One Fiery Rose

By NormaRodman

49.7K 2.4K 65

Pandora is a woman at odds with the mores of 1820 England. She is a headstrong woman who wants to study horti... More

A Bit of Fun
Call Me Lord Tristan
Tis the Season
A Rogue's Kiss
A Rake's Flirtations
The Ton Will Talk
Judgement Approaches

The Prize

6.5K 329 34
By NormaRodman

Cynthia's husband kissed his wife on her cheek. "I just greeted Duke Raliegh and his wife. They were kind enough to invite us to join them for dinner." He fixed his attention onto Pandora. "Hello, Pandora. You look very lovely, very ladylike." He beamed his approval.

Pandora didn't have time for niceties. "Mother, please tell us."

Lady Freestone took the plunge. "Lord Royce is one of the judges."

Pandora held onto her mother for support. "Mother, no."

"I told you to be kind to him, Pandora."

"I will never win the show now."

"What is this all about?,"Cynthia's husband asked.

"Pandora has entered her rose into the show, and now she fears she won't win because she has succeeded in alienating Lord Royce."

"What did you expect?" Cynthia's husband exchanged looks with his wife."

"I know you hate me."

"I don't hate you, Pandora."

"Yes, you do. You want me to be the common garden variety type of lady, and I'm not. Let's face it, I've been a disappointment to everyone."

"Now, now, Pandora, it's not the end of the world," her mother soothed. "After all, there are five other judges."

"Yes it is, mother. I wanted to help you after everything I've done."

"You haven't done anything, Pandora. You've been a splendid daughter,it's just that you're a bit too free spirited."

"Let's look at this in a levelheaded way. No matter what happens today, you and Mother are welcome to stay with us." Lady Cynthia touched her husband's arm.

Pandora and her brother in law exchanged looks. They stood there in silence, until a voice broke in. "Will all entrants in the rose show please take their places."

Pandora's mother squeezed her arm. "It will all work out, Pandora, somehow."

With a weak smile, Pandora walked past well manicured greenery to meet her fate. All the entries were displayed alongside the red, pink, and white flowers which bloomed in the garden. Pandora took her place behind her rose, her head held high. Pandora's eyes fixed upon Lord Royce as he surveyed the entries. When he approached Pandora's rose, his expression was impossibly deadpan. He moved on to the next flower, without as much as a glance at Pandora.

Pandora sat beside her mother as the moderator was ready to make his announcement. "It seems we have a tie. There are three votes for the D"Amery rose and three votes for the Freestone rose." A collective gasp ran through the crowd. "However, we have a way of breaking the tie. I have the names of the judges in this hat. I will pick out the name of the judge who will be the tie breaker."

Pandora held her breath as the name was pulled out of the hat. Pandora muttered aloud, "Please don't let it be Lord Tristan."

"The judge who will decide the winner is Lady Hayward." Pandora let out a sigh of relief.

Lady Hayward registered surprise. "I would rather not be the judge." She protested.

"Let me take over then, Lady Hayward," Lord Royce gallantly offered.

Lady Freestone rolled her eyes. "We'll start packing when we get home, dear."

Pandora joined the other lady as they stood behind their roses. Lord Royce bowed as he began his exploration of the D"Amery rose. "Absolutely enchanting, my dear. It's one of the loveliest tea roses I've ever seen, and that pink color is exquisite."

"Thank you, Lord Royce," she purred softly.

Lord Tristan moved over to Pandora's rose. Pandora held her head high as Lord Royce's eyes rolled down her body. "Luscious," he whispered, as his fingers touched the petals of the orange and pink rose. He let his fingers stroke each petal of the rose, as his eyes casually scanned Pandora, his lips curved upwards. Pandora bowed her head, as she shyly met Lord Tristan's eyes. When he finished, their gazes locked and growing warmth swept through her body. His eyes gleamed as he nodded his approval. Pandora was sure she could claim victory.

Lord Royce swiftly turned to face the crowd. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have made my choice. The first prize is awarded to the D'Amery rose."

"What?" Pandora demanded. "I have the most distinctive rose in the show. It's much more special than this ordinary pink rose."

"Pink is such a feminine color, Miss Freestone. I suppose I have a weakness for it." The Lord's palms turned up to signal his acquiescence.

Pandora pounded her foot on the grass and stomped away as Lord Royce barely suppressed a chuckle. She walked over to her mother. "I told you so, Pandora. You shouldn't have displayed your temper to Lord Tristan. Now, you not only lost first prize, you lost your chance to be Lady Royce." She threw up her hands. "What a disaster, thank goodness for your brother in law."

Pandora didn't bother to answer her mother. She spotted Lord Tristan by the side of the pond and marched over to him. "And to what do I owe this honor, Miss Freestone?"

"You were punishing me for having spirit and not being a run of the mill girl who can't think for herself, and only say, 'yes, Lord, or no, Lord."

Lord Tristan grabbed Pandora's waist and pulled her face against his chest. "I did award 1st prize to the other lady because she was the traditional English rose kind of girl."

Pandora wrestled free from his embrace. "I knew it. You are a deplorable...."

Lord Tristan pulled her roughly to himself, as her body struggled fiercely to free herself. He lifted her chin roughly with his hands and his mouth locked with hers. Her hands beat on his shoulders for a while, and then fell still to her sides. When he finished kissing her, he said, I wanted to take you this way, Pandora. From the moment I saw you, I knew we were kindred spirits. That is why I have never married up until now. I was waiting for a woman like you, a woman who could develop a fiery rose." He cupped her chin up so she could look into the dark pool of his eyes. "I intend to tame your wild, headstrong ways, Miss Freestone."

"Yes, my Lord."

Pandora's mother came running over. "This is shocking, just shocking. The whole ton is talking about it. Lord Tristan, please, I fear Pandora will never find a husband now."

"She has, Lady Freestone. Soon, she will know the true meaning of having a husband, Lady Freestone, every night for the rest of her life."

Pandora's eyes shone as she looked up at Lord Tristan. "And you shall have a wife who must be tamed."

Their hands joined as they walked to the table where Pandora's rose was displayed.She gave her fiery rose to Lord Tristan. "It is yours."

He caressed the rose, and kissed it softly. "I know, my fiery rose, I know."

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