Avoided ~*~*Sequel to Eleanor...

By HysteriaKiss

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Eleanor has been avoiding conversation with her little sister Bella. She hopes by doing so Bella won't find o... More

Chapter 1: Cullen Home
Chapter 2: Christmas
Chapter 3: Telling Dad
Chapter 4: Back to School
Chapter 5: Edward's Back
Chapter 6: Calm
Chapter 7: Suspicion
Chapter 8: The Dress
Chapter 9: The Discovery
Chapter 10: Guest List
Chapter 11: Engagement Photos
Chapter 12: Bridesmaid's Dresses
Chapter 13: Baseball
New Story
Chapter 14: The Ballet Studio
Chapter 15: Prom
A/N: The End

Chapter 16: Wedding

5.8K 140 33
By HysteriaKiss

Today was the day of my wedding, and now I'm driving over to the Cullen's with Bella to get ready with Alice and Rosalie. When we got out of the car Alice came running out of the house, "Your finally here! My masterpiece takes time you know," she said exasperated. "Sorry, but I couldn't just leave my Maid of Honor at home, and if you haven't forgotten she has to sleep," I said. "We need to get you inside so we can start getting you ready, and so Emmett doesn't see you," she replied.  We all rushed into the house, at human speed so Bella could keep up. 

Alice brought us to her room, which Jasper was standing outside off. "Hey Jazz," I greeted. "Hey sis," he said. Jasper and I had a very strong sibling bond, even though we weren't really related. "Jasper will be guarding the door, so Emmett can't sneak any peeks of you before the wedding," Alice said, filling me in. We went into the room, and Rosalie was sitting in a chair waiting for us. "Finally!" she exclaimed, when she saw us. She got up, and came over to hug me. "Alright, lets get started," Alice and Rosalie said at the same time.

Rosalie began to do my hair and Alice started on my makeup. Since Bella didn't have anything to do, she went into the bathroom and changed into her maid of honor dress. After my hair and make up were done, and I was about to get into my dress when there was a knock at the door. "Eleanor?" I heard a woman's voice. "Who is that?" I asked Bella, Alice, and Rosalie. "It sounds like mom," Bella replied. "Mom? She hasn't been my mom since the day she abandoned me, and took you with her," I said to Bella. "Unlike dad she never showed a interest in me coming to visit her. I haven't seen her since I was 2, I don't even remember what she looks like. Who invited her?" I asked looking between Rosalie. Alice looked down, "I did, I didn't realize it was that bad between you two," she replied. "It's alright Alice," I replied. "Should I tell her to leave?" asked Rosalie. "No, she came she might as well stay," I reply. "Come in Renee," I replied. She came in the door, and she looked a little annoyed. "No mom?" she asked. "No, you lost the privilege of my calling you mom, when you abandoned me, and the only reason that your hear today is because Alice made the invitations," I told her. "Don't be so dramatic Eleanor, I didn't abandon you," she replied. "No, you did. Dad had Bella come to see him every summer he saw her even after you left, you never had me come visit you. The last time I was you I was 2, I was a toddler, I don't even remember you," I replied. She just looked down at her shoes speechless. "Eleanor, I'm sorry," she finally said. "You can stay, but please just leave me alone," I replied. She nodded, and walked out of the room. "Alright, let me go change into my wedding dress," I said walking into Alice's walk in closet. 

I took off the robe I was wearing, and I slid on my dress. I pulled it up so it was covering my breasts. "Could one of you please come in here and zip me up?" I asked. Rosalie came in and shut the door behind her. She zipped my dress, and I turned around. "Eleanor you look beautiful," she told me. "Thank you," I replied. We both walked out of the closet, and both Alice and Bella gasped. "El you look gorgeous, just like what I saw in my vision," Alice squealed. "You really do look beautiful sis," added Bella. "Thank you," I said. 

There was another knock at the door. "Eleanor, it's dad," said my dad through the door. "Come in dad," I replied. In walked my dad in a tux, in all my years of living with him I've never seen him in a tux. "Wow dad! You look great," I said. "Thank you. You look beautiful Eleanor," he replied. "Thanks dad," I replied. "Alright it's time to start going downstairs, you walk down the aisle in 5 minutes," Alice announced. 

We walked downstairs, and we stopped at the back door. "Alright I'll be walking down the aisle first, then Rosalie I want you to wait 15 seconds then start down the aisle. Bella do the same and follow after Rosalie. Lastly Eleanor do the same and follow after Bella," Alice instructed. We all nodded. "It's time," said Alice. She walked out the back door and down the aisle, then Rosalie and then Bella. Finally it was my turn. I grabbed my dad's arm. "Ready?" he asked. "As I'll ever be," I replied. We then walked out the door, and started to walk down the aisle. 

When I saw Emmett the whole world stopped, it was like he and I were the only ones in the backyard.Like Edward, Xavier, and Jasper weren't even standing next to him. He was looking down at first, but when he realized I was finally coming down the aisle he looked up smiling.

When we got the end of the aisle we stopped. "Who gives this woman to marry this man?" asked the minister. "I do," replied my dad. My dad game my hand to Emmett, and I stepped next to him. Dad then went and took his seat by Renee and Phil. 

*If you would like to skip through the ceremony stop here, and I will put another marker at where you should start reading again*

"Good evening, and welcome to this most important moment in the lives of this couple. We invite you to leave behind the worries and concerns of every day life, and join us in the celebration of their marriage. This is an opportunity for us to share not only in the joy of Eleanor Helen Swan and Emmett McCarty Cullen's love, but also to reaffirm appreciate the love and the friendship we experience in our own lives. May we all celebrate by being fully present during during our short time together. Eleanor and Emmett view marriage as a coming together at all levels of being- mind, body, and spirit. A marital commitment includes the willingness to be open and vulnerable, and the courage to take risks. Marriage is a conscious act of will. To remain in marriage we must continually renew our will to be married. Marital partners accept the challenges of living together in love offer. They decide that they will face the fears that are a necessary part of establishing and nurturing an intimate relationship. And you, Eleanor and Emmett have made the commitment to create and recreate this conscious partnership. Those of us who are married or in relationships may take this moment to consciously reaffirm our commitment to our partners and ourselves. Marriage consists of entrusting our deepest selves into the loving care of another. It is a public and legal act to be sure. It is also an emotional and spiritual act. The spiritual aspect of marriage must be embraced openly, seriously, and completely for the marriage to endure. Eleanor and Emmett commit themselves today to each other in sacred trust," the minister introduced.

"Eleanor and Emmett, by coming here today, you have reached a crossroads in your lives. You're turning away from your yesterdays and looking ahead to your tomorrows. Your past is a distant memory. Your future a waiting adventure. It is a new dawn, a new commitment, a new life. The bonds you are forging today will change your lives forever," he told us. "Do you, Emmett, promise to take Eleanor to be your wife? To play with her and care for her; to make her laugh, and let her cry? To offer your best counsel and give your sincerest support with all the love you have to give?" the minister asked Emmett "I do,"Emmett replied.  "Is it your choice that Eleanor be the one with whom you wish to spend your life?" he asked. "It is,"Emmett replied. "Do you, Eleanor, promise to take Emmett to be your husband? To play with him and care for him; to make him laugh, and let him cry? To offer your best counsel and give your sincerest support with all the love you have to give?" he asked me. "I do," I replied. "Is it your choice that Emmett be the one with whom you wish to spend your life?" he asked. "It is," I replied.

"BRIDE and GROOM are here to marry each other. No one else's will can create such a union. It is their words, their intentions, their vision, that must define and shape this marriage. So I call upon them now to state their promise before this group: the pledges that will bind them together," announced the minister.

"Emmett, repeat after me:
I, Emmett, take you, Eleanor, to be my wife
To share all that I am and all that I have,
For all time to come.
And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today." said the minister. 

"I, Emmett, take you, Eleanor, to be my wife. To share all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today," Emmett repeated. 

"Eleanor, repeat after me:
I, Eleanor, take you, Emmett to be my husband
To share all that I am and all that I have,
For all time to come.
And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today." the minister said to me.

"I Eleanor, take you, Emmett to be my husband. To share all that I am and all that I have, for all time to come. And I promise to do all in my power to keep my love as deep and as strong as it is today," I repeated.

"The ring is an ancient symbol, so perfect and simple. It has no beginning and has no end. It is round like the sun, like the moon, like the eye, like arms that embrace. It is a circle; for love that is given comes back round again. Your rings are precious because you wear them with love. They symbolize your commitment in marriage. They remind you of who you are, where you've been, and where you're going. As you wear them through time, they will reflect not only who you are as individuals, but also who you are a couple," the minister said introducing the rings.

"Emmett, as you place the ring on Eleanor's finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring to wear
As a symbol of my abiding love,
My eternal faith, and my undying devotion.
It is an outward reminder of our inner unity," the minister told Emmett. 

"I give you this ring to wear. As a symbol of my abiding love, my eternal faith, and my undying devotion. It is an outward reminder of our inner unity," Emmett said, as he placed the ring on my finger. 

"Eleanor, as you place the ring on Emmett's finger, please repeat after me:
I give you this ring to wear
As a symbol of my abiding love,
My eternal faith, and my undying devotion.
It is an outward reminder of our inner unity," the minister told me. 

"I give you this ring to wear. As a symbol of my abiding love, my eternal faith, and my undying devotion. It is an outward reminder of out inner unity," I said as I put the ring on Emmett's finger. 

"May these wedding rings be a reminder to Eleanor and Emmett of the commitment they have made today and be as a testimony to all the world of their devotion in marriage," announced the minister.

"Go into the world and fulfill your dreams. Love, support, and help one another as you grow. Seek out opportunities to be good to each other. May the seeds of your love, now planted in marriage, continue to grow. May your life together be as a pebble dropped in a pond — an example of love and unity spread outward to your family, your friends and to the wider circle of the world," he continued.

Eleanor and Emmett, you have heard the words about love and marriage, have exchanged your vows and made your promises, and celebrated your union with the giving and receiving of rings. It is at this time that I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride!" he announced. Emmett pulled me close to him, and kissed me with as much passion as our first kiss. 

We turned to look at all of the friends and family that came to support us. "Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now my pleasure to present for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Cullen." announced the minister. Emmett grabbed my hand and we walked back down the aisle. 

*The ceremony is over, so began reading now.*

We went back into the house, and soon after Bella,Edward, Rosalie, Xavier, Alice, and Jasper joined us. "That was beautiful," Alice said, pretending to wipe a tear away. Edward, Xavier, and Jasper soon left to join the guests. "Eleanor it's time to change into your reception dress," Alice said. Emmett pulled me to him. "Emmett I'm just going to change, I'll be right back," I said giving him a kiss on the cheek. I followed Alice upstairs, and into her bedroom. 

When I was done changing, I went back downstairs to join Emmett. "Are you ready to join the reception?" asked Emmett. "As I'll ever be," I replied. We walked out the back door, and to the side of the house were the reception was taking place. 

We started talking to our guests, and walking around. "You look beautiful Eleanor, and this entire wedding was perfect," said Kate. We were currently talking to the Denali coven. "Thank you, it never would have been possible without the help of Rosalie and Alice," I replied. 

"Everyone clear the floor for the bride and grooms first dance," announced the D.J. (Pretend that the Rosalie in the GIF is Eleanor)

Soon the wedding reception was coming to a close, and Emmett and I were getting ready to leave to go on our honeymoon. We were about to walk out to the car. "So are you going to tell me where your taking me?" I asked. "No, I want to surprise you," Emmett replied. We started to walk out to the car, and everyone was throwing seeds at us. I chose to give everyone flower seeds, so it wouldn't harm animals and we would have flowers growing later. We finally got into the car, and we pulled out of the drive way. 

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