~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushir...

By AmeChan192

19.7K 935 36

Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH CREDITS GO TO TITE KUBO~SENSEI~~<3 Yuuki is a bright, cheerful, compassionate... More

Hi Guys!! (^w^)v
1. " Things Lost in the Rain "
2." Into the Abyss "
3. " New Beginning "
4. " Home "
5. " Unknown Origins "
6. " Shinigami Daikou "
7. " Parting and Reunion "
8. " To Soul Society "
9. " A Chance Encounter "
10. " A New Found Hope "
10.5. Extra Chapter - " 3 Again "
11. " Girls Day Out "
12. " The Sacred Jewel of Soul "
13. " Growing Feelings "
14. " Incoming Storm "
15. " Game Start "
16. " Missing Again "
17. " Battle Preparations "
18. " I Hear Your Voice "
19. " Reunion "
20. " Confession "
20.5. Extra Chapter - " Personality Gone Bad "
21. " Confusion "
22. " Vasto Lorde "
23. " Calm Before the Storm "
24. " The Guardian Deity "
25. " Friends and Foes "
26. " Frustrations "
27. " Visored "
28. " Espada "
29. " The Twelve Honoured Knights "
30.5. Extra Chapter - " First Date "
31. " True Feelings "
32. " Training in Hell "
33. " Visions of the Past and Future "
34. " Deciding One's Fate "
35. " Personal Vendetta "
36. " Complications "
37. " Hell Has Fallen "
38. " Strategy Meeting "
39. " Under the Moonlight's Glow "
40. " Nagisa "
41. " Pledge of Loyalty "
42. " Awaken "
43. " True Meaning of Sacrifice "
44. " Memories "
45. " Camaraderie "
46. " A Heart That Doesn't Forget "
47. " Choices "
48. " The Inner Abyss "
48.5. " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 1) "
49. " Deepest Secrets "
50. " Truth Unveiled "
Final Chapter ~ A Place to Return To
51.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 2) "
51.5.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Last Part) "
Thank You

30. " Light x Dark "

214 12 0
By AmeChan192

A couple of hours pass by but the rain has no sign of letting up.

(*sigh*) "It's starting to get dark.", Yuuki said.

"I guess we have no choice but to search again tomorrow.", Toushiro said.

"Then I'll go make supper, is there anything you like?"

"Anything is fine."

(*chuckles*) "It's a good thing you're not picky about food, dad always tell me to cook vegetables and Ichi-nii always complain why there's no meat."

"Should I help? I mean you're still recovering."

"Nah, I'm feeling a lot better after a short walk. You're a guest here so you should just relax."

Then they suddenly heard a noise upstairs.

"That might be Ichi-nii!", Yuuki exclaimed.

Yuuki rushes upstairs.

"Yuuki, wait!", Toushiro said as he grabs her by the arm.

"What is it?"

"I still can't sense Kurosaki's Reiatsu, it might be anyone. Stay here I'll go check it out."


Toushiro cautiously goes upstairs to check on the intruder. The noise was coming from Yuuki's room. He slams door open and saw someone's shadow.

"Who's there?!", he exclaimed.

"Kyaaahhhh!!!", the stranger screamed.

"Wha- its you!", Toushiro said.

Miharu was on the verge of tears when she got startled by Toushiro.

"Eh? Who are you? This is Yuu-chan's house! What are you doing here?!", Miharu said.

"I should be the one asking you that! And we met this morning.... you didn't even notice me, did you?", Toushiro said with an annoyed look on his face.

"Mii-chan?! What are you doing in my room?", Yuuki asked as she peeks her head at the door.

"Yuu-chan!!", Miharu happily said as she charges at her.

Yuuki deftly dodges to the side making Miharu faceplant to the wall.

"Owww.... Yuu-chan why are you always like this?"

"It's because you're like that that I'm like this.", Yuuki bluntly said.

(*sweat drop*) "What are you doing sneaking in people's room anyways?", Toushiro asked.

"Well.... I was just curious how Yuu-chan lived her life after all these years. I wanted to find some of here photos at least."

(*sigh*) "You could've just asked you know.",Yuuki said.

"You seem to be unwell when I visited you this morning so I didn't want to bother you."

"That doesn't mean you can sneak in people's houses.", Yuuki said.

"I'm sorry.... but I really wanted to know."

"Then I'll show you some after supper.", Yuuki said as she pats her head.


Toushiro smiles lightly as he looks at the two. As the trio eat dinner, they start to talk about the past.

"You really haven't changed a bit, sneaking in people's houses and sometimes pranking them.", Yuuki said.

"It's because they were so mean so they deserve it.", Miharu said.

(*sigh*) "Oh that's right, won't Ma-kun be looking for you?"

"I already sent my Shikigami so he'll be here in a short while."

After having dinner the rain finally stopped. They chat while Yuuki shows some of her photos to Miharu, after some time there was a knock on the door.

"That must be Ma-kun.", Yuuki said.

"I'll get it!", Miharu cheerfully said.

Shortly afterwards, Masahiko came in with Miharu.

"Yuuki, we need to talk.", Masahiko said.

He notices Toushiro behind Yuuki and glares at him.

"Why is he here?"

"I just came with Yuuki to look for Kurosaki then we ended up here when it started to rain.", Toushiro said.

Masahiko looks at Toushiro irritatedly. Yuuki speaks to break off the stare down between the two.

"A-Anyhow... what do you want to talk about?", she asked.

"Before that is your Guardian Deity with you?", Masahiko askes.

"Yeah, she's still recovering her powers so she's resting for the time being."

"May I ask the name of your Guardian Deity?"


Masahiko and Miharu's eyes widen in surprise in which Yuuki and Toushiro didn't fail to notice.

"Is something wrong?", Yuuki asked.

"N-Nothing.", Masahiko said.

"Wow!! Yuu-chan is really amazing! The ruler of the Heavens is Yuu-chan's Guardian Diety!", Miharu said with sparkling eyes.

"Why did you ask about her anyway?"

"N-No reason, we just wanted to know. We were really impressed that your Guardian Deity is really powerful.", Masahiko said.

Then Masahiko's face became serious.

"If Yuuki has Amaterasu, the goddess of the sun then Shinjo-sama has Tsukuyomi, the god of the moon as a Guardian Diety."

Yuuki's eyes widens in surprise.

"How can that be?! It's impossible!", she exclaimed.

I don't understand, how is that impossible?", Toushiro asked.

"Shinjo-nii couldn't have a Guardian Deity because he and mom aren't related by blood. It has something to do with mom's lineage so only her direct decendants can have Guardian Dieties."

"So then how? Maybe he's related to your mother in some way?"

"Shinjo-nii's mother was a Quincy. Since Shinigamis live a lot longer than Quincys, dad and Shinjo-nii outlived her. I really didn't ask much about mom's relatives but as far as I know, she's an only child. I didn't know any of my grandparents either.", Yuuki said.

"Hara-sama also thought of that but he also couldn't trace any relation he has towards Haruka-sama.", Miharu said.

"Either way, he has Tsukiyomi on his side.", Masahiko said. "You know what it means right? You're destined to fight each other someday. The ruler of the light and the ruler of the dark, the fate of the five worlds lies in which side wins."

"I can't escape fate afterall.", Yuuki said with a sad look on her face.

"Yuu-chan.....", Miharu muttered.

"How's Haru-nii doing?", Yuuki asked.

"About that......", Miharu hesitantly said.

"Haru is-- ooof!"

Masahiko was suddenly cut off when Miharu elbowed him on the stomach.

"Ehehehe, excuse us for a bit.", Miharu said.

Miharu drags Masahiko by the collar away from Toushiro and Yuuki.

(*sweat drop*) "What was that about?", Yuuki asked with a confused look on her face.

"Beats me.", Toushiro said and shrugs.

Meanwhile, Miharu and Masahiko talks in secrecy.

"What was that for?!", Masahiko whispered.

"Yuu-chan is still worried looking for her adoptive brother! If you tell her about Haru-sama now she'll surely be devastated!", Miharu whispered.

"We still don't know what happened to him so don't think of something so negative. I was just going to tell her that he has gone to settle things with Shinjo-sama.", Masahiko whispered.

"That's the same thing as telling her that he's heading towards danger!", Miharu whispered.

"She still has the right to know!"

"Yeah, but not right now. We should at least make sure first before we tell her."

"Okay then what should we tell her?"

"Just leave it to me."

Miharu and Masahiko heads back to where Toushiro and Yuuki are.

"Sorry about that, Ma-kun and I were still deciding whether or not to tell you about Haru-sama's confidential mission.", Miharu said.

"Confidential? It's not dangerous is it?", Yuuki asked.

"He was only going to talk with someone. (If it goes well.) So there's no need to worry.", Miharu said.

"I see.... thank goodness.", Yuuki said as she sighs in relief.

"We'll tell you right away when he gets back."

"Okay, thanks."

"Anyway, the real reason we came here is to help you train.", Masahiko said.

"I'm sorry, not until I find Ichi-nii I can't stabilize my powers yet."

"Don't worry, we'll help you find him.", Miharu said.

"Really?! Thanks so much you guys!"

"But how? I can't even find even a small trace of his reiatsu.", Toushiro said.

"Leave it to me, it'll be a piece of cake.", Miharu said as she winks at them with a thumbs up.

"Locating someone is her specialty.", Masahiko said.

"I just need a map of this town and something that he owns, preferably something important to him."

Yuuki quickly gives her a map and goes to Ichigo's room to get the omamori Yuzu and Karin gave him a long time ago.

"Alright perfect!", Miharu said.

Miharu lays map on the table and takes out a pendant and wraps it around the omamori. Then she places it over the map and chants a spell. The pendant started to move and points at an abandoned warehouse on the map.

"Found him!", Miharu said.

"Let's go check it out.", Toushiro said.

Urged by Toushiro, they rush to the abandoned warehouse.

Upon arriving, they saw Orihime standing in front of the warehouse.

"Orihime?!", Yuuki called.

"Yuuki-chan?! Toushiro-kun?! And you guys from earlier this morning!? What are you doing here?", Orihime asked.

"We can ask you the same, what are you doing here?"

"I've been sensing this barrier for a while now so I came here to check it out."

"Ichi-nii might be inside."

"How are we going to enter this barrier? It looks strong.", Toushiro said.

Orihime places her hand on the barrier and tries to analyse its structure.

"Its almost the same as mine.", she mumbled.

Then she suddenly went though the barrier as if it was nothing.

"Eh? Did I just do that?"

Toushiro and the rest looks at her in surprise.

"That was amazing! How did you do that?!", Miharu asked.

"I'm not sure as well. I'll go check it out first then."

"Then how do we get in?", Yuuki asked.

"I guess its my turn then.", Masahiko said.

"What are you going to do?", Yuuki asked.

"Just watch, can I have some of your paper talismans?"

"S-Sure.", Yuuki said as she hands him the paper talismans.

Toushiro glares at Yuuki.

"I-It was just for emergency.", Yuuki nervously said.

"Yeah, right... I'll confiscate the rest."


Yuuki hands him the remaining paper talismans.

"Hey what are you guys doing? We'll leave you behind.", Miharu called.

While the two were busy talking, the others already went through the barrier. The four paper talismans served as door that cut through the barrier.

At the same time Hachi sensed that someone got through his barrier and warned the others.

Inside the warehouse there was a secret training ground like the one at Kisuke's place. The Visored were busy training Ichigo to control his Hollow powers. They head to the entrance to check on the intruders. Orihime was the first one to come down the stairs.

"Wha-?! A human?!"

They were all surprised upon seeing Orihime.

"Inoue-chan!!!", Shinji happily said.

Shortly afterwards, Masahiko, Miharu, Toushiro and Yuuki came down.

"Eh? Inoue?! Yuuki?! Toushiro?! What are you guys doing here? And who are those two with you?", Ichigo asked with a surprised look on his face.

"It's Hitsugaya-taichou for you!", Toushiro said with an irritated look on his face.

"They're friends of mine.....", Yuuki said. "By the way Ichi-nii.... you've been here all along, huh?", she said with a scary smile on her face and a dark aura around her.

Ichigo was sweating bullets knowing that Yuuki is really pissed which is very rare.

"Y-Yeah..... I've been training with them to control my Hollow powers.", Ichigo nervously said.

Yuuki signals him to come closer to her in which he did and suddenly headbutts him. Ichigo only felt a minor pain while Yuuki was on the verge of tears from the pain.

"You could've have just called me or answered your phone! Did you know how worried I was?!", Yuuki angrily said while holding her throbbing forehead.

"S-Sorry....", Ichigo apologetically said.

"If you know that then don't do it again......", Yuuki said and after a short pause. "What is your head made of anyway?", she asked while massaging her forehead.

"Traning, huh? We should start with yours as well.", Masahiko said.

"And who might you be?", Ichigo asked.

"Oh sorry, My name is Aikawa Masahiko and she's Fujisaki Miharu. We're members of theTweleve Honoured Knights."

"Tweleve Honoured Knights?", Ichigo asked raising an eyebrow.

"We'll explain later, anyway who's in charge here?"

"I am.", Shinji said.

Hiyori suddenly kicks him at the back of the head and faceplants to the ground.

"Since when? Who died and put you in charge?", Hiyori said with an irritated look on her face while standing on top of him.

(*sweat drop*) "Well... we would like to ask permission to let Yuuki train here as well.", Masahiko said.

"If it's for Yuuki-chan then we would be more than happy to-."

Shinji was cut mid-sentance when Hiyori stomped on his head to stop him from speaking anymore.

"Stupid Shinji! There's no way we'll train on the same ground with these humans!"

"Well... we're not exactly humans.", Masahiko said.

"Haah? What are you then?"

"We're guardians of the five worlds, we ensure the balance between worlds."

"I don't know you people."

"No one does, until now. I know you guys are training hard for something. We will train to make sure you guys achieve that something.", Masahiko calmly said.

Hiyori raises an eyebrow.

"What do you mean?"

"It means what it means, so please will you let us train here as well? We promise we won't bother you, since this is such a huge place anyway.", Masahiko said. "A cute girl like you shouldn't be always be angry like that or else you might ruin your cute face.", he said.

"S-Shut up you idiot! I won't fall for your sweet talks! You're lying when you said I'm cute didn't you?!"

"Do I look like I'm lying to you?", Haru said and smiles gently at her.

"Ughhh..... F-Fine!", Hiyori said as she blushes.

"Hey! How long do you plan on standing on top of me?!", Shinji yelled.

"Ah! S-Sorry.", Hiyori said still being infatuated.

"W-What?! Hiyori just apologized?! How hard did you fall f--!"

Shinji was kicked again in the face by Hiyori before he could even finish his sentence.

"A-Anyway, with that settled, welcome to our base.", Hachi said.

"Ah! Thank you!", Miharu happily said.

"Thanks guys, we appreciate it.", Masahiko said then turns to Miharu. "Now then, Miharu why don't you call on Nagisa to start her training with Yuuki?"

"W-What?! No way you call her!"

"N-Nagisa?! You mean Ibara Nagisa?!", Yuuki exclaimed. "I'm not surprised that she survived the attack, I'm more surprised when you said she would train me!"

"Yeah, she insisted to be the one to train you.", Haru said.

All the blood drained from Yuuki's head.

"N-No way! That won't be training me, it would be killing me instead! I'd rather fight with Espadas than to train with her!", Yuuki frantically said.

"I understand how you feel but......(*sigh*) just survive somehow.", Masahiko as she pats her on the shoulder. "I'm gonna send a Shikigami instead.", he said.

"A-Agreed.", Miharu said.

"Who is this person you're talking about?", Orihime asked Miharu.

Toushiro and Ichigo closes in to hear their conversation.

"Ibara Nagisa, our second in command also the second ranked of the Tweleve Hounoured Knights, others call her the 'Demon Queen'.", Miharu said.

"Is she really that scary?", Orihime asked.

Miharu trembled upon remembering her training with her.

(*sweat drop*) "L-Let's just say that she's very strict."

"By the way, Yuuki what is this training they kept on talking about?", Ichigo asked.

"Training.... more like execution...", Yuuki mumbled.

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Nothing! To be honest I'm not so sure either but I guess it's combat training."

"What?! I disapprove!"


"Because that means you'll be fighting! What if you get hurt?! Or worst?!"

"Getting hurt or killed is part of the battle."

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