt a tug on my sleeve.

"No!" Shifu stopped me. "You must warn Po!"

"Master Please." I looked at him with begging eyes. I knew what he was going to do.

Suddendly one of the blades separated us. I rolled down the dirt and hurt my arm in the process. I looked up to see the Jade Place getting destroyed by Oogway's statue. It wasn't long when Kai turned Shifu into an amulet too and stared at it as a prized possession. I looked down at the scattered scrolls and found that the green one was there. I p.o. me sit and looked it.

"Po. I hope you're ready." I said in a hopeful tone and ran off.

I don't have much time.

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