Never ending love❤️ {a Jacob...

By poetrxy

4.9K 106 10

Will magcon separate them or will it be never ending love... More

The newbie
Later that night❤️
Wtf is magcon
A day of fun
Other girls
Marks back
The talk
The meet and greet
Back togethers and moving ons
Love at first sight
Sadly the end


260 5 1
By poetrxy

It was Saturday I woke up took a shower and stayed in my pjs after that Jacobs party wasn't until 7:00 so I went downstairs and ate breakfast
Jacob called me and said he had something important to tell me "meet me at chipotle for some lunch at 2:00 ily babe"
Ok ily to I said back it was 1:30 so I started getting ready I put on some high waisted leggings and a crop top that said Nike I did my makeup and put my hair in a messy bun
Then I put on some red and white roshes and I was out the door.
Btw the outfit Layla is wearing is not the one in the pic above
I got to chipotle and saw Jacob he gave me the biggest hug and I felt a spark!
"Hey beautiful"
Hey boo I said
We went in and got our food then Jacob started talking
"So me cam Aaron Johnny hunter Brandon Blake and a bunch of my friends are in this thing called mag-"
"Con I know Jacob"
"What how are u mad sorry I didn't tell u I didn't want to ruin.... Us I could never lose u"
"I could never lose you either ily Jacob"
Ok meet me at my house at seven for the party
Do I have to bring anything
Just bring ur adorable self 😏

So I went home and washed my hair I started getting ready for the party
I put on a black and white striped top with some black shorts some black converse
A black Apple Watch
And a black bookbag☺️
I gave my mom a hug and I was of to Jacobs house
When I got their I saw Stephanie Loren Ariel
Cameron Aaron hunter Brandon Johnny Blake Dylan Chris nick Taylor Daniel Willie were all there
"Ayeeeeeeee laylaaaaa'' everyone said as I took my shoes off
Hey squad I said
I went kissed Jacob and he told me I looked beautiful and he gave me a huge hug and a kiss on the forehead
I went and got some Coke and sat down with Stephanie and Loren
Hey guys
Aye what's up I missed you Loren said
I missed u guys too where's Ariel and arii
Hanging with daniel and Johnny Stephanie said
Jacob hunter and Blake came and scared the sh*t outta us
We laughed then we played truth or dare
We went to bed i slept with jacob he had his arms wrapped around me he kissed me then we fell asleep❤️

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