Between Two Loves(Quinntana)...

By Kiddshowstopper

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AU-Santana Fabray had a great life. A wife and a baby on the way and the career that she always wanted till o... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 2

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By Kiddshowstopper

Song by: Jojo- Underneath (for the lyrics just ignore east,southern,guys and boy)

Song by: Meghan Trainor ft John Legend- Like I'm gonna lose you

As Quinn was standing down at the alter waiting for the music to start playing so Santana could walk down the aisle. She started to nervous

She was so happy that her friends and family was there to support the two of them, but was disappointed a little that the Lopez's didn't want to be at their only child wedding.

What kind of people does that?

Yeah she knew it was her fault and all, but she told Santana to choose her family over her. The only reason why Mario and Julieta Lopez didn't like Quinn cause her family was some what middle class and were a two job household. The only reason why Quinn gotten into NYU was on a school scholarship. A scholarship that she worked her ass off for.

She really couldn't afford the wedding of Santana dreams and Santana understand that. She must really loves Quinn with all of her heart to give up millions of dollars. She could remember the first time that she met Mrs. Lopez at Santana showcase that was worth half of their grade that semester.


Quinn was supposed to be taking a shower over at Santana place. Since that night they met at Ego Santana felt something different in the morning after she slept with Quinn. Yeah it was a little creepy that she knew more about her then Quinn knew, but she wasn't stalking her. She just wanted to get to know her and what that girl Ashley said about her being good in bed was true.

Santana didn't really sleep around with different people neither did Quinn. They just hooked up with a handful of people that could handle their needs.

After they slowly start dating Santana started falling for her hard. Quinn would do nice things for her like bring her lunch or listen to her talk for hours even if they wasn't nothing to talk about. Quinn didn't just like Santana on the outside but underneath likes she really gets her.

She told Santana some many times she doesn't have to dress up for her or wear any make up. Yeah they knew that they started their relationship backwards, but at least they got it out of the way.

Her parents told her she could go to college and learn business so that she could take over the family company. The Lopez has many hotels and resorts around the world that been pass down through the family generation. But Santana wanted to be in the music business and she wanted to do it for herself with no help.

Santana told Quinn she could get ready at her place and they could leave together for her showcase but her parents wanted her to pick them up from the airport. On the way back to her penthouse. Santana were supposed to taken them to the hotel not her place.

Before the Lopez had flown to New York they did a background check on Quinn and her parents. Quinn's mom Judy is only a school secretary and Russell works at a low budget garage and any side jobs that he could get. So needless to say they though Quinn was after her money.

"Santana, I really don't see what you see in her?" Her mother said once they enter in the living room. Santana heard the shower running so she thought the coast was clear since Quinn always play music in the shower.

She let out a sigh " they a lot of things I see in her. I like how she's care about me, I like to see gets me, I like the way her hair looks in the morning after she's wakes up. She looks likes my little cub." Santana said smiling "there's a lot of things I could tell you but I know for a fact that I'm in love with her and I haven't told her."

They only been together for six months and they haven't said the first I love you yet, but she been waiting to say. She was pulled out of her thoughts when Mario started talking.

"But sweetie, what about Brittany? We had this whole marriage proposal thing worked out for the two of you." Mario Lopez said to his daughter. Santana still doesn't see why they want her with her best friend Brittany. They knew each other since first grade and in middle school Brittany had switched school but they stayed best friends until Santana left for college.

"I love Brittany, I really do but, I'm not in love with her and you all need to understand that. I love this girl right here." She said pointing to a picture on the coffee table where they were in central park underneath a tree and Quinn sat her camera up and wrapped her arms around her and Santana had smiled into the kiss. That was their second date a picnic. Quinn had planned for them since Santana was stressed out all week long and thought it will be nice to do for her since she cancelled a couple of times on her but Quinn understand that Santana has a lot on her plate dealing with school and her parents.

"Yeah honey, you loss your virginity to her! Your farther was the only man I slept with and I'm still with him." Julieta said to Santana as she put her hands on her shoulder. This is really starting to stress Santana out and she nervous as it is. Her showcase start in two hours and Quinn still have to meet her parents and now they talking about Brittany. She hasn't seen or heard from Brittany since she started college and the last thing she heard about Brittany was she was moving to Europe. They accept that Brittany was born with a penis and knew Quinn had one as well. They found out when they did the background check on her.

"Mami, Papi I think you two need to drop it. I'm a grown ass woman and I need the both of you to accept it and stay out of my love life. You ca-" Her father cuts in

"You listen young lady, I don't care if you love Quinn or not but at the end of the day you're a Lopez and as long as you have my last name you do what I say. You understand me?!" Her father said getting loud with her"you're have until the end of the night to make a choice to choose between us or her! And if you're choose her be expected to be cut off! Come on Julieta we're leaving." He said walking out with his wife behind him.

Santana let out a loud frustrated groan and threw herself on the couch. So many times she told her parents to stay out of her love, she still love Brittany, but not in love with. She remembered when Brittany told her that she has feelings for her and wanted a relationship but she said no and walked away. She doesn't know how long she's been sitting there till Quinn walked in wearing a sky blue and pink collard shirt and black 501 Levi jeans with black vans while putting her long blonde hair in a ponytail.

Quinn leans down and place a kiss to her forehead "baby, are you okay?" The blonde asks as she sat down next to her girlfriend.

Santana just looked at her with a fake smile and Quinn could tell something was wrong. "No my parents just don't get me and we had a fight while you're in the shower and now I have to make choice to pick them or choose you. She said snuggling close to Quinn

Quinn just looked at her before speaking "Santana, look at me sweetie?," she asked before taking a really deep breath "if you have to choose your parents I will understand and I won't hate you for it, I won't. Just I don't know just know that I love you and no one can't take away what we had in the last six months we're been together. I know it's still too early to say it but I'm in love with you and I will always love you, no what." Quinn said to her with tears in her eyes as well as Santana had some too.

"I love you too" Santana says before she passionate kissed her like she never before had done.

After about 5 minutes of holding Santana in her arms Quinn slowly let her go."come on, and go shower you have a performance that you have to do and you worked your sexy ass off not to show it" Quinn said to her while chucking which made Santana smile.

"Okay" Santana said while getting up and before she moved to the hallway she looked back at Quinn "will you still be here when I'm done?" She asked while trying not to have tears in her eyes

"Of course, I'm not going anywhere." The blonde said to her with a small smile

While taking a quick shower Santana knew she has to make the toughest decision of her life. To choose money or to choose love? At 20 do you really find your true soul mate?

While Santana was in the shower Quinn tried her best to keep it together. She knows that this could be their last night together. When Santana came into the living room she had quickly threw on some sweat pants and one of Quinn's plain t-shirt that she keeps over.

Once Santana grabbed her bag and Quinn got her camera they both went down to the parking garage. Quinn knew Santana was nervous so she decided to drive them.

Quinn had reached their destination she got out of the car and walked over to the passenger side to open the door for Santana and grabbed her bag and laced their other hand together.

When Quinn had walk Santana to the back where her classmates were. When she made her way to the audits where Mike and Finn was sitting since his girlfriend Tina was performing as well as Rachel Berry Santana two best friends and she was also working to earn extra saw when Santana parents came in, but didn't introduce herself.

About an hour into the show Quinn was taking pictures when Santana came on stage but she wasn't wearing the dress to go with her performance. She was wearing a simply mini black dress and sat on a barstool in the middle of the stage.

"Hi, everyone I know I'm supposed to introduce myself and everything,but it's been a change of plans and I decided to dedicated this song to my girlfriend Quinn, who been with me for the last six and took the time to get to me. Not for my money or last name, but the real me. I love you." She said and the music starts to plays as Rachel and Tina came back on stage

Quinn didn't know what to say. It was the first time she heard Santana said I love you but to her it seems like it was the last time too. She knows she gonna be hurt when Santana leaves her. As she sat back down next to Mike Santana began to sing.

(Tina and Rachel)

You know that East Coast girls

Always say what we mean

And shy Southern boys

Often don't say a thing

But opposites attract

And you were drawn to me

And something 'bout you

Sparked my curiosity

They say that good guys

Usually don't come in first

Good girls fall for bad guys

But with us it's reverse

Not your average love song

Between you and me

The way the story unfolds

Defies gravity

Don't have to put on my makeup

I can leave out my contacts

Don't have to dress up for you

To think I'm beautiful

If I have a moody day

I don't have to act like I'm okay

I'm overdramatic

And you know how to handle it

Act natural, be emotional

Show my insecurities

And I love the way you love me

For who I am underneath

(Who I am underneath)

They say guys keep conversation

Short and sweet

And girls can talk for hours

Till they put you to sleep

But you're the one who

Checks up on me throughout the day

You stay on the phone

Even if there's nothing to say

Most guys that I know

Like to go out at night

But you leave that to me

Cause you're not that type

And we don't need

To do anything special to be happy

We got what we need

Make each other complete

Don't have to put on my makeup

I can leave out my contacts

Don't have to dress up for you

To think I'm beautiful

If I have a moody day

I don't have to act like I'm okay

I'm overdramatic

And you know how to handle it

Act natural, be emotional

Show my insecurities

And I love the way you love me

For who I am underneath

(Who I am underneath)

Half way through the song Quinn had tears in her eyes, while Santana was trying her best to keep hers at bay. Quinn really wasn't expecting Santana to choose her over money. But then again what they have can't be replaced

Layer by layer you unravel me

Sometimes I am rough around the edges

But you handle me gently

And layer by layer I uncover you

And discover a side of you

That I never knew underneath

Don't have to put on my makeup

I can leave out my contacts

Don't have to dress up for you

To think I'm beautiful

If I have a moody day

I don't have to act like I'm okay

I'm overdramatic

And you know how to handle it

Act natural, be emotional

Show my insecurities

And I love the way you love me

For who I am underneath

(Who I am underneath)

As Mike got up he took Quinn's camera and push her towards the stage.

Who I am underneath

I love you for loving me

For who I am underneath

When the song was over Quinn got up on stage and put her hands on Santana cheeks and looks deeply into her brown eyes and kissed her like she never did before Santana fully start crying.

"I didn't just say I love you, because you said I love you first. I said because if they want me to choose between you or money. I'll choose you ever single time. What we have built between the two of us, no money or no one can't take take that away us Quinn. I Santana Maria, whatever my last name is is in love with you Lucy Quinn Fabray." Santana said to her once her tears stop falling and the only thing Quinn could were held her tight till snatched Santana arms from Quinn.

"You're a stupid bitch! You picked this mugged over us! For the rest of your life don't ask us for shit and I mean that!" Mario Lopez yelled to her while pointing his index finger in her chest before walking away.

Quinn was scared and didn't know what to do and he already cost a scene. And she didn't want to put her hands on him and then Santana might thought she made the wrong decision.

Once Santana didn't say anything she went to get her things and left. She felt in embarrassed that her father had said that and her mother didn't do nothing. Once they got to the car Quinn still couldn't find the right words to say to her. She felt like an idiot cause she didn't step up for her girlfriend.

When they did made it back to Santana's place Santana pulled Quinn with her into her bedroom. Quinn wanted to say something but nothing still didn't come out. Santana just took off her dress and threw on another one of Quinn's shirt and laid down while Quinn spoons her from the back.

After 30 minutes of Santana silently sniffing Quinn finally spoke "I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't do anything when your father were speaking to you like that and if you want to break up with me, I'll understand" she said unwrapping her arms from Santana.

Santana turned around just in time to hold Quinn down " it doesn't matter as long as we are together, I don't care about them," She said moving to straddle Quinn who was in her t-shirt and boxer's and start kissing her. When Quinn tried to pull away when air became a problem and Santana pulled back, she tried to flip them but Santana didn't budge " I need this" she says as she pulled off her shirt and helped Quinn with hers since she didn't wear any panties to bed. Quinn really didn't want to have sex with her not like this but she knows this could help her.

Just when she's were about to reach over to grab a condom Santana stop her." No just put it in" she said when she kissed her. It was going be their first time without protection and she didn't want to chance Santana of getting pregnant.

When Santana lined herself up with Quinn's penis she knew she felt different. They both start off slow pace and Quinn just let Santana ride her. It wasn't that crazy 'let me ride you'. No it was just her making love to her with a slow steady paced. Quinn could tell Santana was ready to release after fifteen minutes since her breathing has changed and she was getting tighter around her. Before Santana had came Quinn looked up at her and asked her was she okay and Santana just shakes her head yeah before she came around her and she followed after her.

"I love you" Santana said into the crook of her neck after she finally caught her breath

"I love you too" she said while placing a light kiss into her dark locks

End of flashback

Quinn doesn't know how long she was thinking about the past till the piano starts playing and she saw her father Russell walking down the aisle with her beautiful bride Santana on his arm.

Quinn has Kitty who agreed to be Quinn's made of honor on her side in a light sliver and blue dress same as the bridesmaids with Mike and Finn dressed in a black suits with a light sliver and blue tie who she became good friends with while Santana had her three good friends Mercedes who was her made of honor Rachel and Tina on her side. Once they both made it to the alter Russell placed a kiss to Santana forehead but the pastor began speaking.

"Who gives this woman to be wed?"

"Me sir" Russell said before turning to his child and placed a kiss to her cheek before sitting next to his wife Judy and Marley Quinn's still good friend from back home

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Lucy Quinn Fabray and Santana Maria Lopez in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this - these two persons presents now came to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace. Okay should we began?" Pastor Edward asks

I, Lucy Quinn Fabray take you Santana Maria Lopez, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.

I, Santana Maria Lopez take you, Lucy Quinn Fabray, to be my wife, my friend, my faithful partner and my love from this day forward. In the presence our family and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health, in good times and in bad, and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." She said sniffing

"I Quinn, give you Santana this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

"I Santana, give you Quinn,this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you."

"By the power vested in me by the State of New York City, I now pronounce you wife and wife. You may now kiss the bride Quinn."Pastor Edward said to them

As Quinn lift Santana vail and looked deep into her beautiful brown eyes before wiping her tears away and giving her the most passionate kiss every. As everyone in the small church start cheering.

"I present to you Mrs. and Mrs. Quinn and Santana Fabray." Edward said as the couple hold hands making their way outside to the car while their friends and family threw rice.

As the first time couple made it to the reception as everyone were waiting on them to have their first dance.

Quinn held Santana hand as they finally made it to the center of the room and before the music start playing "I love you " she said into the kiss before putting her hands on her waist while Santana put hers around her neck

I found myself dreaming

In silver and gold

Like a scene from a movie

That every broken heart knows we were walking on moonlight

And you pulled me close

Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone

I woke up in tears

With you by my side

A breath of relief

And I realized

No, we're not promised tomorrow

So I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna hold you

Like I'm saying goodbye wherever we're standing

I won't take you for granted 'cause we'll never know when

When we'll run out of time so I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

They picked out this song together cause it was so many times that Quinn always thought Santana may regret choosing her over her family. Quinn knew she couldn't have giving Santana everything she wanted and they had to adjust but in Santana eyes Quinn was everything she ever dreamed of.

In the blink of an eye

Just a whisper of smoke

You could lose everything

The truth is you never know

So I'll kiss you longer baby

Any chance that I get

I'll make the most of the minutes and love with no regrets

Let's take our time

To say what we want

Use what we got

Before it's all gone

'Cause no, we're not promised tomorrow

"I'm sorry I couldn't give you the wedding of your dreams" Quinn says as her tears start to fall

So I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna hold you

Like I'm saying goodbye wherever we're standing

I won't take you for granted 'cause we'll never know when

When we'll run out of time so I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you



I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna hold you

Like I'm saying goodbye wherever we're standing

I won't take you for granted 'cause we'll never know when

When we'll run out of time so I'm gonna love you

Like I'm gonna lose you

I'm gonna love you like I'm gonna lose you

"I love you too and I'm never gonna stop telling you that" Santana told her wife that as they both have tears in their eyes

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