My Possessive Jerk Bestfriend...

By Grumphiya

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*** Formerly known as My Devil of a best friend/ Secret Lover*** Ashley Young: simple, sweet, loving, beaut... More

My Possessive Jerk Bestfriend
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8: part 2:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:

Chapter 8: part 1

2.9K 32 3
By Grumphiya






Chapter 8: part 1


Then someone snaps their fingers in front of my face.

“HellOOO! Alice SPENCER!!!! You in there??!!” Aiden said snapping me out of my reverie.


Then I look at Mark whose smirking down at me; “I guess you’re daydreaming about me again, am I right?” he said cockily

 I blushed like hell because that was embarrassing! I’m sure I looked like an idiot for the past few days.

“You’re so full of yourself!” I said slapping his arm playfully.

“So are you going with us or not?’ Kevin asked annoyed

“Alright, alright! We’re coming!” I said getting my things out of the car.

Mark called the other guys to tell them that they need to meet us in front of the hospital. After he had finished talking to them by phone, we started our 1km run. I can endure the team of our school just like Ashley.

After 5- 10 minutes I started to hear their ridiculous cries of complain. I knew they are just making it up so that they could stop running. I slowed down a bit to face them and ask them what the hell their problems were.

“What the hell are your asses’ problems? We haven’t even reached our destination and yet you’re already complaining!” I said irritably

“But we’re already tired! You know bringing all the stuff we brought for Ashley. And we don’t think that we still can manage to run with us bringing all of these things!” Clark complained

“Just shut up and continue running!” I said angrily.

While running I briefly glance at my watch and my heart started to beat wildly. Because my watch reads 4:15. Damn it!

“Hurry up!” I yelled panicking.

Kevin groaned even louder but I just ignored him and I ran a little bit faster. After what seemed to be a million years we finally arrive at the hospital. All of us panting like crazy, trying to catch our lost breath. Then Ron asks; “Where’s the ….”

 But he didn’t finish his sentence cuz’ Brad suddenly shouted “HEY!!” I whirled around to find him pointing at the hospital window and sitting there was the other team mates of Carl, sitting and chatting lazily with each other.

I slowly entered the hospital, the boys trailing behind me. When I was already standing a few feet from their table, one of them called me and gets a chair for me to sit on. But I just wave my hand dismissively. I motioned them to stand up.

Then Seth whispered something to one of the girls sitting across them. The girl giggled like there was no tomorrow. I’m guessing that he asked for her number. Then Seth handed his phone to the girl. The girl eagerly typed her cell number to his phone. Then the girl handed his phone back smiling seductively. Seth whispered something again at the girl and the girl nodded in what I think to his question.

The girl runs her fingers on Seth’s well formed chest consciously while looking in to his eyes. She seems to be lost in his bright blue green eyes. Then I look around to see that the other boys looking bored at Seth. I asked one of them saying “does he do this all the time?”

Then Kevin answered. “Nah he’s only new to these things. He only learned these things not so long ago since Seth is the youngest of the gang. I think you already knew that. Because as far as I know he can get any girl he wants within 2-3 min.” Kevin explained.

“WHAT!” I gasp

“2-3 minutes! You have to be joking me!”

“Don’t be too shocked!” he said airily

“Your man holds the title.” He said a matter-of-factly

“My man? You mean Mark?”

“Who else?? You must be proud of him because he can get a girl’s phone number with a time of 1:05 minutes. He’s a smooth talker you know. But that’s in the past.” He immediately added when he sees my facial expression.

“Oh” I said quietly

“Did you know that ever since Mark has met you, he had changed drastically? We hardly even recognized him when we saw him walking with you for the first time in that hallway.” Aiden interjected coming beside Kevin.

“You’re the reason why Mark has changed you know.” Kevin said taking a large bite of an apple

“He was much much more worse than Carl.” Clark nearly shouted across the room. What the hell!

I felt so flattered to hear them saying that to me. But at the same time embarrassed. Had I changed Mark that much? I ask myself. I composed a little and I called all of them to stand up and come with me.

I asked the nurse at the reception area to ask where Ashley’s room is. The nurse handed me a piece of paper where Ashley’s room number and floor was written.

I walk past the boys and told them to follow me. After a few seconds when i sensed that they were not following me, I turn around and found some of them are flirting with the nurses while some of them were leaning back at the walls. Irritated, I repeated a little bit more loudly. “HEY! Are you coming or WHAT?!”

Some of the guys walked lazily towards me but Kevin and Clark didn’t even move the slightest. I tap my foot loudly while crossing my arms over my chest showing my annoyance to them. But they don’t seem to notice me because they were flirting their asses off with the nurses who giggled like a creepy Barbie doll.

 I walked towards them stopping a few feet in front of them. I said as calmly as I can, though my voice shook a bit because of my annoyance; “Are you coming or what?”

Kevin was the first one who looks at me. His expression was unreadable. After a few seconds he said;

“You can go ahead. Clark and I have some business to attend to.” He said flirtily. Batting his eyelashes at the nurse in the process.

“And what kind of business is that? I asked, my annoyance starting to show.“Oh wait, let me guess you’re going to flirt with this poor lady. Then get her number and lastly fuck the hell her up and dump her just like the other whores you’ve been with!” I said sarcastically.

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