With Tendencies To Run Away

By sofaraway_a7x

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Rayne and her little sister Marie are in their senior year of high school they ahve been hanging with the sam... More

With Tendencies To Run Away


187 6 2
By sofaraway_a7x




Your comments make me want to update sooner, and also make me laugh.



Driving up Jimmy’s drive way, the thoughts of attempted murder on my sister just got stronger, I wanted…no I want to push her out of my moving car, but I have decided against it.

I have a son.

She smirks at me and I just glare at her.

“Oh, Stop. Everything is going to be fine.”

I park the car and climb out, getting Nolan out. Marie gets out and closes her door.

“Woo! Look at this house; it’s three times the size of yours.”

I must say, I am impressed; they really are doing well for themselves.

Marie and I Nolan in my arms, we make our way up Jimmy’s steps. Before we can even knock the front door flies open and Jimmy greats us with a huge excited smile.

“Hi Jimmy.” I say. His smile gets wider if at all possible and he replies’;

“Hi Rayne! Marie! This little guy must be Nolan.” I nod and Nolan buries his face in my shoulders.

“Nolan, it’s okay say hi, this is mommy’s friend named Jimmy.” He lifts his little head and looks at jimmy and softly says; “hi immy”

Jimmy smiles. “Hi buddy, want to come inside and see something really cool?” He nods his reply and reaches out for Jimmy. Jimmy happily takes him and the wonder off inside.

I groan standing on the porch and Marie turns to face me.

“I know that this is hard, but just take a deep breath and you can do this.  I know that you still love him, which is why this is so hard, because you’re still hurting with what happened three years ago. But that’s in the past, he loves you and he wants to be there now. They changed I know they did. Come on.”

I look at her, not really wanting to believe that they changed. More like I’ll believe it when I see it. Jimmy’s the only one that never changed at all.

I follow her inside, and let out a breath that I didn’t realize that I was holding.

“Forget to breathe again?”

“Ahhhhh!” I yell and jump back realizing that Matt surprise spoke to me.

My hand over my chest I say, “Geez! Make noise when you sneak up on a woman! I almost peed a little.”

He chuckles at me, and pulls me in for a hug. “It’s really good to see you Ry, sorry that I scared you.”

“It’s okay, I will forgive you since your so damn sexy.” He chuckles and then looks at Marie.

“Hey Marie. Come give me a hug.” She almost runs into his arms.

I smile and make my way into the living room where the others are and Nolan is actually sitting on Syns lap. It takes all I have to not cry.

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