Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

Bởi KoolLePlaisir

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'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... Xem Thêm

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
10: EXit That Way
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
19: My Vows To You
20: Family to Foe
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)

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Bởi KoolLePlaisir

This is the rest of it. Again, flashback followed by present time stuff. However, this will mostly be a flashback in the form of a timeline. Don't forget to drop a vote/ comment! Deuces!

P.s. This is unedited, but I will fix the mistakes for the entire book later. But for now though, I have studying & homework to do.



"Hi, Finny", 8 years-old Anastasia greeted hugging me. My 10 years-old self returned her hug with a hear one. "Hi, love. What's got you so excited?", I asked eyeing her curiously. "You, silly", she responded giggling. I shook my head at her and continued reading from my book. "Why you always reading? Is it funner than me? Do I make you bored?", she questioned, a pout on her pretty face. I looked up at her over my book since she easy sitting on her knees directly in front of me.

"I enjoy the both of you. I like reading and I like being with you. I just really wanna know how this ends first", I mumbled being sucked into those green catlike irises of hers. She smiled and leaned forward pecking me on the lips making me jerk back away from her with a blush on my face. She frowned. "What, why did you do that?", I sputtered. Her brows furrowed together, "I love you, Finny. I always kiss people I love", she said like I should have known this already. "What?", I asked dumbly and she giggled.

"I love you, but it's different. I love you, not like my mama, daddy, and brother. You not the same. I love you, Finny. I give you kisses on lips while everyone else on the cheek", she explained. I nodded mouth gaping open at her. She reached her small little hand out towards me, lifting my chin, effectively closing my mouth for me. I blushed even redder than before while she just giggled and pecked me on the lips again. Then she sat back on her knees again and watched me as I began reading my book again. I knew then that I liked her for sure as more than a friend, but I did not know what to call it. Later I found it was called a crush.

"I got new shoes on my ride, yes sir
Rolling down 95, yes sir
An-" "But you're on a bike", I commented interrupting Ana's singing. She looked at me before sticking out her tongue at me. "You're just jealous that my bike look better than yours", the 10 years-old girl sassed flipping her curly hair over her shoulders. I rolled my eyes at her and pedaled away from her on my own bike. "Hey, that's not fair. Don't leave me, Finny", she called pedaling to catch up with me.

We rode our bikes up and down our street racing and laughing. She had looked so pretty with the afternoon sun causing her caramel skin to glow and her hair to lighten to a sandy brown-redish color. Her eyes looked more exotic and she just looked, what's the word? Angelic. She looked angelic as her face lit up with laughter and her hair whipping in the wind. "Catch up slow poke", she giggled speeding ahead of me.

I really liked the sound of her laughter. It was really nice. I found myself smirking as I passed her sticking out my tongue as I did. I watched her grinning face twist into that of a scowl as she watched me zoom pass her. I closed my eyes throwing my head back and laughed gleefully. My glee was short lived as I crashed into a parked car that was on the street and went tumbling to the warm pavement with my bike on top of me.

My 12 years-old big boy pride had been very hurt in that moment as I laid there on the ground scraped up and bruised with my bicycle on top of me. The wheels were still spinning and I was left a groaning mess. "Finny! Fin!? Are you okay!?" I turned my head to see a distressed Ana dropping her bike and running over to where I lay groaning. She kneeled down beside me with tears already swarming in her pretty eyes. "Are you alive? Please don't be dead, Finny", she muttered sadly hovering over me.

I know it is going to sound mean, but I could not help but laugh. I burst out laughing right then and there. At some point I freaking giggled but that all ceased the moment pain exploded in my right cheek. I looked up confused at a very upset looking Ana who had her little hand clenched into a fist. She had punched me in the face and for her to be small she packed a punch. "I-It's not funny. I-I thought y-you died. You laughed at me wh-when I cry cuz I love you", she hiccupped and I instantly felt bad.

Here this beautiful girl is crying over me and I laugh at her. What was wrong with me? I sat up, wincing as I did so and pushed my bike before pulling her in between my open legs. I hugged her to me, my head resting on top of her's. "I'm sorry, love", I whispered. "I love you, Finny", she whispered.

"I love you too, Ana", I mumbled nuzzling her hair. We had sat there in the street for a few more minutes before she helped me home and my mum, with Ana's assistance, cleaned me up. That day I kissed her for the first time on the lips. She had always been the one to kiss me, but that evening I had finally returned the favor. I felt fuzzy inside and like I had to make sure that she was always okay. Months later I moved away and did not see her again for 5 years, but she never left my mind.

I was 17, nearly 18 years-old when I had seen the girl that made me feel like I was one God's greatest gifts to earth again. It was during warm-ups that had first noticed her. I do not know how I had specifically found her amongst the crowd, but I had and I felt my heart slow as my eyes zeroed in on her gorgeous face. I could never forget her beautiful face. Her eyes haunted me daily and when our eyes met briefly I was drowning in them all over again. With just that once glance I felt invigorated and played with renewed passion.

My team had won, no surprise. Our opponent had weak defense and offense. Them against a team of guys that eat and sleep futbal was not even a fair game. During the game I had noticed a bright pink pom-pom waving around in the stands. That made me smile. She remembered. Maybe, just maybe she had not forgotten about me like I her.

Man, my life had been made when I had held her in my arms again. We had spent days just reminiscing and creating new memories together afterwards. After I returned home to England we kept in touch. We visited each other monthly and when I graduated from high school she was there waving around that bloody pink pom-pom jumping around in the stands. She was my personal cheerleader and when I played futbol professionally she was there cheering me on at most of my games. When I had gotten hurt she was there too. She was always there and I knew for sure that I did not have just a hunger for this girl, but a love so deep that I would carry the world on my shoulders with a smile as I did so for her.

I had taken her to prom and that night I made love to her. I was an 18 years-old man making love to my 16 years-old love. If her parents found out then I would have gone to jail, but for her I would risk it all. Anastasia was not my first, just as I was not her's. I admit that it did hurt me that we were not each other firsts but I could not be mad at her. How could I when I was in a relationship at the time and halfway around the world? 

I have been in love with this girl for years, but I still got lonely. I still wanted the company of a woman that I could call my own, even if it was only for a little while. That night she just looked so gorgeous and I just could not hold back these urges that I have for her.

She looked absolutely perfect. I just had to taste her skin and drink in her essence. She had gone a different route and worn a jumpsuit like thing with her hair pinned up. She looked beautiful without overly doing it like most girls at her school had.

She felt amazing and I became addicted to her. I became obsessed with her for she awakened a hunger inside of me like nothing ever before. That night I felt revived. I had had a taste of heaven and I was not ever letting it go. She was my slice of heaven and I held onto her for as long as I could. I had woken up the following morning in the best mood. She was awake staring at me with those beautiful hypnotic eyes of her's that I love so much.

"Good morning, Fin", she whispered. "G'morning, love", I mumbled turning onto my side to face her. It was quiet between us for a moment before she ended it. "What?", she mumbled staring into my eyes. "You're gorgeous, babe", I breathed and she buried her face into my bare chest. I kissed her on the head while wrapping my arms around her waist, holding her against me.

I caressed her exposed hip and thigh. "You have no idea how obsessed with your curves I am. You are so beautiful, love", I said absentmindedly. She pulled her head away from my chest to look me in the face. Our eyes met, her holding my gaze for a few seconds before leaning in and gracing me with another taste of her succulent lips. One thing led to another and we wind up having a pregnancy scare a few weeks later. Us making love and having sex become a regular thing for us throughout the summer break before college.

I was on the move while she was hitting the books at Harvard. So we did not have as much time for passionate throes in the bed anymore. We kept in touch and saw each other as much as we could. When we were away from each other we were texting,  calling, face time, Skype-ing, and even emailing one another. Everything was as good as they could get between up until she had gotten a boyfriend. That hurt, and it kept on hurting as the years passed and she loved and lost while I was her shoulder to cry on.

Meanwhile, I stayed single. I could not bring myself to be with another woman in a committed relationship after having a taste of my heaven. Ana was it for me and a few one nightstands here and there were the only thing that kept me from taking what was mine from Ana while she ran around with those bastards she called boyfriends. While I was in Barcelona I had made up my mind that I would make her mine when I came back home to her. I was not letting her slip through my grasps again and when she agreed to be mine and confessed her love for me, it was solidified in my heart and mind that she was mine for eternity.

Present Day

I admit that I was jealous when I saw Anastasia with Keyton. It took me years to have her and I will not let any man, woman, or anyone get between us. The only thing that will ever separate us is death itself and even then I will be waiting for her on the other side. That is my baby and I will be damned if I lose her. Now here I am at lunch with her and our friends. She is laughing and enjoying herself.

She looks absolutely beautiful. Well, she always looks beautiful to me. "Are you okay, Fin?", my love asked bringing me out of my thoughts. I smiled at her. "I'm fine, love. Why do you ask?", I responded furrowing my eyebrows together. She raised one of her perfectly shaped eyebrows at me. "You were spaced out for most of lunch. Baby, are you sure that you are fine? What is on your mind that has you half-assed paying attention?", she said.

I shook my head and leaned over pecking her on her pouted lips. "I'm sure. I was just thinking about you and how far we have come thus far", I said. She nodded accepting my answer before pecking my lips and going back to her conversation with Harmony. "Pss, Stephen" I turned to look at Miroslav with a brow raised. "What?", I asked. He glanced towards the women before looking back at me.

"Is Harmony single or is she off limits too?", he whispered making me smirk. "Does someone have a crush, MiMi?", I teased making him glare at me. I chuckled picking up my drink and taking a fee gulps of it. I looked at him and snickered around the glass. "You seriously like Salt?", I asked and he blushed. I sighed sitting down my glass in front of me.

"Well, damn. I have nearly seen it all now. Didn't you hear about the woman that turned her nosy ass around and turned to salt. That's Salt, take her so she will stay out of my business", I said and he burst out laughing. "What's so funny, Darth Vader?", Harmony asked cutting into our conversation. I rolled my eyes picking back up my glass. "Miroslav wanted to know if you were single because he wants to dick you down and I just told him to take your nosy ass", I drawled before taking a sip of my drink. Ana slapped me on the arm blushing like a virgin making me smirk.

"Don't act so innocent, love. You know what happens when we get in the mood", I teased making her punch me in the arm. "Ooh, I knew you was a freak, Ana", Harmony commented making her cover her face in embarrassment. "Does he tie you up, girl or do you tie him up? Do you like handcuffs or scarfs? I personally think it's hotter with cuffs", Harmony continued on. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Miroslav shifting in his seat. I could tell that Ana was beyond uncomfortable so I decided she had enough teasing to last her for the rest of the day and redirected the attention elsewhere. "Mind your business, Salt. Leave my fiancée alone and worry about Miroslav and his anaconda that's slithering around his pants", I drawled. "Dude!", he said incredulously.

"Stephen, stop", my love said pointedly. I bit my lip to keep in my dirty remarks because it turns me on when she tries to boss me around. When she does this I just want to show her who runs things, but I will do that later. There is no need to embarrass her more than she already is. Besides, that ass is mine when I get her alone. "Love, are you busy after lunch?", I asked interrupting the bickering lot. "No. I'm free for the rest of the afternoon. Why?", she responded curiously.

I smiled fondly at her. "I want to show you something after lunch", I told her. She stared at me for a few seconds before humming and jumping into a conversation with Miroslav. She was giving him the talk. You know the usual 'If you break her heart I will end you' talk, but in more detail while Harmony and I just sat back watching on in amusement. MiMi as I sometimes call him, was sitting there nodding his head like a bobble head as my love laid down the law.

After lunch was over we all headed back to the women's office building and well, I had gotten Ana alone in her office. "Who runs shit?", I bellowed slapping her on the ass watching it jiggle as I thrusted in and out of her from the back. "Ste-ah! Right th-there", she moaned. "Who runs shit!?", I bellowed wrapping her hair around my hand and yanking her head back. Her back arched more and I went deeper inside of her. My love began speaking in tongue and what a damn ego booster.

"Ana!?", I growled. "Y-you", she whimpered and I stopped lifting one of her legs up onto her desk. "I can't hear you, love. Louder this time", I ordered slowly thrusting into her. "You. Now please", she groaned. "I'll give you what you want after get what I want from you", I whispered into her ear. "F-Finny, please? You run  shit! You do, now please fuck me! I need you, Stephen", she all but screamed making me groan.

"Fuck, Ana", I cursed fucking her so hard her desk was squeaking like it would break in any moment. "Yesyesyesyes!", she screamed reaching her peak. "Oh fuck, I love you!", I groaned reaching my own. I did not have on a condom but I do not give a shit. I just hope that she will not take the news of her being pregnant, if she is, bad. "I love you too", she panted before kissing me hotly over her shoulder.

While we were getting dresed again we made plans for the rest of the day. "I want you to follow me home. I want to cook for you and take care of you", I said. She looked at me with a look of adoration as she nodded her head. "I would love that, but tomorrow I am returning the favor. You pamper me enough as is and even before we were together you took care of me", she responded wrapping her arms around me. I wrapped mine around her, hugging her and giving her a tender kiss on the lips. 

She smiled, "I still can't believe that you're finally all mine", she whispered. Her smile is contagious so I wind up smiling too. "The feeling is mutual, love. Oh so mutual it is", I whispered back before giving her one last peck to the lips and heading to the door with her in tow. As I opened the door the two stooges fell in at my feet.  "Miro, get off of me. You're crushing me", Harmony groaned from under Miroslav. "I should sue the both of your asses", I deadpan new stepping over them then helping Ana to too. "That's gon' impossible when we all share the same lawyer", Harmony said haughtily making me roll my eyes.

"True, but your uncles will have your ass if you catch another case", I responded with a smirk because I knew that I had won. She huffed,  "What-eva, snitch. I came to tell Queen that I was leaving when I heard strange noises coming from her chambers, your majesty with your nasty ass", she drawled. "Sure, and you decided to investigate by the both of you listening to me make love to my Queen?", I responded sarcastically. "I do recall Queen telling me to stop being nasty, but she can get dick anytime that she wants to apparently", Harmony said making Ana glare at her. "Don't make me tell Uncle Roman on you, heifer", Ana threatened and Harmony bristled. "Watch your back Ms. Daisy. Snitches get stitches", Harmony half-heartedly warned.

Ana just waved her off. "Yeah, and I can hide bodies, hooker. Now everybody out of my office so I can lock up", she responded shooing us all out into the hallway. An hour later I was home cooking dinner while Ana was in the bathtub soaking. There was a reason that I was doing all of this and that very reason was burning a whole in my jean pocket. When Ana came joined me in the kitchen I was turning off the stove.

I made our plates and sat them at the bar before pouring us both a glass of champagne to go with dinner. We made small talk as usual before I cleared away our dishes while she sat on at the bar sipping from her flute of champagne. "Love, please go sit in the living room and I will join you in a moment", I said rinsing the dishes. I heard her sit down her glass and the scrapping of the chair as she moved it before I felt her presence leave me alone in the kitchen. True to my words, a moment later I was walking into the living room where she sat with her legs crossed one over the other sipping from her flute looking like every bit of the tease that she is.

"Ana?", I mumbled and she looked up at me with a soft smile on her face. That little smile made my heart flutter. Anastasia is the only woman for me and I could not wait to make it official. I took a deep breath before kneeling down on one knee in front of her. Her eyes widened and her mouth fell open as I pulled out the white velvet box that holds her engagement ring inside of it. "Fin", she breathed, her eyes watering.

"I know I told you that it would be extravagant or whatever, but I knew that was not what you really want your proposal to be like. So I decided to really think about it and guess what I came up with, love?", I started staring into her beautiful eyes. She sniffled, "What?", she whispered making me smile as the first tear rolled down her cheek. "To simply do what you told me when you were 10. At 10 years old you had already planned out your life. You were always so ambitious and determined. Those are just 2 of many things that have drawn me to you. You said that you would want for the man that you love to cook for you if he could, takeout would be fine too, but you preferred it being cooked by him, and that you just wanted to spend time with him. You wanted him to make you feel special, but for the special feeling to be a usual thing so when he got down on one knee in front of you, it would be a big surprise. I hope that this is still a surprise eventhough we both knew that it was coming", I explained before pausing to take a deep breath.

"Yeah, it is", she giggled wiping away tears from her cheeks. I chuckled, "Good to know. I love you so much, Anastasia-", I said before she interrupted me. "I love you too, Fin", she said. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Do not interrupt me, Ana", I said clenching my jaw. She bit her lip, "Sorry", she mumbled looking apologetic.

I nodded taking her hand into my free one, intertwining our fingers. "As I was saying, I love you so much. I have loved you since I was but a boy. You are truly a beautiful person, my love. When everyone else would have left me alone you stayed. I had pushed you off my front steps and you still wanted to be around me after I was so rude to you. I still remember when you told me that you love me. Baby, you have no idea how hard my heart was pounding in my chest. To this very day it pounds viciously in my chest everytime you say those 3 sacred words to me. When I had to go back home to England I thought about you everyday. Every girl I tried to replace you with because I could not bare being away from you failed me miserably. It failed because no girl or woman could ever replace you in my heart or my mind. No one can ever take your place. When you blessed me with your body the very first time after your prom I had officially became obsessed with you and everything that you are. I cherished our summer love making each and every time. I just cherished you, and to this day I still do. It hurt so bad seeing you with other men, with those boys. My love, the love I have for you kept me in check because so many times I just wanted to show you and them who you really belong to, but held back. Because I had this hope that one-day that you would see me and love me just like I do you. I do not ever want to be without you. I want you and the whole world to know that you are mine forever to love, hold, and cherish", I took another deep breath and opened the white velvet box revealing the ring to her.

She gasped covering her mouth with her hands. "Anastasia Kaye Williams, will you give me the honor of calling you Mrs. Stephen Hendry? Love, will you marry me?", I finished and she threw herself at me nearly knocking me over. "Y-Yes. Yes!", she sobbed holding out her hand and I carefully placed it on her ring finger. She looked down at her hand that held her sparkling engagement ring in awe. I smiled down at the ring resting on her finger too. When I looked up I was attacked in a hot passionate kiss that lead to some heavy loving on the living room floor then in the bedroom before falling asleep with my beautiful fiancée in my arms with a smile on the both of our faces.

So what do you think about Stephen's proposal to Ana?

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