Dbz X Reader

Par Flarethefireborn

63.1K 740 311

You are a princess/prince that's about to go on an adventure (you can be a princess/prince of anything). You'... Plus

A/N Note
Goku X Reader
Vegeta x Reader
Kibito Kai x Reader
Adult Gohan x Bullied Reader
Android 17 x Reader
Piccolo x Reader
Shenron X Reader
Frieza x Reader
OMG Thank you!!!!
Trunks x Reader
Zamasu x Reader
Zamasu x Tokyo Ghoul Reader
Kibito Kai x Reader 2
Christmas Special
Burter x reader
Demigra x Female! Reader Lemon
I got tagged!!!!
Vados x Reader

Adult Gohan x Depressed Reader

3.5K 39 7
Par Flarethefireborn

   This was a request from CodilynLunn. I hope you enjoy because I didn't know how to really write a story with a depressed reader. This is my first time. Again, I hope you enjoy!
In your kingdom, things weren't going along smoothly. You were basically at war with 2 other kingdoms (not really, you were just in a really bad argument) and you didn't know what to do. Everyone was scared and you were helpless, despite being so strong.
You had fallen into a depressed state and nothing could make you happy. The Z-fighters tried there best (even Vegeta and Piccolo) to make you feel better. When they tried, it didn't really help, but you faked a smile or laugh to not bring down everyone elses' spirits. There wasn't a reason to make them sad too.
You walked along the road to Gohan, Videl, and Pan's house. Gohan wanted to see if you wanted to see if you wanted to help babysit Pan while Videl was out for a while. Who knows? This could help you be happy again.
Right as you were about to knock on their door, Videl opened it. She was leaving to go to work and wouldn't be back until later. Boy, was she prepared. She had her bag with everything she could possibly need.
"Hey there (Y/n)! Thanks so much again so helping me and Gohan with Pan. She can be quite a hand-full!"
"No problem. I want to be able to help everyone. Anyway I can."
"That's the spirit! Gohan is in the living room with Pan. She is in her crib right now and will need a nap soon. You can leave if you need to, but Pan might miss you. Call me if you need anything."
Then she left. You watched her leave and then decided to go inside. It wasn't really much of a hunt to find them, but you eventually found Gohan and Pan. She was drifting off to sleep as her caring father watched over her and rocked the crib slowly.
She was so cute and small. Her innocence was practically shining off of her. You wondered what she was thinking about most of the time and what she would dream about. You wondered about what her perspective of the world was. What it was like for her. What the world meant to her.
"There you are (Y/n). What's up." Gohan said, trying not to wake his child.
"Nothing much. Just trying to settle the kingdoms and make sure we don't go into war." Gohan looked shocked at this statement. He was probably trying to process what that would be like for him.
"Oh. I hope it turns out ok. Hope for the best, right?"
"Yeah. I'm trying my hardest and I think I might be getting somewhere." You sat down next to Gohan and you both watched over the sleeping baby. After a while of sitting there, you broke the silence (just not loud enough to wake up Pan.)
"Hey, Gohan?"
"... What makes you happy? In life I mean." Gohan looked at you for a little bit. He finally gave his answer.
"Well, that's a tough answer. A lot of things make me happy. Like my wife and the other Z-fighters and..."
"No. I mean what makes you truly happy. Like even when you feel down and sad?"
"Oh..." He shifted his face back over to Pan and though.
"Well, I guess our group makes me happy."
"What do you mean by that?"
"In our darkest times, we are there for each other. When we feel all alone, we help each other. We support each other and we can rely on one another. We're almost like a family."
"I see..." You gave a fake smile.
"Y'know, you're a part of our group too." You looked at him in surprise.
"What? I don't get it. I mean I know I help you fight and everything, but still, I don't think I'm a part of the family part."
"Well, you are. We think of you as family. We do. Ask everyone. They will answer the same thing. Know that and keep it in mind" You processed what he said and looked at Pan. She had woken up and was looking at you. She was staring right at you with her eyes. Then she smile.
Everything made since now. I'm a part of this big family and I never knew it. You smile right at Pan. Except this smile was different. It was a real smile. You then realized what made you happy. The Z-fighters. That was the answers.
"I... I have to go. I need to be back at the kingdom."
"Ok (Y/n). Be safe!"
"I will! Thanks Gohan! Thanks Pan!" You ran out the door and flew towards your castle. You had things to do.
You hugged your butler as you ran into the room. You then had your servant arrange a meeting with the 2 kingdoms. After a lot of talking and explaining, the argument was settled and the 2 kingdoms were now your allies. You were finally out if your depression.

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