For The Love Of Music

By ThereseJoyBChen

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When you're 17 all you ever imagine is just to lead a normal life... But not for Erin Harper. Erin Harp... More

For The Love Of Music
Getting To Know Her
Talks Of A Tour
Tour Kick Off
Behind The Scenes
The Ex Files
What A Night
A Cold War Is Brewing
A Day In The Life Of Erin
How Fast The Day Changes
All Brand New
The Gentleman Cometh
A Masquerade Ball Gone Wrong
Happy Birthday, Erin Harper!
Five Years Later
Filling In The Gaps
How Much Really Has Changed?
Much Needed Break

The Future Is Now

85 3 0
By ThereseJoyBChen

The Future Is Now

Two days before Erin's big finale concert at Madison Square Garden, she has been working nonstop to perfect every dance step, every lyric, and everything she had to do to entertain the fuck out of her fans.

After the LA birthday party debacle, Erin and Fletcher have become closer than ever. It united them more but also attracted and alerted a lot of reporters and paparazzi who have now been following Erin everywhere.

The other day, while Erin and Fletcher went out for desserts at Serendipity 3, a horde of photographers, reporters and basically the paparazzi was there to capture their every move.

Then while Erin and Fletcher went out for a night on the town, they hit up PHD where they were joined by Erin's New York friends. Which included Lily, Logan, Maia, Lyle and his girlfriend and other celebrity friends as well. From the likes of Carlie Everett (New York royalty) and Freddy Davenport (son of the mayor of New York) to the likes of Bradley Walker (celebrity entrepreneur, photographer and restauranteur) and Sophie Collins (up and coming actress to watch of 2013) were among the attendees of a party hosted by Charles Paisley (award winning actor) that night. 

After taking pictures and socializing and requested by Charles, who is cousins with Erin and Lyle, nephew Stephanie and Phillip, requested Erin to sing one of her songs and brought the house down.

After performing, Erin was happy that the group of celebrity friends that were in her table respected Fletcher enough and conversed and socialized with him. Unlike the boys in LA specifically Lance and Bryan.

Erin introduces Charles to Fletcher, "Pleasure to meet you." Charles said and shook Fletcher's hand. "I am completely star struck, to be honest. I love your films." Fletcher said and Charles laughed. "Fletcher, I don't know how you handle little miss Harper over here." He said with a laugh. "She's great, she is just amazing." Fletcher gushed. "You hear that, Erin? You've got a keeper over here." Charles said. "Awe thanks. Well that's what I plan to do, keep him!" She joked and they laughed.

"Oh look who just arrived!" Charles said. "Erin, Fletcher, this is the gorgeous..." Charles gets interrupted. "Sophie Collins!" Erin screeched. "I absolutely adore your movies!" She said. "Thank you! I saw one of your concerts in LA recently! I really love your music." Sophie said. "That means so much to me." Erin said. "Anyways, I hope you guys have fun. We're gonna go back to our table. Say hi to your brother for me." Charles said and kissed Erin on the cheek and left.

"I can't believe I just met Drop Dead's male lead, Charles Paisley." Fletcher said. "He's my cousin, you know!" She said. He smiled, "Wow." He said. "Thank you for introducing me to him." He said. "You two were bound to meet sometime." She said.

Then while at their table, Erin sees Maia an runs to hug her. "OMG! It's so good to see you!" Maia said. "I miss you so much!" Erin said. Then she holds her arm and drags her toward Lily and Fletcher. "Look what the cat dragged in guys!" Erin said. Then Lily and Maia hysterically laugh and hug each other. "Finally!" Lily cried out and then went elsewhere.

Then Maia looked at Fletcher, "Oh Maia! This is my boyfriend, Fletcher." Erin introduced them. "It's so nice to finally meet you." Maia said and they shake hands. "Likewise." Fletcher said. "I've heard an awful lot of things about you." Maia said. "Good things I hope." He said with a smile and she nodded.

"So how's being with Erin so far? Everything good?" Maia asked Fletcher. Fletcher looks at Erin, "Yeah but not all the time." He said and kisses Erin's forehead. "Mainly because of the attention we're getting from the press lately." Erin added. Maia nodded, "But at least when we do get some privacy and just hang out, we make it count." He said.

"So what are you two gonna do after the tour ends?" Maia asked. Erin and Fletcher look at each other, "We haven't discussed it yet." Erin said. "Like even about college?" Maia asked. Erin got a little nervous and diverted the topic, "Lily's headed for NYU." She said. And it took a while for Maia to process, "Cool! I heard Logan's headed for the west coast." She replied, knowing Erin.

"USC to be exact!" Logan heard the conversation and joined in the conversation. "Nice." Erin said. "But what about you though? I heard from your mom who told my mom that you're headed for Columbia!" Logan said and hugged Maia. "Yeah! I did." Maia said with a giggle.

Fletcher noticed how silent Erin was being and held her hand so he could get a glance of assurance that she was okay. She looked at him and she smiled palely. Fletcher whispered, "Do you wanna go?" And Erin nodded.

"Guys, we're gonna go ahead." Erin said and hugged Maia and Logan. "But the party's just getting good?" Logan said. "It's like one in the morning, I've got rehearsals in a few hours." She said with a smile. "Alright! See you later then!" Maia said.

Then Erin and Fletcher went to go to Lyle and Lily, "Lil, I'm gonna go ahead." Erin said. "What? It's too early!" Lily replied. "I've got rehearsals in a few and I'd like to rest up." She said. Lily nodded and hugged her before they went to go to Lyle. "Lyle, I'll go ahead." She said. "Okay here, take the keys, mom and dad won't be home 'til afternoon tomorrow." He said. "Why?" She asked. "I don't know." He said and then went back to partying.

Then after a while Erin calls it a night and leaves the rooftop bar with Fletcher. As they exit the venue, they are once again hoarded by paparazzi. Fletcher does his best to shield Erin as well as the other bodyguards. They quickly went into the black SUV and was transported to Erin's Brooklyn home.

But before they went back to Brooklyn, Fletcher brings Erin to 26 New Dock Street, Brooklyn.

Fletcher covered Erin's eyes, "Where are you taking me?" She asked as they slowly walked to the railings part. "I don't come to Brooklyn as often as I should. And now that we've escaped the paparazzi and there's practically no one here, I thought I should show you this." He said and releases his hands from Erin's eyes so she could see the Brooklyn Bridge and Manhattan all lit up.

Erin's eyes sparkled as she gazes into the city, "I've been here before but never like this." She said. "Never like what?" He asked. "I feel so free." She said. "No cameras, no reporters asking me stupid questions and no interruptions." She added then turned to face Fletcher.

Fletcher looked into her eyes, "Sometimes the greatest views aren't always on top, sometimes you forget that you're already looking at the greatest view. It could be the city, something or someone. But in this case, I'm looking at you." He said and smiled.

"How come you always know what to say?" She said and blushed. He puts both his hands on her cheek and kisses her then he wraps his arms around her waist. "Congratulations, Fletcher you've officially made me the happiest girl in the whole world. I'm so lucky to have found you." She said and kissed him. "Hmmm nah, I'm the lucky one. I love you." He said and then hugged her so tight.

After taking pictures on their phones, they go back to the car and head home. As soon as they arrive home, Erin and Fletcher enter hand in hand. Then they sit down in the living room.

They sat down and cuddled while they watch a movie. "What movie do you want to watch?" He asked. "Oh my god can we watch Pearl Harbor?" She asked. "Sure." He replied and played it.

Fletcher smiled and kissed her forehead, "Sigh, I wish it would just be like this everyday." She said. "I know. But this is the life we're given. I wouldn't have it any other way." He said. "I'm gonna miss holding you like this." He said as he wraps his arms around Erin. "What does that mean?" She asked.

Fletcher looked at her, "Erin, don't be mad at me but I've been meaning to tell you something." He said. "What?" She asked. "Yesterday, when I went home from our date, I got a letter." He said. "A letter? What letter?" She asked.

"I got my football scholarship to Florida State University. I'm going there in the fall."

Erin was shocked, "Oh my god! Congratulations!" She said and hugged him. "But how come you never told me about this before?" She asked. "I didn't wanna tell you, until I was sure." He replied then Erin hugs him with a worried face but he can't see it.

Then he thought this was the time to ask if Erin's really okay or not. So he paused the movie, "Hey, can I ask you a question?" He asked. "Sure." She replied. "Erin, earlier tonight, why have you been avoiding questions about college? Is that why you left the club early?" He asked.

Erin looked at him as he had a concerned face on, "It's not that. It's just, the decision has been made for me already." She replied. Fletcher was clueless, "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I know we haven't discussed this but remember that time we were in my dad's office because you wanted to leave because you thought you weren't protecting me anymore?" She asked and he nodded. "By the way, after I said it I regretted it right away." He said and she smiled. "Well, after we left my dad's office back in LA, I told him I'll do it." She said. "Do what?" He asked.

"I'm attending Julliard in the fall."

Fletcher's eyes widen with pride and joy, "Oh my god! No way!" He exclaimed. "That's great news! Congratulations!" He said and then stood up, hugged her and spun her around. "That's amazing! Can you believe it we both got accepted to the colleges that we want!" He said excitedly. And then noticed Erin's pale reaction. "Why aren't you as happy as I am?" He asked.

She looked at him, "Because I won't be able to see you as much anymore." She said in a sad way.

"Why are you talking like that? We've still got the remaining weeks of summer, you still got your last show..." He gets cut off. "Yeah, after my LAST show... What's gonna happen to us?" She asked seriously. Fletcher tried to think of something to say but couldn't.

"I know it's gonna be harder and harder to see each other when we both go off to different cities but we'll make it work." He said trying to lighten the mood.

Then Erin excused herself to cry a little in her dad's office. Then she turned on the computer and checked out FSU. And after a while, she went out to join Fletcher.

"You know, I've checked out FSU and I think they've got a good music program for me there." She said. Fletcher's eyes widen, "Just now? You're not seriously considering going to FSU are you?" He asked. "Why? What's wrong?" She asked. "Are you considering it, to be closer to me?" He asked.

Erin let go of his hand, "That could be one of the reasons..." She trailed off. Fletcher shook his head and gave her a look. "Okay, okay. Yeah maybe I considered it because you were going to attend there." She said. "You've got to be kidding me!" He snapped.

"Erin, you and I both know that's not going to happen." He said seriously. "What do you mean? You don't think it's possible?" She asked. "I think it's possible but I'm not letting that happen." He said. "Why? You're not the boss of me." She retorted. "Julliard." He said softly.

"What about Julliard?!" She asked in annoyance. "That's where you belong." He said. "Don't waste your talent Er." He added. "Belong? I belong with you." She said and hugged him. Fletcher was silent and could feel her heart beating fast, "Erin..." He said.

"My heart's not in Julliard." She replied, faced him and was a little teary-eyed.

Fletcher gave a concerned look, "Erin, c'mon... Don't make this harder than it already is." He said.

"I wish time would just slow down!" She cried. "It's not gonna slow down, Er." He replied. "Nothing is slowing down!" He said stressed. Fletcher shook his head, "I... I'm just... I just don't want you to throw away your future... For me." He said.

She looks up to him and they look at each other, "Really? Because given the chance to walk away from my career, my fame, my spotlight, Julliard, to give love a fighting chance? I would!" She said.

"Erin, do you hear yourself right now? You've worked too hard to be where you are now. Not to mention the sacrifices you made so you can achieve your dreams!" He said. "I am not going to stand here and tell you to give it all up for some stupid guy like me." He raised his voice.

"A stupid guy like you? Are you listening to yourself right now? Are you that scared that this may be the real thing? Are you that scared that if I give it all up, I'd resent you? Fletch, you are the one real thing I've got at a chance of eternal unending happiness. Bickering, arguing, making out, talking, heck I'd be happy to just be with you. In the time that we've spent together, I've realized that there's more to life than being famous or talented or whatever reason there may be. Even if we're both still so young to understand what love is, I think I've found it with you." She poured her heart out and started to cry.

"This is exactly the kind of fight I didn't wanna get into." He said. "Then why'd you start it?" She retorted and looked away. "You're right. I'm sorry." He said. "I'm just scared that it's all happening too fast." He added. "I'm really sorry." He continued.

"I know that sooner or later, we have to face the music. Even if we don't want it to end yet." She whispered. "I don't feel like watching a movie anymore." She said and started to walk away. "You know your way out." She said then went upstairs to her room.

Moments later, Lyle arrives at the house. "Fletcher...?" He asked noticing Fletcher look all stressed and tensed up. "What happened?" Lyle asked. "Erin and I just had a big fight." Fletcher replied. "I gotta go." He added. Lyle was confused and walked Fletcher out.

Then Lyle went up to Erin's room, "What happened?" He asked. Erin cried under her pillow and ignored Lyle. "Go away!" She kept saying but Lyle wouldn't leave.

"Fletcher and I just had a huge fight." She said and sat up wiping her tears. "We were talking about what will happen after the tour." She continued. "About you going to Julliard and him to NYU? What's wrong with that?" Lyle asked.

Erin stared at his brother, "NYU? But he just told me he's going to FSU." She asked. "Yeah, like the day after we arrived in New York, I accompanied Fletcher to the NYU football tryouts." He said. "What the heck?! Why didn't you tell me?! Where was I?!" She retorted. "You had rehearsals, of course he didn't want you to know." He replied. "Why?" She asked. "Because you know, he's not sure yet if he'll get in or not. But it was worth a shot." Lyle said as sincerely as possible.

Erin got kind of teary-eyed and then quickly ran downstairs and out of her house. But couldn't see Fletcher anywhere. She went back inside and called up Fletcher about a hundred times but he wouldn't answer.

Erin panicked and called up Lily, "Er?" Lily shouted through the phone while loud music was heard. "You're still at the bar?!" Erin asked. "Yeah!" Lily yelled. "What's up?" She asked. "I can't find Fletcher!" Erin replied. "I thought you were with him?!" Lily said. "Yeah but we had a fight and he sorta left and I want to talk to him." Erin said. "Then just call him, Er." Lily yelled. "But he won't answer!" Erin said angrily. "That's good, he answered! Tell me all about it tomorrow!" Lily yelled and then dropped the call.

Erin was pissed, she was carried away by her emotions but couldn't do anything about it. "Lyle you gotta help me out." She said. "Erin, it's like two in the morning. Just relax and we'll find him in the morning." He said. "This can't wait, Lyle." She replied.

"Er, c'mon, don't be so impulsive." Lyle retorted. "You don't understand, Lyle. This changes everything!" Erin raised her voice. "Er, look at me!" Lyle snapped. "You better sleep this off and find him tomorrow because you're being immature and impulsive and it's fucking two in the morning." He said angrily. "Fine!" Erin yelled and went to her room.

While in her room, she crashes on the bed and stares at the ceiling for a while. Then she stood up and grabbed her guitar and started writing and creating new music. She was on a roll. She was creating and writing a lot of stuff.

Until she looked out her window, the sun began to shine and she crashed on her bed again and had a quick nap.

By the time she woke up, her parents had arrived home and took her to the stadium for rehearsals.

When they arrive everyone was there except for David and Fletcher. Erin notices this and texts Fletcher where he was. But after a couple of minutes there was no reply.

"Hey have any of you seen Fletcher?" Erin asked. "Nope." Lily said. "Nah." Logan said. "So are you done with rehearsals Erin?" Lily asked. Phillip interjected before Erin could speak, "Erin and I are gonna spend the day together." Erin looked at her dad quizzically. "Aren't we, sweetheart?" He asked. Erin didn't what to say so she just nodded.

After having lunch Stephanie and Lyle went shopping, Lily and Logan lounge around and edit pictures and videos of Erin while Erin and Phillip take a walk around Madison Square Garden.

They were in the upper box middle part sitting while they watch everyone prepare for the concert tomorrow. "Dad why are we here?" She asked. "Let me tell you a story about a girl and a boy..." He trailed off. "Dad what's this about?" She asked getting all weird.

"It was summer, girl falls in love with boy and boy falls in love with girl. Girl is confused what she should do in life while boy has got it all figured out. By the end of the summer, boy leaves for college and forgets about the girl. What should girl do then?" Phillip said.

"If this is about me and Fletcher just say it!" Erin replied. "What do you wanna do, Erin?" He said. "Haven't I already told you that I'm going to Julliard?!" Erin snapped. "Then why did I find this on my desktop in my office?!" Phillip showed Erin the application she filled out for FSU. "Really Erin?! Are you thinking of submitting this piece of paper? I bet it's all under the influence of that guy!" He raised his voice.

"His name is Fletcher!" She raised her voice. "I don't care!" He retorted. "Florida State University, are you kidding me?" He exclaimed. Phillip was angry, "How could you throw away an opportunity to go to a prestigious school such as Julliard?!" He raised his voice. "I am not throwing anything away, dad!" She retorted.

He turned to the stage and stood up, "Look at this, look at all this. Remember who achieved this. You're a great performer Erin. You're a talented singer/songwriter and I'm not just saying this because I'm your father. I know a talent when I see one and you, my darling, you are one in a million. Your skills and talents could be more than what you expected them to be if you go to a school like Julliard. But if you don't want to go to Julliard that's fine. But telling me you're gonna follow that guy to Florida State is just damn stupid for a smart girl like you." He said with such burning passion while Erin listens intently.

"Fletcher's got his whole life figured out. I respect the kid and his determination to get a football scholarship to FSU. But if your thinking of turning down something as great as Julliard or NYU for Fletcher, to me as a father, is just so illogical! I didn't raise you to be this way." He said.

"Dad, I'm already going to Julliard..." She said but he didn't let her finish.

"I'm just worried that the more you hang around Fletcher, the more confused you get about your future." He said. "But it's my future dad. I choose what's best for me." She retorted. "And you think Fletcher is what's best for you?!" Phillip quipped.

"Erin, open your eyes. The minute the tour is over he's gone." Phillip said. Erin was a little teary-eyed now. "Sweetheart, I worked my ass off to get you a good education. I sacrificed a lot of things just so I could give you and Lyle the life you deserve. I just don't wanna see you throw your life away over some guy." He said.

"He's not just a guy, dad. He's the first real thing I've got going on right now." She said. "But that's right now. Life isn't moving any slower, Erin. Do you think he's gonna be there for you long term now that he knows what your life is really like?!" He retorted. Erin didn't know what to say and Phillip couldn't wait, so he walked away.

Part of her thinks her dad is right, but part of her believes that being with Fletcher could be the best thing for her. Now she is torn between the two most important men in her life - her dad and her boyfriend.

Erin goes back to doing rehearsals and ended up working double-time. By the time the night ended, Erin was exhausted. But before she left, she went alone to the center of the stage and held her mic on the mic stand.

She looked left and right and thought that the Garden will be filled tomorrow. People from around the country... Heck even the world! They will be coming to see her; Erin Harper. This was her dream - to perform at the Madison Square Garden and it was finally coming true. She was smiling and thrilled but something in her felt empty.

"Erin Harper goes on stage, sings her heart out and the crow goes wiiiiiiiiild!" Someone from the audience cheers on. Erin squints her eyes trying to see who the person was until the shadow of the person came to the light.

"Fletcher!" She said excitedly and they both run to each other and hug. Well at least Fletcher ran on stage and hugged Erin. Then they both kissed.

"I guess you're not mad at me anymore, are you?" He asked. Erin pouted, "No, not anymore. Where were you today? I missed you!" She said and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I missed you too." He said and they kiss again.

Then they were eye-to-eye, "Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday." He said with a sigh. "It's no big deal, it's all my fault." She replied. "No, I shouldn't have pushed the topic." He said. Then it was silent for a while.

"Fletch, I heard about your NYU football tryout." She said. He was surprised and had a serious expression plastered on his face, "Where'd you hear that?" He asked. "Lyle told me." She replied. "So how did that go?" She asked. Fletcher let go of her waist and Erin put her hands down, "It was a long shot." He said and looked away.

Erin made him look at her by putting her hands on his cheek and slowly letting him face her, "Did you do it for me?" She asked. Fletcher then held her hand and gently put it down, "Who else would I do it for?" He said softly.

Erin smiled, "Fletch, I really appreciate the thought but I've been thinking about last night and today..." She trailed off. "Thinking about what?" He asked. "About us." She said. "Me too." He added. Erin was surprised by his answer, "Oh okay." She said.

"I didn't get into NYU."

"I filled out an application to FSU." They both said in unison.

"Wait what?!" They both said in unison again. "You're really applying to FSU? Why?" He asked. "You didn't get into NYU? What happened?" She asked.

Fletcher let go of her hand, "Erin, I thought I made it clear last night that FSU is not the wisest decision for you." He said. "You don't get to make a decision for me!" She raised her voice. "Then what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't stop you from following me to Florida?" He retorted. "Why are you so against me going to FSU?!" She asked.

"Like I said last night, you are destined for greatness and you can do it by going to Julliard! You're a celebrity, the whole world wants to see where you end up and what's in store for you, you're family expects you to go, I want you to go. Julliard is a great school and I know you can't say no because you've already said you're going to there for the sake of me. And I love you for that, Er, because you did something that I think is best and is right for you. I already tried my best to be closer to you by getting a last minute try out in NYU, thanks to your father. Yeah, your dad helped me out because he doesn't want you to be unhappy. But I didn't get in because I didn't show up at the try out!" Fletcher poured his heart out.

Erin got teary-eyed, "My dad? Why didn't you tell me in the first place? Why didn't you show up? Don't you want to be with me?" She asked.

"Yeah your dad helped me out. I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to stick to the idea of me being in NYU. I didn't show up because I don't want to be in that school! Of course I want to be with you, Erin but this is my future and they're offering me a full scholarship and it's where I want to go." He said with passion.

"And I don't get a say on where I want to go too? I don't get to take charge of my future? You don't wanna be in New York and you don't want me to be in Florida so how is this going to work?! You know me, and you know that I don't believe in long distance relationships." She hissed.

Fletcher shook his head and rubbed his temples, "Florida isn't even that far away! Why don't you believe in long distance relationships? Do you not trust me at all? Do you not want to make us work?" He retorted. "Things will get hard and it won't be the same anymore. I'm only going to see you on the screen and the older we get the more work load we have to do and that means we won't have time for each other anymore. It won't be the same and we'd just break up sometime in the future!" She said angrily.

"Why are you thinking so negatively? Do you think we won't last? Are you implying that if we're going to separate cities, why not make it permanent and just break up right now?! Is that it?!" He raised his voice.

Erin looked away and stayed silent. "Erin, I want to make this work but you refuse to make this work. I don't get it." He said.

"I want you, Fletch. I want to be with you and I want to be around you. But I can't do that if we're going to two separate places." She replied. "Why? What is the big deal? Why can't you be with me and still be in New York?" He asked.

"Because I'm me, Fletch. It's because I'm Erin Harper." She said with emphasis.

"What is that supposed to mean?" He asked now getting confused. "This is me, I can't do long distance relationships. I just can't." She said. "Why the hell not?! Don't you love me enough to be with me?!" He exclaimed.

"I love you but I can't keep a relationship with all the madness that surrounds my life." She said and then just broke down in tears. Fletcher was taken aback and was speechless then quickly hugs her and tries to calm her down. They both wrap their arms around each other tight.

"Erin, but I'm me. I'm Fletcher O'Donohugh and I love you." He said softly and started to tear up.

Erin looked up at him and he wiped off her tears from her face, "But if that's what you want..." He got cut off. "Don't..." She said. Fletcher slowly put down Erin's hands from his waist and stroked her cheek, "Okay." He said and then wiped a tear from his face.

Then he slowly stepped back, "Where are you going?" She asked. Then he kissed her cheek and smiled palely and left Erin.

She cried and then went to go to her car where her dad's driver was waiting for her. Then went home.

When she arrived, she went straight to her room and hid under a pillow then screamed. After that she Indian squatted and cried.

Her mother Stephanie passed by her room and decided to check in on her. So she knocked and then went inside. Erin wiped off the tears but just couldn't do it in time.

"Oh goodness, why are you crying?" Stephanie asked and sat next to her. "Mom can you just leave me alone?" Erin replied. "No, you are crying hysterically and I wanna know why. Are you okay?" Stephanie asked. Erin rolled her eyes and then hugged her mom.

"I'm not okay. Fletcher and I had this really huge fight yesterday and today." She sobbed. Stephanie soothed Erin's shoulder and wiped her tears. "What was the fight about?" Stephanie asked. "It was about what we were going to do after the tour." She replied with a sniff.

"I think tonight we sort of broke up." Erin said and cried some more. "Why? What happened?" Stephanie asked. "I'm going to Julliard and he's going to Florida State University. He got upset at me because I was thinking of applying to where he was going. And then things kinda escalated quickly." Erin told her mom.

"Even if we're in two separate places he wants to make it work but I don't know if we can." She added.

Stephanie looked at Erin, "How sure are you that it won't work out between you two?" She asked. "I don't know, mom. I just do. I'm Erin freaking Harper and my life is crazy beyond belief. I don't know if I can do long distance, mom. And even if we can do it, it's not gonna be the same." Erin answered.

"Honey, I agree that it's not gonna be the same and that yes, you have no ordinary life but it doesn't hurt to try. If you really do love and care about him, the least you can do is to compromise and see where life will take you. Stop thinking about the what ifs, stop thinking about other people's expectations and start doing what's right for you. Erin, I know you have a good heart and I know you mean well but this is life. The future is now and if you don't live in the now something might slip away without you even knowing about it." Stephanie said softly.

Erin nodded and wiped off her tears and thought that her mom was right. She has to do something about it and fast. When Stephanie left, Erin couldn't sleep and decided to do some writing.

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