The Theory of Liam Payne⇪Ziam...

By butt3rflyTA3

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"I've been writing this since the first day I've met you Li" [completed] More

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By butt3rflyTA3

12. My Boyfriend

It was winter break already and Liam had been excited to stay home, and he'll get to spend more time with Zayn.

They were in Zayn's basement, we're he usually calls it his man cave. It had all types of easels in different shapes and sizes, he had a tv down here and old but very comfortable couch

At the moment Zayn had Liam right by his side, making out with him lazily and slow just how he likes it. Liam was the first one to make a move, he really felt proud of himself for getting he confidence to do so

The men's bodies were sandwiched together on the tan couch and without thinking Liam grabbed Zayn by the chin and pushed his lips up against Zayn's.

The older man had been talking about this museum he wanted to take Liam to, but Liam just thought his lips we're so pink and plump

And he was surprised that Zayn kissed back. His eyes widened when he felt Zayn's tongue licking his bottom lip, urging for him to part his mouth.

Everytime they had French kissed, his heart always skipped a beat. It was so rare when they had a chance to, usually it was a normal kiss with no tongue

Just two lips molded together perfectly, fitting like a puzzle.

Zayn was a little toothy and sloppy in places but it was still amazing and it took Liam's breath away

Liam thought for a moment while he was making out with this Greek god, it reminded them of who they were. Just two love sick college kids making out on a couch in the basement.

Zayn slowly breaks the kiss, for air before biting at Liam's bottom lip before attaching his lips to the younger man's neck. Liam bites his lip moaning slightly, "Z-Zayn?"

Zayn looks up at him, "Yes?" "Ar-Are we b-boyfriends?" Liam asks quietly, with a lot of hope.

Zayn grins, "Well I thought we already were" Liam smiles shyly, "Oh" he says. "What's wrong?" "We-Well you h-have to ask" Liam says with a cute frown.

Zayn raises an eyebrow, "Alright, Liam James Payne. Will you do the honor of becoming my boyfriend?" he asks making Liam blush

"O-Of course" Liam says making Zayn smile, leaning in to kiss his cheek.

Zayn makes sure to kiss Liam's nose, he was gonna go in for another kiss until he heard a high pitched voice.

"Zaynie and Leeyum sitting in a tree, k.i.s.s.i.n.g" Safaa sings loudly making Waliyha laugh.

Zayn scowls looking towards the steps, "Go back upstairs" he says sternly, seeing his younger sisters sitting on the bottom steps.

"No! We want to play with Liam! We didn't finish playing ponies last time!"

"Yeah you dragged him away when we had to eat lunch" Waliyha says making Liam smile when Zayn rolls his eyes groaning.

"Go play with your ponies together, Liam and I are playing right now" Liam's cheeks turn red, he didn't know what type of playing he meant.

"Mum! Zaynie won't let us play with Liam!" Safaa shouts loudly making Zayn facepalm. "Liam's here?" Trisha asks, already making her way down the steps.

Liam blushes when Trisha gasps. "Zayn you didn't tell me Liam was here! C'mere give me a hug honey" Liam was about to get up until Zayn pulls him back on his lap.

"Mum! He's hanging out with me, not you all" "Oh hush and let him go" Zayn scoffs letting Liam get up to hug his mother.

Trisha grins hugging him, "Oh you just keep getting handsome and handsome everytime I see you" she says pinching his cheeks.  "Th-Thank you"

"You're very welcome, Zayn why didn't you tell me Liam was here? He could've helped me upstairs with pies"

"Zayn just hurried him inside and pulled him downstairs just so they could make out" Waliyha says with a smirk, making Zayn glare.

"Well come upstairs, I bet you're hungry dear. Zayn over there was probably starving you" Trisha says leading Liam to the steps.

Zayn sighs, "You all are so annoying"

"Stop being so grumpy, i'll get you a slice too Zee" Trisha says making hr son get up. "I'm only going because Liam is too"

"Or because you just want to kiss him" "Wali shut up" Zayn says rolling his eyes, even if it was true.

He makes sure to stick his foot out to make his sister stumbles a little when she enters the kitchen. "Zayn stop!" She yells, punching chest.

Zayn giggles holding his stomach, "That tickles" eh says shoving at her shoulder. Waliyha groans sitting down at the table next to Liam, "How can you like him? He's gross"

Safaa nods, "He still wears iron man undies" she says, her face covered in blueberry pie already

Zayn place a pie infront of Liam before sitting at the kitchen island, "Don't cry when you wake up to your dolls missing their heads" "Mum!"

Liam bites his lip trying not to laugh. "Zayn stop showing off, just because your boyfriend here doesn't mean you act like you're all tough"

Liam smiles taking a bite of his pie, he thought was too adorable with his family.

Zayn scoffs, "I always act this way!" Trisha shakes her head, "He's lying dear, he's the sweetest little boy here"

Liam grins watching Zayn cover his face. "Mum stop, now" he says picking with his pie. "Alright I'll stop embarrassing you baby boy"

Zayn rolls his eyes, "And you wonder why I don't bring people over" Waliyha nods, "We didn't think Zayn had any friends"

"Yeah, and we didn't think he'd ever get a boyfriend. He's too mean" Safaa adds.

Zayn scowls, "I'm burning your Christmas gifts" he says sincerely to his younger sister whose face twists up.

Safaa gasps, "No! Stop! I'm sorry" "Too late, I'm gonna buy some matches later" Zayn says licking his fork, Liam blushes when Zayn winks at him.

"Mum!" "You know he won't burn it dear" Safaa sticks out her tongue at Zayn who does it back. "So are you two a couple now?" Waliyha asks.

"Why is that your business?" "Because it just is" Safaa gasps grabbing Liam's arm, "Are you getting married?!"

Liam shakes his head, "N-No, were too y-young" "But Ariel was your age when she got married to Prince Eric"

"Well Liam isn't a mermaid Saf" "Merman" Safaa corrects him. "Same thing" Waliyha shakes her head, Nuh uh, mermen don't have boobs"

"Yuh huh, uncle Eric has boobies" Safaa says making Zayn snort. "That's not boobs, it's just fat"

Trisha shakes her head looking over at Liam, "You are something Liam, handling this one 24/7" she says ruffling Zayn's hair.

"What's that supposed to mean?" "Exactly what I said, now Liam dear. I think I've seen your mother before."

Zayn scoffs when she ends their conversation. "Does she work at a flower shop?"

Liam smiles nodding, "Ye-Yeah, on S-Stanton Street" Trisha gasps, "Oh I knew it, I wanted to ask but I would've seemed weird"

"You are weird" Zayn says earning a smack in the back of the head. Her son's cheeks turn red when Liam laughs along with his little sisters, "Ma!" "You need to watch that mouth"

Liam became really fond of the Malik's, they had been so nice and kind to him. It was like he was apart of the family, "Sorry our day together got interrupted" Zayn says, now they we're on Liam's porch saying their goodbyes

"I-It's fine, it wa-was fun" "Yeah? Well I would say you should come more often but my mum likes you too much"

Liam grins, "I-I'm likeable" he says shrugging. "And cocky too" Zayn says with a chuckle, placing his hands on Liam's waist

"W-When will I-I see you?" "Christmas, I've got work tomorrow afternoon" Zayn says with a pout.

Zayn had gotten  job at comic store in town, he would work behind the cash register or give people suggestion on what they should read

Liam thought it was the perfect job considering Zayn loves comic books just like he does.

His botfrienf wanted something that pays well so in the future he'll be able to pay for everything when he takes Liam out. "I-I got yo-you a gift"

"Really? Thank you Li" Zayn says with a smile, kissing his nose. "I-I think yo-you'll like i-it a lot" "Well I got you a gift too, I'm a bit nervous to give you it though"

"I-I'll love it ei-either way, I-I promise" Zayn places his forehead on Liam's, "You are too good for me Liam" "

Wh-What do y-you mean?" "I don't know, it's just. You're surreal" he says honestly, Liam's cold face begins to feel hot

"I-I am?" "Yeah, I don't think I've ever liked a guy this much" Liam smiles shyly, "I-I don't th-think a g-gut would tr-treat me t-this good"

Zayn bumps his nose with his, "You deserve the world Liam, remember that yeah?"

The brunette nods, "O-Okay" "Alright, i'll text you" Zayn says kissing him.

Liam kisses him back, wrapping his arms around his neck. He felt like he was on cloud nine, standing here in the snowy night making out with his now boyfriend

Someone clears their throat loudly making Liam jump away, "Hello Zayn, nice to see you son"

Zayn smiles sheepishly, "You too Geoff, um yeah. I'll call you Li" he says, pecking Liam on the cheek.

"B-Bye" Liam says, waving to him. As soon as Zayn drives away, Liam turns to glare at his father. "What?"

"C-C'mon! I-I was ge-getting some li-lips!"

"Well look, you two we're getting a little rated R" "W-We we're just ki-kissing!" "Ahuh, a plain kiss with all that tongue?"

Liams face turns red, "D-Dad" he whines as Geoff opens the front door. "Get in here before you get a cold"

Liam grumbles under his breath, "I-I'm telling mu-mum wht you d-did" he says rushing inside, straight to the kitchen

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