My Best Friend's Dad - L.H

By tryingtoohardagain

1.5M 40K 37.8K

It was not a secret that my best friend's dad is the definition of hot, but he is my best friend's dad, and I... More



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By tryingtoohardagain




"Morning Mum"

"Yes I'm still fine"

"no I haven't been out partying"

"I do not!"

"Just because I'm tired doesn't mean I have a hangover"

"kay mum"

"yes mum"

"yes mum"

"okay mum

"bye now"

"I love you too mum"

I looked at my phone after ending the call.


Are you fucking kidding me?

I decided to wake up anyways, stripping off of my clothes and putting on my shower playlist and hopping into the shower.

The warm water felt amazing against my skin, it was so nice to have a shower after the exhausting day I had yesterday.

I looked around the shower and saw three small bottles standing by my feet, one being shampoo, another being conditioner and the last being shower gel.

I love these little hotel soaps, I always steal them and take them home.

I apply the coconut scented soaps to my hair and body, before rinsing it out and turning off the warm, relaxing water.

I step out of the shower, grabbing the towel that was hanging right to the left of me, and wrapped it around my body.

I walked out of the bathroom and took out the clothes I want to wear today, some high wasted denim shorts and a simple white crop-top, a black cardigan and silver sandals.

After getting ready I grabbed my phone and my sun glasses from my night stand and headed out.

I closed the door behind me but didn't quite see where I was going and soon collided with someone's chest, landing flat on my ass.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologised to the person, looking worriedly for my phone and sunglasses that I dropped on the floor from falling.

"Its okay" I heard a deep voice chuckle, "here".

I looked up to see beautiful green eyes staring right back at me.

The person was holding out their arm, my phone and sunglasses in their hand.

"Thank you" I mumbled as I took my phone and sunglasses placing my phone in my back pocket, and my sunglasses on the top of my head.

The person was still extending their arm to me, after looking at the person's hand for a bit I finally realised what he was trying to do and I grabbed onto his hand, him helping me up off the floor.

"Thank you" I said again, this time more clear than the last time.

"No problem" he chuckled.

"I'm Jasper by the way" he said while extending his arm one more time.

"Milla" I said, giving him a small smile.

"Well Milla, are you headed anywhere in particular?" He asked as we made our way to the elevator.

"No not really, I'm only here for a small vacation and then I'll be heading back home, so I'm only really sightseeing"

Phsss 'small vacation'

"Well where do you live, if I may ask?" His grin hasn't seemed to leave his lips ever since I first met him, but hey, I'm not complaining, because this guy is hot as hell.

We entered the elevator and I went over to press the 1 button, since the first floor is where you exit the building.

"Sydney" I answered.

Jasper nodded then leaned against the elevator wall, me following his movements and doing the same in the space right next to, but I didn't realise how slippery the elevator walls were, because before I knew it I was sliding over to one side and my body collided with Jasper's once again.

"S-Sorry" I mumbled, looking down at my feet from embarrassment.

Jasper only chuckled and said it was fine, sending me another one of his award winning smiles.

"And what about you?" I asked, after getting my composer back from that embarrassing moment.

"I actually live here, in Canberra" He said.

"How come you live at a hotel then?" I scrunched up my eyebrows in slight confusion.

"Well I am finally moving out of my parents's house, since I just started college and I want my own place close to the university" He explains, I nod my head in understanding, "but sadly with no luck".

"So what you're basically saying is you got kicked out" I chuckled.

"Yeah pretty much" Jasper laughed along with me as we exited the elevator.

"You know if you don't mined I could show you around Canberra" Jasper said as we stopped out by the street.

"I mean, I really don't want to trouble you..." I trailed off, but I mean, HELL YEAH.

"No no, no trouble at all, really, I was just about to go visit my sister but that can wait" He smiled again.

"Well then" I said, looking around, my eyes looking everywhere but at him, "I would love to" I finally answered, my eyes meeting his.

"Great well" he starting walking over to a black Audi A7, "right this way".

I followed him over to the black vehicle. Wow, that sounds shady af.

Jasper opened the passenger side door for me and waited until I entered the car before closing the door for me. What a gentlemen.

He walked over to the driver's side and stepped into the car.

"Where to first?" He looked over at me, smiling, of course.

"Surprise me" I whisper as I wink at him.

He just smirks and turns his head to face the road and starts the car, driving to our first destination.

* * *

"Hey are you hungry? Because I haven't had breakfast yet and I am honestly starving" Jasper asks.

We have been driving around town for about 30 minutes, and Jasper has been babbling on about Canberra for all that time.

It was probably very interesting what he was saying, but I was to distracting in his appearance. I mean who wouldn't get distracted?

He is tall, broad shouldered, his brown hair is perfectly quaffed up, he has this sexy little stubble growing on his very, very defined jaw line, and he has this small birthmark right above his left eyebrow.

"Yeah, I'm so hungry I could eat a whole horse" I laugh, but soon realise how embarrassing the thing I just said was.

"Uhm that was kinda strange said...sorry" I apologise to him, laughing awkwardly.

"No need to apologies, I just find it cute" I blush at his comment, turning to look out the window so he couldn't she my red face.

"This is my favourite breakfast place, and luckily its only about 10 minutes away from my university." He says, parking close to a cafe called The Cupping Room.

When we entered, the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit my nose almost immediately. It smelled delicious.

I followed closely behind Jasper as he found an empty table in the corner of the cafe.

"I'm paying for this one" I smiled at him as I sat down.

"What kind of a gentleman would I be if I didn't pay for a beautiful lady's meal" He winked.

My cheeks heated up from the fact that he just called me beautiful. I am fangirling way to hard right now.

"A very generous gentleman that just drove a stranger around town for the last 30 minutes" I said sassily back, leaning back in my chair.

"Well lets change that then"He says, his eyes staring very intently into mine.

"Huh?" I furrowed my eyebrows, being generally very confused as to what he meant

"You said we were strangers. Lets change that" He says, leaning back in his chair as well.

"Okay" I said confidently, before starting a very long and personal conversation with a guy I just met.


I told you guys I would update this week, and I did!

Hope you guys didn't find this chapter too boring.

Just a quick heads up, most of the chapters were Milla is in Canberra are just filler chapters so I added a new character in this chapter an there will be some new characters in the next few chapters as well.

Well please vote and comment on this chapter and feel free to go and check out my other stories.

I have a story that I started a while back but never got that much into, however I am starting to write in it now and even though I am not that far yet I think its probably my favourite one of my stories and definitely the best written too. Please go check it out, its called Addiction and I really like it.

Well that was probably all I had to say

Love you guys

-Fie 🌵

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