
By 6027luv2read

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Grimmjow has commited the ultimate crime and will be punished by being sent to the world of the living as... More

Punishment: Chapter 2: Welcome to Karakura High!
Punishment: Chapter 3: Roku, Number Six
Punishment: Chapter 4: The Guy in My Dream Freaks Everyone Out
Punishment: Chapter 5: Monsters and Bad Guys

Punishment Chapter 6: Confusion, Delusion, and Cats

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By 6027luv2read

Hey! Sorry it's been so long and it's short, but my friend strawberryninja1 wanted me to post or else. :/ Here's Chapter 6!


CHAPTER 6: Confusion, Delusion, and Cats

I woke up about 3 hours later with an aching stomach and a killer migrain. Roku lay curled against my chest under my arm. His soft purr was deafening in my ears. I struggled to lift my hand to my head and felt a small bump. When did I hit my head? Didn't Ryūsui, Ichigo, and Roku save me from that Luppi kid? Or was it all a dream? I heard faint voices becoming louder in the hall as my mother was whispering to people outside my door.

"Remember. She's probably just waking up, so no loud noises!"

"Yes ma'am, we understand." I heard Ichigo whisper. I could almost see my mom's smile at the respective title. The door cracked open. "Yukiko?"

"M' awake." I mumbled. The throbbing in the side of my head was almost unbearable.

Orihime, Ichigo, Rukia, and Ryūsui stepped into the room.

"What happened?" I muttered.

Roku looked expectantly at Ichigo, who shook his head and looked at Rukia, who in turn looked at Ryūsui, who sat next to me and Roku on my bed.

"There was an earthquake and you fell and hit your head." Ryūsui explained in a gentle, whispering voice. He ran his hand through my hair and I winced when he touched the part of my head that I had hit. Ichigo sighed.

"You said you were going to tell her abo-" A stern look from Ryūsui silenced Ichigo as if he were a child about to be punished by his parents.

"Not yet." He murmered. Ichigo sighed again, Orihime paced nervously in a corner, Rukia read an old Naruto manga, and Roku's long tail twitched with obvious annoyance. "We can't worry such a beautiful girl with those horridly hideous things."

"Hey Ryūsui. We should let her rest a bit." Ichigo said. Orihime set a pile of manga on the desk near my bed.

"Here are the manga you wanted to borrow." She said with a faint smile before trailing Ichigo and Rukia out the door. Ryūsui leaned over to kiss my cheek, but Roku's muscular form had slinked from under my arm to block him. He sat on the other side of my head and pressed his soft face to mine before licking my cheek and looking at Ryūsui like he was an uninvited and unwelcome guest at a party. Ryūsui grimaced and left the room promptly. A loud purr erupted from his chest. Surely meant to be loud enough for my friend to hear.

I held Roku's face in my hands and frowned at him.

"Now what was that for, huh?" I pet him until my migrane had dulled to a normal headache, then slowly stood up. Immediatly after I began to walk out of the room, Roku leaped from the bed to my side and followed me on my slow, painful trek downstairs. Right after I began to panic, I remembered that my art class couldn't see him and decided to test my mom who was sitting on the couch watching TV with Yoake.

"Hey Mom." I said to her. Roku sat in front of the TV. As I expected, Yoake and my mother stared straight through him.


*at lunch the next day*

"Hey Ichigo and Ryūsui. You wanna know something wierd?" I asked them.

"What?" They both replied.

"I had the strangest thing happen to me in the earthquake yesterday." Everyone tensed, but I ignored them. "I heard a scream, more of a roar actually, then this kid and a couple of monsters walked out from behind a building. He gave Roku, by the way, I named the cat Roku, some kind of meat and when he ate it, he suddenly got really huge and frickin SPOKE! And thats not even the craziest part! You two appeared out of thin air and started attacking them. Thats pretty much all I remember. Pretty wierd right?" Everyone looked at me as if I had just announced that I was jumping off the Empire State Building and expected to live. Ryūsui frowned.

"Thats a pretty strange delusion. You must have hit your head pretty hard."

"Yeah. You might need to see a doctor." Rukia added. Delusions? What were they talking about? I remember it plain as day. Or was I really having delusions? Roku leaped out of my backpack and licked my cheek comfortingly, earning cold glares from Toshirō and Ryūsui.

"You guys don't belive my do you?" A loud explosion blasted away the wall on the far side of the cafeteria. Ten of the monsters that I had seen yesterday stood in the rubble. A man stood in the middle of them. He looked too happy. And too familiar. In his silhouette, I could see roughly spiked hair and a hole through his stomach.

"Well they should!"


Haha! Cliffhanger! :D You guys must hate me by now! Guess who it is in the comments, and whoever gets it first has the next chapter dedicated to them!

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